Teh suspects!

Anybody else think these guys are obviously cheating??

Israel destiny
Germany hunta
Poland naga
Sweden alexL
France kARn4J
Sweden slajdan
Scotland Jinosta

Member For: 1 month and 3 days

kARn4J already played 2 lans and won it with dESIRE. Will come @ cc5 with dESIRE.
Played very well onlan, give many HS & damages.
he s clean! :[
50% of this comunity have aids.basickly this team would win next ec
a couple of them 100%!
I am scared of them :<
im cheater lol :D


sorry just had to do it :D
alexL & sladjan cheat i think ...

hunta is busted ETbot

jinosta , i dont know who he is

and teh other dont cheat
hi jinosta
destiny - dont think so, weird though
hunta - yes
naga - yes, maybe
alexL - clean
kARn4J - didn't play him much, i would go for clean though.
slajdan - cheated in the past at least imo (trivium match), not sure now
Jinosta - yes

in my opinion.
naga is liek HSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHS at lan!
if jinosta cheats, ill go round his house and have a word with him quite happily :D
we need some spy action from you, go watch him playing behind his back :O)
im there m8. im putting on my bush disguise right now....
then gl :) and use the james bond equipment!
meh james bond is gay nowdays.
i think the new one isn't that bad
it is compared by the older ones in my opinion.
naga is probably the most clean one of those
its not most clean, its just clean ;)
"the cleanest"
destiny - no
hunta - yes
naga - yes
alexL - yes
kARn4J - no
slajdan - yes
Jinosta - no
Hype imo hacks

destiny - yes
hunta - yes no doubt but still fun to play against him since he can't take max from his wh
naga - dunno, haven't played against him a long time
alexL - nope
kARn4J - whoever
slajdan - fishy, but can't say 100% yes
Jinosta - whoever
destiny - no, he is just new mystic with 100 ping
hunta - dunno
naga - dunno
alexL - no
kARn4J - dunno
slajdan - dunno
Jinosta - no
who the fuck cloned Latviadunno
lol pls destiny isnt hacking for sure :/
alexL = not.
O w

I wud say LAzio =3
Team-Name: United KingdomThe Unstoppables


Israeldestiny ( obviously cheating )
Germanyhunta ( wallhacking is his moto )
Polandnaga ( polak... )
SwedenalexL ( hax to the max )
FrancekARn4J ( doing ding ding ding )
Swedenslajdan ( showing of with the new bot :P )
ScotlandJinosta ( ammo supplier )

cu @ EC XIX ! wish us luck
would probably lose your qualifier
or kicked out before the game :'(
The people who say "no" and "I don't know" for players who have been busted are quite funny.

