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Netrunners and FF split PGA!

image: nrff6
In an amazing turn of events the two polish hotshots FF.org and Netrunners who had both overcome European challenges from zP and CDAP split first place in a crazy scenario!

Netrunners & FF.org - Joint 1st - 2000 Euros -
zeroPoint! - 3rd - 500 Euros -

Due to the enforced closing time of the venue, all the players had to hightail it out of the Poznan Gaming Arena and with a tense final tied at 2:2 nobody knew where to turn. It looked at once stage that a knife round may infact be the decider for first place, however on second thoughts the two teams decided to split the 2000 Euro pot between both teams and call it even!

In the grand final it was FF that drew first blood taking Radar with a mere 10 seconds left to go, Supply Depot was to host the second map and with the pressure firmly on Netrunners they eased to tie the score. Forced into action the teams played a knife round to decide the match, FF won it, but, that round was to bare no relevance on the result of the tournament as both teams decided to share the pot and the placing.

Its been a fantastic days entertainment in Poland, with upsets and action at a dime a dozen! A big thanks to Foonr, GamesTV.org and Headshot radio for their excellent coverage, aswell as the whole PGA Admin team!

Onto the finals and a word from kot

image: nrff6
Congratulations to both Fear Factory and Netrunners who called the game a draw and split the prizemoney. Congratulations also to zeroPoint for taking 2nd place.
image: zppi4

So after what can only be called a breathtaking semi-final stage, we have ourselves the prospect of 2 final games. These are of course the lower and higher bracket finals you see above you, or as they are known in Poland, the "Polfinals". I grabbed Poland kot for a short chat after his teams' victory over cdap pi.

'Just describe the emotion you're feeling right now.'

"Well ... I'm just at a loss for words at the moment because I was very very nervous during the semi-final and right now I can barely speak at all - it was just that tense. I'm just so happy to have got through to the final, and I'm really proud of the whole team"

'You're facing Fear Factory in the winners' final ... can you win?'

"Yeah, we can win. I know they're strong but then again so are we, I'm pretty confident in going all the way tonight".

Then our moment of love had to come to an end so that I could write this and kot could go prepare for his next game versus Fear Factory. But just how did Netrunners overcome cdap, and what did Fear Factory come up with to subdue zeroPoint?

We'll start with the pre-tournament favourites zeroPoint, who now find themselves by virtue of losing to FF in the losers' bracket final and clinging to life ... it'd be a lie to say morale isn't at its best right now (no worries, I'll fix that tonight!). zP saw themselves fullheld on their first round radar attack and their misery was comfounded only further when Fear Factory managed only to beat it by 1 minute and 3 seconds. First blood to the Poles then, but it might as well have been the fatal blow, as FF blitzed their attack on goldrush leaving darky and company still attacking the tank with 3 minutes left. Fear Factory were in the final.

Then it came Netrunner's time to shine. In a game that was far more tight than either side should have made it, the match went to a third map and to the location that is Wurzburg. Skip to the final round and cdap have the radar parts at their spawn but Netrunners are swarming the truck. Time is running out, cdap simply have to push. With 10 seconds left they finally do with the radar parts making it all the way to the truck. In the ensuing melee that occured, somehow, somehow fobje was gunned down less than half a metre away and the parts were returned. You could cut the tension with a knife.

And now we have our finals. All four teams deserve to be at this stage, but only two can leave with prizemoney ... who will it be?

Farewell groupstages, hello elimination!

[img|left]http://upload.voetsjoeba.com/foonr/picz/matches/nrpi2.gif[/img]image: zpff2


19.31pm RESULT: Netrunners 4 - 2 cdap pi

19:27pm RESULT: zeroPoint 0 - 4 Fear Factory

-19.09pm: FF beat zP's time by 1.03m, score now 2-0 to FF
-18.55pm: zP fullheld on radar round 1by Fear Factory

They said 5v5 was dead, they said ET had no lan future, well guess what. The groupstage games have been nothing short of truely worthy of this superb venue that the players and spectators alike find themselves in today. And today, Enemy Territory forgot the rulebook. The script got left in the hotel room and we've witnessed some major suprises and upsets. Right now I can hear Conrad of Headshot Radio telling his fellow casters that the cdap pi - Fear Factory game is an "amazing match", and his delight isn't just founded purely on being Polish.

