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A really nice present !

image: 7c25fbfbff852788890e91c270fe

Christmas: Long and cold nights without anything to do. But no wait, there is something you could do! humM3L just released a movie with loads of emotion in it.
Some will probably say that the movie is the worst ever, but they are certainly wrong. To be detailled, humM3L is the biggest comedian and that's why we just love him.
I'd like to thank him for that fantastic movie which will enter the ET-Movie Hall of Fame of everyone for a long time.
We hope to see him back in action soon, with a new highly-rated movie, that will delight the ET community again. If you ask yourself, who we're writing about: humM3L is a well-known player in ET and RtCW. He played for high-ranked teams like PMCG, Highbot or remedium.
He is a highskilled player you've to take an eye on, for sure.

image: cc7f212db4dedd2e953683ab7d3ebig image: 401c6a355c318b1e789ee0c4def6big
image: b870fcd3f5bf644f1ca199369ebfbig image: 26a1fdec53091543aba20573303fbig

ps: All screens come from the movie

French version by jeje,
first english version by shaq and yahoo
and the trve 1337 3nGL15H version by gambit

Pour ces fête de fin d’année les soirées sont longue et froide et pour nous aidée a ne pas nous ennuyé humM3L nous a concocté une movie riche en émotion.
Certain diront que c’est sûrement la movie avec le contenu le moins intéressant sortis à ce jour mais qu’il se trompe c’était le but inavoué de ce grand joueur.
En fait humM3L est un grand humoriste et c’est pour ça qu’on l’aime.
Je tiens à le remercier pour cette movie qui restera dans les souvenirs de chacun et pour encore longtemps. Une suite est déjà en projet du coté de humM3L et je pense que ça ravira une grande partie de la communauté car il faut bien le dire humM3L qui a participé a divers compétition sur RtCW et ET dans des team tel PMCG ou HighBot Angeldust e.V, Remedium, Spreading Death, Warped Sanity (us) est une grosse pointure a gardé a l’œil et qu’on aime pas avoir face a soit !

Merci humM3L pour ce cadeau que nous n’attendions pas et qui est pour beaucoup le plus beau cadeau de noël que l’on puisse espéré.

Clanbase presents!

image: small_blue'Tis the week following Christmas, and news headlines are in full party mode (puns are so December!). Featuring tomorrow comes two of Europe's biggest names, as Clanbase's Eurocup hosts a game capable of providing some very interesting results. The opertunity is there, will Estonia Idle's trip to Santa's grotto be cut short?

In the Eurocup, the Estonian powerhouse Estonia Idle.ee show no signs of slowing their post-Quakecon domination, with many a team having tried unsuccessfully to blemish the record. Their opponents are the rejuvenated Spain wArning!, enjoying the sort of form they hoped Switzerland anubis and Netherlands mike would bring to them before they joined, and after the departure of Spain Winghaven. Anything can happen, and it normally does!

Estonia Idle.ee -vs- Spain wArning!
Tuesday, 27th December
Time: 21:00 CET
ETTv: GamesTV.org coverage

wArning! team

Now all let's go shout at GamesTV for having games like Finland Parodia vs Poland sE listed :O<

Merry Christmas to you!

image: benidormWell, after almost three years of serving you guys I had to take some time off. I went to benidorm together with the sweRtCW and gamestv.org server. I'm sorry for the downtime but I guess it was a good time to take a few days off. Meanwhile you guys could spend some time with your family instead of spamming me all the time. Anyhow, with a little delay, I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Your dearest friend,

Mr. Crossfire

The Allstars heat up!

image: euallstars1For any doubters of the quality of games the Allstars event would provide, last night surely quelled any lingering negativities.

Three epic battles were staged, heros were reborn, egos smashed, and all was highly amplified by the superb radio coverage provided by Radio iTG and Team-Zenith Radio.

3 games on show again tonight, including the highly anticipated encounter between the as yet both unbeaten Europe West and Europe North, with the North riding high after their victories against the South, and most notably their clawing win over the East, in which Finland Saintt made such a last minute objective steal (and got Kee_RinG rather excited!). Don't discredit the West however, word on the street is they've been practicing hard, and are prepared to fight until the proverbial bitter end in order to achieve victory.

