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Teamoxid to disconnect from EC?

With Humm3l preparing for a EuroCup qualifier match tonight it is time to say welcome back Russian: The team captain of disQonnect will try to lead his young and truly talented team to the path of honour and glory. After a few successful years in ESL Pro Series and numerous Euro Cups in Call of Duty 4 it is humm3l who did find his way back to the roots with an OpenCup season to build a team he prepared well for the next step.

It is the newly formed Teamoxid side that will have to stand strong to not let them pass into the season. But as stRay just created a team out of nowhere - and yes, I am talking about the EuroCup Announcement Day - he did find 5 motivated members and delivered a strong message to his opponent as "[he] will beat Humm3l without a doubt" in the clash between two pioneers.

The battle of two German teams did not happend for ages in ETs EuroCup Qualifier history. Time to get things written down and to find out who's stronger - or better prepared: Germany stRay or Russia humm3l.

Update: Due to the huge amount of temper flying around about this match former Teamoxid player Moldova eujen decided to pull out his microphone again and start a show. He will shoutcast this match in Germany German. Tune in.
image: s_head

image: s_news

Germany Teamoxid
Germany gr0ss
Germany kiwi
Germany sNoOp
Germany stRay
Canada Brandon
Finland Webe

image: s_news

Germany disQonnect
Russia humm3l
Russia Jago
Russia jOke
Germany boNg
Germany kevji
Germany predi
Russia freezer (back up)

image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 22.30 CET
Maps: sw_Goldrush_te, Supply Depot
League: image: etEuroCup XXIVimage: game28205
image: s_foot
Read the German news

First CB EC Qualifier Matches

image: et1 The current- and the coming week will bring some brilliant and fast paced Enemy Territory Clanbase EC Qualifiers with the first matches to be played within the next 18 hours.
The Qualifier madness will kick-off with an exciting match between two Finnish top notch teams - Finland turbot vs. Finland RAAB, and as you can read on the bottom of this newspost there are already some rumors about a curse on turbot which will prevent them from getting into this seasons EuroCup! Head over to GamesTV.org and tune in right at 21.00 CET to see if Swanidius&co can proof them wrong!

The second match will start just half an hour later and by going through the lineups of
Czech Republic iR and Europe Team Limbo this clash seems atleast as good as the kick-off. By comparing their lineups I would say one can find the aimpower on the Limbo side and the teamplay on jalo`s, milhAus`s and Green_Clon`s shoulders. I guess you don`t have to be a mentalist to see both games will most likely go for an exciting three mapper... if not you can call me a fool but I am sure you will not regret your decision to follow one of those games because the top of the top will surely bring a decent performance on our ETTv screen.

Check the Read More section for detailed match information and community predictions!

CB EC Invites & Qualis

It's that time again where the ClanBase EuroCup invites are announced, along with the qualifying spots as well. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory had four spots to give away for direct invites and sixteen spots going to teams allowing them to try and qualify for the tournament.
image: cbecxxiv
The four invited teams go into one pool together whereas the sixteen qualifying teams will be slotted into pools depending on their performance during the qualifying rounds. The qualifiers will have a few stages to them in order to determine a best seed for the eventual EuroCup tournament. Here's how it works;

ClanBase EuroCup Invite Show - LIVE this evening!

image: cbecxxivThe ClanBase EuroCup XXIV Invite Show will be held this evening LIVE and exclusively on ClanBase Radio. Tune in at 21:00 CET to find out who are the giants of the gaming scene this season!

Flash webplayer
Winamp, VLC, BSPlayer, Foobar2000
Windows Media Player

image: banner1

Traditionally, the show will be hosted by ClanBase Radio's very own DJs Netherlands Neur0 and United Kingdom Apoc. Apart from the announcements, the show will also feature interviews with people from the gaming scene including the ClanBase Chief of Cups.

21:00 CET: Start - Introduction
21:10 CET: Counter-Strike: Source
21:30 CET: Call of Duty 2
21:50 CET: Interview with ClanBase Chief of Cups
22:00 CET: Quake Live
22:20 CET: Enemy Territory
22:40 CET: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Although the announcements won't be broadcast in IRC, you'll still be able to keep up-to-date in exclusive EuroCup IRC channel - #EuroCup (webchat) on QuakeNet. Differently from the previous seasons, it is now possible to talk on the channel and discuss your views with your fellow listeners!

