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The Don Baker ETL Cancer Research Cup

image: dbaker

The Don Baker ETL Cancer Research Cup
Gamers for Cancer Research

Charity: Gateway for Cancer Research

Call of Duty 4: 5v5 S&D promod
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory: 6v6 ET Stopwatch etpro mod

Teams per Tournamentt: 32 (64 total both games)

Registration Fee: $30 per team
60% of proceeds go to Gateway for Cancer Research
23% to 1st place
14% to 2nd place
3% transaction fees

Registration opens: Sept 1, 2008
Start Date: Sat Oct 11, 2008

We will be providing North American based servers for the matches courtesy of our server sponsor ETGameHosting .Teams may use any pre-approved PBBans streaming server. We are also seeking additional sponsorship in hopes to provide additional prizes.If you would like to provide sponsorship please use the Contact Us Form & we will be in touch with you.

Teams are encouraged to Pre-Register.This will not only help to ensure a spot for your team but will be a count we can give to potential sponsors.

Thank you & please help us raise money for Cancer Research.Please help by spreading the word.

If you would like to simply make a donation please use the button below

image: donate

Anyone interested in helping out can simply pm me here or use one of the following

Email: [email protected]
XFire: gdevol
IRC: #evilterritory on both Quakenet & GameSurge
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