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Battle of North America

For those who does not have anything better to do tonight at 3:00 CET, you will have the opportunity to watch the battle between United States and Canada. It is a battle of who will reign supreme in the North American continent, and who gets to flame who on the ET-center forum.

So far there has only been published one ETTV server for this match, but hopefully there will come more (me waves at GTV.org). The lineup of the Canadian forces has already been announced; a team that attended the 5v5 one-day cup just a week ago. The team to defend the honour of USA is a mix of players from different clans, it is however not linked with NationsCup team.

United States of America Team USA 2 4 Team Canada Canada
Time: Monday 23/10 9:00 PM EST (Tuesday 24/10 03:00 CET)
Maps: Fueldump, Crevasse_b2
ETTV: GamesTV.org

USA lineup:
United States of America sponge (c)
United States of America Blue
United States of America threebs
United States of America vader
United States of America eclipse
United States of America matt
United States of America paul

Canada lineup:
Canada Blazen (c)
Canada Animal
Canada Redzone
Canada Trapt
Canada Vegetable
Canada Boi

I was just told by sponge from TWL, who is the organizer of the match, that the game has been delayed to tomorrow. He also told me that he is the captain and which players will be playing for Team USA.

- ET-center

The witch hunt continues

Not long ago the ET-player United Kingdom razz was permanently banned from both ClanBase and WarLeagues activities. The witch hunt for cheaters has ever since continued on the European Enemy Territory scene; people crying out Cheat!!!111... left and right; of course some being busted for cheating.

Now the activity has moved on to the mother of ET, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, as the player Sweden bhstyle[niggah]/nackjee was banned from WarLeagues today, with the following statement from WL:

QuoteWe do not tolerate anyone that cheats and if you do you will eventually be caught red handed. bhstyle[niggah]/nack was busted for .dll mismatching and he is guid is now currently banned on warleagues and all PBBANS streamed servers.

And further on it continues:
QuoteRemember - Cheating will not be tolerated and we will hunt you down if you do so. We are on an aggressive lookout for cheating clans/players. We have a zero tolerance limit for cheaters and no-one that is using any kind of cheat should feel safe, because we will come for you!

There has been several journals and columns lately on Crossfire about cheating, which might lead to the questions: When will this witch hunt end? And will it ever end?

- WarLeagues.

Played.ET in English

In the fall of 2004 Played.dk launched their Enemy Territory section of the site, since then all the news was written in Danish, till today. This will be marked in the history books, because from now on all Enemy Territory news posts will be written in English.

It might sound strange that a Danish eSports site will start writing news in English, but we think that Played.dk has such a great community that it would be a shame not to give it one more chance, to be used by the Enemy Territory community.

You might be frightened by the fact that the site is mostly in Danish and this is why we have made a simple guide on how to use the site. Another way to avoid that much Danish input is to enter the page at address ET.Played.dk instead of Played.dk, this way you will only get the Enemy Territory content.

The first news post in English is already made; a wrap up of the NationsCup playoffs.

- Played.ET in English
- Guide for English speaking users
- NC IX: Group phase ended

The mighty viking squad of Denmark

image: dknc0at

Year 1219 AD.:
Quote"King Valdemar II Sejr conquers northern Estonia. According to the legend, the Danish flag "Dannebrogen" fell down from the sky during this mission. The Dannebrog is the oldest flag in the world still in use. All Nordic flags except the Greenland flag are variations of the Dannebrog."

Enough with the history leasons...

The danish national team is ready to kick ass and chew bubble-gum, but we're all out of bubble-gum! The lineup will be featuring some grumpy old men, who would probably be better of sitting on a bench in the park, waving their cane angrily at passing youths.

Denmark Arachon (c) - (The Killer Bunnies)
Denmark Ankel (ex-rewind/dignitas)
Denmark BlazZ (World source Fighters)
Denmark Darkie (ex-rewind/dignitas)
Denmark Exquizit (uNtried)
Denmark frode (uNtried)
Denmark gyzr (uNtried)
Denmark JH (signum)
Denmark Kark (uNtried)
Denmark oBs (ex-pstarZ)
Denmark Pelle (memento mori)
Denmark SqueeZe (Waves Form)

We hope that we are able to make some major upsets during the entire season of ClanBase NationsCup. Who ever thinks different will be brutally raped by ze mighty vikings of ze north :)

- NC.EnemyTerritory.dk
- #ET.dk

uNtried 3rd generation

It is a happy day in the danish ET community because the third generation of uNtried is here. For the first time in a long while there is a pure danish team with potential to become great. For those who do not know uNtried, you should check the first OpenCup in EnemyTerritory

It is the recently reopened danish clan deLicta who has taken the rather big task of living up to the reputation of the first generation of uNtried. As some might now, the second generation team was a bit of a failure, due to the "WoW fever".

The lineup of the third generation of uNtried is:

Denmark Exalon
Denmark Flick
Denmark Exquizit
Denmark Deggy
Denmark Gyzr
Denmark Kark
Denmark Hein
Denmark Jetz

It is nice for the danish ET community to finally have a bit of activity again and rumour has it that another danish clan maybe will return again. There is an interview at ET.played.dk, in danish though.

- Interview (in danish)
- #uNtried

The final defeat

Tonight the ET-section of the Norwegian multigaming clan Instant Defeat announced their retirement. It was the clan that during the spring and summer set their mark on the European Enemy Territory scene. The highest point might have been when they placed second in their group in the toFOUR, only defeated by splashDamage; they were however stopped in the quarterfinal by Kreaturen.

When the invitations for this season of ClanBase EuroCup was announced, id.no was amongst the 8 clans who got a direct invitation to the V.I.P. room.

The final lineup of id.no was:
Germany meTal
Germany biqq
Germany viol
Germany evil
Germany porno
Germany drago

I got a hold of biqq for a short interview about the decision and the future of the team, here is a short copy/paste of that interview:
QuoteSo even though many might think this, it had nothing to with the fact that you lost your 3 matches in the EuroCup?
No of course not. We all have a life behind the game and some the members are almost 30 years old, and this is the time where they think about a life without computer.

You can read the entire interview over at ET.Played.dk.
- Instant Defeat
- ET.Played.dk
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