EC Lineups
Invited teams - ownage clubs
TLR - Mystic, ROSS, Hayaa, Xylos & mAus
RAGE - Lazio, Griim, Frozz, Frizer, Hell & Eirik
MvP - Numeric, zMk, Fragstealer, chry & Karnaj
WinFakt! - Tekoa, Perfo, Baggiez, Wiaderko & Dialer
tA.ET - Vanhaomena, Swanidius, Oldensan, crittie & Vokki
Raab - Walle, Lettu, Maza, hazz. huudamaan & Leikkuri?
Codelust - Demzor, Statti, Sebastian, Jewe, muuris & Kolibri
Ultraviolet Gaming - anim, rossko, riseye, Player & rockstar
IDK - Clown, crumbs, Aphesia, Freeze & fuzz
Power Gaming - Jere, ins, Joof, siL & vaNqu1sh
EUROTRASH GONE WILD - Stuka, Kevin, Cursed, Oxy & Sheep
Teamoxid - Pumu, kevji, kiwi, stRay & Bl4d3
nonpro WCK - Simoon - Aniki - kartez - quAke & An7ho
Rockit - FloPJEHZ, gr0ss, KRESTI, S1lent & sTOWNAGE
Belgian Fraternity - Al1, Super, Gifted, uNDEAd & 5th
Target.ET - woody, spho. vyper, 7ele & Nohead
Overload - Joshua, kamz, Ati, suVi & SaKen
Queens.ET - miNd, razz, sqzz, toxic & phyzic
NORDIC-eSport - Fanatic, palemki, Hassan, Voodoo & errol
Squad.EE - Mant, Euruz, Ince, Raul & Subbi
Message here if lineups not correct so i fix it!1
nP anything for the community!
And its NoHead !
But still... Lazio > miNd :(
Ok just kidding, it's only his hair that is on fire, but he's playing very well.
sheep, kevin, iron back to the 3on3?
d. praccing hard for some secret tournament or wat`?
and sup with the others? Seems like Anderson is nerding tons of other FPS but not ET?
kevin will win next ec np
get off his dick homo
but then again he plays with kamz also and he spoke about him quite often using not very nice words
danL avi & needs a moviemaker
Seems like.
+ is there no Speedlink anymore? snoop, duke, gifty, etc?