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Quakecon to feature Wolfestein News

ID Software today confirmed to IGN that there would be more news released regarding the upcoming Wolfenstein title at this years Quakecon. Whilst talking at great length about their new texture platform and game engine there were snippets of interest for the Crossfire player in this interview:

QuoteIGN: How is Wolfenstein coming along?

Tim Willits: Kevin Cloud could probably answer this a tiny bit better but as you know Raven are a AAA company. We've tried to do things in the game that is different from Return to Castle Wolfenstein, that expands the Wolfenstein universe and adds some play variety. Gamers nowadays want more, they want broader, they want wider choices and we're really trying to, without saying too much, make the game different and make something that people haven't played before on id technology.

IGN: Do you know when the first time that you'll be showing this publicly?

Tim Willits: Well we'll have more to talk about at QuakeCon but I can't tell you exactly. It's a long ways out. It's not as much my thing so I'm not too sure what the exact plans are for QuakeCon.

You can read the full article Here and can rest assured that Crossfire will be at Quakecon to bring you whatever is revealed!

etQcup heating up!

Tonight plays witness to the Cadre etQcup Lower Bracket semifinal, pitting together two teams of undoubted calibre in a match devoid of any saftey nets or second chances. Europe TLR will face Europe Evolve Gaming for the right to play Lower Bracket finalists Finland Insignia Cadre, and go one step closer to that elusive grand final against United Kingdom Dignitas, where a prizepool of 1000euros awaits the winners. But this is still the lower bracket, and so our two teams tonight have some work to do!

image: ae5ec0c842531dc2b736e34c82adf5fc

Europe Evolve Gaming 2-4 The Last Resort United Kingdom
Tonight, 21:00 CET |

TLR: Croatia aCoZz / Belgium mAus / Belgium dAv1d / Spain Winghaven / Poland doktor / Latvia Clown

Evolve: Malta Toxic / Germany butchji / United Kingdom Adacore / United Kingdom razz / Germany snoop / Netherlands AzA

With no ferus in the lineup, despite what Toxic's sense of humour might have you believe, Evolve look to tonight's game as the next logical step on their journey of upwards progress. Speaking earlier today, team captain Toxic said, "We have been building the foundations of the team since September of last year so I'd say its about time [to hit form]. We're still going to stay on our feet and take it game-by-game, as we are in no shape to underestimate anyone; that would lead to defeat. [Regardless], I'm pretty happy with how the team has been doing".

However, tonight's game will provide an ample test for Evolve, who cannot toast their victory over a sleepy Impact side as win of much substance. In losing to Poland Fear Factory in round 4 of the Qcup, the team has shown itself not to be running at capacity. Granted, the roster has experienced significant reshuffle since, balancing Adacore's tactical nouz with butchji's firm punch, complemented in turn by AzA, and razz, who is now starting to bed himself in as a real fundamental rock of the european side. Nevertheless, as the saying goes in cricket, 'catches win matches', just as results draw plaudits. Once senses however, Evolve prioritise progess in this competition, over just winning fans.

Meanwhile, Evolve's opponents United Kingdom The Last Resort are set to deploy a roster tonight which finally resonates with the success enjoyed in Enschede at CPC2. Polish player and LAN-veteran doktor plays in place of syK, a move which could potentially symbolically mark the arrest of a slide which few could have predicted only months earlier. Having emerged with a cheque for 1,500euros and first place at CPC2, TLR failed to convert their self-generated propulsion into continuing dominance. A faultering EuroCup campaign was followed by unconvincing displays such as the etQcup loss to Cadre, and only taking wins against Fear Factory and Europe AuxiliA, opponents that usually TLR would be expecting to beat.

However, doktor's involvement sparks an optimism around the side, an emotion which TLR star dAv1d can feel too: "We are feeling confident taking doktor back in the main lineup. He has proved himself to be very useful in our team, and I hope he will do the same [tonight]". It seems the seeds of change have planted themselves firmly in the gardens of TLR, and little surprise too, if you consider the principle architect of TLR's demise against Cadre, Finnish player Squall, will not be playing for Cadre in the next round, after leaving to join Vicious & Evil.

