Buddies (46)
- BuLL
- Calisto
- chEwz
- Clown
- dahPEARL
- deact_34587843
- Deryn
- Els
- Elviss
- Em0ReJ!
- FaKy
- fuzze
- Gabri22
- gambit
- Gengis
- gifty
- GuNnEr
- humM3L
- im a tree
- immoo
- Jay
- kARnAJ
- Mashed
- Matias
- mAus
- maverickOP
- Missy
- NoCS
- Nonix
- numeric
- overdrive
- Pansy
- perforator
- pumu
- Queen
- R0SS
- rAzZ
- Robert
- rossko
- schNee
- sem
- Stevji
- stownage
- Voodo0
Followers (273)
- _bAlu
- _dio
- 0Bananas
- 1Fach1Genie
- 4nti
- abort
- AbouT
- Aggro
- AguZza
- ahsthx
- Akira
- Alm0st
- anZ1o
- apf3lmus
- AraKorN
- arci!
- Argo5
- asahi
- ascended
- Atarax
- atr
- awir
- azarni
- Azom
- bisiacco
- bLax
- bLiz
- body
- bRokenj
- C0bra
- C4os
- Camper
- ceZik
- chocogirl
- CHrilithee
- chuckii
- cl0ne
- Cr0ss
- crackji
- Crips1
- crtmhz
- crush3r
- crxx
- D34th
- danielm
- DaNoNe
- Dawq
- deactivated1034
- deactivated1035
- Deactivated2390
- Deactivated5084
- Deactivated5131
- Deactivated5165
- Deactivated5475
- Deactivated5774
- Deactivated5968
- Deactivated6070
- Deactivated6152
- Deactivated6230
- Deactivated6319
- Deactivated6320
- Deactivated6365
- Deactivated6416
- Deactivated6621
- Deactivated6719
- Deactivated6738
- Deactivated6875
- Deactivated6877
- dEELAy
- DeliGhtoZor
- dimi
- Egoderko
- eras3r
- Erikson
- etplayah
- evantej
- fast
- felokzpt
- fisker
- Frlght
- frocks
- from
- G1ova
- gerumba
- ghanczyk
- gieri
- Gnome
- Grossberg
- H4nS
- hAflos
- Hanky
- Hansy
- Harmen69
- Hawkstyle
- hayzee
- hendrik
- hensie
- highdef
- hobbit
- holzji
- hUMY
- Icem4n
- idros
- imperator
- Innion
- inVid
- Iven
- Jaso
- JiJi
- JImmYY
- k1pa
- kao
- kAsnirr
- kasper
- kAtte
- kick
- kiegowhoya
- kilroy
- Kobe
- koniu
- kRimi
- Kristoffersson
- ksysu
- KwZ
- L1es
- lago
- Lampa
- latiN
- legenddd
- LemonHaze
- Lethal
- Light84
- Locky
- Lorgo
- LOzky
- luc1fer
- lungh
- m1Ke_
- M4X
- mAAAss1v
- Malos
- marfy96
- MaxtorR
- midas
- mietek4
- mikeTHEbike
- mKs
- monco
- moutoul
- MrBombastic
- mute
- Mxt0r
- nas
- nAstyy
- nazuka
- nestoo
- neve
- Nexel
- nexism
- Nexk
- nigero
- Niklot
- NoLiFee
- nORAs
- NxM
- okkoTamasuki
- ouwnA
- Paddo0
- partHaz
- Petru
- Phazor
- PhiL
- plAuuz
- pohaa
- ProphetBrusselaire
- pSykoZiS
- qexki
- QreeN
- R0SS
- R3bus
- R3Fl3x
- rAAAAzy
- Rapk
- Rapt6rr
- raptor1
- raslov
- RaZoR136
- Relapse
- retsu
- rex2245
- Risk1ng
- riZla
- riZo
- rizoo
- roOX
- ruben
- s0NiC
- sAbian
- sadik
- saLLena
- Sato
- sc0w
- scOw
- scRimi
- seven--
- Sevenup
- Sevenup100
- ShAkal
- ShanKs
- sickboyyy
- sikZ
- sk1p
- Sklamca
- smirzz
- sMox
- Snapzy
- snAzzy
- SoouNd
- Sov3rs
- Splodge
- sQuiXs
- sRTz
- st'logic
- Striker
- sup
- SuPrEmO
- susol
- t0mo
- TaKeNm
- tALi
- terminator
- Tesla
- thesajt
- thomas1234
- timH
- Toki
- tornis
- touze
- trancik
- trentiii
- troll
- uLtraaa
- Valerius
- vER
- vj7o
- voX
- w1ld
- waap
- wannabe007
- we3D
- wheezY
- WhiteSide
- Winterwantsaim
- Xanu
- xiN
- Xone
- xPERiA
- yeAh
- Ynos
- yOda
- ZeYos
- ziGEr
- zKarl
- zomme
This user does not have any flags assigned.
Gender | Male |
Achievements | Enemy Territory : 5th place EUROCUP XII with idkfa 5th place EUROCUP XIII with 141 5th place EUROCUP XIV with cdap.pi 5th place Crossfire.nu CPC2 LAN tournament with Polar.pi place ET ALLSTARS CUP with Team-South place EUROCUP XV with Evolve, voted as MVP ( Most Valuable Player ) place Crossfire.nu CDC3 LAN tournament with TLR, voted as MVP ( Most Valuable Player ) place CC5 with ButtonBashers place EUROCUP XVIII with ButtonBashers place CC6 with ButtonBashers place CIC7 with Rockit place AEF with Impact Gaming, voted as MVP place Eurocup XII with TLR place ET.ALLSTARS cup with Team South place SAGE LAN with Anexis Esports Played for ET national team Played for ET:QW national team Played for Cod4 national team Call of Duty 4 : place Prolan v2 with Infernoesports place EPS VI Finals with Infernoesports 5th place Gameland with Cubesports 5th place CC5 with Cubesports place EPS VII Finals with Cubesports, voted as MVP |
Keyboard | Steelseries merc keyboard |
Mouse | Steelseries Xai laser |
Mousepad | Steelseries I-2 Experience |
Headset | Steelseries Siberia v2 |