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WorldCup comes to an end

image: banner

Oh yes, the WorldCup is still alive. Today is the big day, the final between the two teams who reached it, Poland Poland and Germany Germany is going to be played tonight.

In the first, and last, edition of the Enemy Territory WorldCup we are going to see 2 very strong teams battling for the final. They both have played alot of matches to get there and will hopefully show us a great final tonight. This first WorldCup was one hell of a Cup, with the cheaters playing everywhere, some teams kicked out, nations teams from all over the world have shown what they are capable of. Some had the luck to advance to the playoffs, some didn't have any luck and were very close. But let's not forget that every nation played for fun, eventrough not everyone had fun.

You can say alot about it, you can blame the admins for the decisions made and for the teams kicked from the tournament, but still we reached the final and we're going to end this cup tonight. We've had ups and downs each week, a nation with alot of star players such as the United Kingdom United Kingdom, who couldn't reach the last couple of rounds because they lost twice against the cheaters of Portugal Portugal were one of these unlucky teams. A Nations like Netherlands The Netherlands, who were kicked because of a banned captain and player who might not even have used a cheat during the cup, while others in their team did use one were kicked from the cup, a sad story where of course the admins are getting flamed for. It all happened under my own eyes, under the eyes of the crew, everyone who helped and of course the flaming community we have. I won't appologize for any decision we made during the WorldCup, as we still think we made the right ones and we are very happy that the WorldCup was going on each week again, with spectacular games, great players playing once again for their own nation to show what they can.

You can kind of see this as the last WorldCup post ever, I will leave my PC alone for the next 3 weeks after the final has been played and I will not write another newspost to tell everyone what a great experience this was for me, enjoying the whine you brought me was simply nice to laugh about, but also very helpfull. We've listened to the community and made our changes, and now it all comes to an end.

Tonight, the two best nations in the WorldCup are fighting against eachother. The squad of Poland Poland, who have alot experience and great teamplay because they've played together as a team is the favourite, they entered the final after winning every game and after winning a great Winners Bracket final against the same opponent as tonight, Germany Germany. That country is the one that did loose against Poland, but they showed what they can do and will certainly show us a great match tonight. They lost agaist Poland before, but came back in after winning a great match against Finland in the Losers Bracket Final. Both teams are ready to rock and roll tonight.

Time: 2100 CET
Maps: TBA / TBA
ETTV: GamesTV.org

The road Poland took to reach the final
Poland Poland vs United States of America USA - 4:0
Poland Poland vs Japan Japan - 4:0
Poland Poland vs Spain Spain - 4:0
Poland Poland vs Switzerland Switzerland - 1:0
Poland Poland vs Belgium Belgium - 4:2
Poland Poland vs Finland Finland - 4:0
Poland Poland vs Germany Germany - 4:0
Poland Poland vs Germany Germany - 2:4 (Final #1)
Poland Poland vs Germany Germany - TBP (Final #2)

The road Germany took to reach the final
Germany Germany vs France France - 4:0
Germany Germany vs Chile Chile - 4:0
Germany Germany vs Switzerland Switzerland - 4:0
Germany Germany vs Spain Spain - 4:2
Germany Germany vs Croatia Croatia - 4:2
Germany Germany vs Portugal Cheaters - 4:2
Germany Germany vs Poland Poland - 0:4
Germany Germany vs Finland Finland - 3:1
Germany Germany vs Poland Poland - 4:2 (Final #1)
Germany Germany vs Poland Poland - TBP (Final #2)

Lineup Poland
Poland buzka
Poland chester
Poland kot
Poland oic
Poland rio
Poland Robol

Lineup Germany
Germany butchji
Germany drago
Germany Hatred
Germany haZer
Germany snoop
Germany wEAK

England English - GIGA Listen United Kingdom Mashed
England English - QuadV United Kingdom Splodge
Australia English - Gamestah Australia flash
Poland Polish - HSTV Poland Sensible
Germany German - Sonatix Germany lblbw
Belgium Dutch - Global Gaming Belgium xArQi
France French - NerdVibes France Esox
Israel Hebrew - Rtcw.il Israel beNyy
Portugal Portuguese - ETL|6s Portugal patt0n

I want to thank alot of people for helping me with the WorldCup, of course the WorldCup Crew, the GamesTV admins, the Shoutcasters, the Captains and players who played and hopefully enjoyed this WorldCup and of course the part of the community that supported us and gave us the useful feedback we needed. I hope everyone will enjoy the first and also the last WorldCup final!

