Warleagues Season VIII (UPDATE)

image: wl2icon

Now it's time to announce it, the FIRST ET tourney for wl2!

After the little delay, we got our beta-website online. And now we are ready to give you that what you have waited for a really long time; the Warleagues Season VIII!

Maplist change!

So after we got some discussion up about Karsiah_TE2, we decided to remove it from the maplist, and replace it with sw_Oasis_b3.


- Rules are really much based on the old rulesets, but more detailed ruleset will be announced on our website later.


- Supply
- sw_Goldrush_TE
- Radar
- Bremen_B2
- Spelical Delivery TE
- sw_Oasis_B3

Warleagues2 Release!

image: wl2iconYou can hear it knocking behind your door, Warleagues2 release!

The release will happen at 25th of may (Sunday) MIDNIGHT on Warleagues2 website!


» A new League and Cup system
» Warleagues is in partnership with pbbans
» A brand new layout
» A new forum for team and member searches
» Write and publish your own news on warleagues.com
» Clan admins can administrate their squads and manage the roles of their clan members
» Take part in a season or cup with your team
» A fully automated sheduling and result report system will be present
» View your result history and archived seasons
» Request GameTV for your match
» Write reports to each match
» Report Abuses
» New admins