one more in mens0´s crew!!!
get a live plz <8)
wollt ich auch schreiben :D
Als ob das jetzt überproportional viel wären. ;)
guten arbeiten
gute arbeit* :P
guten Appetit
danke, i rly eat something in this moment :ooo
mens0 rules :)
<waiting for 'mens0-insults'> :'D
mens0 on 19/09/07, 12:19:23
Since when is Chou in our clan? :/ We didn't play with him since a few months. And I am pretty sure that he didn`t cheat in this time as he sucked too hard.

P.S.: loled
kind of a pitty :) . However, I can appreciate him as guy ^^
Just that kal likes to put clantag before a bust to fuckup the team in question. Not the first time he does that :)
Indeed, that`s what is making me angry.
I can understand your feeling :}
ever heard of spoofing :) ?
pb_guid spoof :)

HAHA plz
stupid? it's possible..
you can spoof pb_guids on yawn, but you can't spoof pb_guids on servers
that makes sense.
Pb guids on YAWn : only 8 characters that YOU CAN FAKE
Pb guids on server : Is that 32 characters or 40 can't remember, but you can't fake all of them.

So yes, it makes sense.
It's still possible to fake it.
Not the full one sorry... or he must be retarded to share his etkey on the netZ
hacker attack!

Quote by random french
J'vais attaquer PB en justice car il fouille des pc sans des autorisations, c'pas autorisé par la loi!

Translation : I want to attack PunkBuster in justice, since they are entering on the computer of players without any autorisations... it's not allowed by the law!
It's NOT possible.
Just let him speak, apparently he has not enough brain to understand what you just said.

This was pretty clearly explained tbh
Thanks mate :]

but you are much better than me to bust players ;P
Everything is spoofable, but the exact pb_guid will be logged on server, not the spoofed one.
PB guid spoofable on yawn only by the cheater himself, if you /yawn him, you will see his real yawn. np
And what about if he's not registered on YAWn! or if he doesn't have the program?
If the hacker doesnt use the program, then he cant yawn himself and btw, spoof a pbguid on yawn :)
Read again.

"If the hacker doesnt use the program, then he cant yawn himself and btw, spoof a pbguid on yawn :)"

I was expecting a better knowledge from a cheatbuster :p
eum my ETPRO guid is spoofed not my pb guid :)

.exil./KnuPPel* d5409c78 7628EEF630053AE94904AEF9274C43D3D40FC6FA
nunca: a986384e 7628EEF630053AE94904AEF9274C43D3D40FC6FA

and btw I play alrdy 2 years or longer with same ETPRO and PB guid.

so plz think before you say something :), nP though.
and you are too bad anyway :P
sure D: lol nunca plz
hehe you tell em taajger!
gratz with your son , he's so cute :)
:D thanks =)
Another Belgian busted,, . .
kinda old
welcome to the club m8
we kicked him months ago, remove the rY'.
You kicked noone from rY months ago. He's still in the LU, I admit that he's in the honourary members, but this is not related to a kick or smth
which part of "we kicked him months ago, remove the rY'." didnt you understand?

+ his last clan was kiss and his crew, not roYality.
Yo @ you :d
"we kicked him months ago, remove the rY"

The underlined part is the one I don't understand. Well I do understand its meaning, but on clanbase he doesn't mean to be kicked, so I won't remove the rY as far as he's still in the '<put random> members' in your royality clanbase page

Understand now ?
you like acting like a retard, dont you :D?
even if roxor or mens0 (who are both offline) kick him, this thread will be already gone.
So stop pissing me off with this rY tag then if the post is already gone...

I like acting as a retard, because I know I'm not
as i said... =)
Your logic is really retarded tbh. Since when does Clanbase act as the indicator for the currently lineup? What about I just add someone for being a mascot. So according to your meaning, he is playing for this clan then?

Lets imagine I played a cup in the ESL 2 years ago. After finishing this cup I never played there again, so I had no reason to change anything. So I am still playing for this team, even I am currently playing with 5 another guys in another clan?

You prefer the clanbase roster to the clanpage as the indicator for a lineup?

Why didn`t u pick up one of these clans he joined after playing for rY?

And what part of "honorary" you don`t understand?

Like boumbo said, you just tried to boost "your"`s simple as that.
I've always act like that for busts, thing is that I'm mainly doing them in et-fr not on crossfire.

My way of acting will remain the same whether on et-fr or on crossfire :
I put the tag that I see on yawn if after a small search I see him on the clanbase clan page
If the leader of that clan tells me that he's been kicked from the clan, then I edit the bust and clear the clan name from the topic.

Yes I'm doing busts and showing the last clan the guy has been playing with, but I don't have fucking time to waste by searching in all official clan website if he's still ine the lineup or not. Clanbase is still the main proof for me.

