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Clanbase in recession!

Clanbase awakes this morning to a recession! Thats right, for the 4th Quarter of 2005 Clanbase heads in WITHOUT Netherlands Cash!

Cash took over as ET Gamesup & EC Head admin when previous admin Israel Spirit was fired. Since then he has steadied the ship along with his first mate Wales Angrykid and navigator Spain Done, and the group did a sterling job with last seasons Eurocup!

However, with Cash taking a new position in coverage with both Clanbase and the GGL, PLUS his recent beer destroying accident at the Eurocup Lan finals, the time has come for Cash to resign from his position within the ET crew!
Cash did a fine job plugging the holes in a sinking CB ET ship and secured his reputation alongside Kajab and Lake as some of ET's finest head admins!

Speculation is rife as to who could replace Cash for the position of Game Sup, with Wales AngryKid declaring that he is NOT interested in the position, that leaves Spain Done in the front seat. However recently appointed United Kingdom Adacore might have the left wing vote, and the two may yet fight it out!

Thank You & Good Luck to Cash in his future efforts, I'm sure we have not heard the last of the bald dutchman just yet! Especially as he owes me a beer!

In Other Clanbase News:

Belgium Nightraver & Portugal Thalakos have joined the ClanBase ET crew! And ClanBase.com seems to have resolved its hosting problems! Now data is being transferred via a GGL.com webserver and Clanbase has shaken one of its more traditional slurs of having a slow website!

Highskill ET Cup!


Yet another Enemy Territory Cup!!

Yea, you heard right. First some thing in general. The cup will take place at 20.11.05.

Highskill ET cup is planed as a cup for all clans, no matter how skilled you are, but we all hope that at least some of the better teams are going to participe.

The cup is played 6 on 6 and it's going to be played on one day only. We haven't got any mappool yet and I want to ask you to post your favorite maps in the comments.

We also got some nice prices:


One 16 slot server and one Razer Copperhead mouse!


50 bouncers by conceptT!


20 Bouncers by conceptT

You can register by sending an e-mail with your clanname, your team members and a way to contact you to:
[email protected]

The cup is organized by the german clans Germany-=ETT=- and Germany[TIE] ET CLan.
We hope for many registred teams and i hope the news is ok now otherwise just send me a PM.

GameSense vs sth - #1 Spot On The Line

image: gamestvClanBase ladder matches, they're of no importance right? Played by mere peons not good enough for the Cups...well tonight let’s distinguish that myth.

We'll see Eurocup hopefuls Portugal GameSense! take on ladder leaders Europe stronger than hate (sth). stronger than hate are on a nine match winning streak stretching back to early March. Granted their matches have been few and far between, the last two coming mid-September when they took on and beat not only Russia Pistols but Poland frozen in the same night.

They became ladder leaders by default in mid October, thanks to the demise of Hungary Thunder Force who have since gone into hibernation. This their first match as ladder leaders, a loss tonight would result in Spain aurea taking the top spot. Shit or bust for FroZzeN's men.

stronger than hate are a large caldron of Europe's best, a skillful mix under the watchful eye of Croatia FroZzeN. Their roster boasts members from Thunder Force, id.no, idle.ee, wArning!, Kreaturen and IDKFA to name but a few. But do a few big names make a team, you've gotta question their commitment with Eurocup approaching fast. It's also unclear as to what team they'll field, with over 40 members to pick from.

Compared to sth GameSense! have been incredibly active of late, three officials in the last few weeks going favourably - though not perfectly. Their roster might not boast the same celebrities as sth, but they've still a strong mix of players - overpowering fellow EC hopefuls’ Italy team Vagrants back in October. As the challengers tonight they've nothing to lose, even more so due to the ladder systems point scoring, they should be fully prepared to cause an upset.

Competition: ClanBase European 6v6 Ladder
Date: Wednesday 9th November
Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: Supplydepot2 & Supplydepot2
ETTv: #Gamestv.org & Gamestv.org (450 slots confirmed)

Europe stronger than hate
- Rank: 1st with wins 13 / 0 losses / 1 draw

Portugal GameSense!
- Rank: 8th with 15 wins / 6 losses / 8 draws

Other clans in and around the top of the ClanBase European ladder include uQ Gaming, aurea, Rewind and Gods.inc. The skilled teams taking an interest, and with nearly 200 active clans the ladder system if far from dead. You can sign up to the ClanBase European 6v6 Ladder here, bring that competitive edge to your friendly scrims, challenge Europe's best.

