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Cancellation spots for etQcup

image: etQcup_crossfire

Due to many cancellations and few declined applications, we still got places left in our cup. Those clans whose applications have been declined have been informed by email, so if you haven't gotten the email, you're application hasn't been declined. We would need the replacements as fast as possible, so sign up fast please!

Seeding will be completed and published as soon as we get the teams and the cup is going to start very soon after that.

In addition, the cup is going to use the new config of ClanBase and the maplist is going to be the following:

- Battery
- Bremen
- Frostbite
- Radar
- Supply
- Sw_Goldrush_TE

How to sign up:

You have to create account to Cadred Teams. Add all your players to that account and also add the players etpro guids (ONLY LAST 8 DIGITS) to the CLAN description. After this email the link of your team with following info:

* Link to the Cadred Team page
* The players participating from your clan to this tournament and their etpro guids.
* Please keep the email as compact as possible.

Answer to following questions and email it to etqcup(at)gmail.com.

More information about the cup can be found from: here


Another WorldCup match tonight!

image: banner

Yesterday everyone could have seen 3 well played matches in the WorldCup. Today it's time for United Kingdom United Kingdom and Malta Malta to show what they've got.

The night was kicked off with a nice game yesterday. Croatia Croatia won in a great match against Czech Republic Czech after playing a decider on radar. Both teams did pretty well both maps, Croatia had goldrush nicely under control, but lost frostbite by a well played docrun from Czech, in the decider we saw the real skill coming up with Croatia as a deserved winner against the higher seeded Czech. After the match was ended I connected to the next match which was awesome to see aswell! Latvia Latvia was playing against Russia Russia, 2 nations living close to eachother, and luckily there were no hooligans trying to manipulate the players yet. Also in this match the lower seeded team won, Russia took the decider, radar, home after a great performance, so it seems that the tactics from humM3L really work out. In the last match, which started at 22.30 cet, Italy Italy took an easy win over Iceland Iceland, most of the people already expected this win, so did I, and Italy didn't disappoint. So what could I say? The first "real surprises" came out of the air? Both Croatia and Russia won against a higher seeded team, but eventrough the opponents were higher seeded, both teams were still playing better and deserved their first win.

Tonight it's time for the United Kingdom United Kingdom to show what they have and where they are capable of. After a bit disappointing performance in the last CB NationsCup, they are back on track with a different and in my opinion more skilled lineup. Because Ireland doesn't participate in this seasons WorldCup, sol is allowed to play with the United Kingdom and they can even make a better and more experienced lineup for tonights game. Tonight they will play with one of their best lineups, consisting of old one4one stars, Mztik who is a great ingame leader and can sream his team to the win, sqzz who is known as one of the best medics around at the moment to heal his buddy's, razz who is unbanned after his cheating affair and now owning the EuroCup with polar and syK, a great aimer and a good addition to the lineup. These players are playing together tonight for the United Kingdom team with vae leader Sheep and dignitas player sol, that makes them a top cadidate to not only win this match, but also to win this WorldCup. It seems to be a pretty skilled and experienced lineup, would Malta Malta be able to resist? At least toxic said so! I heard rumours from him that they are going to surprise tonight and show us some great Maltese ownage. I don't really know the players playing for Malta, polar's sweating star toxic as ingame leader, vKg and hex4 showed their name in some clans before, the rest is quite unknown for me, but what I know is that they already have some NationsCup experience already. I'm looking forward to a surprise, toxic!

United Kingdom United Kingdom vs Malta Malta
Group: C
Date: 17 May 2007
Time: 22:30 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / frostbite
ETTV: GamesTV.org

The prediction from England uK.Sheep:
I think tonights game will be a tough one, lots of big names in our team this season and there will be a lot of starring eyes expecting us to do well. We have kinda played a few times, get to know each other and sort some tactics out, and im playing rifle, so watch out. We all just can't wait to stretch Toxic's asshole during the hardcore rape we will unleash during the game. Based on that fact alone, my rifle skills will allow us to easily take this game, 4-0.

The prediction from Malta MT.toxic:
I think we'll rape the United Kingdom so bad that the admins will need to invent a new score to reflect on how much of a rape it was. We've only pracced once whilst the UK have been praccing quite alot but we'll still have better teamplay as we were playing together with mepa for 2-4 years. Individually we'll win as well even though we are pretty unknown but im sure that the fellow teammates will recruit one game after the WorldCup to replace and join aTTaX the multigaming clan is that is how good they are. So 10-0 Malta.