Previous to that of course, there is the small matter of a Lower Bracket semi-final to contest, with both teams sitting above the prospect of needing just three more wins following tonight to secure the prizemoney. Be sure to tune in via GamesTV, where you will find over 1600 ETTV slots, and six shoutcasters broadcasting in five different languages. Hit "read more" for more detailed viewing info.

etqw.euro Rackage-Cup #1

image: 20036_540_100

As if the number of cups during the beta stage of Enemy Territory - Quake Wars wasn't enough, yet another one popped up earlier today. It's the IRC-channel #etqw.euro together with inquake.de that've launched their invite-only cup involving ETQW's finest. Among those you find clans such as Europe team-dignitas, Europe lolicon, Sweden NINJA and Sweden Team One2 to mention but a few and this one could really become rather interesting. It's a one day cup and the whole thing is to take place this Sunday, the 22nd.

I earlier posted my own translated english version of the etqw.euro Rackage-Cup #1 statement, but later on unHuman, inquake.de-admin, contacted me with the news that they've now released an english announcement, I thought I would update this entire newspost. Other then that you can see that some other things have changed aswell, seeing Europe Team Desire getting replaced by United Kingdom edge and United Kingdom Team imm0rtal. eSports with Germany u14. They've also added a poll to their page where you should toss your vote wether to allow the Tormentor or not during this cup, read on for more information.

Quoteinquake.de, #etqw.euro and Rackage partnered up to bring you a perfectly organized tournement with high-quality matches, superior entertainment and a unique atmosphere. These all is going to take place on sunday, the 22nd of July at 14 PM CET. Oh, let me guess, you still don't know what's going to happen here? It's about time to share the fact that:

inquake.de presents the #etqw.euro Rackage-Cup #1

Right, but that's not going to be "just another" cup, we have something special for you in mind this time. This first edition of the #etqw.euro Rackage-Cup #1 has a special stipulation. Yes, you read it right, this premiere starts as an invited only one. That means, inquake.de sent individual invitations to the best of the best and we are glad to show you the list of clans that are going to participate and as you will see, we have them all.

However, what would be a tournement with top-clans, if there isn't anybody who ensures you full entertainment? Besides high quality matches we also care about the entertainment-factor. Hence, there was no other choice but to contact QuadV/TosspoT in order to make sure this cup gets one of the best shoutcasters out there and to give him the oppurtunity to make a mark on that.

ut there is still something missing, yeah - a very important point, namely, the community's influence. First of all, there is nowhere a tournement going on Splashdamage does not care about. They espacially care about ours and the flurry arised when they heared that we are also about to forbid their tormentor. As a result, we decided to set up a poll where all interested players are able to vote whether a tormentor should be allowed or not. This poll finishes at Saturday 23:59 CET and you can find it on our mainpage on the right side.

In order to keep the clans will to win that event, the overall-final will be shown live on television. Giga TV will stream online and live via SAT the final at 23 PM CET. So stay tuned. Rackageservers is a popular serverhost in the United-Kingdom, therefore we are proud to have them as our server-sponsor. They will provide the cup with 8 private servers, thus a troublefree tournement will be warranted. inquake.de will coverage its event. Scores, Details and Informations will be released there and frequently updated.

Germany cause we can
Germany Pain is Coming
Germany u14
Spain Team exilium
Spain wArning!
Europe Beyond Gaming
Europe cZar-Gaming
Europe lolicon
Europe team-dignitas
Poland Logitech.QW
Poland spierdalaj!
Sweden Kompaniet
Sweden NINJA
Sweden Team One2
United Kingdom edge
United Kingdom Power of Greyskull

- ABBA - Stopwatch game mode (20 minutes timelimit)
- six players per team (two substitutes are allowed)
- map: 'Sewer' of course
- maximum of one Cyclops/Titan (no Tormentor)
- every team leader has to stay put in #etqw.euro during the entire cup
- inquake.de-Cup-Admins will administrate every single match
- no ingame spectators are allowed apart from the admins and casters
- the use and abuse of any kind of bugs and/or exploits lead to immediate disqualification

So remember to head over to the inquake.de-page (lower right) and toss your vote in wether the Tormentor will be allowed or not.

etqw.euro Rackage-Cup #1

16500 Euros at CDC3!

image: 58294-cdc3banner
This evening I'm proud to announce the opening of signups for 16500 euros worth of Crossfire tournaments, it is of course none other than the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 3. Below you can find out more detailed information on the tournaments, including formats, prizes, signups, maps and more!

