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EC Group C Tiebreaker Series

image: eurocup14ClanBase ET EuroCup XIV group C is the closest ever seen in an EC group. So close, in fact, that it's tied for second place, with Poland Fear Factory, Finland sFx Murso and Finland Incomplete all having one win and two losses, with a round difference of -4.

Tonight will see a battle royale as the tiebreaker matches to decide the final outcome of this group and the team that will go through to the playoffs as the second team from group C, after idle.ee, are played. These tiebreaker games will be played on a single map, chosen by combining the map preferences of the teams playing - this map will be the ET stalwart of radar!

First up we see the battle of the Finns, with sFx Murso taking on Incomplete. The first time round this matchup was won by Murso. Perhaps more importantly it was also Murso who took radar in that game, but it was by no means a secure victory and with it all on the line, anything could happen this time.

Finland sFx Murso vs Finland Incomplete
20:30 CET

The second matchup of the evening will see Fear Factory take on the loser of sFx vs Incomplete at 21:00 CET, while the third and final game of the night at 21:30 CET will see Fear Factory against the winner of the first match to decide the group once and for all.

Finland Incomplete vs Poland Fear Factory
Poland Fear Factory vs Finland sFx Murso
21:00 CET and 21:30 CET

UPDATE: sFx Murso take the playoff spot with well fought wins against incomplete and Fear Factory.

The whole nights entertainment will live on Inside the Game with TosspoT at Server 1

ET EuroCup XIV Invites and Groups announced

image: ecxiv_logoClanBase ET is proud to announce the sixteen clans invited to play in Enemy Territory EuroCup XIV. The decision on which sixteen teams to pick was extremely tough, made even harder by the lack on qualifier matches this season. After careful consideration, and taking many factors, including recent results, player reputation, clan reputation and past results into account we made our decision and with no further preamble, I give you the teams invited to ET EC XIV:

Europe aMenti
Finland Abnormal Monkeys
Europe cdap - Team pi
Poland Fear Factory X-Fi
Europe HighBot
Estonia idle.ee
Finland incomplete
Europe Morrigu #GamersNation
Finland #Murso SFX
Poland The Netrunners
Sweden Noll8
Germany one4one eSports
Germany Team Helix
Europe uQ.Gaming
Belgium vib
Sweden zeroPoint! Gaming

For more information, including the groups and the schedule head over to ClanBase.com

ET EuroCup XIV schedule announced

image: ecxiv_logoAs previously announced, the schedule for this EuroCup will be very tight, with strict limits on when matches can be played. In order to allow teams to plan for this stricter scheduling, we are announcing the schedule and tournament structure now.

The ClanBase ET crew designed this schedule in order to maintain the Christmas break and to allow for a double elimination playoff with a winners and losers bracket. We know how hard this schedule will be therefore we ask every team that participates in the EuroCup to maintain the discipline to help us make this schedule work.

Enemy Territory EuroCup XIV will, as normal, consist of a group stage followed by a playoff phase. The group stage will consist of 16 of the best European teams competing in 4 groups of 4 teams. Each team will play the other three teams in their group, then the top two teams from each group will progress to the double elimination playoff phase.

The group stage will run from 27th November to 18th December, while the playoffs will run from 8th January to 14th February.

The full schedule for the EuroCup can be found on the ClanBase site.

image: clanbase_whiteSignups for the ClanBase ET Fall 2006 season are progressing well, with over 200 teams now signed up for 6v6 and more than 150 for 3v3, putting us well on track to beat the signup totals of last season. The ET 6v6 OpenCup/EuroCup is currently in second position on overall signups for the fall season, but to keep our position we need it to keep increasing! Head over to ClanBase.com to sign up now!

ClanBase ET Fall 2006 season signups pass 250

image: clanbase_whiteJust 48 hours after they opened the ClanBase Fall OpenCup season signups have already passed the 150 team mark for ET 6v6, with more than 100 teams signed up for ET 3v3. The tight schedule for this season means that the signups won't see the one week extension to the registration period present in most previous seasons, so teams should sign up now to ensure themselves a place in the largest competition in Enemy Territory.

