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Supply replaces supplydepot2 at ClanBase

image: cbgoldlogont As of today, ClanBase would like to announce that for any further ladder & cup matches (this includes: OpenCup, NationsCup and Eurocup), that we will be using the newest version of Supplydepot2 named "supply", created by Germany arni and including fix scripts by United States of America mortis.

Features and Fixes:

[*] spawn bug (mortis)
[*] gold bug (mortis)
[*] grenade/mortar over roof into stairwell exploit (mortis)
[*] satchel/crane control exploit (mortis)
[*] radio sounds completely removed (arni)
[*] base alarm sound stops when truck is in base (arni)
[*] Size reduced by 1.2Mb (arni)

So clans, please download and use this map as soon as possible and make sure it's on YOUR server !

We would like to thank both arni and mortis for the effort they have put into this better version of supplydepot2.

Keep up the good work !

You can download the map here

Clanbase ET Crew

Noll8 Are Back

image: Untitled-2
InVidia-Esports are proud to present their 3rd Et-squad. Noll8. The former Swedish power houses are looking to get back to their best. And hopefully go one step further than they did in last season's Ec where they failed to progress from the groupstage's. They are also looking to attend the next Crossfire Prizefight Challenge. So without further addo, here is the new noll8 Lineup:

Sweden Blaze
Sweden Hellgoat
Sweden Eddie
Sweden Rat
Sweden Donkey
Sweden FiEND
Sweden Askungen
Norway Kris.no

o8.Blaze had this to say:

[center]"Well yes we are joining inVidia-eSports. The management of inVidia-eSports are nice guys. They are giving us bnc's, servers and will try to give financial support for the LAN."[/center]

Website: InVidia-eSports
Irc: InVidia-eSports | Noll8
Interviews: Here

PGA 2006 - DigitalArena Announced

image: pga4
Wolfenstein ET is heading back on the road as the DigitalArena 2006 has been confirmed for November 25th & 26th! In the lovely region of Poznan, Poland, ET's finest from across the continent will duke it out for a pot of 2,500 Euros!

The tournament will for the first time involve 2 european teams after previously being all Polish, and Crossfire is proud to be involved by running the European Qualifiers. DigitalArena has specified that the tournament will be run in a 5on5 format, using the soon to be released Clanbase 5on5 Config.

The European Qualifiers to be held here on Crossfire will forward the two finalists of a double elimation online bracket, and hold the 3rd placed team in reserve should it be neccessary. The double elimination bracket will take place over the 25th & 26th of October, exactly one month before the event itself. All information on the qualifiers, including maps, servers, costs and of course signups will be announced on Tuesday of this week.

Crossfire would like to thank PGA DigitalArena's staff and sponsors at AMD, Creative and Xbox 360 for their invitation to be involved with this project. The full weekend will be covered here on Crossfire, aswell as Headshot Radio and iTG.

:: DigitalArena.pl

Crossfire heads to Netgamez

image: 17714_mini
Crossfire is on location in the lovely Netherlands once more to bring you all the action from the autumn edition of Netgamez 2006!
With an allstar cast of benelux's best Call of Duty, CounterStrike & Quake 4 it promises to be a fantastic weekend, and the best place for all the CoD action, with a hint of ET loving is right here on Crossfire.

H2K and Digitalmind head up the favourites for the Call of Duty tournament, these two all dutch lineups. Featuring Kreaturen and SSK RTCW veterns, Doekoe & Joepoe back together on lan for H2K. However, will that be enough? DigitalMind picked up an impressive victory on Matmata in the TmGL recently, and whilst its only online, when these two face off, there promises to be fireworks!

We've kicked off our NetGamez coverage with a no holes barred interview with H2K's master, Solz. He lays into every establishment, and tells it how it is in some fashion.
You can read it Here

We'll be bringing you score updates and features here on Crossfire, and you can tune into the live streaming with ReDeYe and TosspoT at Netgamez.nl

:: Results
:: Live Stream

TLF Grid Complete

After much feverish spam the grid for the TLF 5v5 Cup is full. 32 teams will compete this Sunday over 5 hours to take the crown.

