
What the cmd to draw your spawn time?
Cg_drawspawntime "1"
Ca_sent_la_douille! "1"
La ferme, imbécile...
tu pues la merde!
stop playing cybergames start playing irc wars
real pros search wars @ omegle.
irc wars are filled with faggots who wont scrim anywhere but euro.
Please stop acting like you asian people only suck so bad because of the ping difference. I personally don't like playing against Indian / Korean / Asian people because so far every single one of those has egoquit on me.
Take a look at the quakecons back at the times with a shitload of americunt teams and 2 EUs that coincidentally meet each other in the final
who met at the finals?
idle + ATi.Crossfire, just as an example?
oh ye cool but thats like the best of the best. irc wars is a different story. It is true that those american teams sucked there and I really didnt know any of them. but wasnt qcon 05 the one with u5?
Nah, u5 was at Quakecon 05 where u96d, parodia and iNfensus rolled :)

True that IRC wars are a different story but on the other hand I wonder why I haven't seen any teams from North America or Asia roll in ET, the only real good player from the western continent that I really know must be shaun from enhanced
ye exactly wat i said u5 was at qcon 05 and they were at finals.

There are way more less people in NA and Asia who takes ET as serious as euros. Most euros who think they so good wont even play pubs anymore. All I have to say for that. Shaun is the only real good player cause u dont know much.
"There are way more less[...]"

cu at lan, oh wait, even if you could afford the journey you wouldn't find the place due to your horrible english, and even if you actually got there, it would be humiliating :)
its pretty much a slang. If you hear me say it you wont even notice it. I honestly think my english is way better than yours. I dont have an asian accent, I got a filipino-american accent. Don't think I would go all the way to europe just to play at LAN.. You have no idea who i am in real life.. Some people think its weird why I love ET sooo much.
su_spawntimer 1 ... OH WAIT
su_spunkinyourgirlfriendsface "2"
cg_drawreinforcementtime "1"
/set vt_humanaimvalue 1.0
then join a PB enabled server and you got a spawntimer.
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