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Heroine, the Movie

Heroine, this word stands for outstanding quality and "Magic Moments", all available in the new fragmovie of Germany Hannes.
Due to frags of #clanless.gaming, #sfto and a magnificent editing, this movie will be fun to watch.
The Movie "Heroine" was encoded with the upcomming standard codec: x264.
All you need for playback is in the "codecs folder", or can be downloaded @ http://myhannes.info.
If you dont like x264, a xvid version will be released as soon as possible, stay tuned.

This movie shows you, that the Editing and Config is important for the Quality of an ET movie, not only the Frags.

Duration: 16:00
Size: 446mb
Resolution: 800x512
Frame Rate: 25
Video Codec: h264
Audio Codec: mp4
Used Disk Space: 980 gigabyte

We are going on...

image: get-banner2

It's time for the next Version of the “one-day 6on6 Cup“ powered by get-liga.de.

You can signup your team from now till Sunday 26.03.2006 13:45cet.
But remember, to make sure that your team is allowed to play at the Cup you have to “checkin. The checkin-Link ( http://get-liga.de/cup.php?cup=6# ) is available at the cupday from 13-50cet-14:50cet or till the cup is full, which means 32 teams checkedin.

As a new feature Germany skooli added a backup function. What does that mean for you? It's simple:
If checkin is full you still can checkin, but you're only on the waiting list...if somebody gets kicked the backupteam which has checked in first can play, and so on.

Round 1: adlernest_b7c
Round 2: supplydepot2
Round 3: Radar
Round 4: braundorf_b4
Round 5: sw_goldrush_te / Radar

Again we are playing with 1 map ( 2 sw rounds ) only the final will be played on 2 maps. If both teams fullhold the other team on a map you have to use elimination to find out the decider map.

Since the clanbase matches are played with etpro 3.2.5 we decided to follow them, so you have to use the „new“ etpro for the cup matches and our ladder games.
Get etpro3.2.5

You dont have to add everyone of your team at the cuppage, but it would be nice if you do so.
The same thing with the Guids.

United Kingdom uQ-Gaming.Ati (Winner of the last cup) had the following to say:
QuoteWe are a pretty new team, we exist now for some weeks and had some lineup changes during the weeks. We played the third
ET Fast Gaming Cup and won in the finals vs Finland i-Gods. The next sunday we won the third ET Get-Liga cup and had
a close final match vs Europe Team Helix. We also just passed the playoffs in the Clanbase Benelux Cup. We now also competiting
in the next Get-Liga Cup. With this lineup:
Belgium ziff
Belgium zeto
Netherlands Ati_
Scotland razz
Germany second
Hungary seNti
We are looking forward to it and hope that we play some nice matches.

Now get your team, signup for the cup, checkin, play and win :-)

#Get-Liga Cup Version 4

image: get-banner2

We are back with the 4th version of our "one-day" GET-Liga Cup.

You can signup your team from now till Sunday 12.03.2006 13:45cet.
To make sure that your team will take part at the cup you have to check-in at the cuppage ( need to be logged in ) where you can click the "check-in" link from 13:50cet till 14:50cet. If that doesnt work msg me on IRC ( get-liga )
You can checkin your team from 13:50cet till 14:50cet and at 15cet we will announce the grid.
Cup Page

The Mappool will be:
Round 1: adlernest_b7c
Round 2: braundorf_b4
Round 3: Radar
Round 4: supply
Round 5: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

Again we are playing with 1 map ( 2 sw rounds ) only the final will be played on 2 maps. If both teams fullhold the other team on a map you have to use elimination to find out the decider map.

Good luck have fun and sign up :-)

Showmatch 5on5 idle.ee vs 141 *edit*

image: 5v5_showmatch_adlernest

The 5on5 Showmatch will take play today at 20:00 cet. Germany FlyingDJ organised it, to show the community a new map called Adlernest.

Adlernest is a new map for the europeans, but it has been used in the Australian Competion. After we played the Map in some 3on3's and a lot of 6on6's England Nellie decided to make a "how to" for Adlernest, you can find his article at this link.

Today Estonia idle.ee and image: ukil_flag one4one will play Adlernest and 2 other maps, covered with ETTV and Shoutcast.

image: goldrush
image: braundorf

Probable Lineups
image: ukil_flag one4one
Israel CrozZ
Israel Lion
Germany gambit
United Kingdom Mztik
Switzerland anubis

Estonia idle.ee
Estonia Night
Estonia Holz
Germany urtier
Germany senji
Netherlands teKoa

Match: Estonia idle.ee vs image: ukil_flag one4one
Format: 5v5 Showmatch
Date/Time: Feb 13th / 20:00 CET
ETTV - Server: GamesTV.org / id 181
Germany FlyingDJ (tune in)

Quote[/i][/i]image: game181

- ETTV on Demand -

Prepare for #GET-Cup #3 *Update*

image: get-banner2

In around 24 hours the 3rd Version of the GET-Cup starts.
You can still join the cup, the important thing is to checkin tomorrow from 13:50 till 14:50 cet so we can start with the matches around 15cet. The final will be at 19cet

You need information?

