team massacre @ cdc3

team massacre might be in need of a 6th instead of me on this event.

I had plans to go to the CDC3 LAN, but due to my parents being in deep debts I am a bit restraint to coming. But I will have a better vision about this matter in 2-3 days, so im not sure yet if I cant come but since I don't wanna fuck up more for massacre than I already did our team needs a backup who are 100 % sure to come.

And I really wanna come so I hope my parents can fix this in 2-3 days, I didn't pay 50 euros for nothing. And we are not really poor but I got 3 brothers and one sister who also needs money :)

Lets go to the thingy:

Our lineup is:

Austria Limbonic (CL)
Austria Bruzl4H
Netherlands PLU172
Netherlands Anox
Finland Jacker
Sweden tornis

You should be rifle and have some nice experience with it if we cant get any rifle PLU or Bruz could play it but that would fuck it up more so we rly prefer a good rifle.

If u are a good player with experience and beeing 100 % sure to come then query me tm-tornis @ quakenet or leave a message to tm-tornOFF.. u could also give me a pm here on xfire.

Give some nice comments with info about any good rifle who can come, flamers fo.

I will personally help the guy with all tax on every map and stuffs if I cant come.

// The maybe online only tornis

ps: put as sticky plz

Update: Netherlands bullvox will replace me for this event gl to him and sorry + gl to the rest of the lan lineup.
this is a very good clan
edit: the comment posted by lisa before he/she edited was: attention whores why sticky or smth like that? funny guy/girl with that edit rly..

Maybe cause the lan is in 1 week and we rly need a backup if I cant come, think before posting.
I want to fuck you
u wanna fuck Hungary Nonix? :S
Cause its for the CDC and theres like a week left its normal so they get more attention... and a bigger chance of getting their player ?!
Nice one who got me right :p
Pure logic! and 5 other stickies :P
cmoooooon tornis ;'( i wanna drink a beer with u ;D;Ddd !!
well as I wrote.. its not sure that I cant come yet.. so I don't get all peoples who already started with stupid comments..
i just wanted that u got me ;D .. j/k... hope u can come :P !
Ye I rly hope that I can come since it already dropped in loads of shit comments.. even tho I didn't say yet that I CANT come..
i believe in u ;P !!
or maybe because the other teams who were looking for a 6th player got their topics stickied as well? logic?
no wai! brandon, i allways feel offended by your comments =<
that's cause I own you, LOL <3 OHZO
I want to fuck you
haha nice edit :)))
owned i would say
expected LoL
and.. take diO!!!11
a swed with depts
* a swed with parents with debts
gl hf tornis!
i'd say take nackjee, i heard hes very good with rifle + gl big fat phonies
gl limbo n' bruzlaaaah
lol tornis not coming , fucking unexpected !
less "unexpected" than this comment.
:dDDdDddDd Great one :DddDDd
How much money do you need?
I dunno. I will come if my parents say that they have enough money in some days.
How can you not know how much you need for a plane ticket/some costs on the lan itself?
well it depends on what company i will go with.. but i dunno exactly but my parents sat down some weeks ago and counted and now they dunno if they will have money for it.. as i said i got a big family and its not just me who need money for things..
I can understand everything, but man, you are 16, and you are not using internet for 1st time in your life... You can check the flights and how much they cost. should be the cheapest...
Ye I already checked them abit.. but since its not me who got the money here it doesent matter right? When my parents says we having a hard time to get moneys now so we dunno if you can go now, we will see in some days then I cant do anything except waiting and hope..
bs, if you atleast planed to go to LAN you would have to know how much shit costs
idiot.. do u think i would have paid 50 euros for nothing? seriously i dunno how much it cost. but my parents does and thats why they dunno if they will have money for it..
I'll play for 2 teams.
Ik weet dat je dat kan raymond maar we moeten realistisch blijven
nice selfbust

btw expected
<3 BruzL4H oda bessa gsog
#koga-mexican (good old times)
gei bruzi ;)
take Netherlands Ovie .. or don't :P
gl guys
take animal!
gl tornis
well i can go even if i will spend 400€ and more..i can buy a KLM flight in agency travel land on @ amsterdam fry 21 @ 8.45 AM and get a train to be there @ 11 and play the 1st game @ 15.30 then i will leave on sunday or even monday.. just let me know in time..
you could just send me those 400 € as well ;)
laughing in lol
Yea haha, seeing alexL playing on a LAN would be a joke :D No offense alexL :*
Unhaxpected tornis!
cu @ : ->
awh tornis :( you must come!
Get a job ! =D
tornis dont do this to me :<
I would say, take Ovie...He still deserves a spot at CDC and he's a good rifler too :)
If the entrance fee is payed... I am up for it :)