A lot of WorldCup action tonight!

image: banner

After 2 great matches between Switzerland Switzerland and Chile Chile on Friday night and Spain Spain and Japan Japan on Saturday night where Japan was unfortunetly getting kicked during the decider map, so they couldn't perform at their best, the WorldCup goes on on this lovely Sunday with alot of matches.

First we will start in the early afternoon at 15 CET between Slovenia Slovenia and Australia Australia.

Slovenia Slovenia 0:4 Australia Australia
Group: F
Time: 15:00 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / frostbite
ETTV: GamesTV.org

In the evening we also have a lot of matches, where only 3 of them will be broadcasted. We'll start at 20 CET with Sweden taking on Israel. At 21 CET, Germany will take on France and Belgium will take on Estonia.

Sweden Sweden 2:4 Israel Israel
Group: D
Time: 20:00 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / frostbite
ETTV: GamesTV.org

Belgium Belgium 4:0 Estonia Estonia
Group: B
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / frostbite
Shoutcasters: QuadV United Kingdom Splodge & #teamplay.radio Czech Republic smOke
ETTV: GamesTV.org

Germany Germany 4:0 France France
Group: H
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / frostbite
ETTV: GamesTV.org

Austria Austria 4:0 Brazil Brazil
Group: B
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / frostbite
Shoutcast: Radio ET Brasil Brazil DunMait
ETTV: GamesTV.org

We also have 2 matches tonight which won't be broadcasted, but will of course be played. These matches are:

Hungary Hungary 4:0 Ukraine Ukraine
Group: A
Time: 20:00 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / frostbite

Poland Poland 4:0 USA United States of America
Group: G
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / frostbite

The lineups will be updated on GamesTV.org when I know them. I wish everyone a pleasant game and I hope it will be great to see these teams playing tonight.

Website WorldCup

Another WorldCup match tonight!

image: banner

Yesterday everyone could have seen 3 well played matches in the WorldCup. Today it's time for United Kingdom United Kingdom and Malta Malta to show what they've got.

The night was kicked off with a nice game yesterday. Croatia Croatia won in a great match against Czech Republic Czech after playing a decider on radar. Both teams did pretty well both maps, Croatia had goldrush nicely under control, but lost frostbite by a well played docrun from Czech, in the decider we saw the real skill coming up with Croatia as a deserved winner against the higher seeded Czech. After the match was ended I connected to the next match which was awesome to see aswell! Latvia Latvia was playing against Russia Russia, 2 nations living close to eachother, and luckily there were no hooligans trying to manipulate the players yet. Also in this match the lower seeded team won, Russia took the decider, radar, home after a great performance, so it seems that the tactics from humM3L really work out. In the last match, which started at 22.30 cet, Italy Italy took an easy win over Iceland Iceland, most of the people already expected this win, so did I, and Italy didn't disappoint. So what could I say? The first "real surprises" came out of the air? Both Croatia and Russia won against a higher seeded team, but eventrough the opponents were higher seeded, both teams were still playing better and deserved their first win.