This the first ladder match casted in months, and well 'n truly cementes the return of our beloved Gamestv.org - be sure not to miss out.

(Personal note - those map choices make baby Jesus cry :/ )


stronger than hate regain their top spot with a comfortable 4 0 win.

Xfire experiencing technical difficulties!

Thats right, you're not alone, if you'reading this then you can likely see some nice code above it:

"Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/hosting/host0417/bezoekers.php on line 31"

This code is also known as BELGIAN, its a language spoken in BELGIUM a country where this website comes from, Belgium is the land of chocolate and whilst making and eating Chocolate some hot melting chocolate got into the webserver and just like the hit movie TRON there are little men running around inside xfire putting up these messages!

However, RaZa has put on his chocolate fighting suit (hes dressed like Oprah Winfrey) and is inside xfire as we speaking fighting the problems.

Please be patient whilst we resolve these issues.

In other news:

The entire Team Dignitas Enemy Teritory division has tested positive for the baned substance nandralome. Nandralome is believe to have been slipped into their food suppliments and is the same drug that had Jaap Stam and Edgar Davids banned from football for lengthly periods. The Clanbase Crew has been called into an emergency session to debate their fate!

In Austria search parties are continuing to look for missing Saevus superstar Darky. Darky has not been seen in 3 months since Saevus disbanded and reports suggest that his long serving fanboy Potter may be implicated in his this mystery. Potter was seen being taken into a local police station, witness' say he took the clan killing joke too far!

And finally, Willstar climbed to the top of the music charts with his cover of the Cardigans hit song "Losing my favourite game".

ClanBase opens inaugural True Combat: Elite ladders

After a successful ladder petition and potential in the current development of the True Combat modification, Clanbase has decided to add the following Enemy Territory ladder.

Europe True Combat: Elite 5v5 Objective (Rules)

As this Enemy Territory mod is still under development, we ask the community to give us feedback to improve the ladder even more. For more information join #ClanBase.TC:e.

Clanleaders can join the the ladders here, and clans who still aren't registered on ClanBase can use this this page sign up. As always, all clans are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the ladder rules before playing.

Bani with new page: WolfWiki

At first, bani published a new website called wolfwiki.
As ET-Support.de its based on the wikimedia system to find fast solutions for problems and informations about configs for ETTV and ETPro: http://wolfwiki.anime.net/index.php/Main_Page

Another thing he published some days ago is the new ET Pro Version,
called ET Pro 3.2.2 beta test release 3 + serverside-mod support.
Informations about it can be found at his forum: http://bani.anime.net/banimod/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6237

This means: You can set up servers by using some own mods with using the etpro mod without clients who need to download it. So, server admins or leagues can add some own sources to the etpro to add own features or ban something like prone from theire server. To use this in competitions we need some more md5 checksums to make unfair playin still impossible. Example codes for this new featues can be found in his wolfwiki.


toFOUR Cup Final - uQ vs. wA

the toFOUR.de ET Cup finished on sundays night with a quickly decided match by wA and uQ.
At least, we had some organization problems during the playoffs, but finally, we are very proud to announce you the final of this cup:

Match: United Kingdom uQ vs. wArning Spain
Result: 4 - 0
Maps: Braundorf_b2 / Supply Depot 2
Shoutcast: http://radio.team-zenith.com by FlyingDJ (zen)
ETTV: http://www.gamestv.org
Details: http://www.warning-team.org/
Demos: http://www.challenge-tv.com/index.php?mode=demos&game=39
ETTV Replay: tba

Latest cup informations: http://www.clanbase.com/news_league.php?lid=2210

... we'd like to thank everyone who covered us:
http://www.radioitg.com/ Radio ITG and Tosspot
http://www.vpclan.de/ VP Clan with ETTV and Shoutcast by Swine
http://www.warning-team.org wA News Team with the best coverage - thanks
http://www.swertcw.com SweRTCW for another good Coverage
http://www.played.dk played for the danish cover
http://www.gamestv.org Gamestv and AK
http://www.clanbase.com Clanbase as hoster of the cup system
And manny other sites: et.at, et-scene.de, rtcw-prison.net and manny other sites

and ofc thanks for every clan who played in it and helped us, to show the community around xfire and stuff some nice matches.

