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ClanBase NationsCup IX Announced!

image: cbgoldlogontClanBase Enemy Territory NationsCup IX

ClanBase has tonight announced it's ninth NationsCup season. While the delay has had ET users users biting their nails in anticipation, another season is rolled up ready to go with a few welcome additions.

While last season's tipped winners Estonia Estonia took home the gold, a slight controversy almost saw Hungary Team Hungary losing their silver medal and a slightly less-likely United Kingdom United Kingdom lineup took the third spot for the first ET NC ever... Certainly a less than predictable ending to ET's most anticipated National competition.

This season's NationsCup will be headed by the newest additions to the ClanBase ET crew; Thalakos and NightRaver. While the maximum 3-man rule hasn't changed, ClanBase has for the first NC introduced wildcards for use by teams during the season. A slightly new selection process for Nation Team Captains also takes place this season.

For the full rundown, head over to ClanBase.

- ClanBase Enemy Territory NationsCup IX
- GAMESTV.ORG (Obviously...)

Talk ET Cup - The All Fin Final

#Talk.ET 6v6 Cup Finals drawn

With the Talk ET 6v6 Cup drawing to an end, only the finals are left to be played.

The Two Teams are closely matched in skill and also both from the same country, Finland.

The Two Teams Involved are:

Finland Team AngelDust

These two teams will be fighting it out for the crown of Talk ET 6v6 Cup Champions on Tuesday 20th December, 20:00 CET(19:00 GMT)

Please keep and eye on www.GamesTV.org for ETTV Details for this match.

Finally, on behalf of #Talk.ET - We would like to thank all the Teams that participated in the cup, and also our Sponsors:

FPS Clan Servers (www.FPS.net)

As without them, this cup wouldnt have been possible.

Good Luck To Both Team angelDust and SKIT-EVIL in the Final!

Thank you to all the people that have contributed to the cup, both in the forefront of activity when reffing matches, and people behind the scenes making the cup run smoothly.

Thanks especially to Bulld0g, Vowel, and all the Fusion Guys

For more information feel free to check out

#Talk.ET @ Quakenet

Santabot in the spotlight

image: santa150Sweden Martin 'Santabot' Lindman, maker of the RtCW EuroCup X movie and (former) player of ABA and deovolente, has been featured by the GGL.

In his 'Gamer Life' item, Santabot elaborates on his gamer lifestyle as he claims it is all being wasted on drinking, taxi driving and ofcourse taxidriving.

Do you have any remorse about gaming this often?
Sometimes. But I don't feel that what matters in life gets pushed aside. Without gaming, I probably would have finished my studies. And have a girlfriend. But who wants kids, house and a Volvo at the age of 26?

The Swedish 26-year-old even stated that SWERtCW might return with a complete new website and SWERtCW's famous movie database included.

Click here to read Santa's funny, yet cynical feature.

European Allstar - Captains chosen !

image: euallstars1As everyone knows, European Allstars #2 is a fact and it will happen at 22th/23th December, to make it a good we need few certain things like wise captains, strong teams, big amount of ETTV and some decent shoutcast, at the moment we have only two of these.
First thing is our beloved United Kingdom TosspoT which wished to shoutcast whole event, second is captain, which you all had chance to choose.
After 2 days of voting we have received 140 votes, that's far more then we get on last event and it can mean only one thing - THIS GAME AIN'T DEAD !
And here they are:

East Europe - #east-europe:

- Estonia Night - 53
- Poland doktor - 57
- Latvia C|own - 8
- Czech Republic Butch - 13
- Estonia Holz - 9

West Europe - #west-europe :

- United Kingdom Ste - 15
- Germany urtier - 60
- Netherlands Lunat1C - 26
- United Kingdom Mztik - 24
- Germany ernie - 15

North Europe - #north-europe:

- Sweden LotiX - 24
- Sweden crajsor - 12
- Norway Gjerry - 13
- Denmark Arachon - 16
- Finland saintt - 75

Southn Europe - #south-europe:

- Austria potter - 54
- Israel CrozZ - 20
- Malta ToX|c - 19
- Slovenia Ravenous - 17
- Spain Winghaven - 30

