mesq CDC 3


Since Fear Factory ain't going too CDC 3, I'm in a need of a new team. I could pay everything if needed.

You can contact me at irc, zb`mesq or message me here.

Thanks for your time.
get rid of zeto @ finest and join them?
<[o]> needed someone for cdc?
Wtf more and more teams are not attending?
gl kerel !
wasnt the whole point of you joining FF to go to lan?
gl mate. hope ull get there.. to bad i cant wake u up in the middle of the night this time:<

unless i find a rich girl to take me there:>
there are so many guys around looking for cdc team atm, would be better to ask them to make a team and would be even more successfull i guess, good luck mate
let's make a team mesqinator
pay me and im in. 2x valle would be too good!
Qualis are over :(

So no new team ideas and stuff :(
join helix
gl mesquito <3
#d&b dude
gogo sweetheart
what happend 2 ff? ;O
GL m8 i hope you'll find a team to go there
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