The programme on ClanBase Radio begins already at 15:00 CET with DJ Snoxy (electronic music) and at 18:00 CET with DJ twisty (rock/metal) - to warm you up for the EuroCup.

Be sure to also visit the special EuroCup page within the ClanBase Radio website for the latest updates!

Source: ClanBase
Recording: EuroCup page

$10k Corsair CoD4 tournament

image: bxrqi8qfro

Some may say that Call of Duty 4 has been lacking a large cash injection for over a year, the last being the Antwerp eSports Festival at the tail-end of July 2010. With no AEF announcement for this year, the community seemed to lose hope and faith in their game. Sure, there has been numerous small to mid-scale events throughout the year and they've been great, but it's the big money people are really interested in.

At least momentarily, it seems the wait is over. One of the current market's largest high-performance PC components manufacturers, Corsair, have generously shelled out $10,000 for an online tournament in Call of Duty 4. The tournament goes by the name of Vengeance Cup and is the largest online tournament for the game in terms of prize pot and is certainly a soothing thought given the past year for the game.

Short ET Movie Review!

image: et There are currently no big ETTv matches on the horizon to write about so I decided to do a short overview about the newest Enemy Territory movie releases. We had seven new movies published since the start of August and I will take a closer look on four of them!

So let`s just start with " France StrAf the movie". According to the title on the movie page and the full length of less than 4 minutes this is an unfinished project. Nevertheless it is worth watching. The editing is nice, the frags are cool and the luger actions are superb. Go to the movie page and enjoy some fast paced Enemy Territory actions against known players from nowadays and from the past.

Another great movie got released by the one and only Switzerland DabSter. His newest movie is called "Mettle II" and with 420 MB it is not a light fare but trust me, you will not regret your download. The movie got enjoyable cams, amazing headshot parts, great and unusual spawnkill actions and really nice killing sprees against known players. check it out!

Next comes a short clip named "Player KillmaN" made by Chile KillmaN himself. Most of you will not know this Chilean guy

JeeSports Open #3 Today

image: jeesports

The third qualifier for this months JeeSports tournament is about to happen tonight at 20.00 CET. Participants spread from all over Europe will try to earn their spot in the monthly grand final tournament. France strenx, Ireland kRoNic and Russia agent already signed up to farm some more points in the monthly ranking.

Tournament page with streams, JeeSports September Schedule

ET Pack 2011 released!

image: etpack2
The sign-ups for the upcoming Clanbase season is closed, the GamesTV.org feed here on the site is working again and Speedmix just won a random 1 day cup...but that`s not all. Today I will release a new Enemy Territory pack with the latest updates, maps and TZAC as setupfile included. So every new player just have to download one single file instead of multiple files and patches.

I am aware of the fact that there is an ultimate installer or swine`s et pack already available but well time went by, some maps got changed and I thought with the current situation such a fresh version is needed. Additionally this download includes some useful links to scripting pages, starter guides and other information which makes this pack more interesting for new users. Feel free to share the link to your new gaming buddies, use it in case you have lost all your files or if you are just in need of a clean Enemy Territory installation. I have tested the installer with several CF members and they all had no problems but if you got an error or found a bug just let me know via CF pm.

Team Blackpoint makes odds even

image: blackpointlogoalt1

After our part with Colt 45, we had to search for a new Wolfenstein Enemy Territory team. Looking for other teams, we made a small post on Crossfire.nu after which we received several applications. We decided to pick the most stable and probably also best known of the interested teams. The team originally known as Clan Poland or :h, has been part of the organization tMoe for several months. But due to the organization being very inactive and/or folding they were looking for a new home.

Zotac QL celebrates the 100

image: zotac

A few minutes left before Zotac cup for Quake Live celebrates its 100th edition. The weekly series with a regular prize fund of 100.00€ will feature over 93 Quake Live players including stars such as France strenx, Germany k1llsen, Belarus cypher, Russia agent, Sweden fazz, Sweden mad1x, United Kingdom Garpy and more.

Update: Cup is over, result goes here:
France strenx - 100.00€ + ZOTAC GeForce GTX 580 AMP2! Edition
Germany k1llsen - Customized Cooler Master Enforcer case with ZOTAC imagery
Russia pavel - Cooler Master CM Storm Spawn Gaming Mouse

Streams: United Kingdom LevelUp, United Kingdom HoQ TV, Germany BloodyWarriors
Related: Bracket, Hall of Fame
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