Ubercup, SuckCup

Rofl they kicked players and me because my crossfire profile. because its one month old and they looked at my yawn because it whas 3 months

thats okay
dunno why but i laughed xD
schwuchtel !!!
lol like they could knew if you are new to crossfire or whatever

admins are the dumbest persons in cups
as i said:
3 month yawns + 3 month crossfire acc´s will be deleted if there isn´t anyone from cheatbuster who checks your ip

your crossfire acc is 24 days old..and yawn around 3 months

its better to have one players who flames me than a player who owns the cup with hacks and the whole cup flames me, bb
well maybe he got new pc , then he can show you his old guid and that's it. And about crossfire. That's just pathetic what you did. U must be registered 3 months on crossfire to play that cup ? Pls that so fucking stupid IMHO.
aristo - the guy who cant even change identity properly
pssst, I was waiting for his answer, would've been funnier :P
HAHA, as I said above, it's funny :DDDDDD

Really, try to play another game, you are ruining ET.
ET Ftw , other games sux. Well I'd like to play ET:QW but i don't ahve key
Just buy the game... or crack one. It's not hard, it takes you less than an hour.
u cant create an online acc without valid CD key
buy the game => Valid CD Key.

crack one => Valid CB Key.
how u want to crack that game?
download game + crack key.
imo thats a good choice to delete them cuz it makes your cup safer :>

good idea
me 2, because of my new 'etproguid' , if you click my pbguid its like 1 year old -,-
y that was a fault. .as i told your mate@irc .. u can also sign up again and play if u would qry me at irc :o
ye but the prob is, there like 35 ppl signed up now so I will be like the fourth backup? ;o
no u will play.. u were on 4th position or smth? i also remember u frm previous clans.. was a fault i´m sry
second :D ok I sign up
get lost
Krato those admins are just really retarted i think more people know your playing this game for one year, and then they say. Im sorry 3 months yawn, could be hax! bb
Krato on 10/11/07, 15:26:03 PM | Reply

me 2, because of my new 'etproguid' , if you click my pbguid its like 1 year old -,-

beAsty on 10/11/07, 15:26:59 Del | Edit | Reply

y that was a fault. .as i told your mate@irc .. u can also sign up again and play if u would qry me at irc :o

Krato on 10/11/07, 15:27:49 PM | Reply

ye but the prob is, there like 35 ppl signed up now so I will be like the fourth backup? ;o

beAsty on 10/11/07, 15:28:35 Del | Edit | Reply

no u will play.. u were on 4th position or smth? i also remember u frm previous clans.. was a fault i´m sry
they are human beings, they made a fault but helped me out, so np :) (btw there is a reply butten aswell :D )
good job :)
seriously good job with strict rules
ban everyone that started within the last 2 years imho!
Then I can join and win cause of forfait losses :DD
I'd kick 13 year old dutch too
2+ month old guid and it's 1st guid for 2.6b version -,-
I gotta wait half year to join that cup I guess.
Said before...
Good job @ keeping cup clean, but bad for reputation.
and 9 day crossfire acc
Does it make me cheater?
It increases the chanses, yes.
But most of them are n00bs, so they take detected bots (like nexus 'n co) :P

btw, Hi slajdan :O)
it doesn't, then they should change the rule to "player with an 3 month or older NC acount can't play in this cup".

because crossfire acounts say shit about cheting or not!
I see your point, but I was actually referring to yawn.

But a guy that have 3 years old xfire acc, or one with 1 month is the most likely to be a banned player? :-P
they guy with 3 year old crossfire is prolly the hacker, he had more time to "test" hacks, the one with the 1 month account is prolly new to ET and didn't had any time to discover hacks.

He'll discover them the first war he plays :P
Who, tell me who, has never tested any cheat(s). Seriously?

