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junk52 presents QW

Today Junk52 Theatre is proud to present to you their new ET:QW team. After their recent inactivity they felt it was time to get back into E-sports. They decided to rebuild their community and organization, and with the current state of e-sports, an ET:QW team is important! So we contacted Tim "StrykY" Wouters as he was looking for a new team to join. We asked him if he was interested in building a new team for us.

He found this an interesting option and contacted some players to see what was possible. After several weeks of recruiting / trialling several players - he found players from the W:ET scene as-well as from the BF scene. He decided that this would be the best line-up.

So without further waiting we present to you Junk52.ETQW

Netherlands Tim "StrykY" Wouters - Team Captain
Belgium Bart "Jaede" Van Remortele (ex hMg)
Sweden Martin "dohfOs" Lunden (ex hMg)
Sweden Erik "Guru" (ex hMg)
Denmark Mike "Dranzer" Bysing (ex xGx)
Germany Sebastian "asmogan" Jenke (ex TIER)

QuoteI would like to thank Junk52|Liame for inviting me to junk52 to create this new line-up. It took a while before i managed to create a line-up witch will fit the requirements of Junk52. But with this line-up i think i managed to pull this off. We will do our very best to win as much as we can. Our aim is to belong with the best of Europe. I would like to thank the junk52 organization once more for backing us up with the support we need!

QuoteAfter the new reorganization of junk, we had a hard way of going. We needed new managers and teams - also alot of motivation. As the motivation was born, we got new managers, new stuff at least new teams. Now junk52 can say that we are a brand and a professional multigaming clan. We are very glad about the new etqw players. They are very kind and skilled guys. We`re looking optimistically in the future a big "thank you" to stryky, asmogan, guru, jaede, dohfOs, dranzer.

Source: Junk52

GIGA on Quakewars

At Games Convention in Leipzig, visitors were able to play a new version of Enemy Territory Quake Wars, including a brand new map. GIGA took the opportunity to play the game and conduct an interview with Paul "Locki" Wedgwood, founder and owner of Splash Damage.

The new map is called Island and is located on Reversion Island in the South Pacific. The map was developed by RTCW veterans Nerve and, compared to Valley, is smaller and has less focus on vehicles. The following objectives have to be completed on the map:

1) Build the generator
2) Detonate the safe room door
3) Get the data disk and escort it to the extraction point

Before we started to play, we did an interview with Paul Wedgwood about QuakeWars;

Interview with Paul Wedgwood

ETTV Sunday Special

The Summer season usually signifies a cool down in competitive play, a time for holidays and experiments within the map pool and configs. But tonight sees the return of the big guns, as preparations intensify for next months CDC 3.

Since their lackluster performance at the CPC 2 back in April, dignitas have had a torrid time, plagued by roster changes and an inability to consistently perform they've yet to find their grove. Out goes the final few remnants of the legendary u96d team [Night, r3vers & sol] - in comes long time standin kot & former Parodia favourite Jauhis, taking their potision in the starting 6. It will be interesting to see how JaKaZc copes playing the role as primary rifle engie.

Could the excellent acquisition of Finland Jauhis bring about the return of dignitas dominance?

ET-Cup Group D
United Kingdom Germany senji
Germany urtier
Finland Jauhis
Estonia Reload
Poland kot
Slovenia JaKaZc
4-0 Europe Switzerland DabSter
Belgium Kevin
Netherlands ovie
Switzerland ReavEr
Belgium spiROZE
Belgium Worm

Time - 20:45 CET
ETTV - http://www.gamestv.org/war.php?wid=3163
Shoutcast - QuadV Mashed

Next up in Group A CDC destined finest take on the groups frag bait tacky. A must win match for both teams if they've any aspiration of making it out of the group stages.

ET-Cup Group A
Belgium Netherlands abort
Belgium acid
Netherlands aphesia
Belgium lio
Belgium vila
Belgium zeto
4-0 Europe Norway Lakaii
Norway Kris
United Kingdom miXer
United Kingdom matz
Sweden kiitos
Sweden crajsor

Time - 20:00 CET
ETTV - http://www.gamestv.org/war.php?wid=3161

And saving the best till last, GamesTV bring you their rather self-indulgent [newbs] Nationscup. Tonight sees ze Germans take on Belgium.

