Sa7z @ cic7

After Pistolero's didnt work out and sec9 decided to take urtier instead of me (:D) im avi for a team. If the right team comes maybe i could get the motivation and actually still go.

Some info :

Played at : CDC3, CDC4, CC5 and CC6 (teams in profile)
Classes : Field-ops/Medic (could play engi but prefer not to)

It would be nice if there was some kind of support since i dont have alot of money atm but not 100% necessary.

For more info's just take a look at my profile, pm me here or at irc in #el-pistoleros.
gl buddy :P
thnx m8 ;(
gl buddy :P
thnx m8 ;(
why so sad? :o
sad that im prolly not going, only hang around for the weekend to spec some ppl (boondocks, P&P)
yeah,so soon,there are almost not clans on CiC yet..
gl finding now a team :(
gl buddy :P
thnx m8 ;(
gL mate!!
coming this time or?
not sure yet got my final exams a week after lan and i srsly dont want to fuck it up by going to a "lan" :)
just come and hang around :P then we go chill all weekend being true no-lifers ;<
well as i said i dont know yet maybe i will come but i wont smoke and drink thats for sure!! :) time will tell!!
:P cu there then ;)
GL Sa7z, shame to hear about all that shit to be fair...
Also why dont you just get 2x500GB HDD? :D
youre talking about my profile i guess? :P i had 2x120 SATA for my OS and programs, and bought 2x320 dedicated for moviemaking like 2 years later and kept the 120's. The irony is that i still need more now :P
ah, nice I guess. I have a build up too.

60GB IDE for Music which is nearly full, 160GB for windows/mediashit

then got my new 1TB drive, 500GB storage over file sharing in my house, 250GB backup of games and stuff i want to watch such as Dexter, and 250GB for Linux, pretty good setup
yeah, im using all my disks in RAID0 or RAID1 for backup and performance purposes :p hopefully i can borrow a 1TB disk from my friend for my movie :)
raid = not backup, its redundancy.
it was 4am plx, i know my stuffz :)
gl satz :P cant imagine a lan without the bongmaster
gl vache qui rit!
:DDDD lets mix again sometime soon :P
GL sa7z
To bad about this backstab, you should all kick them in zeh balls at lan.
Hope you find a good team. GL!
now that sucks

last time we played against you, you were by far the best of the team
go go sa7z! I expect to see you there no matter what!
ill be there m8, dont worry ;) just dno if its to play or just to smoke all youre weed in the weekend :P
haha well gl finding catch you there mate :)
thnx again, cu there :)
gl nubshit!
iedereen mag jou lol :P da hadk ni verwacht!

anders dan wat jij gewend ben he :D
hahahahahaaha satz backstabed!
readin for cic7?
was never about that, we never took urtier because he is a better player, there were just some issues that we had with satz which would have meant a change either way i guess. He's a nice guy just loves a bit of a whine both on vent and publically to the oppo and it can get a bit frustrating. It was never due to skill since he is a good player imo and i wish him all the best and hope we can share a beer at lan
nice excuses just gimme beer!
you coming?
dunno yet, I will surprise you :)
i know that, but just because i whined publically twice against a oppo, where one of them were cheaters that we played against for CDC3 qualifier with MAZZ when they were clearly cheating is a bit lame when "someone" ego quits every other game cause theyre "cheaters". Fact is last games i never even typed or said a word on vent about anything!

Im not trying to make you look bad or anything cause thats completely not the point and i already sayd against herbal, no hard feelings. But still its kinda lame to do this after payments have been made and theres kinda 0% chance to still find a decent team now :<

none the less thanks for the gl
gl matey
zoals ik al zei, gL owner! ga gewoon niet naar lan, kk n3rds
GL sa7zie
you were a nice oppo all the time and skilled player. Had fun playing with/against you. Gl dude hope u will find one asap :)
hope so to, thanks for the nice words :)
gl naiz guy
i disagree since i dont believe all the time we were playing cheaters, think they were just stronger
If you seriously think that lol.... I think half of the pracs we played were vs known cheaters, suspected cheaters or busted cheaters.... If you just wanted Urtier in you shouldve sayd that and not do it this way. I whined maybe twice ingame against blatent hackers actually telling them they were cheating naabs. For the rest i never whined about cheaters in-game, maybe when i had lag i was whining about it but thats it. But if you wanna see it in a different way be my guest. Says enough to me what Karrrde sayd cause i never whined against any LAN team we played but ok.
you could be right and maybe i am just bad at spotting cheaters but there were games when i had no problems against them and yet satz would whine at them cheating whereas in my opinion they weren't since i was having no issue playing and killing them, though as rifle it can be deceptive sometimes
i agree with you ofc, eventhough not everyone that beat you are cheating ofc, but i know alot of times ive been right in the past when oppo's were cheating and a few weeks later they were suddenly busted or popped back up with new nicks a few weeks later. You just feel it when ppl cheat and know stuff they shouldnt, or when you can never ever suprise them in 2 full maps -_-

thnx for the support btw ^^
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