energy-WAVE in trouble #2

Yes, it's true.
After tryouting Polanduf0l & deciding to take him for Germanyenergy-WAVE we had a rly trouble time with him and the team. At the begin we all did good and he also liked to play with us. Yesterday I got a talk with an GermanyePROX-Member & he told me that one of us want to join them. I was like "WTF?". So at the Begin of our Pracc yesterday i asked the whole team who ePROX asked. First nobody answered. So I asked Polanduf0l directly. He told us that he did it and we asked him why he did it? He tried to tell us about what he don't like at all and than he said but guys don't worry I don't will leave u. So all in all i was very frustrated about that, but i thought "OK, give him a try". So we started praccing & we sucked like hell. All guys was very demotivated & no callouts at all. I flamed hard than because i got next to this a big "Fight" with my brother :p. 5 Minutes before our Offi than the almighty Polanduf0l left the TS and gave us after 10minutes asking him what happen a Info that he wont play with us anymore. Ok.

So i will try to come back to the topic.
We "as a Team" decided to play this lan. We paid everything and so on. Entry fee is paid BLABLA.

Now we are searching for an experienced LANABLE Player.
We prefer a Field Op but its not a must.
You need to be friendly & a bit motivated for this big tournament.

Our roster is:

United States of AmericapAuZ

We all booked our tickets to get to the lan. Germanyt1mm43 & Germanygr0ss will come by car from Hamburg.

We got allready some offers but we decided to make it public and wanna give some other players the chance to join us. :)

So if you are interested just try to contact me via IRC: /q e-stray or e-pAuZe
or just he via Crossfire-PM.

Greetz :)
Let the flame begin.
Du stinkst!
naja immerhin besser als du :)

+gl e-wave
Good luck
sure why not
gl t1mm43 and co
Nice supporting random lowbie hackers like Germany gr0ss.
t1mm43 = 2.55 owner from my time at 2.55, so ONE LOVE FOR THAT NIGGAH
Nice trying to talk your way out of it.
zeifo is de man
Lol try to understand him, he is polak
I don't will leave u
jaja wenn ich noch spielen würde hehe.....
lefu Gl mates <<.
uf0l's a good player but gl guys
gl uf0l!!!
Some free seat in the car? I might be avi :)
2 are free HAHAH
Dafür ist die Masse vorhanden :)
du erfüllst die hässlichkeit fürs ganze auto. der war gut, oder? :-)
nimm ghana^^
don't worry, you will find better player, gl
gl ufol <3<3 GO WITH HIGHBOT :DDDDDDDD entrance fee for sure paid :D
i can try!
gl, hope you find a good player :) uf0l also asked us about a week and a half back :o
backstabber joining backstabbers! :o
with all the big respect to you guys, but he shouldn't joined you guys ... he's too skilled for you guys, it would just annoy him @ lan so better now, there are still people enough intrested to go lan
I assume you never played against gr0ss or pAuz?
i allrdy played them also in official some time ago nothing special so ...
you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about if you say uf0l is too skilled for ppl like gr0ss, trust me
ik ken gros en ik ken ufol dus kom hier niet de slimme uithange we zulle wel zien hoe goed gros op lan is
Haha, we zulle idd zien

E: en aangezien ik ni den enige ben die op u comment, moet ge misschien toch nog is nadenke voor te beginnen met 'ge moet hier ni de slimme komen uithangen'
jij en die adi ok!
same can be said for you..
They are nothing special..
Was pretty much same story with Worm :)
sure that's why with worm we were pwning every team :s
pwnd ROCKiT , blight and co ?:P:P:P
we pwned at et tv with worm blight yeaah.. for the rest few praccs vs p&p and other didn't lost one map, so don't think we were that bad
with all the respect, u didnt pwn blight, u won but thats all...
7min time at gold is not bad i should say mate, but ok "raged" bit to much , but you saw game? if reload didn't sneeked true with obj would have been full hold. but radar was close idd
first of all, it was pracc so who cares, u lost an offi against them and that matters. I saw that pracc match, they werent playing even half-serious, thats why I am saying that using word "pwned" is inappropriate in this case... u just won, be proud of it...
ye i know we just won didn't use right word like i said, and offi ye we failed but will all the lu probs we had ,was bad game and they pwned us simple. But anyway we'll see at lan don't see see us reaching top 5, but top 8 should be possible
You got to be kidding me, uf0l is haven't played some time now and aimwise he can not compare with these guys at all perhaps experience-wise. And please stop acting like a diva.
if somebody ask something you answerr nothing to do with diva, and these guys are for sure not better then him played them also enough to know that, now go back in your cava and be silence
Hi,uf0l isnt good anymore!
What the fuck are you talking about? Nobody asked you something...

