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XF NC Awards - The Results!

image: nc

Voting is in and we have the results. It was only supposed to be a little bit of fun and it's just a shame so many people had negative comments towards the nominations, even though they didn't nominate anyone themselves.

I agree, some of the nominations were shocking but I did state it would be done entirely in that way, with no input from myself regarding nominations. So what I've decided to do is to take the results from the voting but I'd also like to mention a few names I personally feel deserve a mention and should have been nominated in my mind for certain awards.

XF NC Awards - Voting!

image: nc

So the nominations are in and finally, we can start voting for our XF NC awards! Now as you can see below, each of the categories will have four players to choose from and until the winners are announced, voting results will be hidden to try and ham up the entire affair.

All the polls will be posted at once so please, visit each of the links below and vote for who you think should recieve each award. Unfortunately there are no prizes for the winners but get involved, it's just a bit of fun. :P

Don't whine if you don't see a player nominated that you think should have been, plenty time was given to send me a pm to do so.

Anyway, as I said, visit the links below to vote. Voting will end in the next few days so please, don't forget to do so!

XF NC - The Results!

image: ncfinal

Belgium Belgium
Poland Poland
Germany Germany

This post should have been made a number of nights ago but an untimely format was needed on my computer, so it's only being posted at this stage!

Thanks again to everyone who took part in the competition and thanks to everyone who followed it from the early stages, all the way through to completion. We had some great games all the way through and for me, it was really fun to write about and watch.

After all was said and done, I asked Belgium Lio a few questions about the tournament in general and hopefully, someone from the Poland Polish team will do the same whenever they get round to reading their PM's. :D

One last thing I had in mind. Blatantly ripping off other tournaments, I decided that awards should/could be appropriate for the XF NC. Nothing too elaborate, just something to maybe point out the recognition/contribution of some people that would normally receive little credit for their actions.

The first stage of this process, would be nominations. Now I do have suggestions in mind but it would be nice to hear from the community as too who you would like to see nominated.

XF NC - The Final!

image: ncfinal

Oh my god! It’s really here! Our XF NC is on it’s last legs but fear not! We still have an epic final in prospect featuring Poland Poland taking on Belgium Belgium!

I've written yet another long preview article here and I’m also trying to hound down and pester some random people for views on the match itself, which I will add in due course to this newspost and my article! Make sure as always, you keep on checking Crossfire for all the latest developments and gossip you need for your viewing pleasure! I know the banner is a bit shitty but I’ll try get someone tomorrow/today to make me something nice and pretty for such an epic occasion!

XF NC - Finland vs Poland!

image: ncsemi3

We already know Belgium Belgium are in our XF NC final but who will join them! Tonight, we have our second Semi-Final between Finland Finland and Poland Poland!

You can read my preview about the game here, with a little word from Poland wiesiek included in that article page. Hopefully I can get a statement from one of the Finnish players before the game and I'll edit this news item with any updates for tonight's coverage. Again, don't forget to catch the game on ETTV for what promises to be a massive encounter!

XF NC - Germany vs Belgium!

image: ncsemi2

Here we are! The Semi-Finals are raring to go and finally, we have some dream clashes to look forward too! Our first bares Witness to the mighty Germany Germany taking on the equally formidable Belgium Belgium!

Clanbase EuroCup XVIII!

image: clanbasecups_xviii

That's right, it's that time yet again! EuroCup XVIII - ET SW 6v6 signups are now open, so get your teams sorted and let's hopefully have a less dramatic season than the previous one. :P
  • 24 August - Signups open
  • 7 September - Signups close
  • 14 September - EC Invite night on IRC!
  • 15 September - EC qualifiers scheduled
  • 25 September - EC qualifier week
  • 25 September - OC groups online
  • 29 September - First matchweek
  • 21 December - All cups finished

What teams will form? Who will come out on top? Will the coverage be better than last season? (Hopefully it will!) All the info you need is on over at Clanbase and remember to visit this link if you want to sign up for the cup itself!

Good luck to everyone involved!

XF NC * Super Sunday! *

image: nc

What a great day for NC matches, it's just a shame we have so many at the same time! Oh well, it doesn't matter, you can always catch ETTVoD later if you missed any of the action. Remember to checkout my preview article for some extra match analysis for the upcoming games today and remember, they're just predictions, don't take them too seriously. :P

You'll also notice a change to the site in relation to our XF NC. If you look at the top of the page, you will now see a NationCup button with our NC information integrated onto your CF page!

Again, we have to thank that lovely man Anonymous Fusen, who's relentless work puts everyone else to shame!

Anyway, I hope you manage to catch as many games as possible today! ETTV will be added/updated throughout the day, with some statements from the players/teams involved.

Unfortunately, United Kingdom TosspoT won't be able to shoutcast today, as he's had other things come up. He'll be casting tomorrow though, so be sure to tune in then to hear the dulcet tones of lanky giant!

XF NC * Australia vs Chile *

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Chile 4 - 0 Australia[/hide]

If anyone missed it, you can catch it on ETTVoD! Spoiler; my prediction preview wasn't too far off!

Be sure to spec Australia haste, Australia HM and Chile nozzy, as it is great too see these talented shooters on a more familiar ping scenario.

XF NC * Russia vs Japan *

image: nc

Japan 4 - 0 Russia[/hide]

Not exactly a titan-clash to get things started you might say but with a quarter-final place up for grabs, it doesn't make the match any less important for either side! For more coverage you can check my last-sixteen preview here.

An interesting piece of gossip comes in the form of the new coach of Japan, Germany drago, who hopes to guide his team past the experienced Russian outfit!
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