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GotFrag Features the up and coming!

GotFrag and Crow have put together another great read on the current state of the Call of Duty community, this time analysing the up and coming talent within the competitive ranks.

Featuring Interviews with United Kingdom Raz of Dignitas and Germany L-King of Speedlink, Crow analyses where the game has come from, and where its going with this new breed of up and coming superstars.

QuoteJust take a look at any form of player rankings and a few are bound to pop up, Raz, Knaller, L-KinG, Breazy, the list goes on. These players are only aged 15 or 16 but have skill, dedication and a burning desire to succeed. Many were denied the chance to do so in vCoD but in the new arena that is CoD2 they are thriving.

You can read the full feature Here

1v1 cup for ET

image: 1x1

A new cup is starting soon.

6v6? 5v5? No! This will be 1v1.
Your still discussing bout 5o5 or 6o6 ? Forget all this. ET is not only Teamplay. ET is Action. ET is speed. ET is AIM! So show all this in the unique 1v1 cup that is teambased.
I hear you think "Teambased?" Yea teambased.

It won't be a normal 1v1 cup. Its something new in the ET scene.

Match layout
Both teams need to have three different players that are on the allowed playerlist.

For example :
Team A is : player A1, A2 and A3
Team B is : player B1, B2 and B3

One match got three maps. So each player will play one map. So its not allowed to let a player play two maps.
In a match one objective map will be played and two "frag" maps where the deaths are deciding who's winning.
So for example this match will look like this :
A1 vs B2 map : ctf_multidemo (objective map)
A2 vs B3 map : multi_huntplace (frag map)
A3 vs B1 map : te_valhalla (frag map)

The team that wins at least two of the three maps is winning the match.

The supervisors for this cup are Netherlands bullvox and Austria n3co

More info can be found here

You can contact us in #1v1.hosted

I hope we will see a lot of teams playing this cup and that we can make it a nice cup together.

TLF Is Here

Never one to miss out on the latest craze; and since other cups seem to be abstaining from 5v5. I present you with the TLF 5v5 Cup.

As previously announced the upcoming ClanBase season will be played using 5v5, and with no sign of them backing down it’s time to step up and get some practice in.

Sign ups are currently open from 16 teams, with room for up to 32 if required. It’ll run this Sunday, 15th October from 15:00 CET. If your team can’t abide to this schedule please don’t sign up.

To sign up either /q Nellie (nll|bnc) on quakenet or send an email to [email protected] - including your clan name, clan tag and roster.

The map list will be:

[*] Adlernest
[*] Crevasse_b1
[*] Frostbite
[*] Radar
[*] Supplydepot2
[*] sw_goldrush_te

This map list isn’t set in stone, so post any comments below if you want to see it changed. You can find the cup rules located here.

Cup Home | #TLF

Disclaimer: this competition has absolutely nothing to do with Crossfire, neither does it reflect my opinion or bias towards any team size. It is motivated by the pending ClanBase season and these comments.


Hi Xfire community,

Today we played the first #1day-cup (organised by BelgiumNeXi and BelgiumRain).
One week ago BelgiumnEkz` decided to organise a cup, named #1day-cup.

Yesterday the sign-ups opened at 13.00 CET and at 15.00 sign-ups were closed with 40 teams.

With some nice teams as eg: one4one, Finest, sFx.Lan, Highbot, Dickheads, sundayMIX ... We started 13.25 CET with 32 teams. The first two rounds were quite easy for the big teams.

The semifinals were between this teams:

EuropesFx.LAN - EuropesundayMIX
BelgiumFinest - Europeone4one

2nd Matchweek started!

image: 6o6futurecup6xri

This week we witnessed the first matchweek of the #17 ET-Cup take place. There were some great battles taken place and you can see all the results if you pres 'Read More' further down the page.

There were no shocks to the results with most of the top teams taking wins. Lets hope there are some shocks in store this week.

Coming up this week we have a couple of games on ETTV (not decided) so keep a check out on GamesTV.org for all your information.

But to kick start this 2nd matchweek, we having 2 games on ETTV. They are:

Match: Germany Highbot vs Europe 2eaz
Date/Time: Today @ 21.00 CET
Maps: crevasse_b1 and sw_grush_te

image: game1343
Match: Spain aurea vs Poland uAznia
Date/Time: Today @ 21.00 CET
Maps: crevasse_b1 and Supply Depot 2

Just a quick note to teams. You have a freemap choice in the group games. We only had to set some maps in the cupscript because otherwise it wouldn`t work. Later, in the playoffs, we will force the maps with atleast 1x Crevasse_b1. Therefore it would be wise if you train/choose the map in the goupstage!

