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ET 6on6 NC first matchweek

image: NC-logo-2

Here we are ladies and gentlemen, well into our first matchweek of the Nations Cup 2020, with quite a lot of matches already being played out this weekend. We have had some good and exciting games to watch and some that were quite predicatable before the start, but that's what group games always give. Let me assure you that the best is yet to come and make sure you will tune into the next matchweek that's coming up!

RTCW 6on6 Draft Cup II

image: izolSrs

After the success of the 6on6 draft cup on Saturday 23rd May, I will be hosting another edition on Saturday 6th June.

ET 6on6 NC Groups

image: NC-logo-2

Who would of though that from the first news of announcing the Nations Cup, so many nations would show interest and particpiate in it, but after the announcement of all lineups participating in the cup yesterday we can finally move onto the main stage and that is with publishing groups and getting ready to enter the first match week of Nations Cup 2020 games!

ET 6on6 NC Lineups announcement

image: NC-logo-2

I believe that this was the crucial point whether we would have those 17 nations signups reality or only a dream, but i am very proud to announce that all 17 nations have published their lineups in the given time that they had. Deadline was up until today and we have received publicly or privately all the lineups and with great pleasure i will announce all of them now!

ET 6on6 NC Captains announced

image: NC-logo-2

It has been less than a week since i posted my first announcement about Nations Cup for ET. And today I can proudly say that we are good to go. I honestly expected 10 or maybe 12 nations at best case, but you guys have done and gone over the board yet again, having a total of 17 Nations signed up!

RTCW 6on6 Draft Cup I and 3on3 Cup II

image: izolSrs

After the success of the 3on3 cup on Sunday 10th May, I will be hosting two new competitions. A 6on6 draft cup on Saturday 23rd May and a second edition of the 3on3 competition on Sunday 24th May. If possible the 3on3 cup will be split into two divisions to allow for more even games.

100€ for 1v1 Champion - Road to Glory

Hello dear community, 

The last 1on1 tournament took place about 2 years ago and was very successful. After having seen a lot of activity in our Discord on this format, we would like to invite you to our first one versus one tournament in this year, with a prize money of €100 for the winner.

ET 6on6 NationsCup

image: NC-logo-2

Given the fact that we have had two splendid weekends of hardcore ODC gaming going on now and that the ET activity is currently on it's peak due to corona situations, I'm willing to give this thing a shot and see if we can make it happen, so I'm proud to announce i will be hosting an ET Nations Cup.

NEW: ET 3on3&6on6 ODC weekend #2!

image: n1WJVmU

Given the success we had during this weekend with both formats having 18 teams signed for cup and some absolutely amazing games, i can announce i will be hosting another one day cup weekend in both 3on3 and 6on6 format yet again! This time i will be doing it a bit differently to give each team even more game time.
For the previous cup u can read main news here and post up journal here.

RTCW 3on3 Cup I

image: 8FtPu8J

There has been talk of a 3on3 cup in the RTCW community, so I have decided to take the lead on this. To get an idea of numbers could you message me on discord if you would be interested in playing and your potential lineup. Once I have an idea of the number of teams I will create some polls to help us decide on bracket format and additional maps to include. If you have any suggestions for anything related to the cup feel free to message me.
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