So I am In my fully right to say that I'm a better player than you because I owned you a couple of times, well thats nice.

And what the fuck do you mean by cava? Cava is a wine ....
Give sense man
1) What the fuck are you talking about? Nobody asked you something...

illumise on 19/02/10, 14:32:19 PM | Reply

pwnd ROCKiT , blight and co ?:P:P:P

Guess you are blind

2) So I am In my fully right to say that I'm a better player than you because I owned you a couple of times, well thats nice.

No, you are not ... remember you when you played for cortana but folded fast because was lowest cortana ever, we pwned you in offi , i think with pstarz! Like we care if we play random team, but you can always give a pm if you wanna play ladder offi or something to show how pro you are.

so there you fail again

3)And what the fuck do you mean by cava? Cava is a wine ....
Give sense man

now go back in your cava and be silence ==) a guy with a little bit of brain should know that offc i mean cave and mis typped...

you fail again
Okay either you're a totally idiot or you're high. Nobody asked you something you were the fucking first guy to reply, nobody mentioned your name. And I dont give a shit what that illumise guy wrote afterwards.

So I might be blind but you're litterly retarded.

- No, you are not ... remember you when you played for cortana but folded fast because was lowest cortana ever, we pwned you in offi , i think with pstarz! Like we care if we play random team, but you can always give a pm if you wanna play ladder offi or something to show how pro you are.

Could be it was the lowest cortana but I've owned you so many times afterwards and I doubt you have a gamesense you can compare to mine or some of the others from cortana back then.

- Now go back in your cava and be silence
Once again you use a wine-sort to define as some sort of house,cave or whatever you're trying to say. It could be that a guy with a little brain would know what you mean but a guy with a bit "bigger" brain wouldn't since you made absolutely no sense just before and you've already been marked as a complete idiot. So a guy with a bigger brain would just think you were using some sort of idiotic expression that you've learned while driving in minibus.

You say I fail but actually you know deep down in you that you made yourself look like a idiot and as a complete fool.

Okay either you're a totally idiot or you're high. Nobody asked you something you were the fucking first guy to reply, nobody mentioned your name. And I dont give a shit what that illumise guy wrote afterwards.

:DDDDDDDDDDDD somebody asked your opinion? Don't think so.. and illumise said that befor you idiot AGAIN

So I might be blind but you're litterly retarded. ==) blind and retarded

- No, you are not ... remember you when you played for cortana but folded fast because was lowest cortana ever, we pwned you in offi , i think with pstarz! Like we care if we play random team, but you can always give a pm if you wanna play ladder offi or something to show how pro you are.

Could be it was the lowest cortana but I've owned you so many times afterwards and I doubt you have a gamesense you can compare to mine or some of the others from cortana back then.

===) owned me many times :DDD you maybe win some 2 random pracs, but i beated you more then 2 praccs so don't worry, a gamesens like cortana ???? we played them in EMS also recently and then they were playing with better players then you and lost also from us, so don't need cortana's gamesens, but anyway i'm not talkin about cortana i agree they are a decent team, but you are shit.

- Now go back in your cava and be silence
Once again you use a wine-sort to define as some sort of house,cave or whatever you're trying to say. It could be that a guy with a little brain would know what you mean but a guy with a bit "bigger" brain wouldn't since you made absolutely no sense just before and you've already been marked as a complete idiot. So a guy with a bigger brain would just think you were using some sort of idiotic expression that you've learned while driving in minibus.

You say I fail but actually you know deep down in you that you made yourself look like a idiot and as a complete fool.


- Now go back in your cava and be silence

===) oh my god you must be the stupist guy on earth I COPIED MY MISTAKE , and explained that i mean cave...

Now let's stop it ..

you are not skilled
not smart proved this for the third time
and your best team was when you played with cortana aka lowest cortana ever says enough

Too tired to read all that bullshit.

But I wrote that our game-sense individually was way higher than yours.
So you fail, and please give sense hillbilly.

