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Wolffog removed

Punkbuster updated their old versions with some new maintenance updates. Even though there was no mention of the removal of the wolffog restriction, it seems ET players can now freely use whatever setting they prefer.

With some testing over the past 24 hours by Spain DoneX, he concluded that the only map visually affected was (as expected) Radar.

FPS on oasis seems to be considerably improved.

To answer many questions, some servers did not undergo the pb update. Once that is done hardly any config should allow this. That said, as you might know CB config does not have any wolffog restriction. But serveradmins need to use forcecvar to allow it.

Out of the [M]ad House!

Some people have today been posting that they believe there is a possibility that Italy Marauders may be able to challenge for this seasons Eurocup crown...

Close! But no Cigar - The Italian giants have fallen, leaving in their wake many questions! I caught up with Germany urtier to find out quite why one of the more popular teams in RTCW and ET history have called it a day again.

QuoteAfter a few weeks of playing doktor decided to step back from gaming because of school and some other real life issues. We tried to find a replacement, but well, you can't really find one nowadays that can compete with dok. And since our motivation in the whole team was rather low, we decided better not to take place in the Eurocup.

It's not really nice to drop out in the middle of the cup or something.

I think most of the guys will stop ET from now on. Maybe some will keep playing if there's a nice offer. Otherwise prolly Quake 4 or some other game.

The side that since their conception in RTCW have always called Eurocup their home, did briefly travel in their previous ET form to Quit Reality and Agony Realm, but this incarnation was to form with remains of Junk52 and some familiar faces from [M] history, and had the potential to succeed! But like many an Italian football team, failed to fulfill that potential.

Ciao Bella!

idle.et places 6th in most profitable teams of 2005

ET's QuakeCon undisputed champions, Check-Six(currently idle.ee), have placed 6th out of 10 teams in the GGL's most earning teams of 2005.

Coming on top of WorldEsportsGames Season 2 runner ups Norway Catch Gamer, British powerhouse and WEG Season 2 3rd United Kingdom 4Kings and Russian pride Russia Virtus.Pro, Idle.ee boasted 25,000$ alone by winning the QuakeCon ET tournament, making them one of the most profitable teams in the world, just behind ESWC 2005 2nd place Denmark SK.DK unit and the German Germany MouseSports, EuroCup XI CS champions. Claiming the crown were America's United States of America compLexity, ESWC 2005 Champions and WCG USA, DigitalLife and AmeriCup 2nd place finishers.

In the 1v1 scoreboard, Fnatic's Sander"Vo0"Kaasjager was topping the most successful individuals list, coming on top of American idol Jonathan"Fatal1ty" Wendel. The two will be going head to head in the end of the month in the CPL WT Finals for PainKiller in New-York, Nokia Theatre, fighting for their share of the 500,000$ prize purse of the finals. The Grand Final of the event alone will boast 250,000$ to the winner and its' runner up.

It should be noted though that every Idle player has made roughly 4100$, excluding probable travel expenses, out of their QuakeCon winnings. CompLexity's players have made roughly 11,000$ from their yearly achievements. Both sums are lower than the 1v1 10th player, SK|SteLam, who earned 25,000$ during the course of the year.

GGL's article is available Here

Finals of the #et-cup

image: etcup

The time has come...
Today, at 19cet we will see the first semi-final of the #et-cup.net.
Finland gods.inc will face Germany Team-Beta
After Finland gods.inc kicked out Europe rewind.et in the 3 round last Sunday they have to show their skills again today to reach the Final. But also Germany Team-Beta wants to reach the Final to improve their chances to get an invite for the next Clanbase Eurocup.

1. Semi-Final
Finland gods.inc vs Germany Team-Beta
Date: 01.11.05 - 19cet[/b]
Maps: sw_grush, et_ice
Decider: Dubrovnik
Shoutcast: n/a now

In the second semi-final, at 20cet, we will see the guys from Europe IDKFA.et and on the other side we will see the new lineup from Hungary Thunder Force.
Europe IDKFA showed us their skills at the last rounds. As far as i know they lost only one Map vs Russia Team-Zenith. And at the 3 round last Sunday Germany Team angelDust lost against Europe IDKFA.
Hungary Thunder Force has the chance now to show us what they can reach with their new Lineup.

