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2006 starts with a bang!

image: small_blue After a brief festive sabatical, GamesTV.org returns to full flow with two cracking games lined up for this week already.

Finland uQ face a tough challenge from their strong rivals Europe IDKFA, whilst United Kingdom one4one do battle with Finland Gods Inc, brought to you by the now warming-up CB Eurocup.

Even at this early stage, ETTV has been confirmed for both games courtesy of Germany Team-Zenith, details can be found below:

Match: Finland uQ vs Europe IDKFA
Date: Thursday 5th Jan
Time: 20:00 CET
ETTV: gtv coverage

Match: United Kingdom 141 vs Finland god
Date: Sunday 8th Jan
Time: 21:00 CET
ETTV gtv coverage

Coverage *UPDATE*
I've just spoken to Germany FlyingDJ[/b] who has given me his personal assurances that he will be shoutcasting the 141 - god game! Stop chaging your mind damnit!:>

United Kingdom TosspoT and RadioiTG also will be out in force, casting the uQ - IDKFA game. It's a little bit of a sad occasion, with Tossie going back to university to do that thing they call missing lectures and eating breakfasts of pizza. Enjoy the 'fun' while it lasts!

Expect plenty more ETTV servers to be listed soon!

Happy New Year!

image: 2002_black_200
Happy New Year to all readers of Xfire.be! May you have a great evening and and a brilliant 2006!

2006 will see the release of Xfire 3 aswell as two titles which fall under the crossfire umbrella, ET:QuakeWars and most likely RTCW2 under whatever name it will be given!

So brush down your mp40, Load up that Panzerfaust and get ready for another great year of news, columns and journals!

Only with Xfire.be

ET 6o6 Cup by NxM - Divisions

image: xfirelogo

After I received more than 64 signups in my mailbox, I finally made 4 playoff tree's to start with. The divisions and schedule are published on the cup site www.NxM.nl, info and questions can be stored in a pm to NxM @ #NxM.nl. Only division 1 will be published on xfire.be, other clans can check their division and opponent on www.NxM.nl.

All info about the clans is on the Clans page on the site, if the info of your clan isn't working or is wrong, pm or mail me to change it. For all clanname changes and more, pm me to update the site. If your clan is dead, mail me so another clan can replace yours.

Division 1:

Germany advanced Gamers united vs Netherlands artificial
Europe Butter my Arse vs Israel eSrael
Finland Euthanasia vs Poland Fear Factory
Netherlands Hyperion Gaming vs Europe intellic
Europe myLegend vs Finland Mystic`gaming
Germany oceans6 vs United Kingdom Onesoldier
Europe pstarZ vs Finland team angelDust e.V.
Russia team-zenith black vs Belgium zerobarrier

uNtried 3rd generation

It is a happy day in the danish ET community because the third generation of uNtried is here. For the first time in a long while there is a pure danish team with potential to become great. For those who do not know uNtried, you should check the first OpenCup in EnemyTerritory

It is the recently reopened danish clan deLicta who has taken the rather big task of living up to the reputation of the first generation of uNtried. As some might now, the second generation team was a bit of a failure, due to the "WoW fever".

The lineup of the third generation of uNtried is:

Denmark Exalon
Denmark Flick
Denmark Exquizit
Denmark Deggy
Denmark Gyzr
Denmark Kark
Denmark Hein
Denmark Jetz

It is nice for the danish ET community to finally have a bit of activity again and rumour has it that another danish clan maybe will return again. There is an interview at ET.played.dk, in danish though.

- Interview (in danish)
- #uNtried

The ET Awards!

image: award

So, the end of another year. And what a year its been! 2005 can be looked back on as possibly the most successful year for ET since it came into being nearly three years ago, in April of '03. And the reason for the success? Quite simply, the community. People like you who keep this game not just alive, but very much kicking. This equates to both the non-playing community, and the players themselves.

This is why we have decided to host ET awards for 2005; to look back on the year that has been and celebrate all that has been good for arguably the best year that ET has enjoyed.

The awards have been a joint initiative between Belgium resku (who deserves most of the credit), and United Kingdom TosspoT, two individuals committed to this community, and in thanking those who have given us all so much. All we ask now is that you take a little time over your work to consider the votes available accross 5 different categories of recognition, and reward those who deserve it. Much work and pain (yes, real pain!) went into making the articles not only look pretty, but also be extremely useful. We hope you enjoy reading them, and voting.

We also managed to actually get the previously borked articles section working, and so the awards can be seen in their full glory HERE.

And now if I type anymore I actually will die. Cya tomorrow, vote the night away!
The deadline is January 1st.

ET 3v3 Cup by haZ *UPDATED*

image: head4gp

Here comes another ET 3v3 Cup. I always wanted to host a cup, so here it is. You can get in by singing up at website or by invitation.

• Info
» 32 teams, need only 3 signups to start.
» Schedule still under construction, also depends on number of signups.
» Cup starts at 02. 01. 2006.
» Mixed teams are allowed, but you must have your own IRC channel.
» There are no prizes, at least not until I find sponsors, and I'm sure I will.
» I will try to speak with ETTV admins, so some of interesting matches will be broadcasting alive.
» You have to download all maps from list (see below), ETPro 3.2.4 and ET Patch 2.60.

» Signups started NOW.
» Signups are closing where number of signups reaches 32.

• Maps
» supplydepot2
» tc_base
» et_beach
» braundorf_b4
» et_ice
» sw_goldrush_te

• Admins
» haZ
» Hrvoj3
» eldani

• Other Info
» Don't forget to read rules before you sign in.
» If you don't understand something, feel free to contact me.