The first round kicks off at 15:00 CET on Braundorf_b4 and Crevasse_b1. If a decider is required elimination should be used. The full schedule including what maps for each round can be found here.

Due to player feedback there’s been a slight alteration to the map list, Braundorf_b4 will come in and replace Adlernest.

That means the full map list is:

[*] Braundorf_b4
[*] Crevasse_b1
[*] Frostbite
[*] Radar
[*] Supplydepot2
[*] sw_goldrush_te

Complete grid

Notable competitors include Europe kingCool, Canada Team Canada, Latvia violence is bad and Europe cdap pi.

www.nll.org.uk | #TLF

Signups started

image: 1x1

After a few problems with the CB system the signups are open now for the 1v1 cup.
The signups will be open till Wednesday 16th of october 12.00. When the signups are closed we wil make the divisions+groups and the groups will be up at sunday. The first matchweek is from 23.10 - 29.10.

Some info about the divisions and groups.

One division will be 16 teams. There are 4 teams in one group. So each division will have 4 groups with 4 teams.
The top two of each group (for ALL divisions) will go to the playoff stage.

The clan that ends first in a group will face a clan that ended second in an other group.

The playoff stage got three rounds. There won't be double ellimination. A loss in the playoffs means that your out of the cup.

IPS Final Stage and the first match tonight!

image: teaser_esl_ips

Tonight, the International Premiership Seires for ET will start with 8 clans fighting for 1.500 Euro prize money. This evening we gonna start the first playday at 22.00 CET with the first and a very hot match with Team Helix going to face sFx.LAN.
The German powerhouse Team Helix beeing unbeaten since weeks in the ESL is going to face a young and ambitious sFx.LAN team who proved their quality already on the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge. With Radar and SW Goldrush TE as maps for this late game tonight, both will bring up their glory tactics to gain the win.

Lugerfrag Episode 9 - HELLO.

image: lugerfrag
Due to Murphy's Law, the show is rescheduled to a later time and date. We apologise to the listeners who now have to spent 2 hours of their live, not knowing what to do. But we assure you, next week we will have a KICKASS show. We will kick foonr's ass:-) Apologies once again.

Tonight at 1845CET we will see the ninth episode of Enemy Territory's one and only ET radio show. This week, again, we have a jampacked schedule. And again, the one and only United Kingdom foonr will join me :-) Unfortunately after one and half hour I absolutely need to go. So the show ends at 2015CET. This week titles comes from a infamous quote from Germany FlyingDJ. HELLO. Not that this has anything to do with the show, I just couldn't think of a better one.

Review on ESL Summer Cups

image: fall_header

Don't you ask yourself sometime about what happend in summer? We will make the ultimate review on the recent played cups and matches in different events. Check out the winners of our summer series and find all information about the ladder wars.
After our 4 cups during the summer, a great winter and spring season, it's time to check out who was able to win the most matches in the last weeks and which clans will dominate in the upcoming Fall Series!

[*]ESL News

Crossfire is Recruiting!

No, we're not on the look out for a new squad or anything of the sort, infact we're on the look out for more staff here at Crossfire.
In the past couple months, Crossfire has seen a phenominal traffic growth and with it some couple thousand new members. With that in mind we're in a position of needing to grow as an administration aswell as wanting to simply maintain the site a little bit better!

Over moderation can kill a site, and we're certainly not going to do such a thing, however there is a fine line between "good spam and bad spam", to bring us a little closer to that line we're looking for some more admins to help us clean up a touch. We're particularly going to clean up the forums, we want to give them more purpose and functionality, which the new version of the site will aid us somewhat, on the whole the journals will left as they are.

Additionally we're looking for one or two more coders for the specific purpose of creating a competition module for Crossfire, to supplement the upcoming Crossfire LANs in 2007, aswell as more general use. A more specific task can be obtained on request, however the plan is to create a spawnable competition section, similar to the "hosted cup" feature on Clanbase. This feature is a very important part of what we aim to achieve in 2007.

If you are interested in working here at Crossfire (on a volunteer basis of course), then please contact myself either in #Crossfire or via message here on Crossfire. We'll then add you to a list of applicants, and evaluate them once we've got everyone.
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