ET-ACE sniping is fun!

I should've probably just been quiet about it and abuse it in officials and such... but anyway

On a bit more serious note, it'd actually bring some life to the game to have a sniper rifle that could be effectively used. 150 headshot damage maybe?

EDIT: Ehm, there's no anticheat in the game yet, right? :( Well disregard that, I suck cocks.
dragonforce ftw
Not. Old and overused.
what song is this called?
Nice K43 kill!
Please stop egoboosting him, thx.
Yet more proof of your inept ability to realize sniper scripts aren't possible for almost a year now
u can bypass pitch, but u still have to drag down the mouse urself.
yes thats what I mean, there is not script. m_pitch isn't a script and eventho you can bypass pitchspeeds you cant do anything with them cause there is no lookdown command
just proves that i'm right, good comeback mate
Not true, but you probably think of scripts such as config files etc.
yes ofcourse i'm talking about ingame scripts, I had no idea you could actually use an external program.
Think you could even use a wow autominer prog.
Don't try being reasonable, you're only 20 and too ignorant to listen to common sense if it's coming from someone younger than you. (again nice argument, you're so mature)

also decem is not arguing with me, he just said that lookdown doesn't exist therefor a automated script that pulls your crosshair down isn't possible.

I really don't see how someone could be this stupid and hammer on his fucking retarded opinion that doesn't make any sense cause IT IS NOT POSSIBLE.
It's almost like you're a fucking christian
I dont like niether of you, you have a point, waki needs to shut up with hes kid-hatred, but you seriusly need to stfu and stop telling peoples what to think. It's their own life, they dont need to hear any shit from you.
There is something called autoscripts for windows, so what you say is correct but at the same time wrong.
i'm sure waki was speaking of ingame scripts and besides, it's not hard to pull down your crosshair a bit before you shoot with high m_pitch + sens, you don't need some external script program..
sure, when someone is sniping and u spec him, you can see when he's pulling down his mouse, why the fuck cant you see that at this guy then when speccing him? like he has sens 1337 and then aims right on head with that sens again?
ye if he's used to the sens why not? I just got 65 acc with sniper on a pub, with 220 shots. and i'm not even good.
Im kinda wondering why he have no shake when he fires.
cg_drawspreadscale 0
I think you got me wrong, I mean like when the aim is stopping it is supposed to shake left and right and up and down for a little bit.
Dont try to argue with him, you're way younger next to your real age.
Ok, bibuy geek.
From where retards like you come from?
who cares
thats punctuation, not spelling
music 10/10
i havent cared to pick faults in your grammar... its only your spelling that i find appauling... sentence is a word you learn when youre like what? 10 years old?

oh, care to pick out the spelling mistakes in my profile for me?
still mad at me for "ignoring" you on irc?
or is it because i said winact is a cheater?
or is it because i didnt want to join artline?

either way i couldnt give a flying toss pal... one less cunt to worry about ^_^
ps. still waiting for my spelling mistakes
haha, you're a dick Mike :D
Uhrm, what? :-X
hah what song is that? sounds good
England Dragonforce - Fury of the Storm
Sry for the very very old topic revival but what link was supposed to be showed here ? Your yt snipemovie or anything else ?
There are no bugs abused in any of my frag clips...

The video showed that in ET-Ace beta the binocular zoom fov was unlimited, and the sniper scope ended up having the same fov if you switch from binoculars to scope, so the scope fov was unlimited as well.
All right thx !
Good music....
Love your sense of humor :DDDD
why you play with Slarto's movie config?
In fact sniping with 120fov is the same as pistol shooting with 120fov at 500 fps, fairly possible.
I can do that.... : OD
I'll see what the sniping is like later :)
didnt get it.
Click at the link to download the video clip, then watch it
unexpected :D:DASa:D:AS.aD
<3 it

EDIT: Nice fps :DDdDd
Hi Van <3
You must be 10 then, right ?
My likes you english.
if you make the sniper more effectly then pls lower the accuracy!
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