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Don Baker GCRC Week 4

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Up until this point we've taken somewhat of a relaxed approach to teams getting their matches in. With CC5 right around the corner the time has come to apply some pressure. On the one hand I don't want to force a team to play a time & date that may not be optimal for them but at the same time we cannot have this drag on forever. The winners bracket is at a point where it can not advance until the losers bracket catches up.

We appreciate your cooperation in these matters & hope to get these matches moved along as quickly as possible. If any teams have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me as I'm easy to find.

IRC: #evilterrtory
xfire: gdevol
email:[email protected]

Don Baker GCRC Week 3

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Were hitting a bit of a snag getting some of the international matches completed especially in the losers bracket. This is however undertsandable. Hopefully Crossbreed & FIFy can come to an agreement & get their match played over this coming weekend.

Big thanks to FatGames for stepping up & filling the final spot. Their match against FIFr can take place as soon as eVo gets registered @ ETL & fills in the roster.

View Bracket Here

Announcing FPS Radio

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Announcing FPS Radio

What started out as a lonely 32 slot ETL only weekly shoutcast (ETL Radio) has outgrown the confides of a single league broadcast & needs to run as it's own entity in order to achieve it's full potential.

ETL Radio is now FPS Radio & is currently running a 100 slot shoutcast with the potential to run up to 500 slots, all sponsored by Primary Target. This is all due to the hard work & dedication of ETL's own Rocky & the suprising talent of our new shoutcaster, ETL's own Mistaken. Great work guys.

Click here to visit the all new FPS Radio


image: dbweek2

Don Baker Gateway For Cancer Research Cup Week 2

Cup Home
Donate to Gateway For Cancer Research

After a week of the top seeded teams playing their initial matches, it's no suprise that all four made easy work of their opponents & all have advanced to the next round. One of these two matches in the Winners Bracket could quite possibly be a preview of the final. We will be sure & get these submitted to gamesTV as soon as the teams decide on a day & time for your viewing pleasure.


image: dbweek1


*Reminder Captains please use your match comms to communicate with opposing teams to work out match days & times. Any decisions made outside these comms needs to be posted to the comms.

Winners need to post match results by map in match comms at the conclusion of the match so that that information can be entered & subsequent matches can be scheduled.

To view your upcoming matches visit the cup homepage

Don Baker GCRC Info

image: gwfinal2

First of all ETL would like to give special thanks to all the teams who are participating. On a personal note I would like to thank the following people & organizations....

Knuckles from etgamehosting.com for helping out with this & everything he does for ETL.
John from NationVoice for going out of his way to actually call me when Email communication broke down & for all that he donated.
Nellie from Crossfire for all that you've done to assist me. Definitively went above & beyond anything you had to.
TosspoT, Fusen & all of Crossfire.
Carrie from Gateway

Total Raised: $490
Total Donated: $294*

*This number may be higher. I emailed Carrie on Friday to find out if any additional donations were made privately in relation to the cup. I did not hear back from her but sure that I will come Monday.

I know this is a far cry from what we originally set out to do & even though it would have been nice to raise more money for Cancer Research, we still raised money none the less. Originally we had planned to do a couple large cups for charity per year but after seeing how this one took shape, we may do several small ones instead. This inaugural Charity Cup has been a learning experience.

1st $196
2nd 2 month 20 man etpro from etgamehosting.com & 2 month 10 slot Ventrilo Server fom NationVoice
3rd 2 month 10 slot Ventrilo Server fom NationVoice

Reminder to Team Captains please fill in your rosters. To do so login into your ETL account. In the user menu under your team name click "select team". You will then be taken to your team overview page. In the top menu you will see "New Teammates" Add player names & pb_guids in the ID field please. This information must be filled in for players to be eligible. Also please make use of the match comments for communication with the other teams. These can be reached by clicking Upcoming Matches in the cup menu or by clicking the time & date next to the match in the schedule box on the right side of the cup homepage.

Click Here For Overall Schedule & Map Schedule
Click Here For Upcoming Matches
Click Here For Bracket
Click Here For Rules

Click here For Structure

I apologize for the late post as i have been working all day getting everything setup & in place. If anybody has any questions please contact me via IRC at #evilterritory

GCRC 6v6 Final Notice

image: gateway2

Just reminder the deadline for the Don Baker GCRC is this tonight Oct. 10 at midnight Eastern Standard Time.

Here is the current team pool. Those marked with a [D] have made their donation.

GCRC 6v6 Qualifier

image: qualifier

ETL Don Baker Gateway For Cancer Research Qualifier
Sponsored by ETL & zOMBie

I will be sponsoring 1 team for the 6v6 portion of the Don Baker Gateway For Cancer Research Cup & offering half sponsorship to a 2nd team via the following qualifier.

: $30 Entry to Don Baker Gateway For Cancer Research Cup
: $15 Towards Entry to Don Baker Gateway For Cancer Research Cup*
*this is half the entry fee for 2nd place. In the event the 2nd place team cannot donate the other half, prize will go to 3rd place & so on & so forth

Don Baker Cancer Research Cup Updates

image: dbaker3

The Don Baker ETL Cancer Research Charity Cup is a tournament in aid of cancer research. It aims to raise nearly $2000 for Gateway for Cancer Research.

