The Big Three.

The big three European ET leagues, but which do the community prefer.
48.4 %
(291 votes)
39.1 %
(235 votes)
12.5 %
(75 votes)
need more polls
why set (.de) behind the esl?
it's the supar sekrit yerman league
You need five characters in the poll options, and ESL could very well be, and I wouldn't really see the difference.
But the ".de" domain does not exist. Maybe it's a bit confusing for poeple which are trying to search "". The real domain is ".eu" by the way.
CB 4 Sure (I know i'm stupid).
cb > all
Everything good that has happened to ET has been the result of CB's work. CB fo sho.
Clanbase, although ESL is getting better.
So many polls...CB for sure. The "I vote for esl because I don't like 5on5" is a bit childish, isn't it?
why should that be childish? its a good reason to not vote cb imo.
why should that be childish? its a good reason to not vote cb imo.
ESL has had loads of good matches can't remember last time I watched a good clanbase match, although if this poll was created after nations cup I'm sure that clanbase would have a greater lead :p
So basically, you just voted for ESL because you have the short-term memory of a goldfish?
I'm not going to vote for clanbase because they once had good leagues thats fucking retarded you vote for the best and as it currently stands thats esl idiot.
So you mean just because CB doesn't host any events right now, they're much worse than ESL who happen to do.

If it had been the other way around, and CB would host EC right now while ESL wouldn't host anything at all, CB would be the best just because they happened to host an event when you saw this poll?
Well whats the point in voting for clanbase if I've not seen any good events in ages, I'm not going to vote for clanbase because years ago they had a good event :/
ESL is coming... CB with that fucking 5v5 format plz die

ESL (eu)
clanbase lost there fans.
ESL admins with Clanbase homepage and system
normally CB would have owned this poll
but nowadays ESL is closing the gap they only need to work on the HP
ESL due to 6on6.. not only does it characterize ET, it also makes more people happy for being in the main lineup :)
ESL now, CB before it

or just make single config and i won't care at all (6on6 ofc :p)
Its not, its ... or why do u ask others if u already have an opinion?
It's a true criticism that ESL still favours Germans, and isn't ready to replace CB.
Well the vote tells it a bit different. It's about 50:50 at the moment. And that after one year when ESL "came out of nowhere" if I can say so ;>
ESL is in the business of making money and works closely with giga so i can understand why, there would be favouristism towards germans :o
no m8, it doesn't

GIGA deserves not only german streams, and still my question is, why do u already use your opinion if u want to know the opinion of others? sensless to make a poll than ;)

If you base everything on GIGA, the Swedish National League (SNL) is also in favor for germans just because giga is their coverage partner. Aswell as the Dreamhack, where GIGA made a great publicity with their base to use.

Anyway, ESL has EPS in IT, DE, AT, CH, FR - also it just came to uk with a new license given to them.

As addition to the EPS, there are the intel extreme masters for european teams with even more prize money the EPS has for this two games.

The WC3L is also an international event, a world wide one...

Your opinion is based on words written by different people, and u only see esl as .de because u dont know what it offers and how it works just because its not as international as clanbase, but since the IPS and the EM, its clearly different, you just dont care about it because u read something else somewhere else and dont mind others opinion, as I already said by your vote options.

I'd rather call your vote nonsense, because u will not have any 100% result of the truth by submitting your own opinion in the options to choose.
ESL is german, always has been, always will be. They will never lose their german image.
who cares oO ?
Being german is a bad thing ? Maybe there will be quick with payment for the ips, unlike cb with ec and then really who will be complaining. Every single ips game has good coverage unlike ec, and to my knowledge very few of the ips games have been resceduled or cancelled unlike last seasons ec...
the image to be good organize is rly bad, oh and beeing a nazi aswell, i rly agree with your post at ggl for the GC 06. Still I agree, but the cb will never be as organized as the esl is and will never be as big as it is, and you cant disagree on nombers - or did u ever ask an italian about the ESL? Its nearly as big as in germany (in proportion), taking the proportion and the italian gaming scene is not that big
heh, if you agree with my GGL post about ESL then you'd be agreeing with the statement inside it that says, Only german people believe it is bigger than Clanbase because CB is bigger!
Bigger = Size not prestige
Article is here:
Clanbase is not bigger .. I want to see facts :)

