Every single time PB updated in the last time it caused several of Kicks & Pbbans entry for some Guys. Most of them are already busted and known Cheaters.
Is it coincidence? ScaTmaN_ got kicked on the last PB update too, he even made a post here on the Forums about it + Screenshot, couldnt find it anymore but i am sure its there.
All those Guy's (most of them are known cheaters) keep saying its a bug, but its not, seeing that most of known Cheaters got kicked too makes me think that its not a bug, what do you think?
PBBans kick of him today:
CF Profile:
Flame on! I expect serious replies of cool guys but i also expect replies of known cheaters who keep using the Excuse "lOlOlo its a bUg!!!111".
It's not a fight/bust against/of only ScaTmaN, he was just the only one i know of the ones that got kicked besides the ones that are already busted.
many hacks cheats are using the same hooking method to hook the engine and pb simply adds a restriction to denie that, thats why many get kicked for the same
its about the way cheats hook into the game. thats not md5 :DDDD
You simply do NOT have any clue about it... as your post proved.
they cant detect every single cheat so they have to find a way to add a restriction to deny it, i cant explain it to you more since you dont know much about Pb ;)
its still a bad way to detect cheats, cause cheatmakers can easily bypass those restrictions... but hey thats pb ^^
wtf man that's exactly what is bad about pb
they detect only a few hooking methods, mostly they concentrate on detecting cheats one by one, so they very rarely detect private ones
if pb started concentrating on detecting cheat methods only, it would maybe have some chance to be better
i have been kicked 4times today and after i run my ccleaner and clean my register i joined to the uk and suddently,i repeat suddently i stop been kicked!
miracle?? or coincidence?!
(and yes, all of them had irc running, and all of them were in quite flooded channels):P
edit: and some of them were on a public srv aswell, while being connected to irc)
<3 :D
ban this tard >:D
cause most of the public server are streaming to PBBans and updating PB very very fast. That's why.
Why it kicks 80% known Cheaters / nC Customers and the rest 20% of the Guys are supposed to be clean?
That can't be. Cause PB kicks for strings, they are adding restrictions and stuff, so you have to use anything that are against those restritions or have a string
Yeah, we all did.
Coincidence again?
doubt it
+1 :D
Ohhh Kenta played on LAN too, didnt he? :}
As said, i just cant believe the fact that its coincidence that cupper, scatman and others got kicked for it again ;)
- you could still use any sort of advantage that isnt allowed @ PB
- you could still tried a Public cheat and not a cheat for competition.
I know it was bad to compare kenta with you but just about the LAN factor tosspot brang in.
I can go to lan too, and @ home i cheat @ public or are using a nodamage hack or something like that...
There are many possibilities to cheat...
Don't you agreee? as said its nothing personal against you, could be everyone that kicked for it today and isnt already busted
go out its friday night .
I never flamed you, did I?
I never said you are a Cheater, did I?
I simply dont believe that its a coincidence that you and other guys got kicked AGAIN.
Besides that, you dont seem to have many real life yourself so dont come up with this retarded internet flame...
and now some dude like you say " maybe you tryed it" or blabla ..
Should i be happy and say " hey thx 4 info ? :) "
If you dont cheat you dont have tho be afraid of getting banned.
I understand you, but you dont have to flame someone personal for busting you.
I am sorry that i've picked you and not Cupper for example.
Remove the Cheater in my upper reply and add "Fool".
I simply hate this retarded crossfire flame of kids who cant discuss normal and respect others opinions...
maybe all of them bought a certain lowbiebot for X amount of euros..
now they are gettin kicked and whining its a bug..
hopefully its not a bug so we can see that PB really CAN do something about these lowbie hackers.
im just a bit drunk so who cares what im saying.
ppl are getting kicked every second minute.
do you really think that soooooooo many people, especially so many public only players from all over the world, would buy/use a private bot? even the same one? i can't imagine that.
and scatman doesn't play like a cheater at all xd
at least in my opinion it is a bug.
i don't care though since i didn't get banned.
none of them played higher than med+ (if there were a med+high player kicked, than im sure killerboy would alrdy posted bout it)
So are u saying that 603players were hacking? yet they all played at a low/med level?
Is it a bug, hack. idk and tbh idc. but dont talk bullshit that every weird pb kick is a hacker. since its not always a hack. i would say lets just wait and see what happens, IF nC indeed releases a new update for rshook, than u can be sure that it was a hack. if nC doesnt do shit, it's bug. simple as that.
But i think it's rather a bug (but i'd be rly happy if it wasn't ...)
but all the guys where i think they are cheating just like faux or blizzard got kicked
bust them please
Yeah, you can be trusted.
Unless this isn't a very big conspiracy by God or so..... I won't believe they are clean. I mean - is there really a guy who can cause all this? Doubt it. Somehow I don't even believe in the raskL case, or whoever/whatever caused it.
ps. Why can't pbbans just tell us if it's a bug or not?
nc has some people who are capable of doing it, but raskl is definitely not one of them
oh wait...
But they won't...
+ u r dumb as fuck - as well as porty - you guys have no idea - you will see the bans get lifted and youll wonder why the fuck you are so mentally and in your case even physically retarded...
When I first saw some names I thought nice, fucking cheaters busted. Then I saw your name and thought, damn, that's a bug.
"Once youve proven it to be a bug ill have no problem accepting it."
see? it was proved. Im wondering why im actually replying to such limited person who is limited to spraying "retard" all the way long. Im gonna be rude now just because my patience with retards has run off.
I want few points for this so im gonna write some more words aimed at you