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Todd Hollenshead Speaks regarding ET:QW and Wolf!

Our beloved Netherlands Pol has unearthed a recent interview with ID Softwares chief Mr. Todd Hollenshead, who speaks with regards to this years upcoming releases aswell as some news on "The Next Wolf".

When asked about FPS vs MMORPG:

QuoteThe FPS genre is always expanding and changing. I certainly consider ET:QW to be an FPS, but it has a ton of other elements that aren't "straight FPS." I'm a huge fan of Wolf: ET (along with a ton of other people) so I'm really looking forward to that game coming out this year.

And most interestingly for the RTCW fans out there, when talking about PC and XBOX launches, and whether all games in future would be launched on both platforms he states;

QuoteET:QW is only in development for the PC currently. The next Wolf game is using the 360 as its primary development platform, but will be released on the PC as well. We're looking at PS3, 360 and PC for our internal project, but it's too early to guess on whether we'll have all of those ready to go at the same time. It would be nice if it works out where the launch is simultaneous, but I don't know if that's feasible.

The full interview is available HERE and once again props to Pol for the find!

Xfire Quality Control

image: 8535877_579e32b4f5_m
This week the xfire admins have been called into action on a number of occasions to modify or delete several newsposts which have been below the standard expected for a newspost.
Xfire.be is very keen to promote free contribution by its members, it is one of the features that enhances a variety of news. However, the journalistic standard of the newsposts must remain consistent between those that are regularly posting news and those that are not.

Whilst exceptions are made, and there are posts that are missed, on the whole the author of any newspost must attempt to make his newspost informative and interesting, whilst also adding to the content of this site.

If you are posting news about a new clan, that is by all means welcome, however as a standard, you should not be looking just to post their roster and irc channel. Interesting news about their history and aspirations are also a must, along with perhaps a quote, whilst reminding people what is so special about this clan.

If you are posting news about a new cup, make sure that you're not simply posting about the date and the website of this cup.

Whilst realistically there can never be a minimum word count for a newspost, you must understand the need for quality posts and a good read for your audience.

At xfire we also understand that English is not everyones first language, and that writing at the same standard as others is not easy. For that reason you're more than welcome to contact the ops in #crossfire for assistance or full writing of your newspost.

A full rewrite of the posting guidelines will come with the release of Xfire 3.

Thank You - The Xfire Crew

NationsCup Action

[img|left]http://www.gamestv.org/images/small_blue.gif[/img] 855. That's the number at current (if my maths hasn't failed me) of ETTV slots available for today's NationsCup games. Not bad for a game supposedly dieing. Of course, this figure always rises the closer it gets to the event.
5 games are due to be played kicking off (if you can really use that phrase in ET) between 20.00 CET and 21.00 CET in games across groups A, B & D. Here's my personal run-down:

20:00 CET - Estonia Estonia vs Slovenia Slovenia
Many will view this as being capable of only one outcome in favour of the Estonians, with Estonia holding the group top-spot, and Slovenia languishing down in 5th place, only managing to beat minnows Canada so far. In contrast, Estonia have beaten all three games against Portual, Belgium and Croatia, and look set to continue winning ways again tonight. Certainly if Estonia have aspirations to regaining their trophy from last season, they are going the correct way about it.

21:00 CET - Switzerland Switzerland vs Poland Poland
A similar story plays out here, with in-form and personal favourites of mine Poland having taken three wins against anubis et. co's one victory.The Swiss have certainly been firing blanks of late, only managing to overcome the Russian side in a tight 4:2 game. Since that first game, the side have been beaten by both Germany and Spain, and will certainly have to pull something special out of the bag to beat the Poles. Poland on the other hand will surely arrive in confidence overload, but will have to be careful, as none of their matches so far have been what you might call daunting. Wins over Eire (Ireland), Norway and Russia have stood them in good stead, but the Swiss aren't about to give anything up just yet.

21:00 CET - Sweden Sweden vs Czech Republic Czech Republic
Perennial favourites Sweden find themselves in unfamiliar territory at current, behind their opponents holding 2nd place with their third position on the league board. Don't let the numbers fool you however, both sides have faced different opponents in a group which surely must win the obligatory 'group of death' tag (Holland also have maximum points). Sweden have stood up to Holland only to lose a strongly contested game 4:2 to leave a tarnished match record, while the Czechs have had an easier time of it, beating France, Malta and the USA before coming into this game. Nevertheless sweden duplicated the Maltese misery with their victory over said nation to set up what must surely be the game of the night. Not suprising then to see 200 ETTV slots already on the board and confirmed. If you have to pick a game, I'd recommend this one. Perhaps Sweden to slightly edge it?