Tonight it's time for the United Kingdom United Kingdom to show what they have and where they are capable of. After a bit disappointing performance in the last CB NationsCup, they are back on track with a different and in my opinion more skilled lineup. Because Ireland doesn't participate in this seasons WorldCup, sol is allowed to play with the United Kingdom and they can even make a better and more experienced lineup for tonights game. Tonight they will play with one of their best lineups, consisting of old one4one stars, Mztik who is a great ingame leader and can sream his team to the win, sqzz who is known as one of the best medics around at the moment to heal his buddy's, razz who is unbanned after his cheating affair and now owning the EuroCup with polar and syK, a great aimer and a good addition to the lineup. These players are playing together tonight for the United Kingdom team with vae leader Sheep and dignitas player sol, that makes them a top cadidate to not only win this match, but also to win this WorldCup. It seems to be a pretty skilled and experienced lineup, would Malta Malta be able to resist? At least toxic said so! I heard rumours from him that they are going to surprise tonight and show us some great Maltese ownage. I don't really know the players playing for Malta, polar's sweating star toxic as ingame leader, vKg and hex4 showed their name in some clans before, the rest is quite unknown for me, but what I know is that they already have some NationsCup experience already. I'm looking forward to a surprise, toxic!

United Kingdom United Kingdom vs Malta Malta
Group: C
Date: 17 May 2007
Time: 22:30 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / frostbite
ETTV: GamesTV.org

The prediction from England uK.Sheep:
I think tonights game will be a tough one, lots of big names in our team this season and there will be a lot of starring eyes expecting us to do well. We have kinda played a few times, get to know each other and sort some tactics out, and im playing rifle, so watch out. We all just can't wait to stretch Toxic's asshole during the hardcore rape we will unleash during the game. Based on that fact alone, my rifle skills will allow us to easily take this game, 4-0.

The prediction from Malta MT.toxic:
I think we'll rape the United Kingdom so bad that the admins will need to invent a new score to reflect on how much of a rape it was. We've only pracced once whilst the UK have been praccing quite alot but we'll still have better teamplay as we were playing together with mepa for 2-4 years. Individually we'll win as well even though we are pretty unknown but im sure that the fellow teammates will recruit one game after the WorldCup to replace and join aTTaX the multigaming clan is that is how good they are. So 10-0 Malta.

Website WorldCup

More WorldCup action tonight!

image: banner

The winners of the last ClanBase NationsCup season Finland Finland won their first groupmatch yesterday against the mounty's from Canada Canada. In a very nice played game, Finland easily overrushed Canada on sw_goldrush_te and didn't give Canada the chance to get the tank close to the back, eventrough anim sneaked inside from the back and made the tank. On frostbite, Canada started with attacking and showed us some nice teamwork. They took the documents several times and were close to the transmitter, but because of the excellent and smart defense from Finland they were unable to set a time. The game was already decided after the fullhold of Finland, so the finnish players ended the game easily and are now on top of their group together with Portugal.

Tonight we have 3 matches live on ETTV. We will kickoff the night with Czech Republic Czech vs Croatia Croatia. Both team having a nice lineup, Czech with the players from infrag mixed up with butch and Tlr's aiming star marv - Croatia with another Tlr player, aCoZz will try to rifle the Czech players to hell, backed up by 3 players from the escn team, elite leader frozz and old Team Sweden player blaze who decided to play the WorldCup with the country where he was born, Croatia. Both teams will have equal chances to win in my opinion, they have the same kind of everything, aCoZz - marv, escn players - infrag players and captain butch - captain frozz. It will surely be a great game, but where to bet on?

WorldCup Groups Online

image: xf

Last night you could have seen Chile Chile winning their qualifier match against Bosnia Hercegovina Bosnia Hercegovina. That means all the qualifier matches have been played in the last 5 days, Poule D is fully filled and we're able to announce the groups - but I first want to thank the losers of the qualifiers, thanks for participating in the WorldCup, hopefully see you next year again if there will be another WorldCup!

So! Here we are with the groups of the first WorldCup ever. Each group consists of 1 team from each poule. Matches will be scheduled this weekend and they will be played next week between Sunday 13 May and Monday 21 May.

