Obvious cheater needs bust
He is coming on cyber and fucking the game up (claiming he is only testing his bot), so then go to some noob server not here where there is serious players, but imo he is only enjoying the whine against him and the rape he makes.. just destroy him plz
his bot is set to high+ plus impossibilty setting: on + wallhack
maybe made his bot himself.. so bust him and you r busting the cocain producers.. like escobar
he is aka Nazgul (from germany)
He is coming on cyber and fucking the game up (claiming he is only testing his bot), so then go to some noob server not here where there is serious players, but imo he is only enjoying the whine against him and the rape he makes.. just destroy him plz
his bot is set to high+ plus impossibilty setting: on + wallhack
maybe made his bot himself.. so bust him and you r busting the cocain producers.. like escobar
he is aka Nazgul (from germany)
btw the comment i gave was sarcasm ;d
i was on CB too, he just pwnd you :D
Who cares if they're skilled or not? Like every other player they want to have fun and win(=own people!), which a cheater effectively ruins. Not to mention, there are a lot more public players than league players. And indeed, cybergames IS a relatively skilled public server compared to many other servers.
1. When you know, someone is cheating, be sure, that he is in your team!
2. If 1=No, proceed to 3, If 1=Yes, proceed to 6.
3. Change into his team, if possible.
4. Go luring behind some evil corners and lean, wait till he gets there, he´ll see you on his esp but maybe you got some skills or luck or hes just out of his whole ammo.
5. do this until you finally backrape him (while he´s infight with 3 other p...eople)
6. make some rude spam about how small his penis is, about how much hes mother failed, about his nolife, about his big tits, about his glasses, about his weight and so on.
proceed to 7.
7. look for another server (i prefer bio)
alternate 7: invite him for a private non-hack match on some random ip, which you can think out (you need to be a tough guy to invent a ip-adress! go for wikipedia!)
but you don't have ANY proofs, so U failed...
You are a fucking idiot.
serious players on the cyberservers?
please don't make use my roflcopterlmfao-asslicker.