xcn & toni need 4

So me and Finland toNi wants to play active again... Therefore we need 4 players to complete lu.
1 smg-eng
1 fops/multiclasser
2 medics
We will play on sun, tues, thursday - from around 20 cet. (days can be changed if needed)
You gotta be stable and reliable, NO whiners and would be nice if we heard of you or if you know us:)

pm. here @ xfire or @ irc #zZz.et
gl man! :)
Fluffy! Join in my Team <3
:P no u join!
gl toni!
xxx ur namestealer / young padawan
needs some dave and gayZio :)
dave to cool for us and aleks just to cool ... and prolly wont use sleeperz name just the chann we allways been in:P
HVA SATAN! :D var du ikke lige kommet ind i et team? :P men gl drenge skal nok blive godt (zZz skal tilbage :)))
haha jo var vi begge to... men var en fuser uden at gå i dybden haha ;D så.. nu det tid til ET fisk!!! kom glad ffs og drop dit wow/aoe/sc/mario cart/pokemon/my horse hva end du laver ;D
Hahahahha my horse?!? Hva er jeg gået glip af.. xD men ja.. det er sgu lidt fristende :p ville være nice hvis det blev med nogle oldschool zzz'ere :>
you just order 10.000 liter milk!
huhhhh... sorry, what? xD
avi as fop/medic q me :>
Nice! Great clan to play against, at least in the past.
You forgot to add Denmark Hugo as a mascotte to your line-up!

remember some nice quotes from 2005/2006 ingame : Brb,need to feed my iguana
nice times x)
gl xcon <3 avi as a backup maybe :-)
good luck fluffer, old m8 ;)
I'm avi for one month if u need a temporary 6th/7th
GL xcon <<<333
gl daniel :)
gl xcon! :)
GL xcon
gl xcunt friend :)
> reliable
> zZz.toNi @ LAN


gl anyway
bamze, squash, fisker, gyzr maybe frizer
guuuuuuys, guuuuuuuuuys

good luck at lan :)


Nah gl Daniel <3 :D
gl guys :)
good luck guys:)
gl xcn & toni :)
inb4 deef stabbing mcon.
dave joined mcon ? :O
Apparently he stabbed madness for mcon :-(
just want to say I predicted this :D
haha:D good luck guys!

rokkka rokkkkaaa
gl boooooobie! <3
gl dan m8 :)
I might be avi but i can't play on Sundays .
gl papa Germanytoni
If I would count all the opponents I met they would take only the half of my matches, because the other half was against zZz - SleeperZ.

best of luck, revive hell please! :)
gl xcN!!!!
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