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HighBot.et is back in buisness under Royality.

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HighBot.et is back! After some changes we decided to play together again.

It was a shock for the team after 8 weeks of hard work to drop out in the qualification for the Eurocup.

But the time is ripe to begin afresh and the team around fireBall got an offer by royality, which is a very lucrative clan.
The old team gets support from 2 very known players.

After one year of break Raqtor and the little more known player sacctji, who was the leader of team.de and played for kojak, are playing for the team again.

Royality.et is going to participate in the Opencup in Group E and will fight against Clans like KKP , WoW , and Razer.
Furthermore they will play in Warleagues Premier League and take part in some Cups.

The old Highbot.et team, which is now playing for royality, consits of:

Turkey roYality | fireBall (C) (HighBot)
Russia roYality | humM3L (HighBot)
Germany roYality | haZer (HighBot)
Germany roYality | jiggy (HighBot)
Netherlands roYality | sacctji (Kojak.et)
Poland roYality | z3R0 (HighBot)

You can contact them in #rY.et @ quakenet. They are searching no new players and its invite only.

roYality eSports

Statement by Manager humM3L:

Quote I'm very proud to play with HB.et again.
We aim to place as high as possible in this OpenCup and to try and get an invite to the next EuroCup.
This is our main objective at the moment.
Other goals we have include staying in the Premium League and to try and win some other cups on the way.
I dont think its a shame not to be in th EC and I doubt that we are still an underdog.
I hope our two new players will settle fast and that we can provide some surprises in the future.

logitech vs eSr (After the win of eSrael)


STARs.et goes HighBot



After a long time of inactivity of the Highbot ET Squad, who played as Czech RepublicSingularity before they joined the Highbot Clan, the Team leader and the Highbot management decided that its better for the Highbot Clan if the ET Team would leave the Clan.

Right after the Counterstrike 1.6 Squad left the Clan also.

Now EuropeHighbot is supporting only two games for the future.

The new ET Squad is also known as EuropeSTAR.et

The founder of that Team are also the founder of Highbot, which is another reason, why STAR.et is now known as Highbot.et.

The team STAR.et is playing since 5 weeks now, so it's not one of the 2 week teams , we are aiming to go one better and of course we are aiming for a place near the top teams of europe.

With the following lineup , we try to reach our goals !

Team Cpt.

Turkey fireBall (eX STARs.et)


Germany django (eX STARs.et)
Russia freezer (eX STARs.et)
Germany haZer (eX STARs.et)
Russia humM3L (eX STARs.et)
Poland seya (eX STARs.et)
Netherlands Lux (eX STARs.et)
Germany ketura (eX STARs.et)

We reached the 3 place in the last #et-cup (the 3 days cup) and we reached the 2 place in the last #et.gather.cup .

Agony † Realm is back in buisness !

image: 2-newsite

Since the return of the motivation and a nice talk to the Italy A+R management the team decided to relive Agony Realm.ET.

If you were watching us the last few weeks you would know that we were preparing ourselves as Europe #Star.et. But the main training-phase starts now as AgonyRealm. We will try to give the best for the clan.

With Captain fireBall as leader we present you the new Europe A+R.et Lineup:

Turkey fireBall (C) (HighBot)

Russia freezer (GaB & HighBot)
Russia guezz (u96d & Helix)
Russia humM3L (Remedium & Sprd)
Germany jiggy (Angeldust & xSp)
Germany criatura (TFW & Ultimate)
Germany ketura (Old Ultimate)
Netherlands Lux (HighBot)

Statement from Turkey fireBall :

I'm very confident and think that Agony Realm will be the right place for the new ET-squad.
Special thanks to A+R. Nice to be with you.

You can download the A+R Lineup Trailer

[/b] http://g33k0rs.de/download/A+R.avi [/b]

You can find the us in #AgonyRealm Thx for your time.

The Russian Federation fight back at the Nations Cup.

image: 6faa80

We are proud to be able to play in the NC anyways. The lineup of Team Russia is filled with energy and power and will give everything under the leadership of psycHozz & officer. As soon as possible the team will try to earn some victories for its country.

And now the Lineup of the colder part in Europe!


Russia psycHozz (Team Zenith)
Russia officer (Pistols)


Russia iNz (old rtcw idle.ee)
Russia humM3L (HighBot)
Russia Wiser (x3.et)
Russia ilL (Team Zenith)
Russia agnosis (x3.et)


Russia slaw (pistols)
Russia elfa (eSrael)

Homepage www.team-russia.ru
Quakenet @ #et.ru
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