¬ Group A
1. Czech Republic Czech
2. Hungary Hungary
3. Croatia Croatia
4. Ukraine Ukraine

¬ Group B
1. Belgium Belgium
2. Austria Austria
3. Estonia Estonia
4. Brazil Brazil

¬ Group C
1. Latvia Latvia
2. United Kingdom United Kingdom
3. Russia Russia
4. Malta Malta

¬ Group D
1. Sweden Sweden
2. Italy Italy
3. Israel Israel
4. Iceland Iceland

¬ Group E
1. Finland Finland
2. Portugal Portugal
3. Canada Canada
4. Denmark Denmark

¬ Group F
1. Netherlands Netherlands
2. Norway Norway
3. Slovenia Slovenia
4. Australia Australia

¬ Group G
1. Poland Poland
2. Spain Spain
3. United States of America USA
4. Japan Japan

¬ Group H
1. Germany Germany
2. Switzerland Switzerland
3. France France
4. Chile Chile

» Matchweek 1
Date: 13 May - 21 May
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / frostbite
Match 1: Seed 1 vs Seed 3
Match 2: Seed 2 vs Seed 4

» Matchweek 2
Date: 21 May - 28 May
Maps: bremen_b1 / radar
Match 1: Seed 1 vs Seed 4
Match 2: Seed 2 vs Seed 3

» Matchweek 3
Date: 28 May - 4 June
Maps: supply / braundorf_b4
Match 1: Seed 1 vs Seed 2
Match 2: Seed 3 vs Seed 4

It might be a bit early, but I already would like to thank United States of America SuReSh0t and TWL for providing a USA server, Czech Republic smOke for shoutcasting some of our qualifiers, GamesTV for broadcasting the matches and of course thanks for the positive feedback and mostly for giving new and good idea's to make this WorldCup even better. Keep it up!

The website if fully updated, you can check the entire schedule there. I'd like to wish everyone Good luck and alot of fun during the group stages, let's hope there will be some great matches on ETTV.

Website WorldCup

ET WC Qualifiers

image: xf

The Qualifiers of the ET 6on6 WorldCup are now online and going to be played next week, but the situation has a little bit changed.

We will have some new teams participating this season which alot of people haven't seen before. Teams who aren't from Europe are participating, next to the USA and Canada we will also have Australia, Japan, Brazil and Chile participating this season. Still, three of these teams will have to show that they're made of in the qualifier week to get one of the last spots in Poule D.

» Qualifiers
Brazil Brazil vs Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
Chile Chile vs Bosnia Hercegovina Bosnia Hercegovina
Japan Japan vs Bulgaria Bulgaria
Denmark Denmark vs Slovakia Slovakia
Romania Romania vs Ukraine Ukraine

The matches will be played next week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Both teams will pick a map from the maplist 1 hour before the match starts. The matches from Brazil, Chile and Japan will be played on USA servers and we'll hopefully also be able to broadcast them. More info will be posted on Monday.

ET 6on6 NationsCup announced

image: rakifinal3vh8

As ClanBase told me they won't be hosting a NationsCup this Spring, ET-Cup is here to help you out! As crew member of the ET-Cup, I'm proud to announce that we will host the next ET NationsCup. Together with Ireland Skydeh, we are going to try and bring you one hell on a NationsCup. We have gathered up alot of the captains already, some of them remain with their duty's, others are new but all motivated to try and bring their nation to the top of the cup.

So here I am, proud to announce the next project of the ET-Cup Crew. We would love to keep ET alive, so we will not let it happen that there won't be a NationsCup during the Spring times.

» Cup Information[/b]]
Players: 6on6
Teams: 24
Qualifiers: 8 max
Groups: 4
Team a group: 6
Teams progressing to the playoffs: 2

We will have 5 matchweeks during the groups phase, that means that every country will play 5 matches. A matchweek takes 1 entire week from Monday to Monday. After the group phase is over, the top 2 will progress to the playoffs. The team finishing first will play against the team ending second of another group. There will be a double elimination playoff, that means with Winners and Losers brackets, to make it extra exciting.