Lets go back to the beginning of the day. At 11.00am we had 6 ET teams ready to do battle and the first game of the day was a strong Fear Factory side facing a relatively unknown everto outfit. Any optimism they may have been carrying however was completely wiped back in their faces with a dominant 4-0 win by the FF veterans. Simultaneously, group B saw the clash between Delta and their unusal tags vs The Netrunners in what became known as the group of death. The game didn't fail to live up to its tight predictions and went all the way to a decider before Netrunners managed to clinch victory on supply.

Delta may have been able to take a round of Netrunners, but their resolve was not able to hold as they crashed to a second defeat 4-0 at the hands of zeroPoint leaving the Poles facing an early exit from the tournament. Perhaps the loss to NR was more a morale crushing blow, as zeroPoint would go on to find life much more difficult against NR later on.

Back to group A and cdap pi's game against minnows everto. Previously when potter had told me he thought pi were less a threat than Netrunners I scorned him, but upon arriving at the venue it was clear to see why he was of such opinion. With no perfo, no toxic and no previous lan experience, cdap needed the safety of a decider map to see off everto, and leave them with more a worrying omen than a win against their name with the end result at 4-2.

By 4pm we started moving onto the serious games; the games which decided who played who in the double elimination bracket. Group A winner plays group B runnerup and vice versa, and the matches of zeroPoint vs Netrunners and cdap pi vs Fear Factory would determine who played who.

Kicking off with zeroPoint and the early signs were with the Europeans. Having learnt that NR were viewed as ZP's biggest rivals in the tournament it was no great suprise to see the score draw level at 2-2. But when the teams clashed for the third round on braundorf, the outcome was more than just an upset. zeroPoint had been viewed by most including winning a landslide poll on Crossfire as clear tournament favourites, and when Netrunners took the map to record a 4-2 victory, confusion reigned supreme. Nevertheless it was a deservered and well fought contest, and one NR will be extremely happy to have won, setting up a meeting with cdap pi in the double elimination bracket.

Meanwhile the final group game saw a confident Fear Factory side up against the rattled cdap pi, who looked nervous and lacked any potency when attacking the first round on radar. Fear Factory meanwhile streamrollered their way through after cdap believed that having returned the radar parts they could relax, but they were punished for this lax by the sound of secured west radar parts. Moving onto goldrush and FF must have thought the match was theirs, but they hadn't reckoned on some stout cdap pi tank defense, who clearly weren't ready to give up the ghost anytime soon. They held Fear Factory back and had an almost millenia to attack, for which they duly accepted and sent the match to a decider on supply. cdap pi attacked first, but their memories of weak attacking on radar came back to haunt them, as they set an impossibly slow time thanks to several wonderful last second dynamite defuses and teamplay. If cdap were alive, Fear Factory were superhuman, planting the bunker gate within a minute and setting stupidly fast time to leave cdap looking at their mice as if to say, "what just happened?".

So now we have our double elimination first two matches, with Netrunners playing cdap pi and zeroPoint up against Fear Factory. There's plenty more action to come!

Welcome to the PGA

image: pgapv7First of all a hearty welcome to Poznan! The tournament is running slightly delayed, but now the draw has been made and we're ready to go! We'll keep this thread full of the latest news and developments for the duration of today, and come tonight we will have our winner. The players are setting up and the schedule will be posted in only a few moments. There should be ETTV very soon, but until the games start you can always check out the live stream from Poznan.

17.30pm RESULT: cdap pi 2 - 4 Fear Factory

-17:09pm: Fear Factory fullholds cdap pi on Supply
-16.46pm: Fear Factory vs cdap pi goes to decider, map picked is supply

16.44pm RESULT: zeroPoint 2 - 4 Netrunners

-16.18pm: cdap pi choose map goldrush
-16.12pm: zeroPoint vs Netrunners goes to a decider, map to be picked
-15.37pm: Fear Factory pick radar, cdap pi pick goldrush
15.30pm RESULT: cdap pi 4 - 2 everto

-14.27pm: Poland Borsuk is a complete legend, helping said reporter brave the treacherous waters of a Polish pizza stand
14.20pm RESULT: zeroPoint 4 - 0 Delta