I've also some ex-mates that have been busted, they still remain friends who I like to speak to, but I don't want to hear from them in any of my clans and that's the way it should be for everyone. I personnaly doubt about your true involvement in #cheaterbusters as you think it's not a problem having a busted players in your lineup ( honorary or not, he still can play with you on offis ).

Concerning boumbo, I don't give a fuck as well about him. I've busted 4 of his teammates and I understand that he can be angry against me. Well, no I don't understand, he should be a bit more angry at his teammates than at me, but he's still playing with all of them so ... that's the easiest way to appear to his busted friends as a good mate
QuoteMy way of acting will remain the same whether on et-fr or on crossfire :
I put the tag that I see on yawn if after a small search I see him on the clanbase clan page

You should take more care, if you bust someone. Usually you are busting a PLAYER and not a CLAN, as long the clan isn`t involved, why do you have to add the clantag?! You are busting cheaters as the yellow press is publishing their "news".

QuoteIf the leader of that clan tells me that he's been kicked from the clan, then I edit the bust and clear the clan name from the topic.

That`s what I did right after you made this topic.

QuoteYes I'm doing busts and showing the last clan the guy has been playing with, but I don't have fucking time to waste by searching in all official clan website if he's still ine the lineup or not. Clanbase is still the main proof for me.

Like you should see on this example, your "main proof" is anything else than valid. So again, what about busting a cheater, instead of ruining the reputation of his clan(and it`s not even his clan).

QuoteI've also some ex-mates that have been busted, they still remain friends who I like to speak to, but I don't want to hear from them in any of my clans and that's the way it should be for everyone. I personnaly doubt about your true involvement in #cheaterbusters as you think it's not a problem having a busted players in your lineup ( honorary or not, he still can play with you on offis ).

Of course, usually we had deleted his name instantly, but then nobody could follow my point in this topic and it would look as I would delete him, because you blackmailed me ("delete him and I delete the tag"). And I prefer to delete someone by my own belief and not because some random is blackmailing me.

In addition, it`s really nice someone is doubting my work and belief. If you would know the amount of time I involved in the movement against cheaters, you wouldn`t write such a shit.
I'm not going to take every quote of yours because I don't want to take this discussion to go further as we ahve completely opposite way of thinking regarding cheaters.

I just wanted to add something about the blackmail, I did'nt do that for "blackmailing", I don't care about it, but it's just a matter of good sense to kick that player just after a bust.

By the way, concerning your time involved in, I believe you, you have been under the sunlight when it's been created but is it still alive ? I've waited 3 days on IRC to have an answer ... Or maybe a lack of communications on your acts. But when we ask, there are no more place to fill in cheatbusters crew, so it's done on purpose ...
QuoteI'm not going to take every quote of yours because I don't want to take this discussion to go further as we ahve completely opposite way of thinking regarding cheaters.

What are the differences, please?!

I just wanted to add something about the blackmail, I did'nt do that for "blackmailing", I don't care about it, but it's just a matter of good sense to kick that player just after a bust.

Well, read above again. I stated my point about that. Especially you, shouldn`t talke about something like "sense".

QuoteBy the way, concerning your time involved in, I believe you, you have been under the sunlight when it's been created but is it still alive ? I've waited 3 days on IRC to have an answer ... Or maybe a lack of communications on your acts. But when we ask, there are no more place to fill in cheatbusters crew, so it's done on purpose ...

When we started this movement, nobody gave a shit about us or we had no guarantee for any success.

In addition, my person is starting his study, therefore I moved to another town. I am living at my sister`s flat atm till I can get in my new own flat. I have no irc or anything else installed on this computer and hadn`t even internet access a few days ago.

Quote by ollyYo guys, I'm moving tomorrow, but I don't yet have internet at my new place, so it'll probably be a while before I'm back! so, gl & hf!

Chuckie`s child was born 2 days ago. So I am pretty sure he has currently anything else to do than sitting in front of his computer.

There are still over 200 cases in our database and it`s useless to work on more cases as Clanbase is just not working on our submitted (40) cases.

We are doing this voluntary, so a bit less expectations are needed. And you can write us on crossfire and you will get your answer asap.
ROfl, but explains somethings xD
retarded be guy np
Nice picture, you don't need to shave, do you? :D
Cheater always Win
sad that roYality gets such a bad reputation in the scene, nice team

"Viel Glück" :)
Since when do we have a bad reputation and especially why?! :/
you had 2 cheaters in your clan :[
That`s kinda good rate, according to the big amount of players we had, nowadays. ;)
knuppeltje :< wrm doe je dit!
I love Boumbo
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