All of the information for the tournament is stored Here which you can access by clicking the CDC logo on the left.

Part 1 – The Community Event - Friday September 21st (12:00 CET) – Sunday September 23rd (19:00 CET)

The goal of Part 1 of the series is to encompass all of the aspects that have made the community and the previous challenges special. Not only will we feature prized tournaments, but we will also be hosting a Barbeque and a prized Poker Night and a quiz night ontop of more fun and games in between! Entry to all tournaments is 50 euros per player.


Enemy Territory 6vs6 – 16 Teams (4000 Euro Prize Purse) – (potential for an expansion, dependant on Quakewars)
To signup to the Enemy Territory tournament, you must complete your clan roster on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected], including a link to your Clan Profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the clan. Teams will first signup, and then an undefined amount of teams will be invited to the tournament with some remaining qualifiers. Invites will be based on players reliability at previous Challenge events as well as the rosters potential skill, proven by previous achievements of individual players and the team itself.

Enemy Territory: Quakewars 6vs6 – 16 Teams (3000 Euro Prize Purse) – (Potential for a smaller tournament, should signups prove small.)
To signup to the Enemy Territory: Quakewars tournament, you must complete your clan roster on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected] , including a link to your Clan Profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the clan. Teams will first signup, and then an undefined amount of teams will be invited to the tournament with some remaining qualifiers. Invites will be based on players reliability at previous Challenge events as well as the rosters potential skill, proven by previous achievements of individual players and the team itself in both Quakewars and other games.

**Note** Do not make travel arrangements for any players until Crossfire emails you to confirm your acceptance to the Quakewars tournament. Crossfire reserves the right to postpone the entire Quakewars tournament should the released version prove to not be LAN ready, this is highly unlikely, however must be considered. This decision will be made as soon as possible.

Warsow 1vs1 – 8 Player QCUP (1000 Euro Prize Purse)
To signup to the Warsow QCUP you must create a user profile on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected], including a link to your user profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the player.
Players will first signup, and then four players will be invited with four spots available via a qualifier. Invites and qualifiers will be determined by previous achievements of the player in both Warsow and other games.

Quake 3 CPM 1vs1 – 8 Player (1000 Euro Prize Purse) – Double Elimination Bracket, Best of 3 maps
To signup to the Quake 3 CPM tournament you must create a user profile on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected], including a link to your user profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the player.
Players will first signup, and once the signup list is ascertained, the decision on invites and whether to run qualifiers will be made. Invites and qualifiers will be determined by previous achievements of the player in both Quake 3 CPM and other games.

Part 2 – Crossfire Devotii Challenge – Friday November 16th (12:00 CET) – Sunday Nov 18th (19:00 CET)

Part 2 features the larger and more pro-orientated tournament, the Call of Duty 2 tournament. Here 6k will be divided amongst the top four teams and RTCW will be the side tournament.

Tournaments: (SIGNUPS ARE OPEN Until October 12th)

Call of Duty 2 – (32 Teams, 5vs5, 6000 Euros Prize Money) (40 Euros entry, per player)
To signup to the Call of Duty 2 tournament, you must complete your clan roster on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected] - including a link to your Clan Profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the clan. Teams will first signup, and then an undefined amount of teams will be invited to the tournament with some remaining qualifiers. Invites will be based on players reliability at previous Challenge events as well as the rosters potential skill, proven by previous achievements of individual players and the team itself.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein QCUP – (8 Teams, 6vs6, 1500 Euros First Prize) (30 Euros entry, per player)
To signup to the Return to Castle Wolfenstein tournament, you must complete your clan roster on Crossfire (here) and mail your application to [email protected] - including a link to your Clan Profile on Crossfire and the primary email and phone number of the clan. Teams will first signup, and then an undefined amount of teams will be invited to the tournament with some remaining qualifiers. Invites will be based on players reliability at previous Challenge events as well as the rosters potential skill, proven by previous achievements of individual players and the team itself in both RTCW & ET.

