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Team Iceland kicked out of NC!

image: 2h4cj8h
image: 347hh5e

Over at ClanBase, the NC Crew and myself published this statement:

QuoteAfter a lot of suspicion surrounding these player we have reviewed the last NC match and it has come to our attention that Iceland fifty was cheating in the match between Iceland Iceland and France France.

The player will be met with a 12 month ban and cost his team a disqualification from this season, due to already having players with a cheating past and also cheating accusations during this whole season aswell, I think you all know who I'm talking about. We were also informed that Team Iceland knew all along, but still decided to play alongside him to have a better chance on winning.

In both EC and NC, in prior seasons we have always made it a point cheating is strictly forbidden and clans will get punished whenever a player is caught cheating during an official match.

Matchlink: http://www.gamestv.org/event/17209-france-vs-iceland/
Request the match here: http://www.gamestv.org/match/replay/17209-france-vs-iceland/

NC XIII - Play Off Menace

image: 2h4cj8h
image: 347hh5e

With the Play Offs being full underway, we're at the last straw of the First Round. After all the CiC7 ashes we've already seen Netherlands Netherlands, Estonia Estonia, United Kingdom United Kingdom, France France, Poland Poland and Finland Finland moving forward in the Winner's Bracket at the expense of their opponents. That leaves only 4 Nations to decide which 2 may continue on in the bracket and which two will have to hold on their last straws in the Loser's Bracket!

Tonight, one of these games will be played between Belgium Belgium and Croatia Croatia. Both teams having succesfull season's of participation in the NC behind them. Neither of them, however, managed to get the gold in the NC before, but both did get close. Croatia Croatia did this by a 3rd place last season, while Belgium Belgium grabbed the 2nd place at NC X and got the 4th place 2 times as well. With this in mind we can expect the teams to give their all for this game to ensure that they can continue in the Winner's Bracket and get as fast as they can to the next round, ready to surpass their previous achievements!

Croatia Team Croatia

Croatia calisto
Croatia komar
Croatia gmx
Croatia danL
Croatia frozz

Belgium Team Belgium

Belgium siL
Belgium Jere
Belgium Kevin
Belgium mAus
Belgium insenXL
Belgium vila
image: s_border_short
image: game17183

Not Announced

21:30 CET

Quote by AnacondaNo statement released yet

Quote by suVi No statement released yet

1stCav picks Devilry

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One of the most outstanding Polish gaming has just recruited a couple of soldiers that don't have cold feet. The decency of that organisation tells its own tale when you hear that they are able to offer full lan support, online support and money for a good performance in the most prestigeous online tournaments. Poland 1stCav eSport Club has decided to play a key role on Enemy Territory scene. Their brand new team is known for being consequent, stable and skilled. Poland Devilry will now appear as Poland 1stCav eSport Club's Enemy Territory team consisting of:
  • Poland Boski
  • Poland miks
  • Poland errol
  • Poland Dolar
  • Poland voiler

  • PolandHomer

ET LAN in Denmark (Update)

There are plans in the making for a LAN event in Denmark featuring Enemy Territory and Call of Duty 4. I was asked by the organizers to get a feedback on general interest by the community espacially the ET scene, hence this post. To give you more information about the event here is a list of facts.
  • Name: TBA
  • Date: October 15-17, 2010
  • Location: Aalborg, Denmark (Click)
  • Prize purse: €5.000
  • Entry fees: No exact fee determined yet but not more than CiC7
  • Structure: Groupstage + Double Elimination
  • Accomodation: Discount at a nearby Hotel (cheaper than the CiC7 bunkers)
  • Travel: Train, Car, (Plane)
  • Conditions: At least 10 ET teams needed to make it happen

The event is aimed to be more of a community event rather than being a pure competition tournament. To go more into detail with the prize ditribution, it will be different to what we know from CiC7 for example. For each win a team will receive a special amount of money. The first two teams of a group get money as well as any winner of a play-off match. The total prize money is variable as more attending teams mean more prize money. About the accomodation I was told that the hotel is about 2km away from the venue and busses are driving each 15 minutes. Regarding the train travellers, there is a special train taking off from Hamburg dedicated for this event where the players will recive 20% discount on the trainticket.

