Help my band on MTV!!

I was told to put it here so ill do just that .. :p

My band VINDRA is in the MTV competition nordic unsigned!!

We need votes , and we want to thank the whole x fire community for all the votes so far!!

If u already voted today, plz do it again tomorrow / after 00:00 .

click enter | vote | vote right next to VINDRA "in my head" .

same rules in this journal as before : only Eng | Swe | Swahili allowed . :p

This song only competes this week , maybe we will upload another, but I dont know yet , "might be "reunification" if any1 knows that song?! .. :P

Connection might be a bit slow, so ur also welcome to hear the song on our myspace page : but do plz vote first.

Feel free to spread the word about us us !!

soz 4 the spamming.. but i cant help it.. :p

and thank u again !!
sticky / column imo :)
voted again
think it will be soon .. :)
And the best 5 make it to MTV? Can you explain the competition some more :P?
yee well its divided inte 4-5 weeks .. every week 4 songs get picked to the grand final ... on friday that is.

after that 15 new songs comes up to vote 4 .. and next friday we see which 4 songs that qualify that week .. :9 etc .. :p so if we just come 1-4 on friday we are in the finals with this song "in my head".

I think that a jury decides which song that actually wins out of the 20 that have come to the finals..

the 30 th of november is the date of the final.
voting everyday m8, gl with ur band!
vote is send
np: Soulja Boy - Crank that (Beatblazer rmx)
done it mate <3 gl
Voted for you!

damn you could be my dad :s
do you blaim me if i think the nr1 song is nicer?!

but still i voted for you
whine! :p
i dont like your song the best but i still voted :)
nice song !

shall vote for you
well Ins im gob@r!
the others might be CS campers 4 all I know :p
for this post everyone should vote for you
for this post everyone should vote for you
voted for ya! nice music keep on doing it! gl in the future :)
done again
music sucks, but i voted
"but do plz vote first."

so you admit that u suck? :---DDDD
Wat is dat voor pwnzor?
Gobar for president

image: simp16pres
i luff you gob@r <3 GL mate!!
song sux but i voted
done, gl :)
Proof it's your band?!
Butch ask in if VINDRA is gob@rs band .. :)

and killer .. yee I guess som1 got tired of my spamming ..
image: 1138244864_l
who are u there?
im the good lookin guy on the left side with white sleeves .. !! :)
oh hi2u u look great <3
is that guy in the middle gay?
no, hes just swedish
i like the middle guy too :)
so which one ? jk
hes the sexiest one, now you pick the 1 that is sexiest
lol @ sticky
Nothing to lol about.
yeh you are right, this surely is an important for this site
Nothing said it's importent for the site, but it's realy importent for him. No need to be childish and just help him.
Dont have anything better to write? Go outside.

done 2nd time
stupid fuck
done but your music sucks:_D
thnx for voting , sucks is a strong word , and to also say that our music sucks ,, u have only heard 1 song , out of 30 ... a bit fast judgement maybe ?! .. :)

welcome to our other sites

or under media for more songs .. my fav there is reunification . if u still think our music suck after that , then u might consider asking urself if u really like rock music ?! .. :P
i really really dont like your music but anyway good luck and have fun with it maybe we will see you on the charts
where can i steal your album?
The music wasnt bad, not my style but i felt professional. wd
Vel, det var bra helt til vokalen begynte. Da ble riffene for myke, og vokalen var altfor "kort", dere burde hatt en som kunne gått gått høyere og lavere, med mye mere variert stemme og stemmebruk. Men ellers, ikke dårlig med tanke på at dere ikke er unsigned og "amatører" :)
your will is my command
damn! you could be my dad too , oh noes im @ nocti's group
I would be ashamed if I was nocti's brother :o
you got my blessing, good luck m8! Nice song
smells like emo
I voted for you, but I like the first one better :P
First one is better but votes for u anyways
voted 4 you :<
I voted to you. No my style music but ...

gl :p
ur background sound rox, but pls, change the singer, he looks like an indian guy speaking english, the rest is cool :):):)
pic was taken 4 years ago , since then we have taken a bit more pop like look , alà U2 .. :p
nothing like In Flames or Soilwork but it woks. Voted on 6killerss :DD
Sorry, but the song is horrible bullshit ( what a fuckin pop )
I heard this one thousand times, nothing new.