-14.00pm: A few initial pictures are being uploaded
-13.53pm: This reporter is hearing his stomach rumble
-13.33pm: Maps drawn for the following games:
cdap pi vs everto (supply/radar)
zeroPoint vs delta (gold/supply)
13.33pm RESULT: Fear Factory 4 - 0 everto

-13.31pm: HS`Mashed is online! Tune in here.
-13.15pm: ETTV now running on the following IPs:
13.00pm RESULT: Netrunners 4 - 2 Delta

-12.40pm: NR vs Delta goes to decider map (supply)
-11.56am: ETTV status confirmed - NO ETTV for group stages, only playoffs + finals. Games will be covered via live stream
-11.37am: Full schedule announced
-11.29am: First game confirmed to be Fear Factory Poland vs Poland everto
-11.04am: Draw made. Group 1= (cdap, FF, invert), Group 2= (zP, NR, Delta)

Quick Navigation:

HSTV.pl Livestream (Polish)
HSRadio.pl Shoutcast (English)

External Coverage
eSports.pl live

Direct video link for media players - mms://tv1.headshot.pl:8080 Headshot Stream

PGA live from the scene

image: 1pga_27

November 25th and we as Headshot.pl are here live from PGA. You can catch all the action here exclusively through Headshot radio through our videostreams at hstv.pl which will be in Polish and you can listen to Mashed live in English live from PGA, groups to be announced very soon exclusively here!


Winner Bracket Round 1:

Poland Netrunners vs. Europe cdap.pi
Europe zeroPoint! vs. Poland Fear Factory

Final Group Standings:
Group A

1. Poland Netrunners 6 (8-4)
2. Europe zeroPoint 3 (6-4)
3. Poland Team Delta 0 (2-8)

Delta Poland 2:4 Poland Netrunners -maps (adler/gold)
zeroPoint! Europe 4:0 Poland Delta
Netrunners Poland 4:2 Europe zeroPoint!

Group B

1. Poland Fear Factory 3 (8-2)
2. Europe cdap pi 3 (6-4)
3. Poland Everto 0 (2-8)

Fear Factory Poland 4:0 Poland Everto
cdap pi Europe 4:2 Poland Everto -maps (gold/gold)
Fear Factory Poland 4:2 Europe cdap pi -maps (radar/gold/supply)

OpenCup Groups Released

The groups for this seasons OpenCup Fall season have finally been released. A total of 296 clans will complete across 7 divisions all looking to claim gold.

An unusually strong Premier League sees RTCW legends KiH (yes it is them), last seasons medalists cdap oddjob and new allstar team quash pain compete. Drop outs aside this could almost be as interesting as the EuroCup.

Group A

Europe A†R
Europe dFIANCE
Croatia elite
Germany Nappetshow

Group B

Europe VP
Spain aurea
Netherlands Innocense
Finland bangros

Group C

United Kingdom cdap oddjob
Croatia Cortana
Italy Rebels

Group D

Europe dtekt
Poland Logitech UVM
Germany Oceans6
Germany one4one

Group E

Poland First Line Soldiers Gaming
Estonia Qlasics o2
Sweden overdose
Europe retro4u

Group F

Poland Frozen-Gaming
Czech Republic infrag
United Kingdom sublime
United States of America Rated

Group G

Bosnia Hercegovina Death Murder Killers
Sweden Knö i Hörn
Europe quAntocius
Europe team massacre

Group H

Poland Infection
Europe quash pain
Austria Ultima Ratio
Italy Vagrants

You can find the remaining divisions here.

CoD2 EuroCup XIV Invites Announced

image: clanbase_white
ClanBase last night announced the 24 teams taking part in this season's CoD2 EuroCup. With record signups of 559 again, CoD2 attracted a lot of attention and even though this Fall season will feature no LAN finals or prize money the big names of European CoD2 are taking part anyway. Last season's winners Serious are included as well as their fellow finalists Dignitas, Tek-9 and Speedlink. The competition is sure to be intense and as usual the invites went hand in hand with controversy. Reason Gaming were announced as the 3rd team invited from the UK but apparently there was a mix-up with CB accounts and the invite was intended for Team-c4u. This was quickly remedied but not without leaving a bitter taste in the mouths of some, not least the Reason players.