As per the previous posts, and problems some Europeans where having donating via debit cards a Paypal account has been set up. The paypal account is in a neutral name and all proceeds will go directly to Gateway for Cancer Research.

Please note: that anyone paying via Paypal must add 3% ($31 total), due to the transaction fee that Paypal charges - as this can't be passed on to Gateway for Cancer Research.

To donate via paypal please vist the Cup Homepage http://evilterritory.com/index.php?l=12 & click the paypal "Donate" button.

To sign up please click the banner in the Events box on the Crossfire page or go directly to the ETL site.

  • Donation needs to be in the amount of $30 American (Aprox €20 Euro~).
  • When filling out the form please follow these simple instructions.

  • In the "Donation" section, in the "Company" field input: ETL Team: (team name) See the example below

    image: example1

    Please keep in mind that this is a charitable organization & anyone who submits any form of profanity within their Donation application will forfeit their donation.

  • In the "This gift is in honor or memory of someone special" section, in the "In Honor of" field input: Don Baker. See the example below

    image: example2

  • After you complete the application you may proceed to the Team Sign Up Form http://evilterritory.com/index2.php?l=12&mod=content&view=cup_signup

    Fill it out completely & once we receive confirmation of your donation your team will be added.Once your team is added captains will then be able to edit their teams info & fill out their rosters.All players must have a pbguid listed in the "ID" field to be eligible.

Please note Captains must be registered with the ETL Website. Click Here To Register http://evilterritory.com/index.php?l=12&s=17&mod=user&view=new

The ETL is proud to announce that we're nearing the half way point for the Enemy Territory competition with 12 teams signed up, and $360 so far raised for Cancer Research. Please continue to sign up, donate and have fun helping raise money for cancer research.

Cup Homepage: http://evilterritory.com/index.php?l=12
Cup Rules & Overview http://evilterritory.com/dbcrcup.html
Charity: Gateway For Cancer Research
Letter of confirmation: http://evilterritory.com/gateway.pdf
NA Server Sponsor: http://www.etgamehosting.com/
Contact: [email protected]
IRC: #evilterritory
Current Prize Sponsors: ETGameHosting & NationVoice
Related: An interview with z0MBie

The Don Baker ETL Cancer Research Cup Signups

image: dbaker1

The ETL are proud to announce that signups for The Don Baker ETL Gateway for Cancer Research Cup are now open. Teams are encouraged to signup early to avoid disappointment and are thanked for their generosity. This competition allows teams to compete in a prized competition whilst helping support cancer research.

Cup Homepage: http://evilterritory.com/index.php?l=12
Charity: Gateway For Cancer Research
Letter of confirmation: http://evilterritory.com/gateway.pdf
NA Server Sponsor: http://www.etgamehosting.com/
Contact: [email protected]
IRC: #evilterritory
Current Sponsors: ETGameHosting & NationVoice

60% of total entry fees goes to the Gateway for Cancer Research.


Place: 25% total entry fees awarded
Place: 15% total entry fees awarded

More prizes to be added as soon as details are worked out

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory[/center]]

Game mode: ETPro 3.2.6
Game type: 6v6 Stopwatch
Server settings: ETL 6v6 Cup Config, PBBans Streaming, ETL Hub Flag Enabled
Date: Oct 11, 2008
Slots: 32
Cupmodus: Double Elimination / Losers Bracket
Maps: Radar, Supply Depot Final, Brandorf_b4, Special Delivery TE, sw_goldrush_te, Adlernest

Call of Duty 4[/center]]

Game mode: promod
Game type: 5v5 Search & Destroy
Server settings: Unified PB Config, PBBans Streaming, ETL Hub Flag Enabled
Server Configs: Unified PB Config
Date: Oct 11, 2008
Slots: 32
Cupmodus: Double Elimination / Losers Bracket
Maps: Crash, Vacant, Strike *(Not Final)

How to Sign Up[/center]]
Donation Links have been placed on the ETL site or simply click the link below.

*Please note that Gateway does not accept debit cards or direct money transfers at this time.

If you need an alternative method we have setup a paypal account which can be found at the link below & click the paypal donation button in the Sign Up box on right hand side of the page.

Please note that Paypal charges a 3% service fee which cannot pass along to Gateway & have included into the donation amount.

image: don_baker_cup

  • Donation needs to be in the amount of $30 American (Aprox €20 Euro~).
  • When filling out the form please follow these simple instructions.

  • In the "Donation" section, in the "Company" field input: ETL Team: (team name) See the example below

    image: example1

    Please keep in mind that this is a charitable organization & anyone who submits any form of profanity within their Donation application will forfeit their donation.

  • In the "This gift is in honor or memory of someone special" section, in the "In Honor of" field input: Don Baker. See the example below

    image: example2

  • After you complete the application you may proceed to the Team Sign Up Form http://evilterritory.com/index2.php?l=12&mod=content&view=cup_signup

    Fill it out completely & once we receive confirmation of your donation your team will be added.Once your team is added captains will then be able to edit their teams info & fill out their rosters.All players must have a pbguid listed in the "ID" field to be eligible.

Please note Captains must be registered with the ETL Website. Click Here To Register http://evilterritory.com/index.php?l=12&s=17&mod=user&view=new

Thank you for your support & we hope to see you in game soon.
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