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Land of a thousand welcomes, announces their all star lineup!

image: logo_topSince the first ET Nations Cup, everything has been going down hill for Team.IE, losing every round in both the two last Nation Cups has mean't that they were not even able to get out of the knock outs with a single win. but all this is about to change!

Now with Captain Sol hand picking the team and using tactics he has stolen from all the top teams he has been in, it looks like Ireland may actually win a round!

[*] Lineup
image: map
Quote[/i]Ireland Sol
Ireland H3
Ireland Joe
Ireland Rapp
Ireland Nexus
Ireland Mthd
Ireland Nitro
Ireland Etnies
Ireland Dozy
Ireland Electro
Ireland Shane

image: 1 image: 2 image: 3 image: 4 image: 5 image: 6

Team Belgium - Part II

image: teambe(1)

NationsCup IX wasn't even announced and we had our Line-up already, can I say... owned? But maybe that wasn't a good idea at all. Several players of the first Line-up went inactive or decided to move on to another game. That's why we had to change our Line-up completely. These are the names who will represent Belgium, the country with the best beer, the best chocolate (yes anubis) and ofcourse french fries. And! We are the richest country in Europe since 2005

May I present to you:


Belgium Rfki (zerobarrier)
Belgium snot (clanless)


Belgium Shewie (rAtatosk)
Belgium Ganon (rAtatosk)
Belgium De57 (veXo)
Belgium emzii (SoF-Gaming)
Belgium snot (clanless)
Belgium mAus (zerobarrier)
Belgium zet0 (zerobarrier)
Belgium lioco (one.soldier)
Belgium xenium (muse-gaming)

U can support and/or contact us at #et.be

Team Slovenia


And here it is. This year's team is so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel! Because of Slovenia jakazc's weird connection problems, Slovenia illy-ya decided to lead this team to the finals.


Team captain:
Slovenia illy-ya

Slovenia fearme

Slovenia ravenous
Slovenia japan
Slovenia kanii
Slovenia carniee
Slovenia mrawac
Slovenia olympus
Slovenia matek
Slovenia optimal
Slovenia puntar



Team Switzerland

image: team-switzerland-small

We are the richest, We have the best watches, We have the best cheese, We have the best chocolate, We have the most beautiful girls (ok thats a lie) and We are the TOP of EUROPE, yes u are right We are from Switzerland.

But since this is Enemy Territory things dont look like that We will try our best to represent Switzerland as good as possible in the upcoming Nations Cup.

And here is Switzerlands finest!

Lineup looks like this

The captains:

image: chanubis
image: chvEg

The players:

image: chrapt6rr
image: chparo
image: chvegi
image: chgifty
image: chmelkor

The subtitutions:

image: chdonuts
image: chdoozie
image: chantic

For any contact/information:
PAGE: www.team-switzerland.ch
IRC : #team-switzerland.et

Team Croatia - Land of nature and Beautiful Women !

image: bannerrepka8ue

In the beggining of 2005 ET was in the highest moment of Croatia scene and NC team was in it's best lineup. Today however, things have changed and Croatia will still keep it's God given beauty.
However, now it has an empty scene with few people playing and loving the game as from the first day. Anyway, here is the lineup !

Croatia Acidburn / aCoZz - Captain
Croatia FroZzeN - Manager - player

Croatia Gumiflex
Croatia Gizmo
Croatia Zlinko
Croatia Ender
Croatia P4h
Croatia Rimi
Croatia Komar
Croatia Rebel

Croatia had some nice results last season with beating Austria, but then lost from Champs Estonia and Hungary

As everyone we hope for some nice results this season and wish the best luck & fun for you all !

Contats :
[email protected]


Quoteimage: hungary

The team of eternal algor and malice is ready to rumble

image: jpeg_small_highq

Find the players from the picture.

For people who want better quality picture: larger version available

Frenchies are rup !


Thanks to Santa Claus for giving us new players new skills new knives and new connections. Now France team France is ready to fight and the struggle will be bloody !

The lineup looks as follow :

France KreEm [captain]
France sacr [co-captain]

France class (syn)
France freek (syn)
France pheex (syn)
France fRk (syn)
France Bufa (muse)
France Bumeu (muse)
France Mani (muse)
France Yakoosa (muse)
France qbni (LQE)

For any contact/information :
CB : http://www.clanbase.com/claninfo.php?cid=952097
WEB: http://www.france-gaming.com
IRC : #France.ET
CONTACT : [email protected]

Team Austria the land with the beautiful mountains

image: team_austria.et2

Due to some misunderstandings in NationsCup VIII, we decided to work on our Lineup, and so without no further ado, Austria's Lineup for NationsCup IX is as follows.

Austria day_ (gods of quake, high perform) CAPTAIN
Austria mike (shuuk,oceans6,intellic) CO-CAPTAIN[/i]
Austria kerialy (h4u,A†R,sD,T4ce,oceans6)
Austria Bruzl4H (gods of quake, high perform, sms)
Austria scythe (xS, ultima-ratio)
Austria sick (h4u, elite)
Austria t0m (plan-b, warning, sfto)
Austria arTis (gods of quake)
Austria p1tar (royality)

After the time of potter, n2y, darky, rapture there is time to see some "newcomers" and here we go.

see you at NationsCup IX

Spanish Team

After an horrible result in the last Nations Cup, Im proud to present the team who will play representing Spain Spain in the next ClanBase Nations Cup, it is:


Spain Winghaven (gods.inc)
Spain Radifz (wArning!)

Assistant & Management:

Spain Cosk1s


Spain Fanter (wArning!)
Spain Dude(wArning!)
Spain JeFaZo (Oneplay)
Spain Chansito (Oneplay)
Spain Pzyqo (37th)
Spain MaRTe* (aurea)
Spain ArCaD!A ( clanless)

Whitout anything more to write about, you can contact us in:

This website: www.spanishleague.org
iRC channel: #spanishleague

We dont know if we will make a good competition, but we will sure enjoy trying to do it.
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