(I'll answer you tomorrow after work, so you have enough time)
going for the edit of my comment ;)

Ye, your article is great and rly opend some people's eyes, but finally, my comment was just a bit wrong and im sorry for this, but it proves your article is right, but doesnt means everything of my comment is wrong

// edit: ignore kafux :D
The big tree?
more polls PLZ!
ESL 6on6 ofc!
ESL after cb/wl -> 5o5
ESL (+ Warleagues, but i couldn't vote for both)
6on6 ftw
ofc... esl because 6v6.. wl is not bad too... cb rox (6v6... 5v5 sux)
ESL for sure at the moment, they do not impose anything on the community and care about the opinion of the players. Even though CB made a nice contribution in the past, what they're doing now is simply splitting up the community for the sake of change and trying to prove that they are the most important league. If the new system is really so much better, I can't get why most of the players are still not convinced and prefer not to change anything. It'd be much better to first make a point and then make a change, not the other way round. As long as CB remain stubborn or even arrogant and refuse to even consider switching back to 6on6, let's hope they fail =)
cb for EC
6v6 > 5v5
CB even if I don't care shit about this poll
does this poll totally fucks the website?
Before the 5on5 shit I prefered totally the ClanBase community but now i don't know what to prefer.

Pointless poll....
because of 6on6 and a better head admin/supervisor + this admin tries to get the best coverage possible for the game (giga etc.).
wl are the best coz they talk really with the comm'
who needs EC anyways?
the teams who could play EC are playing ESL IPS ( more money + better config in my eyes + better support )
so in my eyes clanbase is dieing slooooowly, but hard, since EC isnt the most important online event anymore (only chance to save cb is more money then esl and lan finals) - the top players seem to.

This vote's just a backlash from CB going 5v5, that doesn't make ESL better overnight.
Most of the ones saying clanbase havent played on esl before so hardly a fair question...
Netherlands BuLL & Finland Xpazz = most?
cb WAS the most important league in the past, but as you can see ESL is growing and growing, and that's what i tried to say.
and i dont think that the oppinion of inactive people or people who never played ESL counts
lico, Xionn, Butchji, Zerender, Tiigeri, twidi, CS4fi, toxic & kris = inactive?
Xionn & CS4fi...lioco is hopping from clan to clan and tiigeri isn't also active imo
Tiigeri & Xionn played in the IPS.
played...and now? INACTIVE !
"and i dont think that the oppinion of inactive people or people who never played ESL counts"
inactive and never played should be 2 different pair of shoes
1 match....
But it does make cb much worse ;D
Stop whining and finish ur 6on6 clanbase hosted cup
nice trick with this .de, sry mister but it is

PS: Who cares about prize moneys? I would be worryed if i was from the "5 clans" that could win some money.. So that is not a value argument!

More whine about cb, esl and wl.. I think even the 6on6 supporters are tired about this..
ESL 3o3 cups > all
luv ya chosen :*
CB & 5o5 <3

ESL is some random german naap shiet

warleagues died when they killed
esl got my vote, they atleast do listen to what the community wants. CB lost my respect because of 5on5 decision
ESL, but they have to improve their website :<
5v5 > 6v6 :)
esl site is bad :(. cb site is often slow, but it is clear.
I voted CB btw
Voted for ESL cus i have got the feeling that ESL is trying harder 2 satisfy the needs of the current ET-scene.
cb before,now esl and warleagues because of 6on6..
ESL for shizzle serious business !
ESL with unbiased not-only-german and decent admins = CB without i-am-god-almighty decisions

so the vote goes for: (remember the game or only CUPs matter now?)
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