Andrei89's profile picture
  • Andrei
  • Lives in Romania ro
  • 14 years, 9 months and 18 days
  • Profile hits: 0
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Recent Topics (6)

  1. com_maxfps prob 16 Jun 2008
  2. MAx part 3 music 18 Apr 2008
  3. Awaiting challenge 15 Apr 2008
  4. mAx cgf 11 Apr 2008
  5. Hitsounds on or off? 9 Apr 2008
  6. Head Bouncing 8 Apr 2008

Recent Comments (8)

  1. format 25 Jun 2008
  2. I haven't... 16 Jun 2008
  3. Ok so i was asking... 18 Apr 2008
  4. 180 degrees ---lame 17 Apr 2008
  5. Well on eveyr... 18 Apr 2008
  6. Set ET to 1 core ffs 17 Apr 2008
  7. tnx 15 Apr 2008
  8. Remove panzers,mg... 13 Apr 2008