Did you fuck ur cousin too?
pusti budalu :p
Bas se vidi koji je idiot.
Ey Simba ko si ti? Nikad nisam cuo za tebe :D Ti ne igras sa nasim ljudima? il kako
nemam bas previse vremena pa uglavnom po pubovima i to,mislim da sam te vidio par puta,nick mi je Apathy ili Crotard
How do you know that Player is gay? DAMN IT... EVERYBODY KNOWS :/
Mate... Honestly when I played with Player and my polish mates in team we always had a lot of fun of calling him 'gay', 'gayer' and stuff :D The best part was when we talked about him in polish and it was 'Ten plajer to musi byc gejem" - this played guy had to be gay :D
gr0ss can.
especially aimwise he can easily compete with him i guess, can't talk about everyone in the team ofc.
Like you are that skilled. Stop whining about other teams when u are med max by your self.

Hi IAM the ATTENWHORE. I need to become clanleader, because iam low so i can recruit some good players to play EC.

Fucking med noob, stop whining about others.
:DDDDDDDDDDD you obviously don't know me, but you won't understand for you damage is Skill, but in 5v5 you got the positions where you play for team and pos where you can get damage(not because you saw me playin an offi vs blight and there i played bad, because had some probs with new mouse pad etc..) but anyway you will never understand the game anyway
plz you are not even close to gr0ss
bong the talented rifle :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Oh ye i agree thats really funny man !
Talented rifler :DDDDD
gl jungens
gl stray and gr0ss
take NetherlandsEDDO
so eprox add another 50 euro to their budget once ufol joins?
they can get laid with that money at amsterdam!!
verpiss dich bitte und schreib net so nen langen text in englisch wenn du die gramatik net dauf hast.

und wieso wunderst du dich, dass ein spieler lieber zu eprox geht anstatt mit dir wurst zu daddeln?

gl anyway, wäre schade um das geld :)
:DDDDDDDD du solltest mal ganz leise sein, er gibt sich wenigstens mühe auch wenn sein englisch nicht perfekt ist
und wer redet mit dir teenager pimmelgesicht?
sich hinter der grammatik masche verstecken und selbst nichts vorzuweisen haben zeugt auch nicht grade von intelligenz

ah ja btw:
"I don't will leave u" come on, even my english is better :D
rofl you should hear the things he says on comms :D:D
QuoteI don't will leave u


GL tho pauz timmae gross :*
geh dir mal die kuppe waschen du spinner ":D"! <3
ich bien yerman niet ":D"! <3
achso...entschuldigung :<
actually, now i found out why gr0ss had major skilldrop recently=P
take rockstAr,oh wait
greasy mexican
go play ET at 11am XD
:) i had no school that day. sux you lost though, YOU REALLY PUT UP ONE HELL OF A FIGHT ><
ihr seid doch ein Haufen unfähiger Bauernknechte.
pm Limbonic in #velerion
ufo kurwa ufo
gl t1mm43
sick situation, i wish you best guys, good luck
more fucking e-drama
gl, hope you find your 5th
Maybe rockstar parents could reconsider?
good luck <33
gl Jungs

hat halt nicht sollen sein mit uf0l

(ich denke ihr braucht einen guten ENG.!!!)

wie auch immer wünsche Euch viel Erfolg bei der Suche nach einem passendem Spieler und dann sehen wir uns vllt. dort :D (nur 150 km zu fahren)
noone cares over the story ....

Gaat hij? zou wel reden zijn om ook te gaan :(
Feel sorry for you guys, hope you can find a good 5th, good luck @ LAN mates <3
mein gott ihr seit aber auch gebeutelt :/ viel glück das ihr nun den richtigen findet
LoL :/ give anim rockstars plane ticket
rockstar can't come just because of plane ticket. his parents just wont let him go :[
your engrish is not so good
i heard w0nd3r is avi
gl gr0ss
gl stray :>
gl pauz n gross :)
Quotewe asked him why he did it?

we all know why
good luck stray, want to spec u @ lan :D
ty for sticky btw
backstabbing egoboy?!
take Austriav1ech, hes good at gurkendosen style on spawntime and also his gamesens is unbeatable @ slowbrain mode!

just can recommend him!
I can come and represent #Armenia
mAus is avi i heard
i can play maybe!
there goes pauz expensive flight ticket !
so NetherlandshybrAtek plays with you on lan?
gl pauz <3
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