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Zowie ET Challenge #1 Sign-up reminder

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In just 3 days first ZOWIE ET Challenge will happen. Well actually for it to happen it needs participants so here is a little reminder on how to do it.

1.Register on Excello's site. LINK
2.Fill in all the needed info in profile (add TZAC guid into "Guid" field).
3.Go to tournament's site, you'll find the "Create team" option above it. Create team, invite your buddies and sign-up. Only teams with 6 or more players that checked in within 30 minutes till cup will be considered as cup participants.
4.You can edit your team HERE


image: laalal2

GermanyAnexis eSports
Polandback 2 kill/Europebsturz

Grand final

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1st Semifinal
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2nd semifinal
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New prized tournament for Enemy Territory? Hell yeah! Excello, as they call themselves one of the most promising organizations in the world of eSports have spread their arm wide open to welcome our beloved game and provide prizes for upcoming tournaments. Sounds good? Will only get better, but only with your help. In order for this to become a regular event it needs teams, so please try and make little effort.

First cup will be limited to 16 teams, but if enough interested is shown from the community it can expand to 32 teams from next events. Every team is welcome to participate, unless of course they violate the rules. In order to sign-up you'll have to follow these steps:

EuroCupski Halloween Special

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It's not a trick, but a treat for community on Monday night! Since it's Halloween I decided to make special 6on6 cup for anyone interested to participate! How is this tournament any different from other ODC? It'll have a 16-slot ETTV avi server as prize, kindly provided by EuropeSplendid-Gaming and GamePlayServers.

:h joins NORDIC-eSport!

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With recent win in ESL's Winter League 1st league Poland:h head hunters, formerly team of Polandto Make odds even gaming, started to look for a new home, so we could fight not only on online, but also offline battlefields. After some time of talks with various gamings we came across organisation with viking roots. It was DenmarkNORDIC-eSport, where from the first talk things were looking good. After few days of talks and negotiations, with both sides happy we joined their ranks and are now ready to fight for more trophies in 2011 under their name.

FINISHED:ET Allstars Finals

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After days of delays, madness, chaos, flame and some awesome games the time has come. The time for Grand Final and 3rd place game of 2011 ET Allstars event. We already know that South already secured place in the Grand Final which will take place today and we also know that North will fight for 3rd place. Everything is open for East and West though. Today at 20:00 CET those 2 teams will fight for right to play in Grand Final and try to get revenge on South.

ET Allstars Lineups and Results

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Finally, after weeks of waiting, schedule madness and poll which gave us our captains, here is the moment you've all been waiting for - announcement of the lineups. But first of all, there's been little change in captains. FinlandENSAM resigned from his duties and will be replaced by Icelandphyzic, who got 2nd place in poll. Now let's take a look at choices of our captains.

ET Allstars Captains

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After recent problems with schedule, everything seems to be going well. Your votes have been counted and captains have been elected. Each fight wasn't exactly tight, winners were quite obvious. Without further intro let's have a look at results.

ET Allstars 2011

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Well the title pretty much says it all. After 1,5 year it's time for another ET Allstars event! Once again we will get the chance to see ET's finest fighting to e-death for glory and fame. Hopefully we will not only see the old stars but also some new talents who proved they are worthy of playing in such event since Allstars 2009.

FINISHED: Polish Allstars 2011

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Since it's January and CB NC is nearing it's time for PolandAllstars boys and girls! This annual tournament held every year to entertain those less fortunate (also known as less skilled) is about sportmanship, ego and fight for your region. For the sake of the tournament we divided Poland, our lovely and hated motherland, into 4 regions - North, East, South and West. Original isn't it? The result of this split can be seen on the picture below.

Aero powered up and ready to own!

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Dark and disturbing times have come upon United KingdomAero Gaming. With BelgiumSup3r's university internet policy, we were forced to make yet another lineup change, after we had to replace his brother BelgiumGifted, who left for army.

A decision like that is never an easy one, especially when you lose a member that was with us since the very begining. Despite this huge loss we managed to find a replacement for our one and only Sander. This player is not exactly new to the team, as he was fighting in our ranks during OpenCup season that ended with our victory, on lan in NetherlandsEnschede and for few games in last EuroCup. Back then we decided to split, but now he is more than welcome to come back. Give it up for NetherlandsAmando "xPERiA" van K.! With his help we will fight our way through playoffs of both EuroCup and ESL Major Series and give some nice performance in SpainGiants Cup.
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