Gamestv Nationscup Group B
Germany Germany Skydriver
Germany scowl
Germany mUnduS
Germany Trubel
Germany sHiZo
Germany skooli
4-2 Belgium Belgium Snake
Belgium xarQi
Belgium heretic
Belgium kiss
Belgium Anaconda
Belgium realteK

Time - 21:00 CET
ETTV - http://www.gamestv.org/war.php?wid=3143
Shoutcast - TGS bozz

Spaces available at CDC3

After a phrantic day of messaging, emailing and iRC fun the CDC payment deadline has all but passed. We've lost some players in all tournaments however in some tournaments we were more than pleased with the turnout.

image: signups_et
Tournament Status; 22/24 Teams

22 teams have either paid, their payment is processing or have provided other proof that they are attending the event in September. This leaves us with Identical and egoboyz that have been unable to provide necessary intent of attendance and we've had to draw the line today. Both of their spaces are now insecure and any team wishing to attend should mail [email protected] if they want their spot. Identical and sFx will be given priority should their situations change. However we have to fill our tournament if and where possible.

image: signups_wsw
Tournament Status; 18/24

We've had a significant number of drop outs over the past 24 hours and have lost 6 players without any replacement. We have not been able to contact all the players who have not paid and therefore are potentially expecting this number to fall further. If it falls by 2 we'll have a 16 player tournament, otherwise we'll have to be creative with a tournament structure for an unusual number. A drop in tournament size will have an impact on the prizepurse.

image: signups_cpm
Tournament Status; 7/12

We've been unable to contact and chase a number of players for their spot and find out their plans. At the moment we definitely have one spot available here, however this number could rise.

To those concerned at the drop outs, dont be. This is why we have payment deadlines so we can get replacements. We've a month to go until the action kicks off in Enschede and anyone wishing to fill a vacant spot should email [email protected] - If anyone is in contact with the following people, please direct them to Crossfire

TWK unmasks

image: news16kz0After 2 years since the release of my first Enemy Territory movie - superboyy puran - I've finally finished my second big project.

This movie is about our 3on3 fun clan called The Wolfenstein Killers. Since we played under other aliases, and I had just finished my first movie, which got a great response, I've decided that presenting TWK with a movie would be a nice introduction to those who dont know who we are yet (yawn ruined the surprise a bit tho:P ). Frags used in the movie are from 3on3 practice matches, many are from official wars. The whole idea of creating a new movie, was too give something fresh to the community, a movie that wouldnt get lost in the sea of movies we're getting today. I came up with many new effect and sync ideas that were never seen in an Enemy Territory fragmovie before. Hope you enjoy.

TWK was founded in june 2004. The funny (killer[pl] style) name originates from a slovenian clan that was full of 13 years old kids, who thought they were the new RaZieL of ET, but when it came to an official war, they couldnt get to either ammo rack on goldrush as allies. Some of the player names were taken after those players, some were made up. The main intention of TWK was to blow off some steam while playing (trash talking, insulting, laughing at the opponents when we won :P), some opponents found it funny, which was the original intention - fun, some found it offensive and quit after 1 map. After a few days of practice matches, and not a single lost round, we decided to play a bit more seriously, and started to participate in european 3on3 ladder on clanbase. The 1st lineup was mostly me and jakazc with a swaping 3rd (ravenous, c0ld, illy-ya, em0rej, dAv1d). In a little over 2 years of activity we were holding #1 for over 10 months in total time. The main reason for quiting the ladder and other competitions was RL obligations and ofcourse the constant rise of cheaters, which is a well known problem in ET today.

I started to work in august 2005. I was determined that i would have a lot of cameras in my movie, since that was the trend of most of the movies. At that time Camtrace3D wasnt "public" yet, so the only choice i had was GTK radiant. To finish drawing that intro curve, and all the look options took me about 5 hours, getting it synced took me twice that much. Everyone who uses ct3d on the newest patch of ET knows that exec_at_time and .cfg camera make the execution pretty much automatic. .camera file doesn't know anything like camera_at_time. And in addition to that the scene with us on top of that builing was recorded in warmup. Meaning no roundtimer, which left me with a stopwatch in my hand. After i finished the intro i lost my motivation for the project, since i spent about 50 hours total working on it. As soon as i learned about ct3d i grabed it and harassed gg67, the creator of ct3d, ever since. The next greater problem occured when i was working on the camera on goldrush where illy-ya killes the allies coming from command post. Here showed one of the weaknesses of ct3d scripted cameras: fps does matter. The difference betweed previewed and recorded take was too big. Mostly because ET cant stay locked too 50 fps at 1600x1200, even with a high end PC. The best case scenario is fps jumping from 48 to 50 or even worse, which makes a difference of 4% or more compared to te recorded clip. With a .camera there were no such problems, and you could record with any fps while using the same .camera, in ct3d you need a new .cfg every time you want to try a different fps. I usually previewed the ct3d camera a few times without recording, and then started to record, and adjust every little detail , which required another record after the change - very time consuming, but effective (i was hoping chaplja could include a "cant write to disk: full" option in his upcoming moviemaking hack, which would speed camera making for about 100% - faster "recording" preview, no need to delete files). I spent countless hours making cameras, then i made ET:Q3 for the crossfire competition, and when i saw q3mme, i was amazed by the camera making tool, not to mention tons of other extra stuff. Going back on ct3d was hard, but with the experience i had the things didnt move that slow. By summer 2006 i only finished about 2-3 minutes of the movie, and with the upcoming year at uni, i had doubts about ever releasing this movie. Untill june 2007 the projects wasnt moving very fast, that was until about 6 weeks ago when i really got into the zone again, and rushed with editing and capturing, which resulted in about 8-9 minutes of the movie and the completion of another big project.

