
As the things with dynasty-gaming aren't going well at all and I'm not getting along well with the new recruits ( I miss vane balu & mentj </3 ) I decided to leave, and I think spidah and inelskk will leave too.
Therefor, I need a clan

some infos about me

playing since rtcw
all-rounder, usually fdop/medic but decent rifle too
mature, good coms
med / + skill, my aim is getting much better these days ( couldnt get any worse eh :{ ) but I fear the flame (and the lolpics ) if I say I'm MED+
"lanproof", went to cc5 and many others and cc6 avi

The team I would like to join :

I would really prefer to join a line-up and not be part of a new team, cause I'm sick of the fights between clanmates, the fucked up wars because we never play with full LU and so on... I won't accept any new projects if I dont have a few people I trust in it.
The better the team, the better I play usually, so be decent ^^
If the team plans to attend cc6 that would be great, if it's the case I'm about 100% sure I can come.
Last but not least, ENGLISH ( or french :D) on coms, I'm really annoyed on vent when the others speak polish all the time...

Maybe I'm asking for too much but I'd really love to enjoy every war I play, even when we're getting raped : )

/q Stormy` on #crossfire
gl baguette
Gl nice guy ;)
the new recruits you mean, the guy who walks on a mine wait 2seconds and jump, and the one who's alone at delivery's flag with 5 seconds before respawn and an axis rushing him, and he ARMS A NADE ?
dunno which one was whining and swearing every 5 seconds because someone had something to do bfore we could ready up but...
So yeah, I decided to leave suddenly so I guess thats why you call me kiddy, but we werent going anywhere

Seriously ><

Things were going really well and we rocked some nice opponents, but these last days changes fucked up everything, there wasn't an atom of pleasure when we played o6 and iR tonight
GL stormy :DD
: DDDD the "burnt finger" was a joke man :D

Then for the "4-days-inactivity" that didnt matter really, neither our first offi loss. MY problem is : 3 players I liked left and their "replacements" are not my taste...

Spidah dropped me ? oO He queried me 3 times in the week to be sure I could play ETmasters offi, wouldnt call that a drop :|
le skill du reply maic gl
ya un bug avec les reply :XDDDDDDDDD
GL froggy :)
gL nolife :D
Blublublup med+ lolilol
Well, i guess that if San08 are asking for med+ wars then stormy is AT LEAST med+ following your skills definition.
more sentences in your apply plz ;)
Mais gl !
vazi mais tg
vazi vas passer ton bac de français kwa
cu@lan ke jte Dmont'
gl rly nice guy, a pleasure to play with! Skill&brain
GL stormy! OWNER
QUE DU HIGH !!!!!!!!!!!
gl stormy
med / + skill, my aim is getting much better these days ( couldnt get any worse eh :{ ) but I fear the flame (and the lolpics ) if I say I'm MED+

Jesus wtf you like jokes
gl stormehhhhhhhhh
gl stormji
med+ 0_o

low+ max retard GL!
from one of the most retarded belgian faker + cheater + skillfaker that doesnt bother me :)
cheater? k noob go away
calling ppl noobs when you are yourself one isnt a clever move lad.
Who are you?
i never play with/against u so stfu retard
Yes, you never played with/against, so u're a noob.
i never played against unknown players with 400pings ofc
gl Stormy
Go play avec nerdji !!!! :) :) :)
gl skiller
Putain mais Stormy arrète de me faire te flammer merde.
He played 2 EC so SERIOUSLY. TAKE HIM.

stinky winky
t'étais pas sensé être à la lan choupinette ? :O
j'aurais aimé
t'as eu peur que je te drogue et que tu te réveilles dans le lit d'ESPION
gl :DD
"If I were a boy" no?
Apprend moi à faire des dyna d'Eurocup : (
yooo! frog gl?
check his reply..he goes mad about 1 mine n shit..why would any1 take him
actually my problem was more that this player kept insulting my friend because he was afk and whining about him ingame and still played like someone who got the game 2 weeks before... Its a sum of things
i was stoned bored lol..dont have to explain urself to flame m8:P
ye weve seen you beeing med+ on cc5
gl med player but dont listen too well
gl stormy man :'(

edit: im also searching :)
busted & low + don't take him plz :]
2 haters posting at the same time, so strange ;[
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