Before the cup officially starts, there will be a qualifier week. We have counted 32 interested country's last season, where ClanBase picked up 30 of them and played 6 qualifier matches. With 32 teams this season, 16 teams will deserve and get a direct invitation. That means we still have 8 spots left, and it also means we still have 16 teams left. So, those 16 teams are going to play each other to get a spot into the upcoming NationsCup. 8 of them will pass trough to the groups.

Because it's quite hard to make groups based on seedings as Nations have different players each year, we will look to the previous season and base the seedings that way. First ended teams will be in Poule A, second ended teams in Poule B, etc. Each group will consist of a team from every poule. The first 4 poules, so the first 4 ended teams of previous season, will have a direct spot into this NationsCup. The 5th and 6th ended teams of previous season will play a qualifier against the 8 teams who didn't play last season.

» The Poules and Captains[/b]]

¬ Poule A
Sweden Sweden - irZ
Germany Germany - qraigu
Poland Poland - zoyd
Belgium Belgium - Shewie

¬ Poule B
Czech Republic Czech Republic - butch
Latvia Latvia - Clown
Netherlands The Netherlands - perfo
Finland Finland - twidi

¬ Poule C
Austria Austria - n3co
Switzerland Switzerland - gifty
Spain Spain - Winghaven
Hungary Hungary - Boristen

¬ Poule D
Italy Italy - TBA
United Kingdom United Kingdom - Adacore
Portugal Portugal - kMt
Norway Norway - Snuble

¬ Top Qualifier teams
Croatia Croatia - FroZzeN
France France - chtstorm
Israel Israel - TBA
Estonia Estonia - indu
Russia Russia - hYpNotic
Canada Canada - anim
United States of America USA - TBA
Ireland Ireland - sol

¬ Qualifier teams
Slovakia Slovakia - masta
Ukraine Ukraine - Gr3ma
Slovenia Slovenia - c0ld
Brazil Brasil - TBA (Unknown of participation)
Malta Malta - toxic
Iceland Iceland - TBA (Unknown of participation)
Denmark Denmark - TBA (Unknown of participation)
Bulgaria Bulgaria - Italiano

¬ Signups by other country's
Romania Romania - Quad
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
Bosnia Hercegovina Bosnia & Herzegovina - R'adi

The Top Qualifier teams will play against an opponent of the other qualifier teams, one week before the NationsCup starts. In case one of the teams will not attend this seasons NationsCup, the first team of the Top Qualifier teams will pass trough to the direct invites - that means 1 qualifier t means 1 qualifier less. In case another team can't play, the second team will pass trough, etc.

The currect captains all have been in contact with the cup crew, so can the captains of the country's with TBA behind their name please PM me on IRC in #ET-Cup.

» Schedule, Dates and Times[/b]]
Signups close: 4 May 2007
Groups Announcement: 12 May 2007

Qualifiers: 6 May - 12 May
Matchweek 1: 14 May - 21 May
Matchweek 2: 21 May - 28 May
Matchweek 3: 28 May - 4 June
Matchweek 4: 4 June - 11 June
Matchweek 5: 11 June - 18 June

Playoffs WB Round 1: 18 June - 25 June
Playoffs WB Round 2: 25 June - 2 July
Playoffs LB Round 1: 25 June - 2 July
Playoffs LB Round 2: 2 July - 9 July
Playoffs LB Final: 9 July - 14 July
Playoffs WB Final: 9 July - 14 July
Grand Final: 15 July 21:00 CET

As you can see, it's quiet a tight schedule. Teams have to play 1 match a week, mainly because we don't want to end up somewhere in the end of the summer. So to let you enjoy your summer, the matches all have to be played in time and will for each nation be forced to the Wednesday of the week. In that case, please try to keep your clan matches off that day. Get all your players ready on Wednesday and play your matches. It is of course also possible to reschedule your match to another day of the week, and we will be willing to help you with it - We only don't want the matches to be played in another week, so that might cost you a forfeit of you don't make things clear for your players.

