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ET: Quake Wars demo release date confirmed!

The demo version of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars will be released on the 10th of September - in under a week!

A press release with more info will be released later according to ET: Quake Wars community manager Badman. The release date is quite surprising, as Splash Damage earlier announced that the demo would be release mid-September.

I will update the newspost when the press release is published and more information is available.

Source: http://community.enemyterritory.com/forums/showpost.php?p=121857&postcount=49

The strogg are coming! .."soon-ish"*

image: 76933The upcoming successor to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is now in the earlier announced open beta stage of testing. This is the part where regular people (some say about 50.000) get the chance to try, test and give feedback on the game, to get rid of the last load of bugs before release. The open beta will be hosted by Fileplanet.com and it is not clear if it will be subscribers only.

The open beta will probably not be identical and not have the same features as the ongoing closed beta. (That also features clans) There is no info at this time about whether or not this beta will make it possible for clans to scrim. Info from people being able to download the open beta earlier than planned (but not play), say it contains the map Sewer.

Official announcement
QuoteWhat I can confirm at this point is that the Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Public Beta is definitely coming. I do not have a final date at the moment, but the groundwork is obviously being laid for the thing to roll out soon-ish.

We will have much more on the ETQW public beta in the near future, laying out our plans for the beta and how you can participate.

Stay tuned...

You can read the whole announcement and the following discussion on the official ET: QW community site here, see the system requirements for the open beta here and sometime 'soon-ish' download the beta from Fileplanet here.
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