Wait, not really... that's just pathetic.
Destiny - Legit
Hunta - Haven't played him
Naga - Legit
Alexl - Legit
Karn4j - Haven't played him
Slajdan- very suspicous
Jinosta - Most legit out of them all
just half of them are
Destiny - Noes
Hunta - Haxpected
Naga - Clean
alexL - The big scary swede, who probably stole my bike, but otherwise clean
kARn4J - French = Obviously haxx
Slajdan - Unhaxpected
Jinosta - Think he's clean
Destiny - 2 ugly 2 cheat
Hunta - CLEAN
Naga - CLEAN
alexL - CLEAN
Slajdan - CLEAN
Jinosta - CLEAN
im leet i played with ovie, is playing wih ovie a cheat?
they're all shit !
just hunta
one of them is an nC customer.
now he is shitting bricks
do i has cookie?
no, slajdan i expect
I'm not!!! :D
lol stop killerboy :D just publish the nC list. i cant wait anymore! :DDDDD
little more work to be done yet :)
woow you're still here?
who? me? never Frenky :D:D:D:D
:O speed up with that list sir
wasnt naga pwning on LAN?, Hunta was aimbotting when i played him a while ago, plus inside info got to me he is a cheat, alexl used to bot right? once a cheater always a cheater, right? i dunno if jinos cheats, could be just a hyperactive kid (those are good in games), from what i saw karnaj didnt look like a cheat but hmm.. same for destiny.. and i has no clue bout slajdan, i remembe playing with him and he didn cheat at that time so .. yeh peace here is my 2 gold.. and my 2 gold weighs a lot,.. and i know 100 percent crook cheats, not obvious but aimbot nevertheless
no naga wasnt PWNING on lan.
i think i remember seeing him play on the last polish lan and he was owning even more then online
nah ur mistaken - he played "decent", mostly due to his positions cuz he had all the damagewhore ones.
i just checked and recalled, he really did own, especially that supply game verus x-fi i think it was.. he had even better aim then online, really did you even watvh that game or r you just sucking this out of you thumb
I remember you were one of the many people who were whining about how naga and dialer cheat.
i'm just saying that he cheated in the match vs cortana. when afk. staying afk for 2 mins, tracking, again afk (crosshair stays in teh same place) then he comes back and rups.
do you still have that somewhere?
which moment are we looking at? and this was at a lan?
so his crosshair moved a bit when an engy appeared in the doorway :D.. must be an aimbot ! maybe he just moved his mouse a bit to try to aim at him for fun?also that small movement OPPOSITE to where the engy is goin is part of the bot? somekind of super bimbot
its called humanized aim. it makes stupid moves so it doesnt look like aimbot. it would be obvious if the crosshair would just jump on the engis head
its because he has low settings, so there is a delay (so it doesn't look like an obvious aimbot) explained by mbudget
very useful aimbot indeed! ok so bare with me, engy appears! stands still shoots teammate then moves left, then nagas crosshair makes a sudden strong right movement and a slow left movement and this all very shaky and out of time and space proportion as compared to the engies movement.. great aimbot :D an aimbot that really makes it look like a human aim that grabs his mouse and moves his mouse to try to shoot at the engy for fun..
the tracking is very slow even though it was obvious for MONTHS that he was using something (oh really? yes!)

point is when the allied rifle arrives just above his crosshair it starts predicting the movements, as the allied rifle was running into the wall the crosshair moved right and afterwards it moved left with a little delay that's all i can make up from the avi's (so it should be humanized aim)

1. The rifle is visible at right for a second, after the axis fop is dead.
2. We cant really talk about aimfov here since it can be any number.
3. The slowed down part, is because the barrier makes the aimpart invibislbe for a while,but the aimbot recognises the target immediatly after the aimpart is visible again, thats why the crosshair accelerates a bit. And the crosshair only moves 1 pixel to the right after the rifle goes out of range.

and now this is a quote from an ex-nC admin:

Quote by unaimedYes, that could be true, but the crosshair follows it to right side, and then left side, and stops, when the rifle gets invisible to client. Now think, usually when you hit something it goes with acceleration to the opposite side you hit this thing from. In this case he must have hit 2 times, and 3 stop the mouse @ the same time, rifle becomes invisible.
Too big coincidence, considering the same aim distance from crosshair to player happening in 1st and 2nd avi, it is quite obvious.
Anyway, pardon my english which obviously sucks ass, so if you cant understand it I can pm you in polish ;).
there is so much contradiction in these comments, but you just quote them and put them together and think coz there is much comments that it must be true :)
we are talking about cheating not writing. and i don't see how it was just lotto that he moved his mouse.
i am talking about contradictions in the comments , do you know what that means?, and i dont think it was lotto, it was for example:

"tbh a bot would move if he directly had the opposite player onsight, there isnt a working algorythm for a delay, since etpro introduced hitboxes that lag themselfs it is found to difficult to make an efficient bot with lag delay.