Have fun watching with ettv and listen to the last shoutcast of this years 1st toFOUR ET cup.


rewind - MesQ1 speaks!

rewind is a name that has littered RTCW and ET history for all the right reasons, in RTCW their unbeaten run was unsurpassed and in ET their team was the foundation of the Dignitas lineup.

But when the new rewind ET lineup came about they were not met with welcoming arms, and more recently they have been on the receiving end of a fair few flames.

However this week David Beckham returned to rewind, in the shape of United Kingdom RazZ the dazzling summer cup winner has gone back to the theatre of dreams and the question now is, are rewind serious contenders for the upcoming season? I caught up with the outspoken Belgium MesQ1 who himself has only just returned to the team!

MesQ1 on rewinds roster changes
QuoteWe wanted to recruit 1 more good player so we recruited razz which will hopefully give us more teamplay and aim we are hoping now to get quite a good result in EuroCup , we have been praccing alot to prepare for this and I hope we will do good in it

MesQ1 on his own departure and return
QuoteThe reason I left Rewind was because I had problems I thought it was best for the team if I left but it wasnt so 1 week later they took my back so we could get the skill we had achived when I was in Rewind

MesQ1 on the ET community
QuoteWe dont care about the ET community because they never gave us a chance to prove ourselves

MesQ1 on Clown and his soap opera departure
Quote He was a great player no doubt about that. But the communication was just bad he was always whining about something what was totally not needed , and it was irritating us and since we had allready 6 very active player we kicked him. But its very low too talk this bull**** about us, cuz we were always nice too him.

The roster changes have left rewind looking like this in preperation for the upcoming winter season:

Germany Riddla (cl)
Germany Sec
Belgium MesQ1
United Kingdom RazZ
Switzerland Rapt6rr
Netherlands Kris
Estonia asd

141 - Doesnt add up!

When United Kingdom 141 formerly known as uQ won Summer Cup in a resounding victory over their compatriots United Kingdom SoF the hype began to build around the team that perhaps had what it took to challenge the top dogs at their own game.

The 141 ship sailed along convincingly winning their tf-cup group without dropping a round, but since that point the ship has traveled into murky waters, and has sent several members to walk the plank!

Firstly United Kingdom h2o walked the plank, the rifle nader who was reveling in the big time has been sent to the sharks, and last night one of the more famous members follow off into the deep end. United Kingdom RazZ has rejoined Europe rewind leaving a void to be filled!

I caught up with United Kingdom syK to get the lowdown in the 141 camp!

syK on RazZ
QuoteWith activity issues within the clan these past few months razz perfered to play for an active clan rather than a competitive one, so he chose to move on and we are currently looking at bringing maybe pray back or someone else we have in mind

syK on h2o
QuoteWell h2o is a great guy but it caused way to many arguments on comms etc so we decided we would be better off making a fresh start and we are bringing some new members in soon with the rest of the team that are left are extremly dedicated on making this work, currently deciding if we are going to go on without a rifle or with one so we are deciding which of the 2 players we have in mind to go for =)

syK on living up to the hype!
QuoteI'd say that in practices we are performing well and have come a long way since then improving and learning along the way but with inactivity it has been a strugle but we are making a push now ready for eurcoup and get this clan going again

141's current roster is as follows:

United Kingdom Mztik (cl)
United Kingdom syK
Israel CrozZ
United Kingdom SquizZ
Sweden TBA
Hungary Future

Is the Hungary Future bright for 141? Or will they struggle to steady the ship in time for Eurocup!

Enemy Territory Wiki-Page Launched!

image: unbenannt11edA guy called Germany Eicher made a Wiki-Page for Enemy Territory.

For all those who don't know what a Wiki-Page is just look over at wikipedia.org. You'll notice that you can edit and add new entries. In this way you share your knowledge about any topic with other users who can also access and edit your entry if something is missing/wrong.

The new launched Enemy-Territory Wiki-Page works in same way. You, as a classicist of ET can share your knowledge with other people who maybe don't know anything about ET or aren't so experienced like you.

The Page was released today so don't wonder if there is no content in it. You can change that by adding new topics. A Wiki-Page always needs users who contribute their knowledge there and let the page grow.

If you're interested check the page and make your first (useful) entry there.
Don't worry about the domain it's an international site.

Take me to the page: et-support.de
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