Reason Pick Up Lookzor & Say Goodbye To Revoltz

image: reason_banner

The runners-up of the Call of Duty 4 tournament at the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 which took place last weekend, Reason Gaming, have picked up Jason "lookzor" Perez O'Connor. Jason will play along side his brother Danny "SoCLoN" Perez O'Connor.

Whilst this is a good thing for the team, they will obviously be sad to see Tim "revoltz" Denton say goodbye to them due to him stepping down from competitive gaming.

ESL EMS signups end soon!

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The ESL has given Enemy Territory another ESL Major Series season to prove itself being a professional and highly competitive community. Due to great admin work and improved activity numbers at the European ET section, the ESL improved the prize money by €250 making it €750 cash in total for EMS season six. With that ET gets the same amount of money as eSports disciplines like DotA, TF2 and DoD:S.

Nevertheless the signup numbers have been a shame for our community so far. 50 teams have signed up for either the Spring season or the Major Series (signups close on March 20th). The EMS is what people from outside our community look at to see what teams are top contenders of the game (next to the EuroCup) and is almost everywhere seen to be more important than EC for example. The ClanBase EuroCup has a long lasting history within ET though and is something that simply belongs to it eventhough the level of professionality has decreased year by year remembering there where LAN finals and the elite of any game present in the past. The OC/EC season can already be seen as a success by taking the age of our game into consideration, as there are almost 200 teams signed up so far.

CB 5v5 WinterCup Playoffs

image: cb-goldorak2

The Playoff trees for the CB ET 5vs5 Winter Hosted Cup have been generated and first matches have been set.
For playoffs there will be no wildcards.
For the Quarter Finals all the maps are forced, except for the decider map chosen from mappool by cointoss + map elimination.
Please report your scores with screenshots via email: [email protected] or to admin via IRC or PM's.

3 Days Left HoN Tournament

Teamoxid, in cooperation with own3d.tv and Team-Rockit, are proud to announce the first 3 Days Left HoN Tournament!

image: hon
Bring it on and pick your heroes! Teamoxid just announced their first out of many Heroes of Newerth tournaments to decide the rising champion in the European scene. While the guys over the oceans and all those dreamhack attendees can be happy about the support S2 Games offers, there are not many tournaments to play day by day in Europe. A new opportunity for you to bring your competitive feelings up is the Teamoxid 3 Days Left HoN Tournament. Even though Teamoxid did not announce any prize pool or hardware to be won you can be sure that this is just the first out of many tournaments and therefor you can expect prizes coming sooner or later but not for this time.

If your team does not focus on winning prizes only but you want to present yourself to others you should take your chance to be broadcasted live on own3d.tv - Also, our coverage partner will add reviews and reports on their website.

ET Portuguese lan ends

image: lan3

The Portuguese lan came to an end after a good day of great fellowship.

Exotic-Island - setupj, otaku, tytsuco, wht and slapper. 150euros
Bombar - sexyhot, proxy, bliser, surreal and arto. 50euros
Euphoria - shiva, taker, kira, rahzel and amnesia. GameServer

It was a great day and a fantastic Exotic-Island team performance. Exotic-Island won all their games without lose a single round.

SteelSeries eSports Challenge

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SteelSeries have just announced a potentially massive LAN in Copenhagen, Denmark which will be run in conjunction with up & coming COD4 gaming association Vita Nova.

The tournament will cost €350 to enter a team (of 5 players) & the prizepot will be €10,000, providing 32 teams sign up. Prizes are as follows:

4th €500
5-8th €250

The event will take place between 30th of April until 2nd of May this year at Cop3nhag3nRobot in Copenhagen, Denmark. If you want to go just to watch, it's free. Signups & ticket sales will be available from 17th March.

Useful Links:
eSports Challenge Homepage
Vita Nova Homepage
Tek-9 Newspost
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