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The Russian Federation fight back at the Nations Cup.

image: 6faa80

We are proud to be able to play in the NC anyways. The lineup of Team Russia is filled with energy and power and will give everything under the leadership of psycHozz & officer. As soon as possible the team will try to earn some victories for its country.

And now the Lineup of the colder part in Europe!


Russia psycHozz (Team Zenith)
Russia officer (Pistols)


Russia iNz (old rtcw idle.ee)
Russia humM3L (HighBot)
Russia Wiser (x3.et)
Russia ilL (Team Zenith)
Russia agnosis (x3.et)


Russia slaw (pistols)
Russia elfa (eSrael)

Homepage www.team-russia.ru
Quakenet @ #et.ru

The mighty viking squad of Denmark

image: dknc0at

Year 1219 AD.:
Quote"King Valdemar II Sejr conquers northern Estonia. According to the legend, the Danish flag "Dannebrogen" fell down from the sky during this mission. The Dannebrog is the oldest flag in the world still in use. All Nordic flags except the Greenland flag are variations of the Dannebrog."

Enough with the history leasons...

The danish national team is ready to kick ass and chew bubble-gum, but we're all out of bubble-gum! The lineup will be featuring some grumpy old men, who would probably be better of sitting on a bench in the park, waving their cane angrily at passing youths.

Denmark Arachon (c) - (The Killer Bunnies)
Denmark Ankel (ex-rewind/dignitas)
Denmark BlazZ (World source Fighters)
Denmark Darkie (ex-rewind/dignitas)
Denmark Exquizit (uNtried)
Denmark frode (uNtried)
Denmark gyzr (uNtried)
Denmark JH (signum)
Denmark Kark (uNtried)
Denmark oBs (ex-pstarZ)
Denmark Pelle (memento mori)
Denmark SqueeZe (Waves Form)

We hope that we are able to make some major upsets during the entire season of ClanBase NationsCup. Who ever thinks different will be brutally raped by ze mighty vikings of ze north :)

- NC.EnemyTerritory.dk
- #ET.dk

We dont need to beat you, you need to beat us! - Team.UK!

image: UK-img

Quote[/i] UK.ET Movie Lineup

Thanks to all 25 of the players who tried out for the team.

For more information on the lineup and for contact info etc please visit Team-UK.

Thanks rG

Team Israel - The Jews are coming!

image: isralol4ja3

Stronger, more delayed, high pinged and less maxpackets'ed than ever, I am proud to present you the team's roster for the forthcoming NationsCup IX.

The team will consist of the following players:
IsraelTommy "CrozZ" (#141, Leader)
IsraelNeil "Nilash" (#TAMTAM, Manager)
IsraelSlava "RoadKill" (#ins!, Manager)
IsraelYarden "yid" (#ins!)
IsraelSaimon "sensy" (#ins!)
IsraelArie "LION" (#helix.et)
IsraelGuy "Hunter" (#eSrael)
IsraelYonatan " Zer4tuL" (#WIN!)
IsraelZoar "TrojAn" (#elementals)

As you can see the team has kept its main core of players from last season and distinctive hitboxes.

Support us at #isr.et on Quakenet

Special thanks to the danish donkey for the great logo.

Here it is - the lineup you have all been waiting for!

Let us be honest. You've seen all those lineups being announced. But did you really care? Weren't you waiting for one team? The land of sausages, discipline and Oktoberfest? I bet you were. Nevertheless, I have good news:
Here's our lineup. Following the recent tradition of making a small picture, let me give you something to look at first:

image: 24

Are you still on your chair? If you're not: I can understand that. This lineup is really something to knock you off your feet. Here's some detailed information about the players:

Germany qraigu [Manager] (o6)
Germany biqq [C] (vae)
Germany evil (vae)
Germany drago (vae)
Germany urtier (idle.ee)
Germany senji (idle.ee)
Germany riddla (helix)
Germany butch (o6)
Germany second (helix)
Germany gambit (141)
Germany FlixX (cless)

qraigu will manage that team, his immense experience with the RTCW national team will surely prove useful in the upcoming struggle to score some points in the NationsCup. qraigu told me that he thinks it will be quite interesting, with countries participating we didn't even know of in the ET world before. biqq added that he is convinced to have found a decent mixture of players that will please the somewhat heterogenous German community. He claims that we might have a good chance of being among the top 3 there.

Whatever the results may be, let's hope for fair games, awesome ETTV and a bond that connects ET players regardless of the nation they're playing for. See you at NationsCup IX!


MiniCup.Hu 6on6 New Years Cup

image: mc200

In 2004 april there was the first time when we arraged this Cup Series.
In 2006 january we wanna arrange the 16th MiniCup.Hu
You can signup your teams from now till Tuesday, 31.01.2006, 12:00cet.

- Braundorf_b4
- Fueldump Spring
- Seawall Battery
- Supplydepot2
- SW_Goldrush_TE
- Würzburg Radar

If the match is a draw after 2 maps you have to use elimination to find out the decider map.

Good luck have fun and sign up :-)

We wait only low or med skill clans to this Cup


GET-Cup 6on6 *Update_1*

image: banner468x60

Its time for another one-day ET-Cup, hosted by the get-liga.
After some small 3on3, 2on2 and quake4 cups we decided to start the new year with a 6on6 Cup.
You can signup your teams from now till Sunday, 15.01.2006, 13:59cet.
To make sure that your team will take part at the cup you have to check-in the time with msg me on IRC ( #get-liga )
You can checkin your team from 13:59cet till 14:59cet and at 15cet we will announce the grid.