CB ET:QW Tonight - cZar vs lolicon

image: cb_etqw_betacup_banner

We're entering match night two of the ClanBase Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Beta Cup with tonight 28 teams going toe to toe to ensure promotion. Remember, only the top team of each group qualifies to the knockout stage - so one loss and you're effectivly out.

With that in mind, two titans of ET:QW from two very different scenes will tonight compete in Group E of the Premier League, cast live on TGBF.TV. lolicon are being touted as the superstars of SW2, thorougly grounded in Wolfenstein with their aim based infantry clockings up the kills. Though there's been questions raised as to their ability to adapt to the vehicle format of the competition. cZar are seemingly the perfect counterfoil, comfortably accustomed to the vehicle side of the game thanks to their routes in BF. They're out to prove that BF players can aim too.

Is this match destined for a draw?

Europe lolicon 4:0 Europe cZar

Time: 22:00 CET
Format: SW1 vehicles, SW2 no vehicles
Video Stream: tgbf TheSwede

A word from tonights caster TheSwede

Who do you think will win?

No idea, lolicon is for me pretty unknown. cZar are major old BF2 players all of them, but I don't know if they managed to adapt yet.

cZar are not used to the mission based set, BF2 is all about beeing able to attack multiple ways whereas ET:QW is pretty much A then B then C. As we called "FLag by FLag" so this could be anyones games. However if the lolicon are old ET /WOlf guys i would put my money on them since the last part is all 100% inf on the sewers

45% Czar 55% lolicons then - due to Inf skill. The start (EMP) will be taken by Czar though..

Europe cZar

Norway Athex
United Kingdom Baldrick
Netherlands ILoveYou
United Kingdom sin
Netherlands Tankz0r
Netherlands Wastestuff

Quote by BaldrickLolicon seems to be a strong team, however are very infantry based, which will make StopWatch 2 very difficult for us, especially as we miss 3 of our top infantry, and our tanker due to vacations. Of course we're going into this match with the expectations that we can take a victory, but it certainly won't be easy and will be a close game, maybe even going to a 3rd round.

Europe lolicon

Finland matias
United Kingdom nVc
Germany pumu
United Kingdom hentai
United Kingdom slasheh
Europe tba

Quote by Dignitas SonDacWithout the whine powers of 2easy it will be very hard for czar, lolicon should take it. Czar have half the team on vacation though the remaining team play 24/7, lolicon win in a 3 mapper.

There's also 13 other matches being played tonight, these are:

Sweden Kompaniet 4:0 Germany PiC
Europe dignitas 4:0 Finland ntech
Spain plan9 0:1 United Kingdom agito
Germany gods.inc 1:3 Europe Beyond
Poland FF 2:2 Europe retro
Spain exilium 4:0 Europe Desire
Germany pRo 0:4 Poland spierdalaj!
United Kingdom SKULL vs. Sweden one2
Europe slntm 4:0 Europe 7
Europe TEZC 4:0 Poland vA
Europe KCetqw 1:0 Spain num
Ireland XRay 1:0 Europe x7HVPC

Note: They're still looking for referees

SummerCup sign-ups draw to an end!

Only some mere 12 hours left before the sign-ups for the biggest anticipated ET-event this month, draws to an end.

Tomorrow, saturday 14 July, at 12.00 am the sign-ups for this year's SummerCup will draw to an end and with 114 sign-ups so far it seems we'll do almost as good as last year's edition. If you didn't sign up yet, but are still interested to do so you can do it here.

Today the poll already drew to an end and the 2 maps can't be a suprise to anyone as they were on top of the vote since the start. With respectively 31% and 29.5% it will be Braundorf_b4 and Oasis completing the maplist!
It has been braught to my attention some days ago that Oasis has a small problem with the ClanBase config, so for that map ONLY we will make an exception and use the most recent Euro 6v6 config.

The complete maplist now looks like this:

- Radar
- Oasis
- Supply
- SW_Goldrush_TE
- Braundorf_b4
- Bremen_b2

As I already got a lot of questions about when the Cup exactly would start, I'll mention it here once again:
- Sign-ups are open until Saturday 14 July 12.00 am.
- Groups will be made public Wednesday 18 July.
- Clans can start challenging the other clans from that evening on.
- The 1st matchweek will start on Monday 23 July.

