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Super Adventure Club

Today the formation of the most controversial club since S Club 7 has formed, the Super Adventure Club!. After weeks of non stop practicing and baseracing we feel its time to announce the lineup!

So to cut to the chase :

England kye
England dusty
England crmbs
England Mztik(hes actually in this clan!!)
Sweden Ozz
Norway zerom
Finland Tiigeri
Finland jauhis

We will be participating in the upcoming cups and leagues and our value for money, coding masterpiece, top of the range, flawless website can be found

For more information on the club you can also visit here and here


TosspoT Looks Over Quakecon Past

Crossfire's own Stuart "TosspoT" Saw has written an extensive report for GotFrag of RTCW and Enemy Territory tournaments throughout Quakecon's history, as well as adding some thoughts on this year's tournament.

QuoteIn 2006 the favourites are idle.ee after their unbeaten Eurocup victory earlier his month. The side has long dominated ET under a variety of names. The side features 1 Quakecon winner from last years Check 6, and Eurocup winners from more than one team. The man to watch is undoubtedly Night from Estonia, a powerful leader and all round player. The team most likely to challenge them is Crossfire.nu, this is an all-star team picked from the community website Crossfire who all came together and paid for the team to attend Quakecon, it features 4 Eurocup winners and 1 Quakecon winner, but has only been around since Quakecon was announced this year and lacks any history as a team. Most likely to come in third, but possible to cause an upset will be KiH, of whom some are former iNfensus players (from their online roster, not LAN roster), famed for their success at previous Quakecons and domination of the RTCW scene.
Read the entire article at this location.

Additionally, my extensive Quake 4 1v1/2v2 article including player reactioncs, predictions, and seeding projections can be seen here.

Crossfire qualifiers heat up

image: xfire_logoWith the very chance to meet various members of the ET world in Rotterdam being just under a month away, the Crossfire Eurolan online qualifier round fires up. A total of 16 teams were thrown into a hat, mixed about for a bit and then placed nicely in a qualifier elimination table.

Only four teams from this elimination round will proceed, joining four already invited teams at the Eurolan early next month. Although Europe HighBot dropping out doesn't dramatically increase anyone's chances; it opens the gates slightly with one less clan for competitors to worry about.

Last night, Europe Spreading Death bumped knuckles with Poland Delta in the first qualifier showdown. Despite their name, the only death SPRD spread was their own. Delta took a somewhat deserved 4-0 victory pushing them to face either Russia tank thirty four or Poland dtekt WoW next week.

Meanwhile, the soup continues to cook here at Crossfire towers. Tonight will see two more teams unworthy for seats at the LAN ejected from the competition; a terrible fate compared only to that of a nudist weekend with your grandmother and her older sister Audrey. (For the record my auntie's name is Pat.)

image: game859Netherlands Team-NL vs Europe n1ce
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: supplydepot2, radar (frostbite)
ETTV: GamesTV.org
GBooky Favourite: Team-NL

image: game852Germany Vicious and Evil vs Germany Stofftiere Online
Time: 21:30 CET
Maps: supplydepot2, radar (frostbite)
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: Pr3dS' Germany Ekstreme (German)
GBooky Favourite: Vicious and Evil

As the qualifiers continue to unfold, frequent updates will appear here and GTV. In the meantime, be sure to check the qualifiers roster. Be sure to also check out Netherlands rbnt's Qualifier Coverage.

Crossfire Prizefight Lan Qualifiers

Today the first qualifier match for the Xfire.be Prizefight Lan will take place. The polish powerhouse Poland Team Delta (formerly known as Polewka) will take on the newly formed team Europe Spreading Death. The odds are in favor of Team-Delta, but SPRD is ready to show what they are made of!


Europe Spreading Death __________________vs_________________Poland Team-Delta
[img|left]http://666kb.com/i/agb42ic5ctwufjp9i.jpg[/img]image: agb435thnzncgffs6
Date: Wednesday 2nd August 21.00 CET
Maps: Supplydepot2, Radar (Decider: Frostbite)
ETTV/Lineups: GamesTV
Coverage: ZeroPoint
Result: 0 - 4

E3 sizing down


United States of America Washington, DC (July 31, 2006) — To better address the needs of today's global computer and video game industry, the 2007 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3Expo) is evolving into a more intimate event focused on targeted, personalized meetings and activities, the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) announced today.

“The world of interactive entertainment has changed since E3Expo was created 12 years ago. At that time we were focused on establishing the industry and securing orders for the holiday season,” said Douglas Lowenstein, President of the ESA, the trade association representing U.S. computer and video game publishers and the owner of E3Expo. “Over the years, it has become clear that we need a more intimate program, including higher quality, more personal dialogue with the worldwide media, developers, retailers and other key industry audiences.”

The new E3Expo will take shape over the next several months. As currently envisioned, it will still take place in Los Angeles, described by ESA as a “great and supportive partner helping to build E3.” It will focus on press events and small meetings with media, retail, development, and other key sectors. While there will be opportunities for game demonstrations, E3Expo 2007 will not feature the large trade show environment of previous years.

“E3Expo remains an important event for the industry and we want to keep that sense of excitement and interest, ensuring that the human and financial resources crucial to its success can be deployed productively to create an exciting new format to meet the needs of the industry. The new event ensures that there will be an effective and more efficient way for companies to get information to media, consumers, and others,” said Lowenstein.

Additionally, the evolution of the video game industry into a vibrant and expanding global market has led to the creation of major events in different regions, such as the Games Convention in Leipzig, the Tokyo Game Show, and company-specific events held by Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, and others around the world. As a result, Lowenstein said, “It is no longer necessary or efficient to have a single industry mega-show. By refocusing on a highly-targeted event, we think we can do a better job serving our members and the industry as a whole, and our members are energized about creating this new E3.”