Anyway, without further ado, I present to you the 24 teams taking part in the CoD2 EuroCup XIV...

Europe Serious-Gaming
Europe Stheno
Europe Temporg
Europe Tek-9
Europe Copenhage-Esports
Czech Republic eSuba
Czech Republic inteRaction
Finland Logitech.fi
Finland Venatio
France Emulate
France Webone
Germany dSlash
Germany Team Cooltronik
Germany Team Speedlink
Italy TooEasy
Netherlands H2k.Steelseries
Netherlands digitalMind
Netherlands suXus
image: 55 Fear Factory
image: 58 Logic
Sweden Fukyuu
United Kingdom Team-c4u
United Kingdom Trademark Gamers
United Kingdom Team Dignitas

For more info on the CoD2 EuroCup, check out www.clanbase.com.

Crossfight starts with a bääm !

image: CF

After many a month of preparation and the recent qualifying competition, Crossfight proper is ready to begin tonight on Matchweek 1. Despite some ongoing teething problems with the onsite software, we have two hot games on tonight. Places in the top and holding brackets are at stake, just who will end the night in what position?

Remember, the prizes which will be announced next week are awarded to teams who have won the most games and who have been leader for the longest, so tonight's teams have an added advantage over the rest as they vye for some top of the range hardware. It's not too late to join in! Simply challenge any of the relegation zone teams between Friday and Sunday to be in with a chance of playing. All the issues we've had this week with this will go away by next week!

Lets move on to the serious business of tonight's games. This is what the standings look like at the moment, but who knows what will happen in just a few hours time. Lets have a look at our games tonight on this, xfight Matchweek 1.

image: game1664 image: game1655

sublime United Kingdom 4-2 Europe Rewind
uR Austria 0-4 Europe Sth

Maps tonight are frostbite and supply.


Austria day_
Austria bruZl4H
Austria purzl
Austria artis
Austria n3co
Austria stoRm

Germany butchji
Germany keran
Switzerland gifty
Sweden eddie
United Kingdom adzz
Croatia frozz

United Kingdom Hype
Netherlands ins
United Kingdom mixer
Netherlands vanq
Finland bZ
United Kingdom clarkje


ET EuroCup XIV Invites and Groups announced

image: ecxiv_logoClanBase ET is proud to announce the sixteen clans invited to play in Enemy Territory EuroCup XIV. The decision on which sixteen teams to pick was extremely tough, made even harder by the lack on qualifier matches this season. After careful consideration, and taking many factors, including recent results, player reputation, clan reputation and past results into account we made our decision and with no further preamble, I give you the teams invited to ET EC XIV:

Europe aMenti
Finland Abnormal Monkeys
Europe cdap - Team pi
Poland Fear Factory X-Fi
Europe HighBot
Estonia idle.ee
Finland incomplete
Europe Morrigu #GamersNation
Finland #Murso SFX
Poland The Netrunners
Sweden Noll8
Germany one4one eSports
Germany Team Helix
Europe uQ.Gaming
Belgium vib
Sweden zeroPoint! Gaming

For more information, including the groups and the schedule head over to ClanBase.com

gAim is back!

The ‘gAim Boys’ is an oldschool rtcw-gaming clan, ontsproten from [GLAD] back in 2002. The clan was formed by a bunch of Dutch real-life friends. In 2004 when Enemy Territory was released we decided to take a break from online gaming.

Some achievements gAim had in the past:
- Winner Regroup LAN
- 3rd place Best of Benelux 2003
- 3rd place GamingUK X-Mas Cup 2003

The team decided to revive the clan and only with old players from gAim. We have a lineup with an accumululuated era of RtCW experience. Some of the players haven’t played for years and have to learn the ET maps and everything. The main goal is to have fun!

Netherlands nozem (cl)
Netherlands nappie (wa)
Netherlands zeffl
Netherlands xar
Netherlands mind
Netherlands masta
Netherlands bull
Belgium reutel
Netherlands morgn

The team will play in the Clanbase ET 6v6 Open Cup (as low as possible) and fun it'll be!

Idle at #gAim on Quakenet or visit our new homepage.
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