Referees & Writers:[/u]
Such as every ClanBase season, this Summer Cup is no different. Cup admins are an essential part of cup maintenance, and the cup will not function without them. We need admins to referee as many wars as possible and provide good coverage of as much matches as you're able to.
Requirements are:

* Decent knowledge of the English language
* Being able to be active for the duration for the cup
* Good knowledge of the rules
* Being friendly
* A cool head.

Cup admins make a cup, they keep it going and without their support the cup won't be of a high standard. Click here to become an admin.

Visit us at http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?lid=4472

*EDIT: Sign-ups are extended until sunday 15 July 12.00 am !!

overload returns to Enemy Territory

image: oabnettxm3

Today OVERLOAd Gaming is proud to announce a brand new lineup of players competing under its name after the previous team split up. The new lineup is lead by the experienced team captain Netherlands Wesbo who once again introduces a lineup of Dutch top players to the competitive community.

Wesbo is partnering up with his girlfriend and former Morrigu teammate Netherlands Kitty as well as his other former morrigu teammates Netherlands ins and Netherlands spho, next to that he welcomes former k1ck eSports player Netherlands bullvox and last but not least the former hardMethod Gaming player Netherlands modus.

CoD2 Eurocup Advances

image: COD2-3

It's been a while since you heard something of the Call of Duty 2 Eurocup. No wonder though because the tournaments seems to be advancing very slow and we had a short interval with all the CoD2 attention being focused on the WSVG tournament in Dallas, USA.

Currently we're awaiting the Upper Bracket Final between German side SPEEDLINK and the Fins of Logitech.fi. But let's not forget the Lower Bracket where we have seen some surprises already. First of all it was pretty surprising to see both Team Dignitas and TeK-9 in meeting in the first Lower Bracket Round. Two teams who were both present at the WSVG were facing each other and in overtime TeK-9 took the win! The WSVG champions are now facing defusekids in the Lower Bracket Round 2.

The other match in the second Lower Bracket Round is Impact.TCI versus H2k.Qpad. Impact managed to beat eSuba in the first Lower Bracket round and H2k.Qpad dropped after a loss versus Logitech.fi.
image: COD2-4

image: CoD2-2

QuakeWarsLeague Round 1 Recap

image: QWLBanner

Round 1 of the 16 team QuakeWarsLeague.com knockout cup is over, and 8 teams have advanced into the Quarter Finals. Both TGBF.tv and GameTV have been providing coverage of a number of matches, and the results from Round 1 are as follows.

Round 1 Results[/b]]
Finland ntech` 0-2 Finland 4th Rangers
Sweden One2| 2-0 Europe Grievous Angels
Europe dignitas 2-0 Europe te4m.
Germany bioxar 2-0 Finland Venatio
Europe cZar 1-0 Europe tyrn
Europe NINJA 2-0 Germany Pain is Coming
Spain exilium 1-0 Canada Habitual Genocide
Germany cause* 3-1 United Kingdom earthquakers

This gives us the following matches in Round 2, where the competition heats up with a number of big matches. First we see Finland 4th Rangers taking on Sweden One2| in what should be a formality for One2, and the same goes for Europe dignitas as they meet Germany bioxar. Spain Team Exilium have been impressive and should be able to pull off a victory over Germany cause, however this is a match which could easily go either way. The biggest match this round sees the two Battlefield 2 sides which seem to have best adapted to Quake Wars go head to head, as Europe cZar and Europe NINJA battle it out for a place in the semi-finals. It's expected that a number of these games are covered with videostreams in the coming week.

Round 2[/b]]
Finland 4th Rangers vs Sweden One2|
Europe dignitas vs Germany bioxar
Europe cZar vs Europe NINJA
Spain exilium vs Germany cause*

I also managed to catch up with QWL|MoraX for a quick interview.