» Maplist and Maps per matchweek[/b]]
¬ braundorf_b4
¬ bremen_b1
¬ frostbite
¬ radar
¬ supply
¬ sw_goldrush_te

Matchweek 1: sw_goldrush_te / radar
Matchweek 2: bremen_b1 / frostbite
Matchweek 3: supply / braundorf_b4
Matchweek 4: bremen_b1 / radar
Matchweek 5: sw_goldrush_te / frostbite

Maps during the playoffs will be chosen by the Nations Captains. Download links for the maps can be found on our website, the links provided by arni.name.

All captains should inform myself or Ireland Skydeh if they are still wanting to do the job.

I'm already looking forward to see all the nations posts on Crossfire again with the refreshed lineups mixed with oldschool and new talented players, ready to grab the gold out of the Finnish hands.

QuoteFor those thinking the NationsCup is ClanBase and only from ClanBase - You're right and we think exactly the same. ClanBase = NationsCup. But, as ClanBase said they will not host a NationsCup in the end of the Spring season, we took the chance to host one during the Spring. ClanBase will make their very own NationsCup again in January 2008. To be honest, I really think your whine is useless as we are only trying to keep the NationsCup twice a year after ClanBase decided to host it once a year. NationsCup is and will remain as a ClanBase cup.

» Deadline Nation Signup
The deadline to sign your Nation up and to apply as the Nation captain of the country's with TBA behind their name is 4 May 12:00 CET. Every Nation without captain will be left out of the cup after this day. For new Nations which like to participate, mail mailtonxm at gmail dot com with your captain and lineup.

» Deadline Lineup announcement
The deadline for the captains to give their Nation lineups is Saturday 5 May midnight. Qualifiers will be announced and scheduled on Sunday 6 May.

Thanks to raki for the banner!

IRC: #ET-Cup
Website: ET 6on6 NationsCup by ET-Cup

ET-Cup #26 Groups announced

image: bo_final

The 26th edition of the ET-Cup is about to start tomorrow with it's first matchweek, and therefor we have to announce the groups first! The cup consists of 32 teams who will all play atleast 3 group matches in the hope to pass trough to the playoffs.

Show Groups[/b]]

¬ Group A
1. Europe dtekt eSports
2. Finland Meridian
3. Slovenia immortal
4. Europe aero

Matchweek 1: Europe dtekt eSports vs Slovenia immortal
Matchweek 1: Finland Meridian vs Europe aero

¬ Group B
1. Germany vicious and evil
2. Europe dvotion
3. Germany oceans6
4. Europe team effect

Matchweek 1: Germany vicious and evil vs Germany oceans6
Matchweek 1: Europe dvotion vs Europe team effect

¬ Group C
1. Europe Spreading Death
2. Europe Vfight!
3. Finland A-Link
4. Czech Republic Suicide League

Matchweek 1: Europe Spreading Death vs Finland A-Link
Matchweek 1: Europe Vfight! vs Czech Republic Suicide League

¬ Group D
1. Germany polar esports
2. Estonia team-violence
3. Europe adapted
4. Europe 7lives!

Matchweek 1: Germany polar esports vs Europe adapted
Matchweek 1: Estonia team-violence vs Europe 7lives!

¬ Group E
1. Italy eXplosion C4
2. Spain a.ToOn
3. Europe phantasmagoria
4. Czech Republic deAth wAtch

Matchweek 1: Italy eXplosion C4 vs Europe phantasmagoria
Matchweek 1: Spain a.ToOn vs Czech Republic deAth wAtch

¬ Group F
1. Germany Northern Darkness
2. Europe Heartbreakers
3. Europe xSporting
4. Europe menTiz

Matchweek 1: Germany Northern Darkness vs Europe xSporting
Matchweek 1: Europe Heartbreakers vs Europe menTiz

¬ Group G
1. Estonia overload-gaming
2. Germany Reloaded Gaming
3. Belgium BoozZe
4. Poland Phobos-Gaming