So know we are all waiting for informations about lineups which captains will choose, if you want to be a part of the team, contact captain on one of your region irc channels.
Also remember that we are waiting for any support which you all can provide (gameservers, ettv and other forms of coverage).
For any info please contact us at [email protected].
Rosters should be announced at Wednesday 21th December

pstarZ.et - The Farewell Kiss

The day when Robo-Jesus showed up at the door of the mighty France Jean Luc Picard has passed and the story about the Enemy Territory squad of a german multi-gaming clan pstarZ has came to an end.

image: pstarZ(1)

The roots of the team reach far into the ground, into the depths of Belgium independent, where bort, denzel, snot and jester met eachother and later continued with the forming of Belgium gravity.et. After lots of practising, lineup changes et cetra, the four Belgian musketeers formed pstarZ.et and after a while set up a stable lineup, consisting of some experienced players and some new faces.
The team was improving and the first success came out to be the-against-all-ods-win in the second ET-cup after a thrilling three mapper against Spain wArning!.
After that, things went a bit worse but the team still managed to get a direct invite into ET EuroCup XII, where after two losses against Finland gods.inc and United Kingdom SoF and the recent victory versus Spain wArning in the ET-cup final replica, we decided to call it a day.

So, what are we going to do now?

- Belgium snot isn't sure yet about either playing Warcraft 3, either continuing with ET, or a mix of both.
- Belgium bort claims to go for "-=tHe n1 rL=-", but will still play ET for fun with his friends.
- Denmark oBs is waiting for the NC, then moving to Warcraft 3, his spare time will be devoted to browsing ytmnd.com.
- Israel LION will try to give the CB admins anal stimulations, so he could play the Opencup with his jewish friends.
- Slovenia Ravenous and Germany FlixX are the only ones who will continue with playing ET on a high level in other clans, so if you are in need of players, feel free to msg Fl1xXzZ`cL3sS.
- And the last, but not least, our spectator Belgium dNzl is going to play OC and enjoy his spare time with belgian beers and chocolate.

Shoutouts fly out to Denmark Exquizit, Belgium Jester, Belgium F3nceR, Belgium syL, Belgium Maidrion, all of our ex-members and everyone who supported us in any way.


141 vs helix - Updated


United Kingdom 141 4-2 Germany Helix

Shoutcast Download HERE

A truely memorable match for all the right reasons!


Right now the group table see's United Kingdom 141 and United Kingdom uQ in the top two places, but Europe helix are in a position with the potential to steal that final qualification place!

Victory would see a three way tie at the top of the group, the margin would be the determining factor. United Kingdom uQ lost last week to United Kingdom 141 and it was that victory that suddenly has built the hype around a 141 team dogged with roster changes since their summer cup victory!
However Europe helix are not to be taken lightly, their resisilient style of play has seen them take one well earnt map off uQ and puts them in a position where it would be foolish to rule them out of this game!
It really is all to play for, IF helix were to win, each team would have beaten LGND and taken one other victory, leaving it finely poised for a goal difference type of finish!

The details are as follows:

Europe helix vs United Kingdom 141
Date Monday 12th December
Time 21.30 CET
Maps sw_goldrush & braundorf
ETTV GamesTV.org
Shoutcast iTG`TosspoT
Coverage NxM @ wA

This writer prays for a classic, maybe 4 maps? Helix have often proven to be the thorn in many a top teams side, I remember last year when helix got in the way of the u96d steam train with a group stage victory that did not see them qualify, could history repeat it self, or will this helix team go one better? Helix's legacy within ET makes them potentially one of the oldest names in ET, back when the game was first released their very first roster before plan-b took it apart was potentially the strongest in ET at the time!

x86 ET Xmas 3on3 Cup

image: banner
We want to have some fun over Xmas and we have some nice things to give away. So we are creating a 3v3 cup that will run over a few days a little before Xmas. The Cup will start on the 15.12.2005 and finish on the 20.12.2005 (See Home Page)

Clan Prizes
#1 Clan: 16ppl ET gameserver for 6months
#2 Clan: 10ppl ventrilo server for 6months
#3 Clan: 10BNCs for 6months

Player Prizes
These will be awarded to players from the Quarter Finals onwards

Best Medic: Sennheiser headset
Best FieldOps: Razer Diamondback mouse
Best Engineer: Icemat 2nd edition

[url]www.x86gaming.com/cup[/url] (see Signup page)

Signups now closed (13th)

And the nominees are...