2. Semi-Final
Europe IDKFA.et vs Hungary Thunder Force
Date: 01.11.05 - 20cet[/b]
Maps: sw_grush, et_ice
Decider: Dubrovnik
Shoutcast: English Shoutcast by Swine

Around 21cet we will see the Final with 2 of these 4 Teams.
And to make this event a little bit more attractive I start a competion:
If you can say me the winner of this third et-cup you will get a bouncer, sponsored by #swine @ Quakenet
Just write me an email ([email protected]) with your favorite team for the first place of this Cup, and mabye you will get a bouncer for the next 3 months.
Last but not least:
Enjoy it... :)

Finland gods.inc won their matches against Germany Team Beta and Europe IDKFA. So they won the 3 ET-Cup. After they lost on Supplydepot 2 against IDKFA they were really fast ( 2:03mins ) on braundorf_b3 and made a fullhold on Radar. At least they could set a time and so they won with 4-2.
The winner of the bouncer is Tox|c Have fun with it.
Finally it was a nice Cup again with great matches.

Talk ET 6v6 Cup Sponsored by FPS ClanServers

Talk ET 6v6 Cup
Sponsored by FPS ClanServers - www.fps.net -

That Talk ET 6v6 Cup will be starting on the week beggining 21st November 2005. The Cup currently composes of 16 teams from around Europe who will compete in knockout rounds to reach the final, and is sure to be the first of many Talk ET Cups to come.
The current map pool for the cup can be found below. Two maps will be played each round, with the first two rounds having set maps and in the Semi-Final and Final, the teams can choose one map each.

Map Pool:

Dubrovnik Final
Supply Depot 2
Braundorf B3

We are currently looking for TWO more signups to replace two teams that have had to drop out of the cup for various reasons.
If you are interested in signing up for the cup, or just want the latest news, feel free to contact me (Splodge) on:

IRC - ( #Talk.ET @ Quakenet)
Website - www.TalkET.com

If you have trouble signing your clan up to the cup then please contact me (Splodge) on the IRC channel and i can talk you through the sign-up process.

We are also looking for a few people to help referee games, if interested, again, contact me (Splodge) on the Talk ET IRC Channel ( #Talk.ET @ Quakenet)

Good Luck To All The Teams Competing

Competition Organiser

GAMESTV.ORG Returns ...again

image: small_yellDue to a lack of sufficient backups and a rather unfortunate servercrash with our webhost, GAMESTV.ORG recently went through a prolonged downtime. The ET scene has been pining for the top ETTV coverage which is truckloaded in on a daily basis.

Users need cry no more! GAMESTV.ORG tonight returns with the same ETTV system as used previously with minimal data loss. While the majority of the downtime was spent recovering lost data, some users will need to resignup and set options on their accounts.

It was an unfortunate incident but the rebuild isn't complete. We will continue to re-implement and develop (even further!) the features we saw previously such as avatar uploading and improvement of the ETTV coverage system for league admins and cupadmins.

In the meantime, ETTV IPs will now be online as usual for the masses. Check out the usual location for a rundown of what's planned so far.

The 3rd #ET-Cup

image: etcup

Ok let's see what we've got here....

The first, second and third Round[/b] of today's #ET-Cup is done. So here's the current situation:

Semifinal @ Tuesday 19.00 CET:

Finland gods.inc vs. Germany Team-Beta
Hungary Thunder Force vs. EuropeIDKFA.et

third round:

Europe Rewind lost vs. Finland gods.inc
Germany Team-Beta won vs. United KingdomClolourmixo/
Hungary Thunder Force won vs. GermanyRoyality-Gaming
Europe IDKFA.et won vs. GermanyTeam angelDust

second round:

Israel insanity! lost vs. Finland gods.inc
Europe Rewind won vs. Netherlands Morrigu
Europe Team-de lost vs. United Kingdom Clolourmixo/
Czech Republic r3volta lost vs. Germany Team-Beta
Israel cs3r ownZz lost vs. Hungary Thunder Force
Germany Royality-Gaming won vs. Finland west.et
Germany Team angelDust won vs. Europe Signum
Europe IDKFA.et won vs. Poland Warlords Multigaming

first round:

Germany Team graVity lost vs. Israel insanity!
Finland gods.inc won vs. EstoniaP!mps
Belgium pstarZ lost vs. Europe Rewind
Netherlands Morrigu won vs. GermanyTast.Gaming
Germany Team-de won vs. Finland insta-gods
United Kingdom Clolourmixo/ won vs. Europe starline [Defloss]
Germany Team cless lost vs. Czech Republic r3volta
Germany Team-Beta won vs. Finland Euthanasia
Spain wArning lost vs. Israel cs3r ownZz [Defloss]
Hungary Thunder Force won vs. Germany re-play
Germany Royality-Gaming won vs. Poland Fear Factory [Defloss]
Finland west.et won vs. Europe B.F.U.
Germany Team angelDust won vs. Russia Pistols
Europe Signum won vs. GermanyFallen-Soulz
Europe IDKFA.et won vs.Russia zenith black
Poland Warlords Multigaming won vs. Europe ::: [Defloss]

Hf & gl for the remaining rounds!

And btw our two "ubercoders" have made a great, new website. You can visit it for more details, ettv, interviews and much more www.et-cup.net

ClanBase RtCW OpenCup - upgrade

Hello everyone :)

I have few news for you regarding the OpenCup.

The deadline for sign ups is changed to November 8th. In that matter you still have plenty of time to do a magic trick by clicking couple buttoms and sign up here :) Don't forget to mension it to your mates from other clans too. Lets make it another great season.
The second supervisor for the OC will be changed, so stay tuned to see who it will be.


Your help is need to make this the best cup it can possibly be, so please try to get at least one member from your clan to sign up.

- Good knowledge of written english.
- Knowledge of the commands available.
- Able to stay neutral and to make fair decisions/judgements.
- Good knowledge of the rules.
- Ability to write matchreports/upload screenshots.
- Sign up here.

This goes out to all of you talented people out there. The ClanBase RTCW Fall Cup is in need of logo, please help us!

- Maximum size: 500*124
- It should be transparent.
- Must have a reference to both ClanBase, RTCW and the fall
- Email your logo to toxigirl at klaudiaart.com
- Deadline is November 8th

See you around,

PS: If you have any questions regarding the OpenCup please feel free to pm me at IRC #ClanBase.RtCW or send e-mail to toxicgirl at klaudiaart.com

A feared gamer!

At FOXSports.com there was a list of the 10 most feared people in sports. Some mentions are quite surprising. We can see United States of America Fatality at the second position...

So, why are his opponents so scared of him? Believe it or not, there are thousands of professional video game players around the globe. Known as "cyberathletes," these characters earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year doing for a living what hungover college kids do on Sunday mornings for fun. Wendel, whose "handle" is "Fatal1ty," is the nastiest one of all. In an October 10th article in Business Week, we learn, "In this new world, Johnathan Wendel is the undisputed star. Over a period of five years, he has won more tournaments and pulled in more prize money than any other player, a total that has now topped $350,000. Girl gamers buzz about him at matches, like a group of Swedish players in Barcelona this summer. And boys idolize him. "He's so good," says Iisakki "Beam" Ahonen, an up-and-coming 17-year-old Finn player. 'I want to be like him — to travel and compete in tournaments and make a living at it.'" He's pretty much the Matt Leinart/Derek Jeter/Jason from Laguna Beach of the video-game world. Girls want him, and guys want to be him. And yet, no one wants to face him one-on-one.

Indeed very scary! *ahum*. Furthermore since when is are videogames considered to be on sports? Not just that but a sport to be on par with boxing, tennis etc. Same counts for poker. Anyway, read the list and have a laugh!

They are right about United States of America Mike Tyson though, I definately wouldn't want to meet the old ugly bastard in a dark alley!

ClanBase EuroCup XII

c/p from clanbase.com:

[q]ET SW EuroCup XII

by: YashMan

ClanBase is proud to announce the start of EuroCup XII, bringing you the tournaments destined to find Europe's finest.

Sponsored by Intel, ClanBase and GGL will be raising the stakes with a total combined prize purse of $115,000 for the forthcoming AmeriCup and EuroCup.

As ClanBase and the GGL appreciate the wide support of games played in their communites, the EuroCup and AmeriCup will each distribute an additional $12.500 of the remaining $25.000 prize purse. For ET SW Cup we have a prize purse of $1500.

[*] 1. $750
[*] 2. $450
[*] 3. $300

This EuroCup will kick off on November 13th, with the official announcement of the invitations for Europe's most prestigious online gaming competitions. Further details about the AmeriCup kick-off will follow in the near future.[/q]
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