Despite the shortened schedule we are well on the way to surpassing the Spring 2006 season total of 350 signups for 6v6 (320 for 3v3) and we hope to provide the most fun OpenCup and EuroCup yet, with more coverage than ever before in ettv, shoutcasts, match reports, articles and interviews. These signups also include Europe’s best of the best like Estonia idle.ee (winners of EC XI, XIII and QuakeCon 2006), Finland #Murso SFX (Nr1 in 5v5 ladder), Poland Fear Factory (winners of 6v6 OC Spring 2006), Europe aMenti (Second place EC XIII), Germany sTREETFIGHTERS (winners of 3v3 OC Spring 2006) and many, many more, so it promises to be an amazing season.

There is still plenty of time to sign up and we are also counting on YOUR team to participate in the best cup ClanBase has to offer. The deadline for signups is the 19th November, and teams which sign up earlier will have priority when we create the groups, so be sure to get your team signed up as soon as you can.

Bear in mind that the start of a cup season is always a busy time for team registration, so if you need to create a new clan account to play, do it today!

Sign up now at ClanBase.com!

5v5 is the Future

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ClanBase and WarLeagues Enemy Territory divisions would like to announce that all future cups and leagues will be played in a 5v5 format.

This will be effective from the next season in both leagues and brings us in line with other games and increases our chances of future LAN events enormously, as well as reinvigorating the game with new playstyles and tactics. 3v3 leagues and ladders are uneffected by this change. A new 5v5 ladder on ClanBase will be online within 24 hours.

We look forward to a long, exciting and happy future for ET - the future has never looked brighter for the game.

EuroCup XIII Groups Announced!

It's the start of the first matchweek of Enemy Territory EuroCup XIII, and time for the announcement of the groups for this season. As stated in the initial announcement, the twenty clans participating in this EuroCup will be split into four groups of five teams. These teams will then battle it out for supremacy over five weeks in the group phase before the two best teams from each group proceed to a double elimination playoff!

The groups are now viewable on the ClanBase site, and we have some cracking games for you in this first matchweek.

To launch the EuroCup XIII season, we're starting off with Estonia idle.ee vs Germany Vicious And Evil on Wednesday at 21:00 CET in what promises to be an electric matchup between the semifinalists of the last EuroCup and one of this season's most hotly tipped new teams! Other highlights this week include Germany one4one.GoodServer vs Hungary underscore on Thursday and the first high profile war for two highly anticipated new teams - Spain Azure Fate vs Europe demiurge on Sunday!

Full coverage will, as always, be provided by gamestv.org with shoutcasts of the hottest matches from the talented casters of RadioiTG.

See all the details over on ClanBase.com!

NationsCup IX Semi Final 2 - Estonia vs Germany

image: cbgoldlogontWith the ClanBase Enemy Territory NationsCup IX approaching it's finale we prepare for a battle of the titans as two of the remaining three teams clash in the second semi-final. The first semifinal game, played out on Thursday, saw a much fancied Finland Finland team - traditionally one of the strongest nations in Enemy Territory - fall to the forces of the Netherlands Netherlands in something many saw as a shock result. Now Estonia Estonia and Germany Germany must step up to the plate to determine who will be opposing the Dutch in the battle for NationsCup gold.

image: game352

ClanBase ET Nationscup IX


Estonia have, over the past year, grown increasingly dominant in Enemy Territory in Europe and worldwide, taking gold in NationsCup VIII while Estonian teams have claimed gold in Eurocup XI, silver in Eurocup XII and both gold and bronze in the QuakeCon 2005 Enemy Territory tournament. The Estonian scene is notable for three things - a remarkable community spirit, a far higher than average quota of skilled players and the rising multigaming clan that is idle.ee.