19:00 CET - West vs South 4:0 West
20:30 CET - South vs East 1:3 East
22:00 CET - West vs North 0:4 North

Coverage available:
As of yet, GamesTV.org reports 1900 ETTV slots are available, continuing their exemplary coverage. However, don't be suprised to see that figure rise!

Radio iTG present the return of United Kingdom Kee_RinG, something which put a smile on many an ET player's face when they heard the news, and imagined the prospect of more all-singing (and er, all dancing) shows. By his side is the ever brilliant United Kingdom TosspoT, and together they present all of the action to you. Be sure to tune in!

Unfortunately, Germany FlyingDJ is unavailable, "off to his parents' home today", so no other known German shoutcasts are available. However, I heard that Toss does quite a good Angela Merkel impression!

Let's hope tonight can keep pace with the mammoth entertainment last night has already given us!

oceans6 vs one4one *Update*

Germany oceans6 0:1 United Kingdomone4one (default win)

Tonight we will see Germany o6 facing the undefeated United Kingdom 141. Germany o6 ended second in their group with only losing one match vs Estonia idle. They also won 4-0 against Europe Zenith. They also won in a very exciting game vs Germany id.no with 4-2. On the other hand we have United Kingdom 141 which didn't lose a match. They surprised everyone with beating the old finalist Finland uQ with 4-2. They also took an easy win against Europe Legend with 4-0. They also won vs Germany Helix in one of the best games of ET. Which ended 4-2 for United Kingdom 141. is Germany o6 ready to beat the undefeated United Kingdom 141 ? We will know it tonight. be here at 21.30 cet !

Line ups:

Germany oceans6:
Germany pumu
Germany butchji
Germany ernie
Germany maxx
Germany iLL
Germany raSen

United Kingdom one4one:
Israel CrozZ
United Kingdom syK
United Kingdom sqzz
Germany slaz
United Kingdom Mztik
Germany gambit

Germany oceans6 vs United Kingdom one4one
Date: Thursday 22 December
Time: 21.15 Cet
Maps: tba
Odds: 60% one4one, 40% o6
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: zen|FlyingDJ

Tonight is the night!

image: euallstars1 Thats right ladies and gents, the second european allstar event kicks off tonight! With stars a plenty watch your regions best of the best dual against the other 3 regions of Europe.

Northern Europe has the gold from last season, but things have changed somewhat and the time is nigh for a new European Champion! Tune in tonight for all the action:


19:00 CET - East vs West - 0:4
20:30 CET - North vs South - 4:0
22:00 CET - East vs North - 0:4

Live Coverage
GamesTV.org has once again pulled out all the stops and are dedicating their time and ETTV madskills to tonights matches, with all games have 800+ and East vs West breaking into the 1050 mark there should be plenty of room, even for fat people!

Radio iTG TosspoT is joined tonight by the only Macho Man singing shoutcaster in iTG history! Thats right, its the return of KEE RING!

Flying Dj Look up there! Is it a bird, is it a plane? No its the only Flying Dj in the business! Putting his mouth to mic once again for tonights matches bringing you german shoutcasting!

Make sure you're ready for a rollercoaster night of fun filled ET action!

In Addition - Any nicely geographically placed servers that are ETTV compatible and are available for these games are welcome to be donated!

2005, the ET Awards: Nominations

2005, perhaps the year with the most activity in Enemy Territory so far. It brought us nice games, some even very nice. So now would be a good moment for the 2005 ET Awards. A way to express your feelings about the things ET has brought us during the past year.

Favourite Moment
The only requirements for your nominations are that the game was an official and that there was that 'special' moment in it. The ultimate panzer shot, killing spree, rnade, extreme lotto moment of some kind :D I am convinced that this kind of moments do not only happen in Eurocup skilled games but also in game between lower ranked clans. So don't hesitate to make some lesser obvious choices.

Favourite Player
We have also admired the skills of certain players, in many different ways. Excellent game knowledge, superb aiming, skilled in their own discipline.

Favourite Cast
The games that were played didn't just show amazing gameplay, the casting also added that extra dimension to them. There were alot of casts, but which one do you think was really special. Not only radio iTG but also FlyingDJ and swine brought us alot of good casts. Which was your favourite set of commentary?

