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ET Spring CUP 2021 Information

image: SpringCup

ET Spring CUP 2021 Teams

image: SpringCup

ET Draft Cup 2021 Semi-Finals and Finals

That's division 1 and division 2 both played all their games, the teams that didn't make are "Draft Cup Winners" ironically from division 1 and aimtastic and bonobos from division 2.

With that being said the semi-finals and finals will be bo5 instead of bo3 previously.

Both teams will pick a map each, if it's 2 - 2 eliminate for the 3rd map.
If it's 4 - 0 the losing team will pick the map and if it's 4 - 2 after that losing team will also pick next map.
If it goes to 4 - 4 eliminate again for the next map.

Last day to play the semi-finals will be Sunday 28th of Febuary and the last day to play the finals will be the Sunday 7th of March.

ET Draft Cup 2021 Division Two

That is division 2 all sorted for the draft cup

image: unknown

ET Draft Cup 2021 Division One

That is division 1 all sorted for the draft cup

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RTCW.Live Season 2 and Season 1 Awards

image: RTCW-Live-Season-2

After the success of Season 1 (Blood Vengeance) we can now confirm that Season 2 (Savage Retribution) is set to begin on the week commencing January 31st 2021.

RTCW: 10v10 XMAS Onedaycup

image: xmascup

RTCW Corona NationsCup III

image: HO9CKXB

Corona is still here... Time for another RTCW NationsCup! This time we'll both run in 3v3 and 6v6 format! Non european teams are allowed to sign-up. We'll use RTCWPRO for matches like UK vs. USA. We'll start the cup once the RTCW.Live Season 1 has concluded! The goal is to run this as a league.

Elysium Fall Cup: Groups

The Elysium Fall Cup is about to kick off. The qualifiers are over and groups have been formed. We would like to thank all participating teams for being available during the qualification tournament at such short notice. All matches have been requested on GamesTV. The cups officially starts on Tuesday, the 13th of October.

Elysium Fall Cup: Announcement

Why? The answer is simple, yet meaningful. I accidentally forgot to close ET last Sunday. As I wanted to shut down my computer, I stumbled across me being left alone on the fields of supplydepot. I wandered around these beautiful, but empty fields, thinking about all the great we experienced throughout the years. A tear started to form and ran over my face. Here we are, once again, back at it again.
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