Germany's form of late has been somewhat patchier - although knocked out of the last NationsCup in the quarter finals by the Estonian team, they were the only team to take a round victory over the all conquering Eesti team. The Germans do, however, have something of a NationsCup 'curse' hanging over the team - the only nation to have reached the playoffs in every Enemy Territory NationsCup so far but not obtain one of the covetted medals.


[img|left]http://dl.vpclan.de/images/de_flag_for_fag.gif[/img]The Team Germany captain, Benjamin 'biqq' Ramser, is expecting a tough game. "They're the team which kicked us out of the tournament last season, and besides that they overpowered good teams like belgium," he reminds me, "they'll be a challenging opponent". When asked if his team is up to the task, biqq is uncertain, "rumours say that they don't practise that much but we may practise even less, so I can't really say".

The task Germany face is certainly a daunting one - they avoided defeat in the quarter finals against what many thought a relatively weak UK side by the narrowest of margins to reach this game, although prior to that they hadn't dropped a round in the competition. Germany plans on running the same lineup against Estonia they used against the UK, and the talent is undoubtedly there - the question is if they can get the teamplay working with, as biqq freely admits, very limited preparation.

image: es_flag_for_fag
In the Estonian camp, Hannes 'galahad' Kranich (a member of the national squad, as well as being the 'CEO' of idle.ee) is more optimistic. While not sounding overconfident, galahad says, "I believe that if we manage to play our own game then we have a good chance of advancing", despite the fact that he cannot recall the last time the team practiced.

Certainly with the roster available to the Estonian team - effectively a rollcall of idle.ee players past and present, with only a couple of players who have never been in the team - is extremely impressive, and if they can field the best six on the night they could be nigh unstopable.


The game is due to kick off at 21:00 CET tonight (Sunday, 9th April). Over 1000 slots of ETTV have been confirmed by gamestv.org, and shoutcasts will be available in English (from FlyingDJ of gamestv.org) and Estonian (from #raadio, tbc). And iTG`TosspoT Server2


The winner of this game is due to face the Netherlands in a grand final scheduled to occur in a fortnight. While Germany believes that game to be the easier of the two, biqq stating, "I think [if] we manage to win [vs the strong Estonia team] we also stand a good chance [against the Netherlands]". galahad is more reserved, "The dutch team has a lot of talented players and they seem to have found quite the teamplay," he says, "both Estonia and the Netherlands are very skilled teams and any given match could go either way."

EuroCup XII specials - idle.ee profile

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[img|left]http://games.clanbase.com/ec12logo.gif[/img]The first in a series of profiles of the EuroCup XII playoff clans focusses on the previous EuroCup and Quakecon champions idle.ee. Nellie explores the history of the clan as it is today from the formation of the original 3v3 side, through the recent summer's success and into the new Fall season along with expectations for the future.

The article features comments from team manager Estonia Galahad an interview with team member Germany Urtier in which he talks about his expectations from the team:

"I think we got great potential if we get some things sorted out and get rid of some stuff there. Still long way to go for that."

Check out the full interview and article over at ClanBase

ClanBase ET Fall Season OpenCup Update

image: cbgoldlogont
The signups for the Clanbase Fall Cups are well underway, with 171 clans registered to the 6on6 ET cup and 126 clans registered to the 3on3 ET cup so far. Since the season is already running later than originally scheduled, it has been decided NOT to delay the signup closing date as originally planned.

Signups will now close on the 2nd November, rather than the 9th November as stated previously, so be sure to sign your team up within the next week if you haven't already to make sure you don't miss out.

With the season fast approaching a few vital questions remain regarding the new config, the maplist and the ever elusive EuroCup. Today we need your feedback on the maps for this upcoming season.

After much discussion we have come to some conclusions:
All 3on3 maps and five 6on6 maps are confirmed, while we have opened discussion on the two remaining map choices for the 6on6 cup over on the cup page.

Head over to ClanBase.com to read more and contribute.

We are also still looking for dedicated, active cupadmins for both 6on6 and 3on3 cups - if this is you then don't hesitate to apply!
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