Matchweek 1: Estonia overload-gaming vs Belgium BoozZe
Matchweek 1: Germany Reloaded Gaming vs Poland Phobos-Gaming

¬ Group H
1. Israel eSrael.org
2. Netherlands sereNity-gaming
3. Israel Devil-inside
4. Finland Xtreme

Matchweek 1: Israel eSrael.org vs Israel Devil-inside
Matchweek 1: Netherlands sereNity-gaming vs Finland Xtreme

All matches have been forced on the Thursday of the matchweek at 21:00 CET. If your team is not able to play the match on that day at that time, you have to contact your opponent to reschedule your match - after you've done that, give the new date and time to an admin so the site will be updated.

You have the time to add players to your roster until tonight at 24:00 CET, players who aren't listed on your roster will not be allowed to play.

The matches of the first matchweek are forced on Thursday 3 May at 21:00 CET. The maps of week 1 are bremen_b1 and frostbite.

Teams we'd like to see playing on ETTV will be asked soon, so in case you can't play on Thursday, tell the new date and time to an admin as fast as possible.

Good luck & Have fun to every participating team.

Website: http://www.et-cup.net
IRC: #ET-Cup
Groups: http://www.et-cup.net/grid.php?type=group
Schedule: http://www.et-cup.net/upcoming.php?type=2

CB EC Matchweek 1 - Day 2

The ClanBase EuroCup Matchweek 1 - Day 2 features another EuroCup match, today Europe polar eSports will face the Dutchies from Netherlands Morrigu in there first match. polar, directly invited into this seasons EuroCup is the favourite in this match. They'll play with aeq instead of snoop in this match which might matter as snoop is a great player. That gives Morrigu the oppertunity to surprise tonight and show where they're made of. Morrigu have some experience in the EuroCup and played on the last LAN altrough they had a different lineup in both competitions. Polar on the other hand showed us a nice performance in the CPC2 by ending 1st in their group leaving Impact, the later finalist, behind them. Unfortunate for them, they lost against the mix team of vae in the elimination rounds. Morrigu lost all their matches on the CPC2, but gained alot of experience by playing there. If you try to compare both team, the outcome is mostly the same - polar has better aimers and their lineup is together for quite some time (incl. aeq), that leaves Morrigu as underdog, but after seeing their lineup they are capable of a surprise.

Europe polar eSports vs Morrigu Netherlands
Date: Thursday 19 April
Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / frostbite
Admin: Anonymous -
Shoutcast: QuadV United Kingdom Splodge
ETTV: GamesTV.org

CB EuroCup Qualifiers - Day 2

image: eurocup

Day 1 has ended yesterday with no suprises, both favourites won their qualifier match and will play in the upcoming EuroCup. Finland Insignia Cadre won there first match against the suprisely chosen Europe venue and United Kingdom Auxilia won against the best czech team Czech Republic team infrag in a tense match.

Today, Day 2, features another 2 qualifier matches. Another Finnish top team Finland Incomplete will face Europe vicious and evil - team nv.

Finland Incomplete, one of the 2 finnish top teams together with Finland Insignia Cadre, also played in the previous EuroCup. Tonight we'll be able to see if they are still capable to participate on the EuroCup level after the loss of Lepari, Dable, jjameson and some more. There new lineup consists of old Inc players such as Rk, Spirea, Sanda and Stuka, plus some new faces named Matias and Raptor. Tonight we'll see if they are still on the same level as before, they already prove to be a good clan by winning the ET-Cup #24 by beating ultimate Conspiracy in the final.

Europe vicious and evil - team-nv will be the opponent of the finnish Incomplete. With there latest addition of AzA to their team, they might suprise us tonight. This team is full of potentional, but lacks EuroCup experience. vae.nv never really showed there skill yet, played in the 1day-cup last Sunday and reached the Semi Finals after winning against another EuroCup qualifier team OCENTSe. I personally haven't seen them playing yet, but I guess they are capable of suprising us somehow tonight.
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