Round 1: special_delivery 2
Round 2: braundorf_b4
Round 3: supplydepot 2
Round 4: sw_grush_te
Finale: Radar

As you can see we are planing a cup for 32 Teams, but we are only playing 1 map ( 2 sw-rounds )
If the match is a draw after this map you have to use elimination to find out the decider map.

This time we got some small prices by et-scene.de. They will support the winner of the cup with 6 BNC's for 3 Months

Good luck have fun and sign up :-)
Cup Page

The blondes now present their Nations Cup team!

image: swe_team_final

Thanks too mudi the bosnian for all the amazing inspiration! and Minc for Pic work..

Gods in a pickle!

The match is back on and will be played, right NOW, roster information is hard to find, but the game is going ahead this very second. Phobeus will play for Gods and Germany Slaz is back in 141 and will play!


Today witnessed Europe Gods.inc forced into a tricky situation, and unfortunately for them, they've been struck down by gridlock in the Clanbase hierarchy.

Scheduled to play United Kingdom 141 who themselves have justed added a new player, 2 times bronze medalist Switzerland Anubis, gods were faced with the scenario of replacing Finland Kimble or not play the game, rather than take 141's route of recruiting a brand new player. Why? Where is there a difference?

Clanbase rules state that once the groupstage is completed an ET roster must consist of 7 players, HOWEVER until earlier this week, that number was 6. Therefore if Gods wanted to play this game, they would have to replace Finland kmble, meaning that when he returned from holiday he could not play for Gods as you can only make 1 roster addition after the end of the group stages.

Gods wanted to find this player some time ago, however Spain DoneX was forced to adhere to the rules he was given, despite his own complaints to his superiors that this rule was not workable for ET, and that he wanted to change it to 7. This week he was given permission to make that change, and that is why United Kingdom 141's roster reads with 7 (active) players, and Gods just 6.

Could Gods reschedule following this rule change? Unfortunately not, Clanbase are not allowing the option of a reschuedule due to a stringent cup schedule, despite 141's offer, and thus 2 Finns, 2 Hungarians and 1 Spaniard are looking to the gods for divine inspiriation as they now face a default loss, and a place in the losers bracket!

However it has come to light that despite news to the contrary, Switzerland Anubis will not be allowed to play in Eurocup, as he is cup tied. Playing would violate "The new member has not played with another clan in the same cup after the deadline." and Anubis was active for wArning after this deadline, and thus will not be allowed to play again in this seasons Eurocup.

141 on the other hand, appear to also be in their own pickle, clanleader United Kingdom Mztik claims that he was told by the cup supervisor that Anubis would be allowed to play if they removed a member from their roster, to maintain it at 7, that member was Germany slaz. However just hours before the game, 141 have been told that Anubis cannot play and they are crying foul.

2 contrasting points of view on the Anubis matter remain. Anubis was knocked out of Eurocup XII whislt playing for wArning, once you're out, you're out? Well, technically yes. However just like in Football, when if your goalkeeper sustains a long injury and you do not have a suitable backup, you are allowed to make a transfer outside of the transfer window, Anubis being the keeper of the rifle for 141, and they have since removed riflenaders Slaz and h2oxygen from their active roster, under Clanbase instruction.

Information from Spain DoneX, Finland MulSu United Kingdom Mztik

Another year, another EuroCup Sunday.

MulSu has just informed me that they are not going to play this match. He has given me an official statement concerning this decision:

We are refusing to play this match against 141. This decision is made by all of our members, and there is a reason for doing such a "lame" act, let me clarify what have happened: 2 weeks ago, our leader MulSu asked permission to recruit a new member to 141 match, because one of the strongest player of ours was going to vacation trip. Supervisor doneX gave us very simple and straight answer which denied all recruiments before our match against 141. Now couple of days before our match, 141 had a new member which apparently IS allowed to play against us. He has also played in wArning! in the same EC tournament. I don't see it necessary for us to play today, when supervisors are dramatically influencing the match odds.

Statement by doneX / Clanbase will follow.

That's right, we have arrived in 2006 and are starting another EuroCup Sunday with a great game:

United Kingdom one4one vs. Germany gods.inc


[*]United Kingdom one4one

United Kingdom sqzz
Germany gambit
Switzerland anubis
United Kingdom syK
Israel CrozZ
United Kingdom Mztik

[*]Germany gods.inc

Finland chmpp
Finland krypta
Hungary Nonix
Hungary Future
Spain Winghaven
Finland MulSu

Maps: tba / tba

ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: FlyingDJ

With United Kingdom uQ having beaten the Europe IDKFA team, this game will determine who is going to meet United Kingdom uQ in the final of the winner bracket and who will take on Estonia idle in the semi final of the loser bracket. Germany gods.inc are one player short, with Finland kmble being on vacation in Thailand Thailand they have to temporarily replace him with Finland krypta for tonight. United Kingdom 141 will have their standard lineup - except for one surprise: Former Spain wArning! player Switzerland anubis is joining the forces and will show us his rifle skills tonight.
Let's hope for an exciting game tonight!
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