Website WorldCup

More WorldCup action tonight!

image: banner

The winners of the last ClanBase NationsCup season Finland Finland won their first groupmatch yesterday against the mounty's from Canada Canada. In a very nice played game, Finland easily overrushed Canada on sw_goldrush_te and didn't give Canada the chance to get the tank close to the back, eventrough anim sneaked inside from the back and made the tank. On frostbite, Canada started with attacking and showed us some nice teamwork. They took the documents several times and were close to the transmitter, but because of the excellent and smart defense from Finland they were unable to set a time. The game was already decided after the fullhold of Finland, so the finnish players ended the game easily and are now on top of their group together with Portugal.

Tonight we have 3 matches live on ETTV. We will kickoff the night with Czech Republic Czech vs Croatia Croatia. Both team having a nice lineup, Czech with the players from infrag mixed up with butch and Tlr's aiming star marv - Croatia with another Tlr player, aCoZz will try to rifle the Czech players to hell, backed up by 3 players from the escn team, elite leader frozz and old Team Sweden player blaze who decided to play the WorldCup with the country where he was born, Croatia. Both teams will have equal chances to win in my opinion, they have the same kind of everything, aCoZz - marv, escn players - infrag players and captain butch - captain frozz. It will surely be a great game, but where to bet on?

War§ow 0.3

The popular free game built on the Quake 2 engine has just released its latest version. It has unfortunately come without WSWTV which was rumoured to be coming in this version, however it is still in the works.

Warsow is a unique game where players can gain extreme speed from using special manuevers aswell as strafejumping.

Some of the changes in the latest version are:

- Added Clan Arena (CA) gametype,
- New maps (CA : 1, CTF : 1, Duel : 6, TDM : 1),
- Revisited maps (wdm1, wdm6, wctf1, wdm5),
- New weapon and armor models,
- New weapon fx,
- New animations for player models and weapons,
- New player model (Jason padpork),
- New simple items,
- Added Coach system for teambased gametypes,
- Revised armor system,
- Tweaked weapon settings

Visit the Change log for more details.

Warsow is Art of Respect and Sportmanship Over the Web

LAN - The eXperience 2007 Games Announced

image: tex

The Danish team Roskilde-eSport is arranging another “The-eXperience”, The-eXperience 2007.

Games, slots, and prize pots

Counter Strike: Source
The counter strike competition will be a 24 teams double elimination tournament after
group play.
Wheres 16 of these slots will be direct invites
And the total pot for this particular game is € 8 000

Call of Duty 2
Total tournament slots for this game will be 12 teams in a double elimination tournament
after group play.
Wheres 8 of these teams will be invitational.
Total prize pot for Call of Duty 2 is € 4 000

FIFA 2007
FIFA 2007 Football will be a 32 players single elimination bracket with group play.
Wheres 20 out of 32 players will be invited to participate
And the total prize pot for FIFA 2007 is € 1 500

Group Play
For Counter Strike: Source and Call of Duty 2 the 1st and 2nd place in each group will move directly to winners bracket, whiles 3rd are moved directly into loser brackets awaiting the first WB match to finish.

For FIFA 2007 1st and 2nd place move on to single elimination bracket whiles 3rd and 4th in each group are knocked out

Misc. info
For Call of Duty 2 and Counter Strike: Source theres a "Bye Bye Cup" for everyone losing the 1st loser bracket match.

Tickets are sold as team tickets excl. VAT at the rate of € 400 and allows 7 participants to
Players Lounge and the Arena. The participants associated with a player card may be
players (including FIFA players), subs, managers or other staff. The only single tickets
sold are the FIFA tickets which are sold excl. VAT at the rate of € 50.

Player and team invitations will be announced on Tuesday the 22nd of May


More info about the event will be rolling up the next weeks!

Another day of EuroCup matches

image: PlayOffs

Tonight two Enemy Territory powerhouses will face each other, Europe Polar eSports and Finland Insignia Cadre in the second round of the EuroCup's winner bracket, in the first round we also see two strong teams facing each other, Germany zeroPoint! versus Europe The Last Resort.

Polar have had a great season so far, entering the playoff stage without a single loss, and taking down the CPC2 winners The Last Resort in the EuroCup group stage. Their first round versus Poland Fear Factory was canceled because four of the FF players werent available to play at that time, giving Polar a free ticket to the second round of the winners bracket. Here they will face another very succesfull team, Insignia Cadre. Undefeated in this EC until now, and taking down big names such as Europe Team Dignitas and Europe vicious and evil in their way to the second round of the winners bracket.

image: pvcmq4

Insignia Cadre: Finland twidi, Finland kmble, Finland squall, Finland mulsu, Finland chmpp, Finland lettu
Polar eSports: Malta toxic, Netherlands perfo, Italy Xylos, Germany Snoop, United Kingdom razz, United Kingdom sqzz

WSVG Goes to LA

The World Series of video games has cancelled their event in Orlando which featured Call of Duty 2 and replaced it with an event later on in the calendar in Los Angeles California.