LOL sorry i really for long time didnt heard a bullshit like that :)

EDIT: i will give you vote, because there is for 100 procent bigger bullshit :)
it's mtv, no-one watches it anyway
voted and gl to future with ya band
the song isnt that bad but its not a winner song :o

voted for you anyways
maybe not, there is a jury who decides the winner out of 20 songs ,,

first stage is to get on place 1-4 this week for us .. next week its 15 new songs that fight for another 4 spots in the final.

who knows what the jury will think .. :p
:) I think you will be top 4
oh my god Sup3r go to school ! btw A+R is dead so you prolly get forfeit 2night .
did not vote, cuz i simply dont like your music.
i dont like it either, but the song is good for that genre
if i had to vote for a song in that genre, there were other songs in that list that I like better. I simply won't vote on something which I don't like just to get someone I dont know unfairly ahead in some competition.
i havent even listened the other songs really :p
Why you being an jerk? would it hurt so much to just push the vote button? moron..
I'm not being a jerk. I'm just being fair to the other contestants. Plus I'm not gonna vote for someone I don't know for music I don't like. Has nothing to do with being a jerk.

Get your facts straight. The only Jerks here are them trying to unfairly influence the outcome of the competition by asking tons of ppl they don't even know to just vote, wether they like the music or not.
the song is goog but the singer sucks so hard wtf
like ur music hope to see you soon @ mtv or any concert in Proland :D:D
great band - voted
have voted 2 times until now
voted - not that band, gl ;)

good luck! =)
Voted again best luck!!!!
gl with it gobar
crossfire, a music and mtv community
not bad gL for the future

gt my vote for today
unique square sounds better, sry. :D
already 4th time I vote for this :o
np Spirea .. :p even thou it´s a pity that the votes dont give any band a record deal , a jury will decide it all in the end..

At least it seems that our song will go to the finals, and a lot thnx to x-fire!! :p
unfairly going to the final I might add.
We swedish ppl cheats in everything
Being fair with everything in life wont get you anywhere since others will screw you in every possible way.
n1 attitude. We have a new nobel-price winner ladies and gentlemen
Yeah I guess working for 40 years and give others the chances for promotions is a good idea since they deserve it more. Life is about getting satisfaction from what you do, if doing everything to achieve your goal satisfies you just do it and grab every oppurtunity to get closer to it.
That SO doesn't justify that you should reach your goals in every (unfair) way you see fit.

In fact, it's about the same as saying that you should cheat in gaming if that helps you reach your goals of winning a competition. Just as lame imo.
man plz dont compare gaming with real life omg
Learn to interpret and comprehend. I'm not comparing gaming to life, I'm comparing two situations to which the same character trade applies.
come on ron.. :/
It's true. Gathering votes from people you don't know and people that didn't even listen to the song or even don't like it, is not a fair way now is it.
?? unfairly ?? we play all the instruments ourselfs , and personally ive been in different bands since before u were born .. so i wouldnt say unfairly .. :p

and I really think that all the bands in the competition are calling there friends to vote for them I meen why wouldnt they ,,

before I posted on x-fire we had like 9 % of the votes so ofc we got a bit of help from all the gamers i know and all the gamers that just seen this post, and never heared of me..

but i still dont think it´s unfair, I meen the members of the other bands might go to a university or smth, I meen 60% of the votes doesnt seem real either .. :p

so stop with the whining and just vote , anyway it´s up to the jury in the end ..
Quote?? unfairly ?? we play all the instruments ourselfs

I sure fucking hope so.

Quotepersonally ive been in different bands since before u were born

I was walking on this planet for a small year before you crawled out of your mom so don't patronize me :P

and yes it's unfair. I'm not saying the others don't do the same thing, but it still is an unfair way of winning. Getting people to vote for you eventhough they 1. don't know you and 2. might not even like the song or 3. might not even have heard any of the songs is simply unfair, no matter how you look at it.

It's not that I care about it or anything, but let's not be stupid and say it isn't unfair cuz the other bands are doing it as well. It simply makes both of you unfair :P

And no I'm not whining I'm simply stating a fact and no I will not vote :P

Anyway, good luck in the competition :)
Luv u to ron!! :p
voted gl m8 :D
voted 3rd time
i voted
you guys got great music!
would wish to see some honest guys like u up on all stages instead of some kiddycrap with 14 years old kids calling themself "stars"
ive voted again but unique square are owning you =<
Union square! it is and I like them as well , but it´s up to the jury in the end .. :p
for those of u who are whining on my post ,, I guess u have to much free time in ur life , I got the cure!! try this game :

it´s free and really addictive ..:p
Voted :)
voted for u

and GL!
dont like your vocals.. bad articulation.
mikä vittu säki täällä koitat saatana olla?
I voted for u tree times, without listening to the songs. It`s shit metal anyways, or? :D
nope :p more like U2 i guess ..
i voted 4 times now but your not there anymore =/
nope we were there till today actually , now it´s another week, with 15 new songs to vote to the finals ,, we came 3rd last week so were already through .. yehaa .. :p
thank us later =]
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