For more information on the cup visit our website.


Battle For Berlin - Less Than a Month Away!


Hello Crossfire Community,

Battle For Berlin is almost here! Less than a month and the tournament will begin!

Alot of things are on their last leg before being finalized. A few of those things would be the scheduele and finalized map list. We are working hard to make the scheduel fair and try our best to work around the leagues occuring then.

At this time the map pool is as follows:

- Ice
- Base
- Keep
- Sub
- Village

BF2142 Demo Released

image: 46463-Battlefield-2142
Whilst not in the spirit of the games covered here on Crossfire, its still worth peoples attention! Today EA have released the latest installment in the Battlefield series and with us loving all things free here on Crossfire, that it is!

Featuring the usual 64 player combat and massive team interaction, the Battlefield series has proven to be a massive hit over the years. Mimic'ing some of the RTCW & Fortress teamplay dynamics it has always featured fantastic visual's and this is no exception. However, lack of stability has always been levelled at the series and with errors and failed patches, the hardcore BattleField'r has often been left with a sour taste in their mouth. Will this be the same? Try it for yourself:

Download Links - 1100 MB Approx:


Wonderbase raises prize purse

image: wbsscu8

Johnny "toker" Törnvall and the people from Wonderbase has been working hard to lay some real pressure on the sponsors and now they have got results. The prize purse for this event has been raised by a considerable amount. And as this happen they also release some CoD2 event only tickets.

The prize purse has been raised to 59 000 SEK (€6 247.35) and the distribution follows:
1st 35 000 SEK (€3 706.06)
2nd 15 000 SEK (€1 588.31)
3rd 5000 SEK (€529.44)
4th 2000 SEK (€211.77)
5th 1000 SEK (€105.89)
6th 1000 SEK (€105.89)
+ Jumbo price

This is not bad for a fresh event considering that the Euro Cup had ~70 000 SEK. This is something that should blow fresh air to all the Call of Duty 2 participiants around the world.

Check out the tournament website for this event at: http://www.callofduty.se/wonderbase/

CoD2 Event tickets
As told there has also been introduced a new ticket type for this event. The ticket will give you access to CoD2 Event Competition Computers. It meens you do not need to bring your own computer in order to participiate in this event. However it also implies that you do not get a space for your computer if you wish to bring it with you, dispite that you actually do not need to.
At the current time there are 34 computers available for the tournament, but they are working on 20 more computers.
More information about these tickets can be found here: http://tickets.wonderbase.se/cod2/

Lugerfrag Episode 8 - hot hot hot

image: lugerfragThat's right, after a long, long, long time of no weekly ET show, Lugerfrag is back in business. Tonight at 2100CET Lugerfrag kicks of again. This time with a new host who was presented to you earlier this week. Foonr and me will bring you a new episode.

Starting of as always with News of the Week. Lot of things happened this week, and plenty to discuss. Among which Gamestv.org's decision to not broadcast games from and word's up about the Atlantic battle.

A new cup introduces itself - #1day-cup -

image: 1d


Signups will open on saturday 13:00cet (till sunday 13:00cet)
When enough teams have signed up, we will host the cup for 32 teams instead of 16


A new 1 day cup is born! Where people are aiming for #1 weekly as this cup will take place every Saturday or Sunday, according to the signups and comments.

The first #1day-cup is ready for a beta test this weekend, just to see how things are going and how much interests are shared by the community and the clans.
Its a 6vs6 cup and this first "beta" cup will be tested with 16teams, so be on time!

The Cup will start off this weekend, October 8 (Sunday).
Signup opens: Saturday 13:00cet
Signup closes: Sunday 13:00cet
Grid online: between 13:15 & 13:30
First Match starts at: matches can start when the grid is online.

We surely hope we get enough Signups this weekend, and we hope you guys all spread the word a new #1day-cup is launched..

You can find us at:
IRC: #1day-cup
Website: http://dub.farkie.com/cup2/index.php?tourney[id]=1 ( 1day-cup.com is on its way)
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