BTW, with Sweden Anox in the lineup, why not join zeroPoint and get them to pay? :P
get diO ! gl massacre
take me <o/ im rifle + played at cpc2 ;D

if ur iinrested just msg me on xfire or on ric when im there (bullvox)
skillbooster :o
thought u didnt want to play.
Where did u see me say "i dont want to play at the lan"?
why aren't u playing with overload?
afaik some team asked you and you said u dont want to play, just to spec.
I played a while for oVr.... if you mean them...

Well when i left them someone said "so we wont see you at then lan?" (smtg like that.... So how can i answer that with "ofc ill come and play" if im not in any team? so i said "im coming but just to spec now."

But there is no clan that asked me and i said "no I wont play with you because im going to spec"
take diO or ovie!
You should take me as I'm in love with jacker & anox and I haven't played ET for quite a while, yeeeeeeeeeeeesssshhh
gl jakkeri :p
Pick me! <3
heuheu i can come own for u guys

altough with fatty plu in the same team its gonna get hard to win :(
gl plu en anox
im pr0 take me
gl leute :-/
Why is it expected? cause im a swede or what?
of course

they see your name and think hm tornis swede.. -> nils nuggan unix jonas kiitos wizzel ect. --> HAXOR!
ask Belgium Alvo or Netherlands Bullvox or Netherlands Ovie
nice backstabbing
Yes idd. but I cant do anything more than to say to my parents that they need to try to fix money.. hopefully they can borrow from someone.. I will see in some days otherwise I think bullvox can play and then I will go trough everything that I do as rifle with him.

edit: thats the shit when ur 16 and still in need of ur parents :/
+ live in sweden ;d
they say Poland is poor! =)
like the whole trip is amazingly expensive.
ye :X
even poor Latvia dunno from latvia and poor Latvia clown from latvia and poor Latvia fuzz from latvia and last but not least poor Latvia vinyl from latvia can afford that trip!

image: Faildozer
skilled Latvias will find a lot of stuff to steal up there!
the only one who actually stole something was dunno.
he stole a rtcw key, which was my idea
your a retard seriously
go back to your cave, where you came from
<3 your replying skills

your so fucking retarded thinking your better than everyone one else
can you say anything else but retarded? why am i thinking than im better than anyone else, because i dont like to get attacked from a random guy, who doesnt know shit about me
you dont know shit about anyone else either and you still treat them like shit like your the kingpin
ye :X
even poor dunno from latvia and poor clown from latvia and poor fuzz from latvia and last but not least poor vinyl from latvia can afford that trip!

just coz you might live in a fairys tale dont mean everyone else does some people have difficultys and you dont respect any of that coz like i said you think your better than them
"you think your better than them"