I might write a few tutorials (advanced caming, or some of the effects), if many ppl are interested in it, but please dont expect me to answer every single pm concerning basic stuff.

More info about the movie and download links in the movies section.

Dignitas confirm Jauhis capture

image: about_logoshgOpen champions Dignitas today confirmed their roster for the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 3 by picking up Finnish star Finland Jauhis.

Jauhis had missed out on earlier Challenge editions due to his military service however made a recent comeback to the scene. His name had been linked with a number of attending teams including SRP and sFx.Egoboys however today he ended speculation and signed with the multigaming giants. He will replace Ireland sol for the event who is unable to attend the event due to other commitments.

Quote by JauhisDignitas offered me a great chance to play again on the top level and I just couldn't refuse it. All in all we got a great group of talented players who understand the meaning of teamplay in this game. I'm excited to go to CDC 3 with these guys and expect us to do well.

Jauhis brings Eurocup winning experience from his time in Parodia and with it a massive reputation and fanbase. Fans will have their first chance to see Jauhis in Dignitas colours this week as ET-CUP 30 gets underway.

Germany urtier
Germany senji
Estonia Reload
Slovenia Jakazc
Poland kot
Finland Jauhis

:: Source

Quake3 and ET map pools!

After deliberation and careful thought the map pools for ET and Quake3 have been announced. There arent any major surprises however some ET fans might be surprised on one inclusion;

Quake 3 CPM: cpm1a, cpm3a, cpm15, cpm22, cpm24

Enemy Teritory: Radar, sw_Goldrush, Bremen (version tbc), Supply Depot, Adlernest

For those in ET surprised that Adlernest was chosen over the qualifier map Braundorf, we went with 2 escort maps, 1 escort & objective & 2 document maps to even the pool. The ET tournament will be played on the same Crossfire Config of CPC2 which means there is no MG42.

Warsow fans can expect a major update as soon as ETR returns!

ET-Cup Groups announced!

The 30th edition of the ET-Cup is about to start this sunday with it's first match, and therefor we have to announce the groups first! The cup consists of 16 teams who will all play atleast 3 group matches in the hope to pass trough to the playoffs.

¬ Group A :
Uruguay Superretardedplayers
Belgium #Finest
Norway tacky
Europe HardMethod-gaming

Superretardedplayers vs. HardMethod-gaming
tacky vs. #Finest

¬ Group B :
Europe n1ce.et
Germany Highbot
United Kingdom Aim on Head
Poland SkillZ

n1ce.et vs. Aim on Head
SkillZ vs. Highbot

i3D Cup Knockout Stages Begin!

image: i3d

The group stages of the i3d.net cup have concluded, with no real surprises in the qualifiers, other than a few notable absentees from the knockout stages due to inactivity and the death of some teams. With Sweden Kompaniet going inactive, and Europe lolicon and Europe Team Ninja dying, the right side of the bracket seems weaker than it otherwise would have been. Germany Cause should see an easy route to the semi-final, where they will meet the winner of what many are saying should be the grand final, the quarter final match between Denmark Copenhagen eSport and the winner of Europe Team Dignitas and Italy R!oT Gamers. On the right side, Europe The Last Resort will fancy their chances, although Spain Team Exilium,Germany Team Helix and the winner of the match between Sweden Xtreme Gaming Xperience and the out of practise Germany u14 will all be looking to stop them.

Knockout Round 1[/b]]
Denmark Copenhagen eSport [1:0] Germany n3rd
Europe Team Dignitas [0:0] Italy R!oT.it
Germany Cause [1:0] Russia retroactive
Germany Pain is Coming [0:0] United Kingdom Infused Gaming
Poland Team Delta [0:0] Germany Team Helix
Sweden Xtreme Gaming Xperience [0:0] Germany u14
Spain Team Exilium [0:0] Finland Afterlife
Europe The Last Resort [4:0] Germany Stofftier

Cup Page

CDC Teams Update

Due to some dropouts and changes in certain teams rosters a few places have become available for CDC3 in the ET competition, aswell as 1 in the Warsow competition. The following ET teams are out or invited;

- Netherlands artificial gaming
- Poland Redsky
- Italy ec4

+ Finland iHERo
+ Czech Republic cZk
+ Netherlands MAZZ
+ Europe Dark & Beyond
+ Finland CDAP Identical
+ Netherlands hardgaming

Final Qualifier;

Netherlands Brother Lan vs Europe sFx EGO

The replacement player for Warsow will be contacted when ETR returns

Newly Invited teams should read this post and contact TosspoT if they have any payment scheduling problems.

There is unfortunately the eventuality that at least one more team might drop out, and in this case another spot will become available. If you wish to be considered for any space that may be considered please mail [email protected] with your team and information.
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