After 2 days of mailing we finally got a list of nominees for captains of each region. Here they are:

Eastern Europe:

- Estonia Night (idle.ee)
- Poland doktor (Logitech UVM)
- Latvia C|own (team zenith)
- Czech Republic Butch (HighBot.et)
- Estonia Holz (idle.ee)

[/b]Western Europe:[/b]

- United Kingdom Ste (SoF)
- Germany urtier (idle.ee)
- Netherlands Lunat1C (rAtatosk)
- United Kingdom Mztik (one4one)
- Germany ernie (oceans6)

North Europe:

- Sweden LotiX (idkfa)
- Norway Gjerry (DMD)
- Denmark Arachon (The Killer Bunnies)
- Sweden crajsor (idkfa)
- Finland saintt (parodia)

South Europe:

- Austria potter (rAtatosk)
- Israel CrozZ (one4one)
- Malta ToX|c (MEPA)
- Slovenia Ravenous (pstarZ)
- Spain Winghaven (gods.inc)

Now we have to choose one person from each 5, which will become captain of each region, but this choice is too hard for me and TosspoT so we need some help !
You decide who will become captain of your region on your own, just mail your choice to [email protected] till Tuesday 13rd December and feel better.
In your mail you should include your name, country and 4 names, one for each region (mails with only one choice will be ignored).

Let the voting begin !

EC XII - Gods.Inc vs wArning!

Between all the hectic things about the upcoming great event, the European Allstar Event, there will be a great match tonight in the CB EuroCup XII -> Gods Incorporated vs wArning!.

Finland Gods.Inc, one of the best clans playing ET at the moment together with idle.ee and uQ.Gaming, playing in Group D. Gods.inc played 2 matches allready in their group versus Clan SoF and pstarZ, won both quite easy with 4:0. Welcomed Winghaven, ex-member from wArning!, who will probably be kind of nervous to play against his exclan where he played a very long time with. Gods.inc also welcomed Future in the begin of the season and with their strong and active lineup they will try to beat the always good wArning!.

Spain wArning!, played only one match till today versus Clan SoF, won it with 4:0. After Winghaven and Radifz left the squad, mike has joined them and with their 6 men lineup they will try to defeat Gods.Inc on their way to the playoffs. The winner of this match will probably go to the playoffs, Gods.Inc for sure, but wArning! got a big change for it too. Tonight we'll see what wA got to win this match, are they prepared good enough?

Match details:
Finland Gods.Inc 5:3 wArning! Spain
Time: 20:00 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4
Odds: 50% / 50%
Admin: Poland lab
ETTv: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: Germany FlyingDJ
Coverage: wArning-team.org (lineups and predictions)

Also wArning-team.org is back with some coverage in the EuroCup and he European Allstar Event. GamesTV also did a great job, atm 955 ETTv slots available for this great match - Support them on #GamesTV.org!

Have fun to both clans!

European Allstar Event returns!

Sometime ago as part of the selection process for Atlantic Battle 2, The european allstar event was launched! The event divides the continent into 4 sections and pits them against one another!

The event returns for its second stint in action and this time, its HOLY! Thats right, one region must take fight in the snow and steal Santa's sleigh from northern europe, the reigning champions!

This holiday frag fest is being brought to you by Poland Mrozu and United Kingdom TosspoT aswell as a host of supporting organisations.
Whilst the finer details of the event are yet to be announced, the outlay looks like this:

Date Friday 23rd December
Teams Northern, Southern, Eastern & Western Europe
iRC #european-allstars

Each region must select a captain via process of nomination. The community is challenged with the task of selecting the captains for each region! To nominate a captain for a selected region, send your name, your region and your nomination for Your region to [email protected] - The captains job will be to select the best 6 players available for the time and date to challenge the other regions!


Voting Deadline Wednesday 13th December
Captain Announcement Friday 15th December
Roster Announcement Wednesday 21st December
Competition Friday 23rd December


News: Crossfire
Coverage: eSports.pl wArning-team.org
Shoutcast: RadioiTG.com
ETTV: GamesTV.org

Anyone wishing to volunteer their services or servers please contact Mrozu at [email protected]

Note - More information to follow including tournament structure in the coming days + Israel is included in southern europe


Because we assumed that countries arent correctly balanced, we added Czech RepublicCzech Republic to east europe and SwitzerlandSwitzerland & AustriaAustria to the south europe.
We also assumed that it will be rather hard to play all 6 matches on one day, so event will take a place on 2 days, thursday and friday, 22 and 23 of December.
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