lol why the fuck do you keep saying that, just because i dont understand how people couldnt organize the trip in advance and blame others, eg. their family, for that
everytime you post something on here to put some one down
i see, it doesnt make sense to keep discussing with you, since you dont (want to) understand my point of view
Trust me, they don't live in a fairytale, were talking about Latvia for gods sake :D
i was talking bout zerender lol
yup it's serios busines: pay 300 euros for trip, and steal stuff for 1000 euros :)
even me from slovenia x'D ! but ok.. i am not that poor ;p
Well its not just me in my family who needs money for things.. and I cant go alone cause im 16.. so we had plans that me and my father would live at hotel and then i would go the lan when it was matches n stuffs.. and since my dad would come it would cost more.. but still Im not sure yet that i CANT come so spare the whine..
r3vers was 15 when he travelled alone to Dallas, USA! O_o
so? im not r3vers.. maybe my parents care more..
dude stop trying to explain . whatever it is keep it to yourself :S( for ur own good lol) i would suggest go begging for a part time job or full whichever is easier to get in sweden then ask him that u need to get paid within a week or whenever cdc is
well this comment was kinda useless or to late since everything is fixed now.. bullvox will play instead of me.
dw et sucks anyway , u could always blow the money on a weekend booze marathon , trip with friends , fkin orgy , shopping spree .... just a few tips lol
Well writen, good luck team massacre.
ask [flag=gangsta] Overschie
haha, it's the DIPSET takeover!!
sorry but it's really weird...
I cant see whats weird about it rly.. Its just sad and I rly hope that I can come..
oh dear tornis.... you should told me this 1 week earlier
I didn't know by then.. I knew this just before i wrote it..
guys like zerrender dunno fuzz w/e fo plz cause ur allways whining come with some useful comments sometimes fucking cunts..
what the fuck do you expect, you fucking backstabbed your whole team.
btw ive seen a comment from nuggan(?) some weeks ago, that you wont come, so i guess you know it already since a couple of weeks and you come with this bullcrap 1 week before the lan starts.
you are the fucking cunt.
k give it to me then

Seriously dude I guess u got some brain damage over there.. or maybe u didn't learn to read in school.

and stop guessing all the time.. write things when u actually know something about it..
you started offending us here.

i dont believe that bullshit. didnt you talk with your parents like weeks ago, to clear that sort of things out? its quite ridiculous. you are 16, why should your dad come with you for a weekend to the netherlands, dont they trust you? and btw, im not braindamaged in any way you mean, im just not that naive enough, to believe that.
ye cause im tired of ur bullshit.. that allways include "hacks" "Expected your a swede" fucking haters..

If this would be you then it wouldn't be any bs comments..
nobody even implied on your "hacks", just the things you say are rather senseless, you had 3 months to think of the things. Couldn't you organize it yourself instead of your parents? And you are telling about probs only now, when it's extremly late, I have just experienced the thing with danone, and may guess how your team feels now.

P.S. And I guess you havent bought air-tickets yet, which means that you havent planned anything yet or you are just having no idea.
No.. My parents had a hard time to get the 50 euros for the entry fee to and my teammates knew about it but they told me we will have money when it comes to the lan planetickets n stuffs..

I have never been in a country except denmark finland norway before and have never been traveling with plane.. and I cant go alone so u expect me to organize it by myself? as I said my parents sat down some weeks/month ago and talked about and stuffs so I expected it would be ok by now.. but still they might have money in some days so I can just wait..

Well about this "hacks" "unexpected" and other bullshit.. you are saying it quite often to guys I don't know whether its sarcasm or not but its useless.. I can agree on some guys but sometimes its just bullshit..
LoL, if you haven't noticed yet, it's MUCH cheaper to buy tickets 1-3 months than few days before the takeoff. Why did you agree to go to LAN, if it's pretty hard for your family to get 50 euros? I wouldnt go in that case, cause for me gaming isn't the priority at all. I have no idea what you thought back then, but it was pretty dumb, especially now when you will lose 100-200euros on plane-tickets.
I rly want to go to this LAN and its not like my parents have gotten this problem before.. its actually the first time..
Its just this month full with debts and bills.. not just their own its my sister and brother to.
And as I wrote earlier they told me they would have got enough money by then.. and now they are not sure.. lets wait and I can say tomorrow or monday if I can or cant go..

edit: Well u can get quite cheap tickets now to.. atleast my brother phoned me some days ago and said it..
I havent bought my tickets yet! >:X