Therefore imho its just a clear moving of the mouse when for example your talking on the phone, i myself made it like 1000x times. If not any explanation is good to me including the cat."
the only ppl defending him in that topic are his teammates.

if you know perfo, he is very un-paranoid. this is the 1st time i saw him calling someoene a cheater, so i believe him. even chaplja said he was obviously cheating in other wars too. afaik rafiki had made a demo, when he was friends with mbduget, mbudget showed him naga's bot had that delay ect. too bad rfki is not online anymore :(
you should really get familiar with critical thinking: step 1 fuck what all people say, step 2 look at the facts step 3 draw a conclusion from a critical analysis of the facts..
so why don't you explain to me why that is not an aimbot?
aimbots r not nasa calculation machines, its very hard to immitate the chaotic movement of human aim, bots operate troug ha series of algorithms and the more complex system of algorithms are used the more realistic the bot looks, but there are certain limits,

looking at the avi the movement of the crosshair is completely out of propertion and without any mathematical relation compared to the movement of the engy. In other words ofcourse its moving towards the area where the engy is but not along the kind of lines which would be calculated by any conventional bot but along th lines which are calculated by the human brain..
destiny - no
hunta - dunno atm
naga - no
alexL- no
kARn4J - no
slajdan - no
Jinosta - no

all clean for me (dunno atm with hunta), sorry bob
destiny ye
hunta ye
naga ye
alexL no
kARn4J sometimes
slajdan sometimes
Jinosta no
almost everyone is cheating nowadays. we have two kind of cheaters, first people that are really cheating. second, people that are just worst than someone else, so they think that someone is cheating. they are trying to find some other way to win, like ban this person or make stupid bust posts. i know its hard to find good proof of someones cheats, but what if you will ban wrong person? think about it. peace
isnt jinosta a rl friend of razz and his pupil :DdddDDd ?
yep, atleast thats what he told me
I dont think destiny cheating.. not now at least :DDD
hunta - yes
naga - dunno
alexL- played against him many times imo savaje cheating :DDD not him
karne- no
slajdan - ofc yes
jinosta - dunno
nice team gl kARn4J :D
Everybody knows that nobody cheats in ET ffs...

Mind - yes
miNd cant be a cheater, always pwning him so hard so he starting to cry and whine ^^
desinty ofc
hunta ofc
naga no
alexL no
karn no
slaj no
jinosta rofl no
desinty dunno
hunta yes
naga no
alexL no
karn so so
slaj dunno
jinosta who?
Non of them is obviously cheating. : ) + I think only one of them is really cheating (for sure), others are just good.
thinking like you
destiny - don't think so
hunta - OFC etbot
naga - dunno
alexL - no
karnaj - ofcoursly no
slajdan - don't think
jinosta - no

if ive played against you i could be in your list :D
shit i missed an attention whore
destiny - NOWAY
hunta - YES YES YES
naga - YES YES YES
alexL- NO
kARn4J - YES
slajdan - MAYBE
Jinosta - NOWAY
get real-life headshot fuckerz
destiny is a jew, he doesnt need to cheat, antilag will do the work
hunta busted
naga saw him @ lan, clean
alexL busted cheater, dunno if he cheats now
kARn4J prolly a cheater
slajdan prolly a cheater
Jinosta who is this guy?:0
jinosta yes
destiny - guess not he is just a lagger
hunta - hax
naga - not cheating
alexL - Maybe wallhack
kARn4J - Prolly wallhack
slajdan - prolly wallhack
Jinosta - dmg whore without cheats
destiny dunno
hunta YES
naga YES
alexL NO
kARn4J cmon he sux
slajdan he prolly has bot but dunno if he uses it all the time
Jinosta who ?
kARn4J is clean imo
but hunta is really obvious.
doesnt change fact that u r cheater.
kARn4J is the cleanest player of this list np ( you will see 10k+ dmg at cc5 don't worry)
Hunta : obvious wallhack
AlexL & slajdan: i specced them at ettv on a couple of match and i dont' think they are cheating ATM
the others i don't care
Merde tu me met la pression là :D
Boa c'est pas comme si t'avais pas l'habitude ;)
No,u can't
they probably don't always use it, but looking at their "career":
destiny - obvious
hunta - most obvious
naga - obvious
alexL - hard to tell
kARn4J - hard to tell, but a really fishy team, despite their self-proclaimed LAN skills
slajdan - obvious
Jinosta - didn't see him play enough to judge him, but lots of Brits are sneaky cheaters
Back up ur brain, u cheeky fuck
destiny - who ?
hunta - no
naga -low+
alexL - clean
kARn4J - who ?
slajdan -who ?
Jinosta -low+