To be held at the LA Convention center from October 18th to the 21st the event will coinside with the new E4ALL event supposedly replacing E3. The LA convention center, situated right next to the Staples center is one big convention hall that has housed E3 for the past years, whilst its not quite Florida, its still something to behold. Heres some of the press release:

QuoteWe originally set up the Orlando event to accommodate demand from East Coast and European gamers and understand that making the trek to LA is a bigger commitment. It is our belief that the sheer size and magnitude of the E4All event will make up for the extended travel time! Hurry up and book your flights, it will be well worth it. And for those of you who can't make the trip, we've got something in the works for the East Coast as well.

Oh and one last thing. Those of you planning to make the trip to WSVG Orlando for CoD2 – We’ve got you covered. WSVG Los Angeles will feature a 32 team Call of Duty 2 tournament!

Read more at TheWSVG.com

More Eurocup ET - Canceled

image: PlayOffs

Tomorrow is another day of Eurocup. Polar takes on FF X-Fi which will be an exciting match for sure!

Polar took down Incomplete and TLR in a 3 Teams Group after Morrigu had left the building. They advanced to the Play Offs without losing one round and together with Impact and ZeroPoint! they are the only ones who have done so. Polar dropped two players before the EuroCup to make it more of a team and to be honest, it could have worked! Polar has only grown so far and if they keep playing like this they could get pretty far... Now let's have a look at their opponents. The all-polish side of Fear Factory X-Fi. They found themselves on the second spot behind ZeroPoint!. We can surely say that only ZeroPoint! was too strong for Fear Factory X-Fi, but what does that actually say since ZeroPoint! isn't as strong as it used to be and they had some weak performances at CPC2. Does that make Fear Factory X-Fi's second spot weaker? We'll see how they perform against Polar. The winner of this one takes on Cadre. Surely they have proven to be strong after beating vae yesterday.

image: PO3

Update: FF forfeit due to lack of players

Polar: Malta Toxic, United Kingdom razz, United Kingdom sqzz, Netherlands perfo, Germany snoop, Italy Xylos.
FF X-Fi: Poland wiesiek, Poland JC, Poland Wrobel, Poland sMi, Poland S4rna, Poland r1co.

Eurocup CoD2 Play offs

image: eurocup
Today some really interesting matches are planned to be played in the Call of Duty 2 S&D EuroCup. One of them (H2k vs nEophyte) will also be broadcasted by QuadV so everyone can tune into the match tonight..

The first matches will be played at 20:00 and will feature...

20:00 Czech Republic nEcro [1:0] Finland stheno eSports - stheno forfeited the match

Currently ranked 5th and 6th in their groups both sides clearly have something to play for if they want to reach the playoffs. With a victory versus United Kingdom Reason Gaming it looks like nEcro has the advantage, but the young Finnish players of stheno will do everything to defend themselves!

20:00 United Kingdom Team Dignitas 13:01] Germany Replika (old evoplay)

This is a clash between a German top team and a Brittish top team, a win against Dignitas would be great for the future of the germans if they want to continue on independantly or want to impress a new multigaming clan. Team Dignitas looks fearless however, with just a loss versus eSuba it doesnt quite look that they will lose this match.

New Wolfenstein Game in 2008

image: elite_guardYahoo reports that Raven software is currently working on a new wolfenstein game, for which they are using a newer motion-capture technology and with a local actress. This actress' face will be used as face of her character “an elite force assassin”.

In October 2005 Kevin Cloud of ID Software confirmed Nerves involved in the multiplayer aspect for the next Wolfenstein game, since then there has been no news on the project. This latest report states that the game will not be released until 2008.

QuoteThe company is currently working on a new game based on the "Wolfenstein" series, and with newer motion-capture technology, it is working with a local actress to be the character in its movie.

Actress Carrie Coon is put in a spandex suit that has 63 reflective markers at strategic places on her body. Twenty-four infrared cameras in Raven's studios track Coon's every move as she replicates movements that her character will perform in the game. Information will then go into a computer to create a virtual character based on her body, WISC-TV reported.

Coon, an actress who has been involved in Madison Repertory Theatre and American Players Theatre, said that she got involved with Raven after an audition process through the UW Theatre program.

"They had me kind of bust through doors with big guns and pretend I was an assassin being that didn't have a spine and club a body of something on the ground and sniff it," she said. "You know, it was one of the most bizarre audition experiences I've ever had in my life."

Coon's character will have a skin and costumes created in the computer on top of her virtual body.

"You recognize yourself in it a little bit, but then, there's this fantasy element that's so fascinating," she said.

Raven is even giving her character -- an elite force assassin -- Coon's face. A state-of-the-art face scanner takes a 3-D image that will be attached to her computer-captured body and will make her a living character in the game, WISC-TV reported.

Source: Yahoo
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