» Need only 3 teams to start cup. Check out schedule and teams.
» Many teams complained about time so here's new rule. While you are in group, you are allowed to play in any time, but you must query me or other administrators with results at 22:00 on my IRC channel.

» Website
» Mail

That's it. I wish you all good luck & have fun!

ET 6o6 Cup by NxM *Update*

image: xfirelogo

We are over the 48 signups now! Atm we have 49 signups, just keep op signing up your team and i'll try to make another tree if there are enough clans! If there aren't enough clans signed up for a fourth tree, they will be reserve to replace a clan who dropped out (can be in every round).

Well, after I have more than 32 clans signed up, I'm going to make a second playoff tree. The first 32 clans are sure of participating, unless they die or they don't want to participate anymore. If you click here, you can see the 32 clans who are in the cup atm. To see the amount of clans signed up you can check the IRC channel, the topic will be updated after a new clan signed up.

BUT, the clans signed up after the first 32 still got a chance! At the moment I have 34 signups in my mailbox, if there come 14 more, I can make a third playoff tree and more clans can participate!

It looks like this now:
- 32 Clans
- 2 Playoff tree's
- 4 Matchweeks
- 2 Winners

You can still sign your clan up till Sunday 24:00 CET Midnight. On Monday, the playoff three's will be made, then you can see in what division you are and versus who you need to play. That will also be posted here on xfire.be!

The map votes atm:
- Battery (5)
- et_Ice (11)
- et_frostbite (2)
- dubrovnik_final (2)
- Railgun (3)
- Fueldump (1)
- tc_Base (1)
- reactor_final (2)

If you think that et_Ice is not the good map to play in the Second round, pm me on IRC or mail me with your fav. map. The map vote will be updated on the main page of the site.

- Logo
Logo has been made by KeRiaL, many thanks!

At the moment, only 2 people signed up as admin for the cup. If you are experienced and you want to spec some nice games, mail me!

The Schedule, Results and the Grid have been updated to 2 Playoff tree's.

For the clans who signed up after the first 32, I hope there will come atleast 14 more signups to make a third playoff tree!

Helpfull links:
- www.NxM.nl
- #NxM.nl
- [email protected]

- Signup page
- Clans page

wArning! - ET No More

You’ve read the journal, here’s the news post…

Tonight we witnessed the final chapter of one ET's most respected clans. This team have competed at the highest level since the seventh day when God (bani) created ET. Achieving the accolade of Spain’s greatest clan, taking various honors and awards throughout their existence.

Morbit had this to say on their site (grammatical errors fixed)

Quote After more than 2 years it is time to call it a day. We had 4 different teams in all over this long period but me (morbit) have been the only in all of them and what I can say is that the motivation is now what it used to be.

So we have decided to quit. We’ve talked about it on and off for a long time now and we agreed that after the EC our Red squad would be no more.

The current Red team members will go their separate ways, some remaining in ET whilst others travel the world in search of a social life.

Final wA Red Squad

- Spain Morbit
- Spain Dude
- Spain FanTer
- Spain Dr3am
- Switzerland Anubis
- Netherlands Lightning
- Netherlands mike


Co-incidentally (woo) I won’t be posting anymore news, thankfully someone with writing talent has finally decided to get active. Go foonr :>

Yet another Benelux Cup!


With the new year up ahead, this my and Maidrion's present to the community.


This second edition of the Benelux Cup will almost be the same as the first one, but this time bigger and better!

I would like to remind you that this is a Benelux only cup. This means that each clan that wants to participate needs at least 4 players from the Benelux on its roster and during a war. Clans that do not meet these requirements will be excluded from entering the cup.

With the start of a new year this is the ideal moment for clans, both small and big, to find out what there rank is within the Benelux community. So don't hesitate and start signing up!

Sign ups

Will be open from 28 Dec 12:00h untill 12 Jan 12:00h.

You can sign up your clan here.


Maps will be announced after the sign ups.


mIRC: #benelux.et
Clanbase: Cuppage

ET 6o6 Cup by NxM

After I waited very long for my own 6o6 Cup, it's finally here. I always wanted to host my own 6o6 Cup and now it's starting. This Cup is a little one, but I will try to get some nice skilled teams in it. Clans can signup thereself on the website I made for it.

- 32 Clans (Signups and Invites - Best will be chosen)
- 2 Playoff tree's
- 4 Matchweeks
- 2 Winners
- Prize at the moment is Honour - Be happy there is a 6o6 Cup again!

Cup schedule:
- Signups starting NOW.
- Signups closing on Sunday 1 Januari 2006.
- First matchweek starting 9 Januari.

Maplist ATM:
- Braundorf_b4
- Radar
- Supplydepot2
- SW_Goldrush_TE
- SW_Oasis_B3
We need one more map in the maplist, Please mail me the map you want to see in this cup. Click here to mail!

I need some experienced admins to admin some games in the cup, signup at the site please!

I'll try to get all interesting matches on ETTv at GamesTV.org - If needed, a shoutcaster will be welcome too.

All the info is on the website, check the rules before signup. Signup goes via email, irc pms are not allowed. All info you need to mail are on the website. Mix clans are NOT allowed!

This is the first 6o6 ET Cup hosted by NxM, so that's the reason it's a little one. The next cups will be bigger with more clans and a Group phase.

Usefull links:
- Website (www.NxM.nl - Working now!)
- IRC Channel
- Mail
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