QWL|MoraX Interview[/b]]
Please could you introduce yourself to our readers, and give us an overview of what QuakeWarsLeague is about and what it hopes to accomplish?
Hi there, I am MoraX from QWL. I am both admin and developer of the QWL site. QWL is trying to gather a great community for ET:QW, as well as provide a platform for clans to compete in cups and ladders. While keeping in contact with Splash Damage, we have lately also been busy on the field of video match coverage by both TGBF and game-tv as you may have noticed

So what do you think differs yourselves from the more traditional leagues such as Clanbase and ESL?
We try to be different by means of letting things loose a bit. Where Clanbase and ESL most of the times have tight rules to follow and having large amounts of ladders and cups, we are trying to pay more attention to our ladders and cups, and we are always open for suggestion out of the communities.

What are your future plans for the website, both upon the full release of ET:QW, and in the more distant future, will we see you branching out into other games?
The future plan is to first stick with ET:QW for a while. Since the website is completely homemade, the ET:QW beta was a great opportunity for us to test the system. Two new features which are in development, are a ladder system (pretty much self explanatory I guess), and a server reservation system. With the server reservation system, it will also be possible to reserve our servers for practice matches. If everything goes well, and people seem to like the way we run QWL, branching off to other games is certainly a very good possibility.

At the moment, you're the only league to be running without any vehicle limitations. Why have you chosen to do this, when most of the competitive community would rather play with heavy limitations on the vehicles?
First, we would like to the game be played as it should be, the way Splash Damage ment it to be played. Vehicles are part of the game, so in our eyes, it wouldn't make sense removing them. Second, since it is still a beta, this is also a great balance test for Splash Damage to see if any vehicles are overpowered or not. Especially since the game has not been tested in actual competitive clan matches that much yet (not without limitations that is). However, clans who play an official QWL match are allowed to make their own additional rules as long as they don't contradict with any official rules. So if both clans agree not to use any aircraft, that is fine with us.

Speaking of those clans, do you have a a favourite or favourites that you think will win the competition?
Well, both clans in poule 2 of round 2 seem to have good papers (Dignitas & Bioxar) . Although I must admit I haven't seen many of the other clans actually play, so there might be a surprise in there.

You've already mentioned your partnerships with TGBF and Game-TV; How do you see the role of broadcasting in ET:QW?
I think broadcasting might help the gaming business to get to a higher level of seriousness. Gamers are often still considered "nerds" these days sadly, while more and more people discover the fun of gaming,and that we are not nerdy creatures living on cola in the dark! Broadcasting, in combination with the professional contests like the World Championships of Gaming helps showing people that there is more to gaming than they think, and it can be a serious business.

Is there anything else that you'd like to add?
Thanks for the interview, it was fun to do. We hope to see you on QWL. Don't be afraid to PM one of us with any questions or suggestion you have, we won't bite!

CB ET:QW Groups Released

The groups and full schedule for the first ClanBase Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Beta have been released. Matches will begin immediatly, so teams are advised to check ClanBase and be prepared to play at the CB set time tonight.

Only the group winner will progress to the knockout stages.

Group A

Europe Beyond
Europe Desire
Spain exilium
Germany gods.inc

Group B

Sweden One2
Germany Tier
United Kingdom SKULL

Group C

Europe dignitas
Germany eproX
Finland ntech

Group D

Poland Fear Factory
Europe retro
Spain wArning!

Group E

Europe cZar
Europe lolicon
Italy n1ce

Group F

United Kingdom agito
Germany bioXar
Spain plan9

Group G

Sweden Kompaniet
Poland Logitech
Germany PiC

Group H

Germany cause
Germany pRo
Poland spierdalaj!

Group A

Europe 7
Europe slntm
Europe D

Group B

Spain num
Spain qubism
Germany schawrz

Group C

Europe CGA
Europe TEZC
Poland vA

Group D

Denmark CaK
Poland sH
United Kingdom tX

Group E

Europe x7HVPC
United Kingdom Teami
Italy XRay

Group F

Italy n1ce
Spain SoA

Group G

Europe CoRe
Europe mb
Spain VGA

Group H

Slovenia DS
Europe KCetqw
Ireland TiG

Tournament Schedule

Thursday July 12: Groups announced & first group matches played
Sunday July 15: Second group match
Monday July 16: Set aside for postponed group matches
Tuesday July 17: Third group match (if required)
Wednesday July 18: Knockout brackets released & Quarter Finals played
Thursday July 19: Semi Finals
Sunday July 22: Grand Final
Monday July 23: And then Adacore did rest

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