O !!!!
destiny - ur fucking retarded if u think he cheats.
hunta - who the fuck is that -.
naga - ?
alexL - nope
kARn4J - need to see him play more
slajdan - yes -.-
Jinosta - what paintrain said
destiny maybe
hunta yes
naga dunno
alexL no
kARn4J no!
slajdan maybe
Jinosta who ?
alexL - no
destiny maybe
hunta yes
naga who ??
alexL no
kARn4J no
slajdan yes
Jinosta who ??
t'ose me whine d obvious quand tu look ma movie sa se voit ta jamais jouer alexL mdr ahahah xDDDDDDDDD
J'ai jouer plusieurs fois contre lui en 3v3 j'ai rien trouver de particulier :*
who are them?
are you from jameeeka?
ehm from marakesh!
Jinosta = jkzZ
destiny - no
hunta - dunno, never played him
naga - yes
alexL - no
kARn4J - no
slajdan - yes
Jinosta - no
destiny - dunno
hunta - yes
naga - yes
alexL - no
kARn4J - no
slajdan - no
Jinosta - no
no u

naga good playd on pawels home lan pwnd every1 u sux cu@lan faggot i beat u up
hoemygawd no plz dont
no red yawns
alexL is clean these days =)) dunno about the rest!
nice now shine is going to ban them all from #6on6.et

destiny - no (weird though)
hunta - yes
naga - no
alexL - no (weird though)
karnaj - no
slajdan - no (weird though)
jinosta - no
destiny - no [plays 24/7 instead of going to school]
hunta - yes
naga - probably
alexL - fuck yes
kARn4J - probably
slajdan - fuck yes
Jinosta - :X

image: thankyouca128617302391750772
who the fuck is jinosta
not even one of them imo, ok maybe hunta but his aim settings just suck
slajdan hard to say? rofl
destiny - no, not that good even :X
hunta - yes
naga - no
alexL - no
kARn4J - no
slajdan - no
Jinosta - no
Only the french retard is cheating in this list and is it the new killerboy list ?
jinosta hax.
destiny doesn't, neither does jinosta. haven't played with or against the others.
I saw you on one match and you were fucking obvious, cant remember the team your played with and against whom
destiny - yes
hunta - yes
naga - dunno
alexL - yes
kARn4J - dunno
slajdan - dunno
Jinosta - dunno
Today I woke up with another bad migraine headache, this made it much better. :-]
destiny - Lotto with high ping
hunta - obviously
naga - clean
alexL - clean
kARn4J - clean
slajdan - was obvious imo, got banned, got unbanned so he could 'go to LAN', almost a month before lan and announces he's not going :-D?!
Jinosta- prolly an nC customer.
Killerboy told me that this list will be published the next week.
destiny - no, not that good even :X
hunta - yes
naga - no
alexL - no
kARn4J - no
slajdan - no
Jinosta - no
destiny - played him once and not cheatlike, only good (+ ping-advantage)
hunta - yes
naga - yes
alexL - ex-cheater
kARn4J - no
slajdan - ex-cheater
Jinosta - who?
destiny - no
hunta - yes
naga - yes
alexL - yes
kARn4J - yes
slajdan - yes
Jinosta - yes

Nice forum :D

but yer i don't aim that great and barely play so im cleannnnnnnnnnn
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