edit: now I did.
Through Bremen? =o
paddy's pit?? :D
w00t?! Will see if I go to stubu!
stubu suxx tbh! modernes ftw :>
u need to show it to me then, cutty didnt even mention it!
when will you be in bremen btw?
you are such a victim + if its hard for your parents to get euros u are rly poor dont even try to tell me smth else thx stupid motherfucker :>
where did u came from? stfu little noobhacker there
im from germany
now who is the victim?
tornis like i said
lol pls, i didnt say anything like this, i dont think you hack. this piss-take shows your poor character
Well maybe you didn't say it to me.. but alot of guys says it to me.. Mostly cause I played with obvious guys..
well thats your fault then, tho its not a reason to call us fucking cunts
lets forget that then.. but its not like im happy about this.. im already awareness about that im backstabbing my team and that this is not good for them..
He means me, hähähä.
obvious guys such as?
alexL unisol (both of them are busted) jonas NuggaN wizzel slajdan nordaN newbje kiitos (They are strange to a lot of guys)
Well I rly hope my parents can get some money for it.. But now write comments about guys who actually could play for me if I cant come..

Cause ye I know im backstabbing my team but you don't need to write comments about this since I already know it.. and its not like im happy about this..

And guys like hummel laughing about this.. thats just sad..
oke... just start working for 3 days 24/7 now!!
Is it your parents or the 50 euro ? (just asking)
maybe his parents cant pay the trip etc, he already paid 50 euros
its a little strange for me that you say it all the time "my parents are poor" and stuff. i dont mean its a dishonor or smth like that, but if my parents were poor, i would rather shut up and be considered as online-only (cheater) than to say such things.
that hit the spot.
It's not realy like that here in sweden, there exist brats like me and kenny-alike guys like tornis and we are both proud to submit to the pyramide, except Columbia Moderaterna that sit on the top and only wreck havoc.
We are not poor.. its just this month full with debts and bills who needs to be paid.

edit: and where did I wrote 1 single time that we are poor?
right, sorry... :)
I know you have a sister! I FUCKED HIM YESTERDAY

>> OWNED <<
fucked him ? euwned idd u stupid monk

you don't have sense of humor
I've just experienced your brain damage.
I find it rather hilarious that someone (tornis in this case) has to justify his unability to attend the LAN here on crossfire... It's none of anyone's business in here if his parents and/or him are unable to pay for a trip to the NL... :/

Kinda unnecessary whinefest going on here, his teammates are the only ones that are supposed to have a 'problem' with that imo.

Besides that: GL tm!

P.S.: If u hack you're a cunt!
I never tested or played with a single cheat..

Got a clean yawn from the start of yawn..

Never been any forum post or anything else posted about me being obvious..
Was just for the case u know... :p
If I wouldn't have money , I would work.
u get paid in 1 week?
On construction yard payment @ 1 day.
im going to construction yard then :d
40$ per day :>
i worked 10 days and got like 420 euro
You're so cool , can I touch you now ?
i worked 4 days this week and i got 420 euros!:> 8 hours a day
And how long do you work that day?
usually 6-10 hours, depends on the stuff I need to do
Ouch, you need to change work x-O
That work was only for summer :)
Are you serious? The minimum wage in Norway for 6 hours is like 100$ =/
If you compared the level of life in Norway and in Estonia overall, that wouldn't be so surprising for you.
Oh, I really misunderstood what you just said. Yeah, it's not surprising to me that there is difference in wages between Norway and Estonia, I just didn't think it would be such a big difference
Italy diO !!!!
tornis you should of worked to get abit more money

but gl dude
will you act tough and egoquit @ the devot11 too, like you did in a prac?

dont try to flame or anything, but it would be a lot tougher to do that on lan :)
it's all in there.
Cant remember that i egoquitted vs u.. when was it?
well i can, that's all that matters, wouldnt you say so?
If u can get the money book a last minute flight will be cheaper but theres always the possibility youll be sat by a fat biatch

Maybe this link is useful dunno.
Well I was going with my dad since im 16 and cant go alone that makes its more expensive and its just not the flights its overall.. My mother told me today that we could wait 1-2 days to see if they had money then.. but when im not sure I cant wait.. so then the option to take bullvox who lives in nl was better sad for me but I cant do much about it rly.. and im not POOR (hi seya) its just my parents who go bills debts and stuffs who goes first to be paid..
Pretty nice parents if they wanted to go on a trip with you for something like this :)
yes they are nice..
Now is bullvox playing instead of me so I wont care about stupid comments anymore.. gl to him and my team..
Atleast I gave you a half decent reply ^^
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