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Warsow 0.12

image: 53_big
Earlier today the Warsow team released Warsow 0.12.
It's main purpose is restoring mod support following the begining of public mods being made. The patch also features a couple of bugfixes regarding BE, HUD items issues, demo playback, the armor decay during a timeout,doors and many others!

The patch includes some slight gameplay tweaks that involve less ammo for the weapons, this is more of preliminary test as we started doing weapontweaks for 0.2 and we think these new ammocounts will be beneficial for the game ( less spam and more of a tactical need to control the ammo packs). Possibly the most signficant change however lies in the CTF change, the flag reset timer has been reduced from 10 seconds down to 8 to overcome those who learnt how to trickjump to bypass the need for teamwork!
There are a lot more things that have been done for your pleasure! See all the other changes in the changelog !


- ChangeLog
- Update from 0.11 to 0.12
- 0.12 Full Install

New Snatch2 bugfix script

A map with great potential, yet a map with some gaping holes, Mortis has plyed his trade to Snatch 2 to fix the bugs and aid the maps development!

This is beta script that still needs testing in the real world. This one was an exercise in fugly script mangling. Report bugs to Mortiss. This script is working for him, but feedback is needed!

- Corrected autospawns
- Corrected endgame wait states
- Removed bad TWO and spawns at CP
- Created correctly working TWO and spawns at CP
- Made a new autospawn system
- Added wm_announcements for CP spawn activity

You can download it Here

Browse his full collection Here

CoD - In the End!

Nothing else matters today! The EuroCup groupstage is over and we are ready to present you the full grid of this seasons EuroCup event comming up next right in your monitor.

image: chosenCoD2

In german, fans shouting `Wir fahren nach Berlin`, which just means that their team has much success in the current cup and will continue to the final in germany`s biggest stadium. In the eurocup there are no fans shouting in a stadium, but our teams are as motivated as they should be to cry in the microphone, where they want to go. Its not like the wold cup, where teams are just happy to be in, its the most important event for the young history of CoD2 and some clans have their aim comming up to prove, that they are able to gain the aim.
Check out, who is in the best position to win the EuroCup XIII!

> Original posted at ClanBase, check out the news.

Eurocup Playoff Stages confirmed!

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So at long last the group stages are over and we've got ourselves a few suprising qualifications and some last minute movement in the groups!

Group A

1st - Estonia Idle.ee
2nd - Europe Maybe
3rd - Germany V&E

Idle winning the group was of no surprise to anyone, the team that arent actually playing the game are still quite happy to dish out a spanking to you if you've been naughty! However Maybe taking 2nd place didnt look possible some weeks ago, it looked like a straight battle between o8 and v&e, however o8's folding left Maybe with a shot at qualification. That shot was duelly put straight onto evil's head as Maybe beat v&e to take 2nd place!

Read On for a review of the other 3 groups!

CoD - Flame-Instinct become 4Given

image: 4given
Today we saw the old Flame-Instinct move on to the UK based organisation of 4Given Gaming. After staying at Fi for a while, the team eventually got fed up with the lack of support from the Flame management and decided to look for another organisation that could cupport them. The team, who recently cut Netherlands lars and Norway Yersinia from their roster and added United Kingdom HaZ and United Kingdom vasquez, who had been a temporary part of Europe Check-Six, will be representing United Kingdom 4Given Gaming with the following players:


United Kingdom beNN
United Kingdom junior
United Kingdom tomi
United Kingdom vasquez
United Kingdom HaZ
Netherlands Ichi

Statement 4Given Gaming:
Quote"Today 4Given would like to announce yet another addition to our already quality roster, with the pick-up of former Flame-instinct COD2 team, formally named Clearlyninjas. The team consists of some of the best talent the UK and the Netherlands have to offer, and we here at 4Given believe they have enourmous ability, both individually and as a team. Under the 4Given banner, the new team will be attending the Tek-9 COD2 LAN event in Antwerp, Belgium from the 28-30th of July , where the team hope to finish in the top3, and win some cash prizes.

Read On for a Statement from beNNzje!

The Return of Oceans6

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As you all know, Oceans6 has had theire part of squadchanges. The latest squad lead by United Kingdom Fazz folded after not making it into the Clanbase EuroCup.
Before Fazz's team, Oceans6 was lead by Germany pumu with his friends ern1e and butchji.

Qraigu, the leader of the Oceans6 management, recentely decided to take matters into his own hands. He decided to create a team on his own, and fight forthe good reputation his team had whilst competing the the ClanBase EuroCup a few seasons ago.