21:00 CET - Hungary Hungary vs United States of America USA-POWER
Poor old Hungary. Not only have they had to play their opening two games against Holland and Sweden, they've also got a league table displaying them in fifth place and a date with the United States of High Pingers as if they needed anymore stress. The USA are above the Hungarians, by one place, but again looks can be deceptive with the US only having played two games: losing to the Czech Republic and then beating by now everyone's favourite punchbag nation Malta... a game I didn't watch, but imagine the pings to be pretty daft! The US continue to be dogged by the Atlantic barrier, but this will hardly present the Hungarians with their first 'easy' game, as ping difference always plays a key, unpredicable role in games of this nature. A loss tonight would surely all but end the Hungarian dream, with a tough game against the Czechs waiting afterwards. Who'd be a Hungarian?

21:00 CET - Belgium Belgium vs Austria Austria
And so we come to the chocolate making, union loving nations of .be & .at. We return to Group A this time with the action, in a reflection of Sweden's and the Czech Republic's 2nd / 3rd place scrap. Both sides have won three games: Belgium have beaten Croatia, Portugal and Canada, whilst Austria have overcome Slovenia, Croatia and Canada. Perhaps not the hardest tasks...but the fact is Belgium have played not three games but four, having lost to group leaders Estonia. Tonight we discover who deserves to be up there with Estonia, and who has simply been riding on easy opponents. It's Rafiki's lot against LeGO's team, and it promises to be a cracker ... not a wheat thin.

All further coverage details can be seen over at GamesTV.org. HF!

CptnTriscuit gets grilled

image: baseraceHe might not be the most 'house-hold' name in Christendom, but American born & based CptnTriscuit has certainly given one hell of a lot to the ET community, after having working on RTCW in its prime. His domain is mapping, and from his hardworking site /battlefield, he has churned out many a gamer's favourite, most notable the BaseRace series, along with the competition nearly-map Rommel, RTCW's Toxicity and Grave Robbery. All this, and he still finds time to release his public texture packs. So it comes as no suprise that his work has attracted much critical acclaim, and, the interviewer's pleas for a chat.

Therefore, CptnTriscuit agreed to speak with the folks over at rtcw.filefront and give only his second ever interview to his probably adoring fans. Topics included cover of course the BaseRace series, life as a mapper, and the question everyone seems to throw in interviews these days. Yes, that question. Anyhoo, he's a little extract:

Northerner: Where did you come up with the idea for the baserace maps?

CptnTriscuit: I was messing around trying to learn the ET construction system while at the same time testing to see if you could capture a CTF flag in different locations. Well turns out you can, so I figured it might be neat to stick different capture locations together with different constructions so players could choose what they wanted to build. I loved how Enemy Territory added a bit of 'RPG' flavor to Wolfenstein with experience points and class skills; I wanted to try and make a map that would do the same.

Full interview is like, here 'n stuff.

No more slowdowns!

image: cblogo_160wWhen people mention the ClanBase website, they tend to think of two things: the almost unrivalled list of ladders, cups and hosted competitions which it holds, but also the rathermore negative side, which is the tendancy to become slow, go down for a bit, or even completely crash. It has left the site with something of tarnished reputation, which is clearly unfair given CB's size.

However, it seems these problems and slowdowns are soon to be a thing of the past. The site currently operates on 2 "ageing" servers, which haven't been upgraded for two and a half years. In periods of high traffic and demand, the site often slowed, and download speeds were unsatisfactory. Luckily, coming soon courtest of CB come four "brand new" servers, which will ensure performance won't be affected thereafter.
The upgrade takes place this coming Tuesday at 01:00 CET, so minimal disruption will be noticed. The task of moving an entire site is hardly a small one, but it will be made ever quicker by the fact that many files, suchs as demos, maps, screenshots and so one have been pre-loaded already.

Norway Nico of the Clanbase Crew had this to say:
"More than 2.5 years have passed since the ClanBase servers were last upgraded. Meanwhile traffic has continued to increase, and for some time the servers have had a hard time coping with the load. With this upgrade, we're thrilled to once more be able to make the ClanBase experience a speedy one."

Get ready to kiss slowdowns goodbye! \o/


R3 ET Clan Trailer Leads The Way

The R3 ET Clan Trailer today strengthened its grasp on the Enemy Territory frag movie scene with a massive five nominations in the GGL Golden Llamas. Some achievement for a movie trailer.

The movie is nominated in the categories for Best Picture, Best Editing, Best Wolfenstein, Best Tech and Breakthrough Video.

Whilst the Aussie allstars Modus Operandi are in second place with two nominations for their innovative movie Vindication, including Best Presentation and Best Wolfenstein. Competing alongside them in the Best Wolfenstein category is the RTCW classic Violent Reflection, the prodigal panzerfaust Winghaven in Out Of The Way and a compliation of RTCW frags in Eurocup X RTCW.

A testament to the creative and influential Wolfenstein movie makers out there the “Best Wolfenstein” category has been reinstated - after an absence in 2004. “4Kings Revolution” winning Best RTCW Movie back in 2003.