Back in oldschool time, we didn't need to cheat... cheat came because the community went retarded. Without retards = less cheaters. That's my opinion.
tbh I tested hack also on pub, but I don't care I was 16 back then I got owned by cheater so I googled ET aimbot and owned the fuckers back on a 24/7 fueldump server :P

I think the problem of the ET communitie is that we have to many young players, the older player are smart enough to don't use hacks.

I also stopped hacking the day after I tested it because it was just so boring just pressing mouse1 and shooting HS all over the map without even moving.
lol your bot was sucking heee :P

Well, I agree, but I'm young but not retarded :)
it was just sooo boring, walking around and shooting headshots automaticly with autofire on, or just stand still and put aimfov on 360 and hit the mousebutton :D
I don't think you saw my point. :-P
why care about crossfire acounts? like everybody who isn't registered here is a cheater.
I'd say... yes. Or they are low-/low, that have prolly tested a hack someday...
I'd say no! cuz you can also read the news etc on crossfire without registering and posting crap like most kiddies are doing on crossfire.

most people decide to make a acount when they think they realy need to post smth, maybe some players justcome here to check the news and don't need to be a spammer like loekino
Everybody knows that crossfire is THE community of ET. Some of them prefer to stay anonymous - OK. But some of them also want to hide their IP, because they've been busted for cheating and they are faking. It's as simple as it.
or some people are just retarded and should use a proxy when they weant to hide their IP :P
You can't register @ crossfire when you are using a proxy. And proxy = no cookie, you always have to enter your password... I know, I'm lazy :P
you can register with proxy :P friend of mine registered @school and our school is using a proxy (like most schools do)

and the cookie also stays with proxy, also tested @ school :P
LOL, send me the url of your proxy then :DDD
private proxy of our school, I only know internal IP soz
I don't recall playing any decent player that is not registered on xfire, but you have a point, not everyone write stuff, but they sure as hell are registered.
LOL, didn't you play on ETPro @ 2.55/2.60? YES, so it should be on YAWn!.

It doesn't make you a cheater, but that's just to minimize the risks.
never said he is a cheater :D
Quote by KeytaroIt doesn't make you a cheater, but that's just to minimize the risks.

That's exactly what I said :P.
2.55 isnt listed on yawn if im correct. i cant find my 2.55 names on yawn
Prolly too old (hi M4L & MK :DDD) and YAWn! wasn't existing in 2003/2004 afaik.
nope they arent, and i played 2.55 for almost 3 years
I played et nearly 7 months unpatched, but after new pc etpro guid changed. Old pc was too low for 2.6b, after new pc I moved to patched. ^^
too low for 2.6b? But it was working @ 2.60? It's exactly the same dude, only fixed bugs... no graphics/requierements changes.
Hehe, just to bad that 2.6b have the same reqs as unpatched, and that the performance is better on patched.
old pc was too low for the new patch?

i lol'd
Yep lol 256ram/4 years old vid card, I barely had 30 fps in sd2.
old pc was to low to run the hacks for et2.60b?
well done admins :) keep nice work beasty and co
its actually a nice rule :P
good cup admin kick that hackers
good job beAsty.
Nice rule, last time a hacker got to the final right?
yep.. then we had to re-match the half cup :x
gj beAsty!
wtf does it matter? If some1 decides to host a cup with these rules then he should be allowed to do so. Don't like it? Don't sign up simple as.... It's funny how every1 thinks it's their god given right to participate in everything they want to. Bear in mind this cup is hosted by other players and they should be allowed to enforce the rules they want. (Just as in a club with a dresscode, don't comply with it don't get in).
or you just bitchslap the security guy @ zhe door and walk in.
or pay him teh extra moneyzzzzz!
great idea...as long as its your cup...do what you want
gj admins
good work admins thats a cup without new hackers
it's not because someones crossfire account is older than 3months that he's clean ..
whine as usual :[
Most cups are hosted by cheaters anyway
Good rule.
hiihihihihiihihihihi ,
nice beasty , nice work :)
u like chamillionaire u queer
beAsty i start loving you <333
gd choice imo. n1 beasty
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