In his new team, he decided to take a few players he had played with alot before. This included players like vEg, inSi and t0MMy. While playing for the region of Saarland in the Germany Deutsche Laender Meisterschaft, a tournament between the provinces in Germany Germany, he got to know sYnop, who brought him Seya, naid and Limbonic. The last member, Snuble, who decided to quit after Norway Norway didn't make the playoffs in last seasons NationsCup, is returning to the ET scene ( mostly as backup and cuddly mascot, due to inactivity

Germany Bastet Origin unknown, & team-Germany
Germany inSi Gods.Inc
Germany sYnop Retro4u
Germany seya Highbot
Austria naid Ultima-Ratio
Austria limbonic Gods of Quake
Switzerland vEg Gods.Inc & Team-Swizz
Germany t0mmy Gods.Inc & Team-Germany
Norway Snuble Outraged/Oceans6 & Team-Norway

The new Germany Oceans6 team will attend most upcoming ET cups, and will obviously try to reach the highest level possible!

We can be reached at IRC : #o6 @ quakenet // Oceans6 Homepage

Xfire Cheat Drop Box

image: logo_punkbuster
On Saturday morning a friend of mine came to me with a hack he had found his clanmate using, his clanmate sent him the hack and the clan dealt with the cheater internally.
He then forwarded the cheat onto me hoping I could do something about getting this hack detected by PunkBuster and progress has since been made.

After making contact with a gentleman named Glenn at evenbalance, it crossed my mind...Why Stop there? So I sent another email to him offering Crossfire as a tool to be used for anonymous submissions of cheats that can then be forwarded onto PunkBuster and he gratefully accepted with this strict reminder:

QuotePLEASE don't test out any hack to see if it is working, because silent detections are one of our most powerful and frequently used weapons. Any ban that may be received from this kind of "testing" will not be lifted.

This will not be used to ban an individual, only to aid Punkbuster in their research into detecting cheats and there is no garentuee that this will solve the problems currently plaguing ET, however its a start.

Please submit any cheat that you are aware of to [email protected]. Submissions can be completely anonymous, PB are uninterested about where they come from, just that they get them! It dosent matter if you send them from yours or your grandmothers email address, this is not about people but about the software.

Outpost on Fire Lan Approaches for CoD2

image: xfireout5fq

The Outpost Lan in Belgium, one of the biggest for CoD2 so far with over €5000 worth of prizes, is fast approaching. With 20 of the finest teams in Europe attending, including the likes of Speedlink, Check Six and Northern Darkness, it's sure to be a great event packed with excitement. Here on Crossfire we will be covering the event in detail, starting with an introduction to the competition and the teams invited.

Name: Outpost On Fire Lan
Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Date: 29th-30th July
Teams: 24 (full)
Coverage: inside The Game live video stream with TosspoT


1st place - €1,500 + Hardware
2nd place - €750 + Hardware
3rd place - €250 + Hardware

4th place - Hardware
5th place - Hardware

WolfClaw MVP - €250 + Hardware

Read more to find out about the venue and the invited teams...

Challenge Cup 2 - let's kick-off

image: challenge_cup2Challenge Cup 2 we mentioned about in some other news items kicks-off on today. 40 European clans signed up their players and will participate in the second edition of this Polish tournament. 8 teams that will not need to play qualification-phase matches are:

Italy AgonyRealm
Poland dfiance
Finland Fatal Aftermath
Europe kojak
Netherlands Lucky-Bitches - vero?
Europe Palmarium
Germany pstarZ
Czech Republic Team infrag

Qualifications phase will last for 6 days. 16 winners of these matches will be put into 4 groups with the teams mentioned above. All the teams have the opportunity to book one of four Challenge Cup 2 official servers that are sponsored by Gameservers.net. Could the players have better conditions?

Good luck to all the teams involved, and thank you for all the positive comments we are receiving from you. Visit us at our website and IRC channel: #challenge-cup.

Luger Frag - Episode 4

image: lugerfrag
While the World Cup is on its way and the summer has hit the shores all over Europe, Luger Frag is going into a fourth round, airing today at 19 CET only on Inside The Game.

What do we have for you?

News Of The Week

Cheaters busted on a daily basis - xfire expanding - the mylegend case - Quakecon announcement

Map test: SW El Kef

A radio transmitter has to be stolen - too simple for a competition map? El Kef looks quite nice and surely has some potential. Germany swine is going to join me again for some map testing action while the Luger Frag server is there so that you can test the map yourself.

Download: http://maps.vpclan.de/etmain/sw_el_kef.pk3

ET, MGCs and sponsors - where to go?

With more and more ET clans being sponsored and joining up big multi gaming clans, we have to ask ourselves if that is the way to go. What are the benefits, where are the drawbacks? Can ET get more attention through big clans or are we on the best way to ridicule the whole ET community? United Kingdom Sheep will join me among others to discuss this issue.

As usual, call-ins are taken via Skype, so if you want to contribute, be sure to have it set up properly.

EuroCup playoffs - big changes

Not only do we know five playoff participants already, but we are facing some major changes for this season's EuroCup playoffs. Which ones exactly? Tune in to find out.

Show starts at 19 CET on Inside The Game Server 1, be sure to join #lugerfrag for all the server IPs and URLs.
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