That is why I am asking you to send in your favourite ET Moment, Player and Cast. Don't only focus on recent events but also keep events like Eurocups(present and past), Open Cups(present and past), Artic Cup, Quakecon, Summercup, Warleagues and many many others in mind. You can either choose to send in one item from each category or a top3 (top10 if you really are motivated :D). Send it to [email protected] and give some information about your choice for et moment(clans, what cup/league, whats special). For the lesser known games it would be nice if you could provide a demo aswell.

The Best Admin and people that have done the most for ET category is being covered in a different fashion, it will result in 2 polls, but will also result in a lengthly article from foonr covering not only those admins who have made the front page, but also those not always recognised for their contiious contribution over 2005, this will become public on the 28th, the day the 3 other polls go live.

The closure date for your emails is tuesday 27th of December. All these results will be processed and a vote will appear shortly after with the top5 of your nominations.

intense 3on3 Cup 2006


Hi everyone, i just wanted to wish you all a merry christmas and happy new year. I know im a bit early but that’s because Im gonna have a busy last 2 weeks of the year:>

Since a week or 2 im the new head manager of #intense-eSports , you probably know them, or not. More news about our eSports clan can you read soon in the Forum.

But now I just wanted to say that we r doin a intense 3on3 cup
- 32 teams
- 2 division
- 16 teams in 1 division
- 4 poules with 4 teams
- 3 matches in 3 weeks
- Best 2 go on to playoffs
- Playoffs will be a 8 team knockout.
- 2 winners, 1 from div1 and 1 from div2.

Cup will start some days after new year party.

This will all be mentioned on our website soon which will be released in the new year, the sign ups for the cup will also be open until 30 december but ill geuss the cup is full by then.
However we only allow real clans, that’s why you have to email us with your line up, email from contact person, IRC chann, website url and offcourse what division you want to join. So we can check that no mix clans will play in our cup, this we do so the real clans will get a chance on the prizes.

You probably want to know what the prizes are, we are still busy with that but I geuss I can say that the winner will receive a ET Server. More info about that after the signups when the site and groups etc will be online.

You have to mail all your info mentioned above to: [email protected] and come to #intense-eSports .
I hope to see you soon in battle!

Greetz Koen

/offtopic: start flame now…

The Flying Fins! - aD Crowned #Talk.ET Cup Champions

image: logo

The Flying Fins! - aD Crowned #Talk.ET Cup Champions

The Talk ET Cup has finally ended,with the Finland Team angelDust and Finland SKIT-EVIL
fans out in force on the ETTV servers, who witnessed a spectacular 3 map showdown between two almost equally matched teams.

The Night started with Finland Team angelDust attacking on Supply Depot 2, with Finland SKIT-EVIL (Now also known as Mystic Gaming) putting up an impressive defense, and beating the time aD set.

Next, sw_goldrush was played, with aD managing to get a full hold against SKIT and the superior attacking force of aD were able to break the Finland SKIT-EVIL defense and win the map.

Now came the third map, Radar, chosen by elimination. Finland SKIT-EVIL attacked first by winning the cointoss and set a time of around 8 minutes, which was beaten by around 1-2 minutes by Finland Team angelDust

Im sure people will agree that, after a few problems before the start, it was great entertainment to watch once the match got going.

Well Done to angelDust on their win.
We wish them and all the other clans that competed in the cup every success in the future.

Keep an eye on both the website and IRC channel for the latest news on upcoming events, such as our next cup coming in the new year.

Happy Gaming and Merry Christmas

Cup Organiser

#Talk.ET @ Quakenet


image: squirrels

It all started as a 3on3 clan called Ekehorn with AzA ( DMD, dHb ), Mize ( dHb, pRm ) and Hein ( Team-Denmark, sE ). Ekehorn stands for Eekhoorn in Dutch. Eekhoorn stands for Squirrel. Later they decided to go 6on6 and recruited Ati_. Later on we recruited seNti ( Team-Hungary, Team-Zenith ). Not even a few hours later, we recruited Carniee ( Purans, Quidam ) and Aequitas ( dHb, Blitzkrieg ). We hope to make some nice matches together.


Netherlands Mize
Netherlands AzA
Denmark Hein
Netherlands Ati_
Netherlands Aequitas
Slovenia Carniee


Hungary seNti

Homepage: soon

Contact: #Squirrels.et

Hope to see some nice matches in the future =).

Grtz Ati-
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