Additional details about the new E3Expo event will be forthcoming in the next few months.

The ESA is the U.S. association dedicated to serving the business and public affairs needs of the companies publishing interactive games for video game consoles, handheld devices, personal computers, and the Internet. ESA members collectively account for more than 90 percent of the $7 billion in entertainment software sales in the U.S. in 2005, and billions more in export sales of entertainment software. For more information about the ESA, please visit www.theESA.com.

Source: http://www.e3insider.com/portal/

Certified Crossfire/ESL configs released

This morning our beloved England Nellie released a new set of Xfire/ESL configs!
image: xfindent3cf
Quote from his journal:
QuoteFor the qualifiers all matches are to be played using this config. For some reason the other config wasn't certified.

This should finally cease the whine about evil people with inhuman strength using sv_cheats 1 on their servers! Notable changes that players should be aware of is that MG42 and Mortar are gone!

Related Links:
- Nellies Journal
- Certified configs

Crossfire.nu launched

image: xfindent3cf
One small development from Crossfire towers is that we have purchased a new domain, namely Crossfire.nu.
Unfortunately Xfire.com recently purchased by Viacom decided to be successful, and whenever I talk to any company regarding this site the conversation goes a little something like this:

Toss - "Hi, I'm from Xfire"
Person in suit - "The messenger program?"
Toss - "No, the Wolfenstein site, xfire.be"
Person in suit "Oh.."
Person in suit "Before I walk away from you, what is .be?"

So after tirelessly searching for good available domains, Crossfire.nu was chosen. I enquired about .com and was told it would cost at least $50,000. The owner of .net was far more civilised only wanting $25,000! With a variety of other Crossfire domains taken, this seemed like the best option. What is .nu? Well its some crazy little island off the coast of Australia, and also means now in Swedish I believe. There are a number of other gaming .nu addresses (mainly swedish) and it is supposed to be an upcoming domain, whether it is or not I have no clue. The domain is far from ideal, but it moves us away from Xfire.com, still keeps a pretty poor extension, but 1 outta 2 is not bad...

The move is from a souly marketing point of view, and will not effect anyones usage of the site, xfire.be will always exist for the rest of eternity and you wont need to update your favourites or anything. This move will not effect users at all, we simply wanted to make you aware.

Update your servers!

image: news-icon-etpro
I am writing this as news & not as article to grab alot of attention since this one is a tricky one for all server admins.

ReyalP writes in the ETPro forums:

QuoteWe have had several reports that people are actively exploiting the download vulnerability that exists in et prior to 2.60b and ETTV prior to beta-10. This exploit allows that to download your server.cfg files (and thus obtain your passwords) and depending on your server configuration, may allow them to download other sensitive files outside of the et directory.

Anyone running a server with downloads enabled should update to 2.60b or the latest ettv.

You DO NOT have to update to the new etpro, or require the clients to update. Just update the server.

The bug: http://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=CVE-2006-2082
ET 2.60b binaries (all platforms): ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/et/ET-2.60b.zip

So all server admins reading this, please update your server binary to either ET 2.60b or ETTV b11.

ET:QW Production Testers

Have you dreamed of a job in the gaming industry, being paid to play the latest release? If yes, and you live in the London area - here’s your chance.

Splash Damage are recruiting Production Testers to join their London studios to work on their upcomming title Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. This opportunity allows normal gamers to have an input into the development of the game. It is expected that testing will run over three periods – with the release date set for Autumn 2007.

Here’s an extract from the Job Description

Quote We are looking for Production Testers to join our studios in London, England. Applicants must be located in the London/Kent area.

Essential Skills and Experience

[*] Demonstrable experience playing multiplayer team-based first person shooter games (in online gaming clans). This can be shown with links to clan sites, forums that you are active in etc.
[*] Methodical approach to finding and reporting problems/bugs
[*] Good working knowledge of DOS/Windows PCs
[*] Excellent communication skills and the ability to work with varied staff members and personalities with a high degree of understanding, conciseness and directness
[*] Ability to give positive as well as negative feedback
[*] Honesty and a strong work ethic
[*] Firm grasp of testing basics, including how to locate, identify and reproduce bugs, how to properly write a bug report and enter it into a bug database
[*] Ability to handle high pressure situations and prioritize multiple projects
[*] Willingness to work above and beyond the call of duty, working to drive the process forward
[*]Ability to identify what is required by other departments and be prepared for it

Thankfully the job description specifies that all candidates must have some form of competition clan experience. Hopefully ensuring the game will be suitable for both public and competition play.

All interested candidates should apply over on Splash Damage

Although an alpha demo is currently in circulation, and will be available to play at Quakecon 2006, it is not expected that a playable demo will be publicly released


Rosters are out for 5v5 Cup

image: summercuplogocm6

Rosters are out, so get off your asses and start challenging! First matchweek starts Monday 7th August whilst the last matchweek ends Monday 28th August. 2 teams out of the 4 qualify to the playoffs where there will be a total of 16 teams through to the playoffs. Playoffs should start immediately after the last matchweek but there is a possibility that playoffs start on the 4th of September if things don't go according to plan.

Any complains about your positioning in certain groups or divisions is not to be forwarded to me. If you have a group which you think is hard, there is nothing I can do but if there is any complaint about you being in the wrong division then INSTEAD of coming to me, asking me to switch your division, find someone who wants to switch YOURSELVES as like this it is much easier and much faster. Anyone who feels he can do this has to be within the next couple of days. I won't be accepting any switches after Friday 4th August.
When you find someone to switch, I need BOTH clans to email me with logs proving what each other said.

Cup Page

Thanks to uNki for making our sexy banner <3

Good Luck for the cup and start challenging!
toxic & NR
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