The awards will take place March 2nd.

(Involving Wolfenstein Movies)

Best Wolfenstein Movie

Eurocup X RTCW
R3 ET Clan Trailer
Violent Reflection
Winghaven Out Of The Way

Best Picture

coL: Armageddon
Get Quaked 3
R3 ET Clan Trailer
Reaching Aural Nirvana

Best Audio

Eurocup X RTCW
Get Quaked 3
Nog-aholic the Movie by Dopefish
Reaching Aural Nirvana

Best Tech

R3 ET Clan Trailer
Nog-aholic the Movie by Dopefish
Reaching Aural Nirvana
Speed Trial
Winghaven Out Of The Way

Best Editing

R3 ET Clan Trailer
Get Quaked 3
Reaching Aural Nirvana
I’m Still Seeing Breen

Best Fragmovie

dav1d’s Destination
Get Quaked 3
mAx Chapter 2
Around The World

Best Presentation

BWL (Nefarian) Cleared by Ad Noctum
coL: Armageddon
In Memory Of HLO Gavle
Modus Operandi: Vindication

Breakthrough Video

A Gamers Day
coL: Armageddon
R3 ET Clan Trailer
Speed Trial


RtCW FallCup 2005 winners


Congratulations to the winners! of the RtCW FallCup 2005

The clans that are walking away with medals are:

1st: Europesvperfrogs
2nd: United Kingdomone.soldier
3rd: GermanyHighFiDelity

First of all we want to thank clans that participated. We realised that this cup was a small one, but We hoped you had a chance to enjoy it. We want to thank the admins, specially doneX and Cash that helped when we needed them I would also like to thank Adjk who cammed that season with me, and BurnerTV for providing us with WTV server.

Take care all,
ToxicGirl, Dino

Fast-Gaming-Cup 3rd Edition

image: smallbanner

Second cup has ended and we're about to start the next one. You can already mark the 5th March as busy in your datebook.

I've to begin sign-ups of third cup earlier because of some organisational reasons.

Winner of last cup was:

image: smallcup Europe team-kirby
image: smallcup_silver United Kingdom uQ.Gaming
image: smallcup_bronze Finland insta-Gods

The mixed team Europe team-kirby jumped in at the 2nd round for Europe Queens.et and did a good choice doing so. They've fought their way into the final against United Kingdom uQ.Gaming and were able to beat them by playing sw_goldrush_te, radar and as decider radar again.
Like in first cup Finland insta-Gods reached the third place though they were sure an aspirant for the gold medal.

Less text more info:
- Sign-Ups: 22nd February - 4th March
- Cup-Start: 5th March

1st Round: braundorf_b4
Quarter Finals: sw_goldrush_te
Half-Finals: supplydepot2
Final: 2 Maps from mappool (Decider: radar)

sw_oasis_b3 was kicked out and instead supplydepot2 came in.

Head-Admin: Turkey gekko
Media Admin: Canada wintermute
Match Admins:
- Israel sAgol
- Finland PetriP-TNT
- Israel blAk
- Israel CaspoN

I would like to thank Finland PetriP-TNT who did great job organising ETTv and United Kingdom andyF1 who provided us with excellent ettv gameserver and was also able to broadcast matches.

- Cup Channel: #et.gather.cup
- Site: www.et-gather.be

ESL 3on3 Winter Cup: Final

The ESL 3on3 Winter Cup comes down to the final and the clans Murso and Streetfighters are going to play each other in the grand final tonight:

image: 853469_small vs. image: 1450882_small

Match: Germany Streetfighers vs. Murso Finland
Time: Wed, 20 cet
Maps: Supplydepot 2, ET Ice
Cup: http://www.esl-europe.net/eu/et/3on3/winter05/
IRC: #esl.et / #gamestv.org
ETTV: 100 slots confirmed

Round 1: vs. SH (defwin)
Round 2: vs. h2so4 (win 4:0)
Round 3: vs. nemesis (defwin)
Round 4: vs. murso (win 4:0)
Round 5: vs. dfiance (win 4:0)
Round 1: vs. viking (win 4:0)
Round 2: vs. Speedwin (win 4:0)
Round 3: vs. xG (win 4:0)
Round 4: vs. streetfighers (lost 0:4)
Round 7: vs. united souls (win 4:0)
LB Final: vs. dfiance (win 4:0)

For more details and ettv visit:
- ESL Match
- gtv ETTV Details

NationsCup IX Rule Change

image: ncClanbase have revised the rule book for qualification for the next round of the NationsCup.

The new rule is now the top 3 teams from each group will progress to the next stage. However the team that comes first will miss 1 elimination round. Meaning A vs (B vs C).

This could provide further twists and turns in the latter stages.

Source: Clanbase
Random Flags: United Kingdom Iceland Germany Belgium
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