ecklav or should i say Jada?

biAtch , Restless, ecklav, morphii or should i say Jada?

that's right, ecklav came back to enemy territory under the name of jada, new guid, new email, new personality, same voice.

To bad he can't change his voice cause that's what busted him again. He obviously didn't learn after he was on ventrilo with me as morphii (i recognize his voice cause i played about 2 years together with him) and so he had to change his name & guid again.

So he came back under the name of Jada.

Crossfire Profile
Clanbase Profile

I didn't had a clue yesterday when i played evocati that i was playing against ecklav or jada or however you want to call him, untill someone pm'ed me today saying jada could be ecklav.

Before that winact got accused of being ecklav and i played with winact for a while and it was clearly somebody else living really close to ecklav, in the same area but winact has a totally different voice.

So i did some sherlocking and checked jada his background, came out of nothing some months ago (right after ecklav quit et) played with krauts together with supremekay, (his real life friend) and now joined evocati.

I would recognize his voice out of 1000 so i ask someone the ventrilo details of evocati ventrilo server and connected under a random name but he didn't say a word, he obviously learned from his mistakes in the past.

a few hours later i try again with a different name and there we go ecklav starts talking & i had to laugh so hard, busted once again.

sorry falke, slimmer zijn he x)

Ecklav Crossfire

I know there will be people not believing me but i suggest that everybody who knows ecklav or played with him in the past joins jada on ventrilo and u can hear it with your own ears.

byebye thanks for reading
Please go away ecklav!
ok, here is your cookie :~>
Great Shot Generalz
he obviously has a small penis :<

ul ecklav.

you twat.
i knew it!!!!!
same here :D
i toldu i told u omgomomg I KNEW THAT TOO
his email is made on the same way aswell ! proof !
[21:24] * evocati\jada`` is now known as jada``

[21:26] * jada`` sets mode: -o jada``
As i can say he didnt cheat in the last games we had. I mean, i cant be sure. But i got the feeling! Well and jada aka ecklav left us from his own. There was no need to kick him out so!
falke :>
you want me to be sympathetic to a multiple busted hacker.

then you too can fuck right off.

10 years ban if im right? returning while banned, no real proof tho :(
ye now me, sweexh and ecklav have 10 years !!!!!
Great achievement!
like hell get 10 years with that proof :/
We'll get an IP match nP 4 us ;>
That's the problem, since he has been busted twice now... he has actually learned something (imagine that).
here you have teh proof
:XD unexpected
Hahaha! made my day :D

Told you they where comming after you!
i dont understand your piss poor english.

"paw paw"

and it wasnt a flame i was just enthasising your unnessecary use of " "'s
good job generalz !!! <3

after i accused him here on crossfire randomly on a cheat journal he pmed me instantly and say smth like "i am no cheater why you accuse me without proofs"

he told me he played RTCW&ET since release!!
after i asked for his old nicks he sayed "WAIT"

i started loling again!! then he told me that he never played serious and always with random fakenicks !!! I lol'd again!!
5-6 years of playing a game without any constantly nick!! YES I BELIEVE :DDDD

i told him that i dont trust any 6 month old yawnplayers and that i am waiting for his bust!!!
im still playing with fakenicks so ur theory is unlogical :p
ye but you are Belgium aL7
not true im Netherlands hihi :l
Gij zijt een uitzondering op de regel
ja kweet het, ik ben speciaal ! :p
1/7 of evocati got caught !

from my sources, another 2 will follow!
I've heard the same =)
no germans imo
names pl0x
i wish i had the same sources like you :)
played vs. him (& clouver & funky some time ago)
he wasn't evemn hiding his wh or did it really bad :P
jada :<
he was using obvious wallhack, demo was posted on some journal.
I'm not cheating
and this time hes not cheating, plz man if u watch all ur demos carefully youll get plenty of actions like that. "Avibusts" are so pointless...
this time?
I cba to argue with friends of cheaters as they are so fucking biased, he was wallhacking in that demo while using nick jada, the end.
Yeah who cares... I mean, he's only been busted twice with hack, why would he continue?
how you knows??

and why we should trust him!! and if you played against him you can definatly say he did!!

i played a lot of 3on3 in the past and there are different playerstyle:

1 - Netherlands player with good aim and gameknowlegde with a lot of XP (prediction)

2 - Finland player with less good aim but with a lot of gamesense and also a lot of xp

3 - Italy players with good aim a lot of xp and uber lag

4 - Germany players with good aim but no brain also less xp

5 - Latvia players with lag, bodyaim and a bit of gamesense (sometimes the lagger got uber gamesense too)

6 - Sweden/Belgium players with no brain at all but uber knowlegde where you are and come from + nice aim if its necessary! (i call that wallhackstyle)

7 - Poland players who obviously cant modify there humanized properly and tracking through walls

he played definatly like #6 :]

Flags got picked randomly!! or not?
LOL I already knew tot for some time :) (soo, old ^^)

imo ban that nicklamer/guidspoofer for some years

I'll bet he still will be back then ^^

GG biatch, ecklav, jada

Hmm, I missed some other names but care!

keep up the good work busterZ
lmfao ^^
the ecklav joke just gets bigger & bigger ^^
Ok, but let's not talk about the souL-joke
It would be a stunning story,wouldn't it?
We could drink some BeeRs together?


& ecklav wordt een van de dagen toch unbanned?
dus eig heeftet gn nut zeh generalz
2008 pas unbanned? tg mij zei die dat die trug kon spele :s weirdz
toch heeft deze bust geen nut?:o of ben ik nu meneer sherlock holmzzz:D
godverdomme.... ecklav man :\
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