Who is playing?
Team Overview

Former Cup results?
Hall of Fame

Any questions?
contact me @ #get-liga

So join the cup, checkin, play your matches, win a voiceserver and join the Hall of Fame

#1 Poland polewka
#2 Europe Revoltados
#3 Europe Heartbreakers

#GET-Cup 6on6 #3

image: get-banner2

Another Week has past and its time for the next "one-day" #GET-Liga Cup.

You can signup your team from now till Sunday, 12.02.2006, 13:45cet.
To make sure that your team will take part at the cup you have to check-in at the cuppage ( need to be logged in ) where you can click the "check-in" link from 13:50cet till 14:50cet. If that doesnt work msg me on IRC ( #get-liga )
You can checkin your team from 13:50cet till 14:50cet and at 15cet we will announce the grid.
Cup Page

The Mappool will be:

Round 1: sw_grush_te
Round 2: braundorf_b4
Round 3: adlernest_b7 (Infos: http://www.xfire.be/?x=column&mode=item&id=386 )
Round 4: Radar
Round 5: supplydepot 2 / sw_grush_te

Again we are playing with 1 map ( 2 sw rounds ), only the final will be played on 2 maps. If both teams fullhold the other team on a map you have to use elimination to find out the decider map.

This time you can win a Voiceserver sponsored by goodserver.de (you can choose between ts and vent)

Good luck have fun and sign up :-)

ETConfigs Back in action...

image: Scene
It's the return of et-configs.com

After a long period of downtime the page is back, and looks much better in the new Flash Version than in the past.
Features like submitting your config or view different configs on the page will be up by the end of the day.

And of course you need the community for the page. So go and tell them what you think they have to change and give them your general feedback!

Let's hope that the page will be up for more than 2 weeks...

GET-Cup 6on6 #2 *update*

image: get-banner4

Its time for another one-day ET-Cup, hosted by the get-liga.
For this time we will take 2 maps for the final ( check xfire poll http://www.xfire.be/?x=poll&mode=item&id=266 ).
We will decide the new map the next days. The other maps will be the same like at the last cup.
You can signup your team from now till Sunday, 29.01.2006, 13:45cet.
To make sure that your team will take part at the cup you have to check-in at the cuppage ( need to be logged in ) where you can click the "check-in" link from 13:50cet till 14:50cet. If that doesnt work msg me on IRC ( #get-liga )
You can checkin your team from 13:50cet till 14:50cet and at 15cet we will announce the grid.
Cup Page

The Mappool will be:

Round 1: sw_grush_te
Round 2: braundorf_b4
Round 3: special_delivery2
Round 4: Radar
Round 5: supplydepot 2 / dubrovnik

Again we are playing with 1 map ( 2 sw rounds ), only the final will be played on 2 maps. If both teams fullhold the other team on a map you have to use elimination to find out the decider map.

This time we have a 12 slot clanserver sponsored by goodserver.de for 3 Months

Good luck have fun and sign up :-)

GET-Cup 6on6 *Update_1*

image: banner468x60

Its time for another one-day ET-Cup, hosted by the get-liga.
After some small 3on3, 2on2 and quake4 cups we decided to start the new year with a 6on6 Cup.
You can signup your teams from now till Sunday, 15.01.2006, 13:59cet.
To make sure that your team will take part at the cup you have to check-in the time with msg me on IRC ( #get-liga )
You can checkin your team from 13:59cet till 14:59cet and at 15cet we will announce the grid.

Round 1: special_delivery 2
Round 2: braundorf_b4
Round 3: supplydepot 2
Round 4: sw_grush_te
Finale: Radar

As you can see we are planing a cup for 32 Teams, but we are only playing 1 map ( 2 sw-rounds )
If the match is a draw after this map you have to use elimination to find out the decider map.

This time we got some small prices by et-scene.de. They will support the winner of the cup with 6 BNC's for 3 Months

Good luck have fun and sign up :-)
Cup Page

GET-3on3 ET Cup *update*

image: banner468x60

Another 3on3 Cup is coming this Sunday.
It's a one-day-cup which will start at 15cet.
Signups are open till Saturday 23:59cet.
How to signup, the rules and the mappool can be found here

A lot of teams asked me if we have some prizes.
Yes we have...honour.
Just to let you know that we got some sponsors for prizes, but they want so see some Cups before we get some prizes :-)

So signup, checkin and play.

And now start flaming about German EnemyTerritory-Liga but first read the Cuprules and stuff, it's in english :)

Radar and Battery out, braundorf_b4 in.
update 2
Cup is over, was nice to play.
#1 - murso with twidi, chmpje, flz and murso
#2 - roudies with drago, gifty, con and swine

We didnt played the place 3 cause teams left.
Thanks and gg to all teams, special thanks goes to twidi <3
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